Scilab Library



build library from functions in given directory

Calling Sequence

genlib(lib_name [[,dir_name, [ Force [,verb [,Names]]]])
genlib(lib_name [,path=dir_name] [,verbose=verb] [,force=Force] [,names=Names])



Scilab string. The variable name of the library to (re)create.


Scilab string. The name of the directory to look for .sci-files.


boolean value (default value is %f). Set it to %t to force the sci-files recompilation.


boolean values (default value is %f). Set it to %t to get information.


a vector of strings, the names of function to include in the library. By default all the sci-files are taken into account


For each .sci file in dir_name (or only those specified by the Names argument), genlib executes a exec and saves the functions to the corresponding .bin file. The .sci file must not contain anything but Scilab functions. If a .bin file is newer than the associated .sci file, genlib does not translate and save the file.

This default behaviour can be changed if force is given and set to %t. In this latter case the recompilation is always performed for each .sci file.

When all .sci files have been processed, genlib creates a library variable named lib_name and saves it in the file lib in dir_name. If the Scilab variable lib_name is not protected (see predef) this variable is updated.

If verbose is et to %t information are displayed during the build process.

If dir_name argument is not given and if lib_name Scilab variable exists and it is a library dir_name is taken equal to the lib_name library path (update mode).


Scilab tacitly assumes that file foo.sci defines at least a function named foo. If subsidiary functions are included, they are made known to Scilab only after the function foo had been referenced.



library definition

Calling Sequence

namelib = lib('lib-dir')



character string


library variable returned by 'lib'.


lib-dir is a character string defining a directory that contains compiled Scilab function (.bin) files.

In addition to these files lib-dir must have a file called names, that contains the names of the functions defined in lib-dir. On success, all functions in lib-dir are available from within Scilab. They are loaded on demand when called for the first time.

Binary files can be created from within Scilab with the command save. A library variable usually is saved for later loading, either on-line or from the user-specific startup file (see startup).

value returned by 'lib' must be insert in a variable 'namelib' to access to macro functions of this library.


Scilab tacitly assumes that each xxxx.bin file defines a variable named xxxx.



//define some functions
function z=myplus(x, y)
  z = x + y

function z=yourplus(x, y)
  x = x - y

//create the *.bin files in libdir
libdir = TMPDIR;
save(libdir + '/myplus.bin', myplus);
save(libdir + '/yourplus.bin', yourplus);

//create the name file

//build the library containing myplus and yourplus
mylibfoo = lib(libdir+'/');

//erase the variables
clear myplus yourplus

//Automatic loading and execution

//erase the variables
clear myplus yourplus

[n,p] = libraryinfo('mylibfoo')

clear mylibfoo



library datatype description

Calling Sequence


A library is a data type with type number 14. It contains a path-name and a set of names. It allows automatic loading of variables using the following algorithm:

Suppose the Scilab user references the variable named foo. Scilab first looks if foo is the name of a primitive or of an already defined variable. If not, it looks for foo sequentially (the newest first) in all defined library .

Suppose foo belongs to the set of names of the library xlib then Scilab tries to load the file <xlib-path-name>/foo.bin. <xlib-path-name>/foo.bin must have been created using the save function

Library are often used for collection of functions, but they can also be used for any collection of scilab variables

If a function is defined in more than one library, the default search algorithm loads thode contained in the newest. It possible to force the use of a specific library using dot notation: loads the variable foo contained in xlib. if foo is a function and executes the functions


// elemlib is a predefined library
elementary_functionlib //displays the contents of the library
cosm(A) //loads cosm and executes it
whos -name cosm // now cosm is a variable
elementary_functionlib.sinm //loads sinm from the library
elementary_functionlib.cosm(A) //reloads cosm and executes it

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