Windows 脚本简述

Windows 脚本构架

    一般为 .js,.vbs 等文件




Windows 脚本宿主


    IE: web客户端脚本:IEXPLORE.exe

    WSH 脚本(Windows Script Host) WScript.exe/CScript.exe 

Windows 脚本简述_第1张图片

Windows 脚本引擎

    Windows 内置的脚本引擎:JScript  VBScript

    第三方脚本引擎:PerlScript  Python

Windows 脚本对象模型



What Is the Windows Scripting Host?

The Windows scripting host is a language independent environment that exists on Windows based machines. It gives us the ability to write administrative scripts in various scripting languages. By default, Windows ships with a development environment for both VBScript and JScript, but you can install other runtime engines if you wish.

Once a runtime engine is installed, the Windows scripting host will choose the appropriate engine for the script that is attempted to run. For VBScript, there are two script hosts: Cscript.exe and Wscript.exe. Cscript.exe provides command line switches that enable you to supply arguments to modify the way your script runs. Wscript.exe is the default scripting host and provides Windows based dialog boxes.

自己编写了一个脚本文件,如后缀为 .vbs .js 的文件,然后在 Windows

双击并执行它,这时,系统就会自动调用一个适当的程序来对它进行解释并执行,而这个程序,就是 Windows Scripting Host,程序执行文件名为 Wscript.exe (若是在命令行下,则为 Cscript.exe
