Struts1.x 跨站脚本(XSS)漏洞的解决






一 演示XSS

   当访问一个不存在的网址时,例如 [url]http://localhost:8080/demo/[/url],那么Struts处理后都会跳到提示“ Invalid path / was requested”的页面。

   但如果我们访问的网址是 [url]http://localhost:8080/demo/<script>alert[/url]('ok')</script>.do,那么按道理,提示页面就会变成“ Invalid path /<script>alert('ok')</script>.do was requested”。很明显,这将会执行 <script>alert('ok')</script>这脚本,最终显示的内容就会把执行的脚本代码去掉,剩下 Invalid path /.do was requested。漏洞就在这里了,如果那脚本是有害的,另有企图的,那么...

二  解决方法
   尝试输入 [url]<script>alert[/url]('ok')</script>.html,将会提示该页面不存在,而不会像上面的提示那样。
   而官方网站的wiki( [url][/url])还提供其他方法。

    1.升级到Struts 1.2.8版本
     Struts 1.2.8版本已经解决了这个XSS漏洞。而之前的版本都受到XSS漏洞的影响。

    2.配置"unknown" Struts Action
     如果客户端请求了struts-config.xml中没有定义的资源,Struts会丢出 404 Invalid path 的讯息,您可以撰写匿名的ActionMapping来提供自己的错误讯息:


   当然别忘了最简单的方法: 设置并指定自定义的 404/Not found处理网页。

Struts XSS Vulnerability


1. Information

A Cross Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerabilty has been identified in Struts by For further information, see...

  • Wikipedia - What is Cross Site Scripting?

  • Advisory - Details of the threat to Struts


2. Impact

The following GA quality versions of Struts are vulnerable:

  • Struts 1.0.x
  • Struts 1.1
  • Struts 1.2.4
  • Struts 1.2.7

N.B. i.e. Struts 1.2.8 and Struts 1.3.x do NOT have this vulnerability.


3. Solutions/Options

There are three possible courses of action users can take to guard against this vulnerability:

  • Configure an unknown Struts Action (Struts Version 1.1 onwards)

  • Upgrade to Struts 1.2.8

  • Configure your Servlet Container to use a Custom Error Page for 404 / Not Found errors


3.1 Configure an '''unknown''' Struts Action

From Struts 1.1 onwards it is possible to configure one action in the struts-config.xml for mappings which are Not Found. This action should be configure to forward to a custom error page (which doesn't include the Request's path!).

To do this you specify the unknown attribute on ONE of your action mappings and forward to a custom error page, for example...


           <action forward="/CustomNotFoundError.jsp" unknown="true" />

Ralph Hauser reports that the above "doesn't validate with the 1.2 DTD". I tried it in the struts-examples webapp for Struts 1.2.7 and it worked fine for me - niallp. However, if the above doesn't work, then add a "path" element to the action mapping:

           <action path="/unknown" forward="/CustomNotFoundError.jsp" unknown="true" />


3.2 Upgrading to Struts 1.2.8

Struts has been modified to remove this vulnerability in Struts 1.2.8. For further information on Struts 1.2.8, see:

  • Struts 1.2.8 Release Notes

  • Notes on Upgrading

  • Download latest Struts here


3.3 Configure Servlet Container to use a '''Custom Error Page'''

Check your servlet container's documentation to see if you can configure a custom error page for 404 / Not Found status
