






       建一workspace,添加所有project,利用Project Dependencies关联所有要编译的工程。同时编译多个工程。但这不是我今天要描述的。


       不管是什么集成开发工具,包括EVC,我想都应该支持“Building Applications on the Command Line”。于是我们可以用批处理文件来同时编译多个工程。本文就是讲述了该方法的使用。


打开eMbedded Visual C++ 4.0的帮助文档(EVCHelp菜单Contents即可),在目录Embedded Visual C++ Programmer's Guide –> Building an Application –> Building Applications on the Command Line中可以找到命令行编译的相关说明。先看看“EVC”命令:

evc filename [/MAKE "ProjectConfigName"|"Project ALL"] [/REBUILD /CLEAN /NORECURSE /OUT LogFile /USEENV /EX MacroName /CECONFIG configuration] 
Return Value
The evc return value represents the number of errors that occurred during the build.
The following example demonstrates the syntax for building an emulated "MySDK":
evc Myproject.vcp /make "Myproject - Win32 (WCE emulator) Debug" /ceconfig="MySDK" /rebuild





A valid workspace or project filename. Must have an extension of .vcp or .vcw. You can also load a source file instead of a project.


The project that contains the configurations to build. If Filename is a workspace file, Project must be a part of that workspace.


Any valid project configuration, or all configurations for a particular project. To build all configurations, simply type ALL for the configuration value (must be uppercase). Corresponds to the choices available from the Settings For drop-down list in the Project Settings dialog box.


Name of an optional file used to store the build output information (valid only with the /OUT option).

EVC Options



/MAKE "projectname1 – configuration1 | projectname1 – configuration2 | projectname2 – configuration1 | ALL"

Builds the specified configurations. The /CLEAN option modifies /MAKE so that the specified configurations are cleaned rather than built. Requires a FileName parameter after evc and a project with at least one configuration.


Displays usage information for the evc command.


Deletes intermediate files created during the build process for the specified configurations; does not build the project configurations. Requires /MAKE.


Cleans and builds the specified configurations, including all dependent projects. Requires /MAKE. Takes precedence if both /CLEAN and /REBUILD are specified.


Builds the specified project configurations without building any dependent projects. Requires /MAKE.

/OUT logfile

Creates a log file for the build output, which includes such information as syntax errors and warnings. If you don't specify a filename, the build output information is displayed at the command prompt and is not saved to a file.


Directs the build system to use environment variables for the current build session, rather than the directory settings specified on the Directories tab (Tools menu, Options command). The SOURCE, PATH, INCLUDE and LIB paths must be set correctly for the build to succeed when /USEENV is specified.

/EX MacroName

Invokes the named macro (if the associated .dsm file is not loaded, this command will fail).

/CECONFIG configuration

Uses the specified Windows CE platform configuration.



       例子中涉及到的批处理命令都可以在eMbedded Visual C++ 4.0的帮助文档中找到说明:Embedded Visual C++ Programmer's Guide –> Standard SDK for Windows CE 5.0 –> Shell and User Interface –> Shell –> Shell Application Development –> Command Processor Shell –> Command Processor Commands



path = C:/Program Files/Microsoft eMbedded C++ 4.0/Common/EVC/Bin; C:/Program Files/Microsoft eMbedded C++ 4.0/EVC/wce500/bin cls @echo on evc HelloCE/HelloCE.vcw /MAKE "HelloCE - Win32 (WCE emulator) Debug" /ceconfig="STANDARDSDK_500" /REBUILD @echo off IF ERRORLEVEL 1 GOTO ERR evc DlgDemo/DlgDemo.vcw /MAKE "DlgDemo - Win32 (WCE emulator) Debug" /ceconfig="STANDARDSDK_500" /REBUILD @echo off IF ERRORLEVEL 1 GOTO ERR echo Rebuild Success! PAUSE GOTO EXIT :ERR echo Some error found! PAUSE :EXIT

◆第一行的path命令:指定了批处理文件中用到的exe程序的路径,比如evc.exe。不指定将出现类似错误: "EVC"不是内部或外部命令,也不是可运行的程序或批处理文件。


◆第四行@echo on命令:打开回显功能,即运行批处理命令时,会显示命令(同时显示evc的编译过程)。



HelloCE - Win32 (WCE emulator) Debug”是你欲编译的EVC工程可支持的配置项,就是打开菜单Build > Set  Active  Configuration的配置。如果你写了一个工程不支持的配置,或者说配置可支持但您没有添加到工程中(菜单Build > Configurations中添加),运行批处理命令时会报错:Error: There are no valid targets to build.

/ceconfig="STANDARDSDK_500"中的STANDARDSDK_500是工程可支持的SDK Platform配置,即菜单Build > Set Active Platform里的配置。同样的,如果你写了一个工程不支持的Platform配置,或者是工程支持但您没有添加(菜单Build > Configurations中添加),运行批处理命令是也会报错。

7@echo off命令:关闭回显。

8IF ERRORLEVEL 1 GOTO ERR命令:如果上一次program运行时返回的结果(即evc返回的错误个数)等于或者大于1,则跳转到ERR去执行,这里的ERR就是结束本批处理的出口。

14echo Rebuild Success!命令:显示“Rebuild Success!”字符串。

15PAUSE命令:This command suspends the processing of a batch program and displays the following message: Press any key to continue

21:EXIT命令:This command exits the command processor shell.

