for index in 1...5 { println("\(index) times 5 is \(index * 5)") } // 1 times 5 is 5 // 2 times 5 is 10 // 3 times 5 is 15 // 4 times 5 is 20 // 5 times 5 is 25如果不知道区间内每一项的值,使用下划线 _ 来替代变量名去忽略,以下计算base的power次幂,这个例子不需要知道每一次循环中的具体值,只需知道需要循环的次数,使用下划线能够忽略具体的值,且不提供循环遍历时对值的访问
let base = 3 let power = 10 var answer = 1 for _ in 1...power { answer *= base } println("\(base) to the power of \(power) is \(answer)") // prints "3 to the power of 10 is 59049"
let names = ["Anna", "Alex", "Brian", "Jack"] for name in names { println("Hello, \(name)!") } // Hello, Anna! // Hello, Alex! // Hello, Brian! // Hello, Jack!
let numberOfLegs = ["spider": 8, "ant": 6, "cat": 4] for (animalName, legCount) in numberOfLegs { println("\(animalName)s have \(legCount) legs") } // spiders have 8 legs // ants have 6 legs // cats have 4 legs
for initialization; condition; increment { statements } //等同于 initialization while condition { statements increment } for var index = 0; index < 3; ++index { println("index is \(index)") } // index is 0 // index is 1 // index is 2
while condition { statements } //do-while形式就是在执行while里面的判断时,首先执行一次循环的代码,保证了循环至少执行一次 do { statements } while condition//翻译到这里原文好像开始玩起游戏来了。。。省略
if: 只包含一个条件,条件为true,执行之
var temperatureInFahrenheit = 30 if temperatureInFahrenheit <= 32 { println("It's very cold. Consider wearing a scarf.") } // prints "It's very cold. Consider wearing a scarf." temperatureInFahrenheit = 90 if temperatureInFahrenheit <= 32 { println("It's very cold. Consider wearing a scarf.") } else if temperatureInFahrenheit >= 86 { println("It's really warm. Don't forget to wear sunscreen.") } else { println("It's not that cold. Wear a t-shirt.") } // prints "It's really warm. Don't forget to wear sunscreen."
switch some value to consider { case value 1: respond to value 1 case value 2, value 3: respond to value 2 or 3 default: otherwise, do something else }当匹配的case执行完后,程序会终止switch语句,不再执行下一个case,所以可以省略break关键字
let anotherCharacter: Character = "a" switch anotherCharacter { case "a": case "A": println("The letter A") default: println("Not the letter A") } // this will report a compile-time error
switch some value to consider { case value 1, value 2: statements }
let count = 3_000_000_000_000 let countedThings = "stars in the Milky Way" var naturalCount: String switch count { case 0: naturalCount = "no" case 1...3: naturalCount = "a few" case 4...9: naturalCount = "several" case 10...99: naturalCount = "tens of" case 100...999: naturalCount = "hundreds of" case 1000...999_999: naturalCount = "thousands of" default: naturalCount = "millions and millions of" } println("There are \(naturalCount) \(countedThings).") // prints "There are millions and millions of stars in the Milky Way."
let somePoint = (1, 1) switch somePoint { case (0, 0): println("(0, 0) is at the origin") case (_, 0): println("(\(somePoint.0), 0) is on the x-axis") case (0, _): println("(0, \(somePoint.1)) is on the y-axis") case (-2...2, -2...2): println("(\(somePoint.0), \(somePoint.1)) is inside the box") default: println("(\(somePoint.0), \(somePoint.1)) is outside of the box") } // prints "(1, 1) is inside the box"
let anotherPoint = (2, 0) switch anotherPoint { case (let x, 0): println("on the x-axis with an x value of \(x)") case (0, let y): println("on the y-axis with a y value of \(y)") case let (x, y): println("somewhere else at (\(x), \(y))") } // prints "on the x-axis with an x value of 2"
let yetAnotherPoint = (1, -1) switch yetAnotherPoint { case let (x, y) where x == y: println("(\(x), \(y)) is on the line x == y") case let (x, y) where x == -y: println("(\(x), \(y)) is on the line x == -y") case let (x, y): println("(\(x), \(y)) is just some arbitrary point") } // prints "(1, -1) is on the line x == -y"
let puzzleInput = "great minds think alike" var puzzleOutput = "" for character in puzzleInput { switch character { case "a", "e", "i", "o", "u", " ": continue default: puzzleOutput += character } } println(puzzleOutput) // prints "grtmndsthnklk"
let numberSymbol: Character = "三" // Simplified Chinese for the number 3 var possibleIntegerValue: Int? switch numberSymbol { case "1", "١", "一", "๑": possibleIntegerValue = 1 case "2", "٢", "二", "๒": possibleIntegerValue = 2 case "3", "٣", "三", "๓": possibleIntegerValue = 3 case "4", "٤", "四", "๔": possibleIntegerValue = 4 default: break } if let integerValue = possibleIntegerValue { println("The integer value of \(numberSymbol) is \(integerValue).") } else { println("An integer value could not be found for \(numberSymbol).") } // prints "The integer value of 三 is 3."
let integerToDescribe = 5 var description = "The number \(integerToDescribe) is" switch integerToDescribe { case 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19: description += " a prime number, and also" fallthrough default: description += " an integer." } println(description) // prints "The number 5 is a prime number, and also an integer."
label name: while condition { statements }以下例子来源于一个游戏例子,游戏的规则跟飞行棋类似,25个格子然后掷骰子,按掷的骰子走相应的步数,走到某些格子会前进几步或后退几步,走完25个或超过为赢家
let finalSquare = 25 var board = Int[](count: finalSquare + 1, repeatedValue: 0) board[03] = +08; board[06] = +11; board[09] = +09; board[10] = +02 board[14] = -10; board[19] = -11; board[22] = -02; board[24] = -08 var square = 0 var diceRoll = 0 gameLoop: while square != finalSquare { if ++diceRoll == 7 { diceRoll = 1 } switch square + diceRoll { case finalSquare: // diceRoll will move us to the final square, so the game is over break gameLoop case let newSquare where newSquare > finalSquare: // diceRoll will move us beyond the final square, so roll again continue gameLoop default: // this is a valid move, so find out its effect square += diceRoll square += board[square] } } println("Game over!")如果上述的break语句没有使用标签,那将会中断switch而不是while,使用标签能清晰的表明break想要中断哪个循环