一个分配固定大小块的内存池(memory pool) 的例子 FROM POCO

// MemoryPool.h
// $Id: //poco/1.4/Foundation/include/Poco/MemoryPool.h#1 $
// Library: Foundation
// Package: Core
// Module:  MemoryPool
// Definition of the MemoryPool class.
// Copyright (c) 2005-2006, Applied Informatics Software Engineering GmbH.
// and Contributors.


//z 2011-06-23 15:13:07@is2120.CSDN 转载请注明出处

#ifndef Foundation_MemoryPool_INCLUDED
#define Foundation_MemoryPool_INCLUDED

#include  "Poco/Foundation.h"
#include  "Poco/Mutex.h"
#include  <vector>
#include  <cstddef>

namespace  Poco {

14:01 2011-6-23

class  Foundation_API MemoryPool
  /// A simple pool for fixed-size memory blocks.
  /// The main purpose of this class is to speed-up
  /// memory allocations, as well as to reduce memory
  /// fragmentation in situations where the same blocks
  /// are allocated all over again, such as in server
  /// applications.
  /// All allocated blocks are retained for future use.
  /// A limit on the number of blocks can be specified.
  /// Blocks can be preallocated.
public :
  MemoryPool(std::size_t  blockSize, int  preAlloc = 0int  maxAlloc = 0 );
    //z@is2120 14:03 2011-6-23
    //z 使用给定的blocksize创建一个memorypool。
    //z 预分配的大小由preAlloc指定
    /// Creates a MemoryPool for blocks with the given blockSize.
    /// The number of blocks given in preAlloc are preallocated.

  //z 从memory pool中得到一个block
  void * get();
    /// Returns a memory block. If there are no more blocks
    /// in the pool, a new block will be allocated.
    /// If maxAlloc blocks are already allocated, an
    /// OutOfMemoryException is thrown.

  //z 将一个 memory block 返回到pool中去。
  void  release(void * ptr);
    /// Releases a memory block and returns it to the pool.

  //z 返回 block size
  std::size_t  blockSize() const ;
    /// Returns the block size.
  //z 返回已分配的 blocks 的数目
  int  allocated() const ;
    /// Returns the number of allocated blocks.
  //z 返回在pool中可用的块数目
  int  available() const ;
    /// Returns the number of available blocks in the pool.

private :
  //z 禁用了默认构造函数;拷贝构造函数以及赋值构造函数
  MemoryPool(const  MemoryPool&);
  MemoryPool& operator  = (const  MemoryPool&);
  //z 保留128的block
  //z 使用了vector来保存block的地址
  typedef  std::vector<char *> BlockVec;
  //z 块大小
  std::size_t  _blockSize;
  //z 允许的最大块数目
  int          _maxAlloc;
  //z 已分配
  int          _allocated;
  //z 存储块地址的容器
  BlockVec    _blocks;
  //z 互斥
  FastMutex   _mutex;

// inlines
//z 返回块大小
inline  std::size_t  MemoryPool::blockSize() const
  return  _blockSize;

//z 返回总的分配的数目
inline  int  MemoryPool::allocated() const
  return  _allocated;

//z 凡存在blocks中的都是未交付使用的(但已分配)
inline  int  MemoryPool::available() const
  return  (int ) _blocks.size();

// namespace Poco

#endif  // Foundation_MemoryPool_INCLUDED


#include  "Poco/MemoryPool.h"
#include  "Poco/Exception.h"

namespace  Poco {

MemoryPool::MemoryPool(std::size_t  blockSize, int  preAlloc, int  maxAlloc):
  poco_assert (maxAlloc == 0  || maxAlloc >= preAlloc);
  poco_assert (preAlloc >= 0  && maxAlloc >= 0 );

  int  r = BLOCK_RESERVE;
  if  (preAlloc > r)
    r = preAlloc;
  if  (maxAlloc > 0  && maxAlloc < r)
    r = maxAlloc;
  //z vector 保留r空间
  for  (int  i = 0 ; i < preAlloc; ++i)
    //z 直接分配;此时会不会出现异常?
    _blocks.push_back(new  char [_blockSize]);

  //z 所有的都放在blockvec中
  for  (BlockVec::iterator it = _blocks.begin(); it != _blocks.end(); ++it)
    delete  [] *it;

void * MemoryPool::get()
  FastMutex::ScopedLock lock(_mutex);
  if  (_blocks.empty())
    if  (_maxAlloc == 0  || _allocated < _maxAlloc)
      return  new  char [_blockSize];
    else  throw  OutOfMemoryException("MemoryPool exhausted" );
    //z 从尾端取出一个
    char * ptr = _blocks.back();
    //z 从尾端弹出
    return  ptr;

void  MemoryPool::release(void * ptr)
  FastMutex::ScopedLock lock(_mutex);
  //z 将get的内存还回vec中去。
  _blocks.push_back(reinterpret_cast <char *>(ptr));

// namespace Poco
