最近在测试HCatalog,由于Hcatalog本身就是一个独立JAR包,虽然它也可以运行service,但是其实这个service就是metastore thrift server,我们在写基于Hcatalog的mapreduce job时候只要把hcatalog JAR包和对应的hive-site.xml文件加入libjars和HADOOP_CLASSPATH中就可以了。不过在测试的时候还是遇到了一些问题,hive metastore server在运行了一段时间后会抛如下错误
2013-06-19 10:35:51,718 ERROR server.TThreadPoolServer (TThreadPoolServer.java:run(182)) - Error occurred during processing of message. javax.jdo.JDOFatalUserException: Persistence Manager has been closed at org.datanucleus.jdo.JDOPersistenceManager.assertIsOpen(JDOPersistenceManager.java:2124) at org.datanucleus.jdo.JDOPersistenceManager.currentTransaction(JDOPersistenceManager.java:315) at org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.ObjectStore.openTransaction(ObjectStore.java:294) at org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.ObjectStore.getTable(ObjectStore.java:732) at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:39) at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:25) at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:597) at org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.RetryingRawStore.invoke(RetryingRawStore.java:111) at com.sun.proxy.$Proxy5.getTable(Unknown Source) at org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.HiveMetaStore$HMSHandler.get_table(HiveMetaStore.java:982) at org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.ThriftHiveMetastore$Processor$get_table.getResult(ThriftHiveMetastore.java:5017) at org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.ThriftHiveMetastore$Processor$get_table.getResult(ThriftHiveMetastore.java:5005) at org.apache.thrift.ProcessFunction.process(ProcessFunction.java:32) at org.apache.thrift.TBaseProcessor.process(TBaseProcessor.java:34)
其中PersistenceManager负责控制一组持久化对象包括创建持久化对象和查询对象,它是ObjectStore的一个实例变量,每个ObjectStore拥有一个pm,RawStore是metastore逻辑层和物理底层元数据库(比如derby)交互的接口类,ObjectStore是RawStore的默认实现类。Hive Metastore Server启动的时候会指定一个TProcessor,包装了一个HMSHandler,内部有一个ThreadLocal<RawStore> threadLocalMS实例变量,每个thread维护一个RawStore
private final ThreadLocal<RawStore> threadLocalMS = new ThreadLocal<RawStore>() { @Override protected synchronized RawStore initialValue() { return null; } };
public RawStore getMS() throws MetaException { RawStore ms = threadLocalMS.get(); if (ms == null) { ms = newRawStore(); threadLocalMS.set(ms); ms = threadLocalMS.get(); } return ms; }看得出来RawStore是延迟加载,初始化后绑定到threadlocal变量中可以为以后复用
private RawStore newRawStore() throws MetaException { LOG.info(addPrefix("Opening raw store with implemenation class:" + rawStoreClassName)); Configuration conf = getConf(); return RetryingRawStore.getProxy(hiveConf, conf, rawStoreClassName, threadLocalId.get()); }
@Override public Object invoke(Object proxy, Method method, Object[] args) throws Throwable { Object ret = null; boolean gotNewConnectUrl = false; boolean reloadConf = HiveConf.getBoolVar(hiveConf, HiveConf.ConfVars.METASTOREFORCERELOADCONF); boolean reloadConfOnJdoException = false; if (reloadConf) { updateConnectionURL(getConf(), null); } int retryCount = 0; Exception caughtException = null; while (true) { try { if (reloadConf || gotNewConnectUrl || reloadConfOnJdoException) { initMS(); } ret = method.invoke(base, args); break; } catch (javax.jdo.JDOException e) { caughtException = (javax.jdo.JDOException) e.getCause(); } catch (UndeclaredThrowableException e) { throw e.getCause(); } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { Throwable t = e.getTargetException(); if (t instanceof JDOException){ caughtException = (JDOException) e.getTargetException(); reloadConfOnJdoException = true; LOG.error("rawstore jdoexception:" + caughtException.toString()); }else { throw e.getCause(); } } if (retryCount >= retryLimit) { throw caughtException; } assert (retryInterval >= 0); retryCount++; LOG.error( String.format( "JDO datastore error. Retrying metastore command " + "after %d ms (attempt %d of %d)", retryInterval, retryCount, retryLimit)); Thread.sleep(retryInterval); // If we have a connection error, the JDO connection URL hook might // provide us with a new URL to access the datastore. String lastUrl = getConnectionURL(getConf()); gotNewConnectUrl = updateConnectionURL(getConf(), lastUrl); } return ret; }
private void initMS() { base.setConf(getConf()); }
public void setConf(Configuration conf) { // Although an instance of ObjectStore is accessed by one thread, there may // be many threads with ObjectStore instances. So the static variables // pmf and prop need to be protected with locks. pmfPropLock.lock(); try { isInitialized = false; hiveConf = conf; Properties propsFromConf = getDataSourceProps(conf); boolean propsChanged = !propsFromConf.equals(prop); if (propsChanged) { pmf = null; prop = null; } assert(!isActiveTransaction()); shutdown(); // Always want to re-create pm as we don't know if it were created by the // most recent instance of the pmf pm = null; openTrasactionCalls = 0; currentTransaction = null; transactionStatus = TXN_STATUS.NO_STATE; initialize(propsFromConf); if (!isInitialized) { throw new RuntimeException( "Unable to create persistence manager. Check dss.log for details"); } else { LOG.info("Initialized ObjectStore"); } } finally { pmfPropLock.unlock(); } }
private void initialize(Properties dsProps) { LOG.info("ObjectStore, initialize called"); prop = dsProps; pm = getPersistenceManager(); isInitialized = pm != null; return; }
public void close() { isConnected = false; try { if (null != client) { client.shutdown(); } } catch (TException e) { LOG.error("Unable to shutdown local metastore client", e); } // Transport would have got closed via client.shutdown(), so we dont need this, but // just in case, we make this call. if ((transport != null) && transport.isOpen()) { transport.close(); } }
@Override public void shutdown() { logInfo("Shutting down the object store..."); RawStore ms = threadLocalMS.get(); if (ms != null) { ms.shutdown(); ms = null; } logInfo("Metastore shutdown complete."); }
public void shutdown() { if (pm != null) { pm.close(); } }
我们看到shutdown方法里面只是把当前thread的ObjectStore拿出来后,做了一个ObjectStore shutdown方法,把pm关闭了。但是并没有把ObjectStore销毁掉,它还是存在于threadLocalMS中,下次还是会被拿出来,下一次这个thread服务于另外一个请求的时候又会被get出ObjectSture来,但是由于里面的pm已经close掉了所以肯定抛异常。正确的做法是应该加上threadLocalMS.remove()或者threadLocalMS.set(null),主动将其从ThreadLocalMap中删除。
修改后的 shutdown方法
public void shutdown() { logInfo("Shutting down the object store..."); RawStore ms = threadLocalMS.get(); if (ms != null) { ms.shutdown(); ms = null; threadLocalMS.remove(); } logInfo("Metastore shutdown complete."); }
改好后重启metastore server,再也没有碰到Persistence Manager报已经close的情况了