fish ie tank算法研究


本文分析了fish ie tank的算法。
FpsMeter.prototype.Draw = function (score, snap) {

    var now = new Date();

    /*  Calculate time delta since last time this method was called ---------*/
    this.timeDeltaSinceLastFrame = .001;
    if (this.lastFrameTime != 0) //如果这不是第一次执行的话,用timeDeltaSinceLastFrame去保存距离上次测试函数被调用的时间。
        this.timeDeltaSinceLastFrame = now - this.lastFrameTime;

    this.timeDeltaS = this.timeDeltaSinceLastFrame / 1000;

    this.lastFrameTime = now;

    /*  Calculate frame rate, since last time this method was called ---------*/
    if (now - this.currentSecond < this.fpsDisplayUpdateFrequency) {
        this.framesThisPeriod++; //在规定的时间内,记录进行draw的次数。
    else {
        this.currentSecond = now;//首先更新当前的时间

        //fps 应该是每秒的的传输贞数
        this.fps = this.framesThisPeriod / (this.fpsDisplayUpdateFrequency / 1000);

        this.framesThisPeriod = 1;//因为这次没有进入if(right)的判断,所以在此处将运算次数记为1.

        var timingDelayReached = ((now.getTime() - this.timeFpsDisplayLastChanged) > this.fpsDisplayUpdateFrequency);//这个变量是bool型的,用来判断距上次显示的时间是不是到了应该改变的时间。到了是true,否则false

        var fpsNotChangedYet = (this.timeFpsDisplayLastChanged == 0); //因为timeFpsDisplayLastChanged初值为0,所以用来判断是不是第一次改变fps的值在屏幕上。

        if (timingDelayReached || fpsNotChangedYet) {
            this.timeFpsDisplayLastChanged = now.getTime(); //记录fps数值改变的时间
            this.displayedFps = Math.round(this.fps > this.targetFPS ? this.targetFPS : this.fps);

    //如果当前的时间-网页打开初始化的时间 < 2s的话,计算fps的数值. 但是这个数据不会显示在屏幕上,而是在后台计算.在屏幕上面显示的一直是calculating
    if ((now - this.fpsResetTime < 2000)) {
        // calculate frames live
        this.fps = Math.min(this.frames / ((now - this.fpsResetTime) / 1000), this.targetFPS);
        this.displayedFps = "calculating";

    // calculate fps
    var displayedFps = Math.round((this.meterPercent * this.targetFPS));
    this.meterFps = displayedFps;

    // -- add by chao 
    var TimesNotChangedYet = (this.timechanged == 0);
    var timingDelayChanged = ((now.getTime() - this.timechanged) > 1000);
    if (timingDelayChanged || TimesNotChangedYet)
        console.log("displayedFps = " + displayedFps);
        this.timechanged = now.getTime();
    // add by chao --

    // calculate meter:
    if (this.fps > 1) {
        this.meterPercentGoal = (this.fps > this.targetFPS ? this.targetFPS : this.fps) / this.targetFPS; //a maximum of targeFPS fps are drawn so cap the gauge at targetFPS.
        if (this.meterPercent == -1) {
            this.meterPercent = .01;

        var delta = Math.abs(this.meterPercent - this.meterPercentGoal);

        if (this.meterPercent < this.meterPercentGoal) {
            //snap 在这个算法里面没有被定义,所以这个判断一定会进.
            if (!snap) {
                this.meterPercent *= 1 + delta / 3;
                // 一开始的时候用于下一次计算的百分比是小于这一次的,但是如果经过计算.下次的百分比这次的还小的话,则百分比不变,如果比这次的还大的话,则等于这次的百分比.
                // 因为乘于的系数是大于1的,所以meterpercent的值会一直变大.
                if (this.meterPercent > this.meterPercentGoal) {
                    this.meterPercent = this.meterPercentGoal;
            else {
                this.meterPercent = this.meterPercentGoal;
        else {
            if (this.meterPercent > this.meterPercentGoal) {
                if (!snap) {
                    this.meterPercent *= 1 - delta;
                    //如果经过计算后的百分比比这次要小了(其实就是减的多了),则等于这次的. 如果还是大的话,则不变.
                    if (this.meterPercent < this.meterPercentGoal) {
                        this.meterPercent = this.meterPercentGoal;
                else {
                    this.meterPercent = this.meterPercentGoal;

你可能感兴趣的:(fish ie tank算法研究)