--undo 压力部分与锁 还有部分的undo统计
set lines 120
set pages 999
clear col
set termout off
set trimout on
set trimspool on
connect / as sysdba
alter session set nls_date_format='dd-hh24:mi';
spool undopressure.out
prompt ############## RUNTIME ##############
col rdate head "Run Time"
select sysdate rdate from dual;
prompt ############## WAITS FOR UNDO (Since Startup) ##############
col inst_id head "Instance#"
col eq_type format a3 head "Enq"
col total_req# format 999,999,999,999,999,999 head "Total Requests"
col total_wait# format 999,999 head "Total Waits"
col succ_req# format 999,999,999,999,999,999 head "Successes"
col failed_req# format 999,999,999999 head "Failures"
col cum_wait_time format 999,999,999 head "Cummalitve|Time"
select * from v$enqueue_stat where eq_type='US' --Undo Segment
select * from v$enqueue_stat where eq_type='HW' --high water
prompt ############## LOCKS FOR UNDO ##############
col addr head "ADDR"
col KADDR head "KADDR"
col sid head "Session"
col osuser format a10 head "OS User"
col machine format a15 head "Machine"
col program format a17 head "Program"
col process format a7 head "Process"
col lmode head "Lmode"
col request head "Request"
col ctime format 9,999 head "Time|(Mins)"
col block head "Blocking?"
select /*+ RULE */
a.SID, --session id
b.process, --process id
b.OSUSER, --登录者os username
b.MACHINE, --登录机器
b.PROGRAM, --登录所用终端
addr, -- address of lock state object
kaddr, --lock address
lmode, --LOCK MODE
request, --Lock mode in which the process requests the lock:
round(ctime/60/60,0) ctime, block --发生的时间
v$lock a,
v$session b
and a.type='US'
prompt ############## TUNED RETENTION HISTORY (Last 2 Days) ##############
prompt ############## LOWEST AND HIGHEST DATA ##############
col low format 999,999,999,999 head "Undo Retention|Lowest Tuned Value"
col high format 999,999,999,999 head "Undo Retention|Highest Tuned Value"
select end_time, tuned_undoretention from v$undostat where tuned_undoretention = (
select min(tuned_undoretention) low
from v$undostat
where end_time > sysdate-2)
select end_time, tuned_undoretention from v$undostat where tuned_undoretention = (
select max(tuned_undoretention) high
from v$undostat
where end_time > sysdate-2)
prompt ############## CURRENT TRANSACTIONS ##############
col sql_text format a40 word_wrapped head "SQL Code"
select a.start_date, --开始时间
a.start_scn, --开始scn
a.status, --事务状态
c.sql_text --sql语句
from v$transaction a, v$session b, v$sqlarea c
where b.saddr = a.ses_addr
and c.address = b.sql_address
and b.sql_hash_value = c.hash_value
select current_scn from v$database
col a format 999,999 head "UnexStolen"
col b format 999,999 head "ExStolen"
col c format 999,999 head "UnexReuse"
col d format 999,999 head "ExReuse"
prompt ############## WHO'S STEALING WHAT? (Last 2 Days) ##############
select unxpstealcnt a, --试图偷取未过期undo block的次数
expstealcnt b, --试图偷取过期undo block的次数
unxpblkreucnt c, --同一回滚段事务重用未过期undo block的数量
expblkreucnt d --同一回滚段事务重用过期 undo block的数量
from v$undostat
where (unxpstealcnt > 0 or expstealcnt > 0)
and end_time > sysdate-2
spool off
set termout on
set trimout off
set trimspool off
clear col