JDBC连SQL SERVER数据库常见问题Can't start a cloned connection while(转载)


--解决:jb:可以在工程属性中加入这三个包,netbean:可以把这三个包copy到某一个 lib下,也就是某个类的公共库中

--问题2:出现[Microsoft][SQLServer 2000 Driver for JDBC]Error establishing socket,这个错误,不论在什么容器下,凡是出现这种错误的,都可以说不是程序本身的错误,因为大部分人都知道:
介绍了连接server2000的方法之一:使用DriverManager.getConnection(...)连接到数据库有两种方法,one is :with a connection url through the jdbc driver manager,another is with a jndi datasource.

当然首先你要有jdbs driver for sqlserver。
设置环境变量:window os:set classpath=.;${your path to save the driver}/msbase.jar;${}/mssqlserver.jar;${}/msutil.jar
第二:注册你的驱动registering the driver
Connection con=DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:microsoft:sqlserver://server_name:1433","userName","password");
注:这里的server_name必须是一个ip address,或者一个主机名,你可以使用ping命令来测试你的主机名是否传回一个正确的ip address
下面是 连接url的属性解释:
--DatabaseName(0)                   ------the name of the sql server database to which you want to connect
--HostProcess (O)                    ------the process ID of the application connecting to SQL Server 2000.The supplied value
                                    ------appears in the "hostprocess" column of the sysprocesses table.
--NetAddress(O)                    ------the MAC address of the network interface card of the application connnecting to sql                                           -----server 2000.the supplied value appears in the "net_address" column of the sysprocesses                                      ------table.
--Password                         ------the case-insensitive password used to connect to your sql server database.
--PortNumber(O)                    ------the tcp 端口号(一般在使用datasource时使用)默认为:1433
--ProgramName(0)                   ------the name of the application connecting to sql server 2000,the supplied value appears in                                      ------the "program_name" column of the sysprocesses table
--SelectMethod                     ------SelectMethod={cursor|direct}.determines wherther database cursors are used for select                                        ------statements .performance and behavior of the driver are affected by the selectMethod                                          -------setting.Direct:->the direct method sends the complete results set in one request to the
                              ----driver .it is useful for queries that only produce a small amount of data that you fetch                              -----completely,you should avoid using direct when executing queries that produce a large amount of                              ----data,as the result set is cached completely on the client and constrains memory .In this mode,each
-------------------------->statement requires its connection to the database.this is accomplished by cloing connections .cloned ------------------------->connections use the same connection properties as the original connection;however,because transactions ------------------->occur on a single connection,auto commit mode is required,Due to this,JTA is not supported in direct mode.In
------------------>addition,some operations,such as updating an insensitive result set,are not supported in direct mode because ---------->driver create a second statement internally.Exceptions generated due to the creation of cloned statements usually return an error message similar to "Cannot start a cloned connection while in manual transaction mode"
--------------------->when the selectMode is set to cursor ,a server-side cursor is generated .行被一块的方式提取出来,JDBC语句
然后,在选中Tcp/Ip协议后点击属性,就看到了一个默认端口号,这就是你在 getConnection里用到的端口号,你必须把你程序里用

关键字,我就遇到了这样一个问题:我写了个 select * from USER这个语句怎么执行都不对,后来看了分析器,才知道这是一个关键字,你

错误:java.sql.SQLException: [Microsoft][SQLServer 2000 Driver for JDBC]Can't start a cloned connection while in manual transaction mode.
A: 这个错误产生的原因一般是当你在一个SQL SERVER的JDBC连接上执行多个STATEMENTS的操作,或者是手动事务状态(AutoCommit=false) 并且使用 direct (SelectMethod=direct) 模式. Direct 模式是默认的模式.
当你使用手动事务模式时,必须把SelectMethod 属性的值设置为 Cursor, 或者是确保在你的连接上只有一个STATEMENT操作

java.sql.SQLException: [Microsoft][SQLServer 2000 Driver for JDBC]Can't start a cloned connection while in manual transaction


错误:java.sql.SQLException: [Microsoft][SQLServer 2000 Driver for JDBC]Can't start a cloned connection while in manual

transaction mode.
A: 这个错误产生的原因一般是当你在一个SQL SERVER的JDBC连接上执行多个STATEMENTS的操作,或者是手动事务状态(AutoCommit=false) 并

且使用 direct (SelectMethod=direct) 模式. Direct 模式是默认的模式.
当你使用手动事务模式时,必须把SelectMethod 属性的值设置为 Cursor, 或者是确保在你的连接上只有一个STATEMENT操作。


PRB: Cannot Start a Cloned Connection While in Manual Transaction Mode
View products that this article applies to.
Article ID : 313181
Last Review : June 30, 2003
Revision : 2.0
This article was previously published under Q313181
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Steps to Reproduce the Behavior

While using the Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Driver for JDBC, you may experience the following exception:

java.sql.SQLException: [Microsoft][SQLServer 2000 Driver for JDBC]Can't start a cloned connection while in manual transaction

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This error occurs when you try to execute multiple statements against a SQL Server database with the JDBC driver while in

manual transaction mode (AutoCommit=false) and while using the direct (SelectMethod=direct) mode. Direct mode is the default

mode for the driver.
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When you use manual transaction mode, you must set the SelectMethod property of the driver to Cursor, or make sure that you

use only one active statement on each connection as specified in the "More Information" section of this article.
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This behavior is by design.
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使用 sqlserver 的 手动事务处理,实现多条sql语句的顺序执行,当遇到操作失败时能够数据回滚。

在我使用 过程中发现了java.sql.SQLException: [Microsoft][SQLServer 2000 Driver for JDBC]Can't start a cloned connection while

in manual transaction mode. 错误。

解决办法是将:数据库连接语句加上 “SelectMethod=cursor ”

例:String url = "jdbc:microsoft:sqlserver://localhost:1433;DatabaseName=enterprise;SelectMethod=cursor";

例:String url = "jdbc:microsoft:sqlserver://localhost:1433;DatabaseName=enterprise;SelectMethod=cursor";

    public void transSet() throws SQLException {
        flag_conn = true;
        conn = DriverManager.getConnection(url, user, password);



    public void transCommit() throws SQLException {
        conn.commit();// 提交jdbc事务
        conn.setAutoCommit(true);// 恢复jdbc事务的默认提交方式
        flag_conn = false;

    public void transRollback() throws SQLException {
        conn.rollback();// 回滚事务
        flag_conn = false;

