昨天一不小心,执行了rm xx -rf,把一个项目删除了。然后就是各种悔恨,各种自责,这个项目可是一周的工作量啊。最后肯定得解决,于是google搜索发现了恢复神器extundelete,最后顺利恢复了所有被我无意中的删除的文件。感谢上天,感谢extundelete。下面将个人的经历总结下。
1) 下载工具extundelete
sudo apt-get install extundelete
2) 使用
Itleaks@ Itleaks::~$ extundelete --help Usage: extundelete [options] [--] device-file Options: ………………. --after dtime Only process entries deleted on or after 'dtime'. --before dtime Only process entries deleted before 'dtime'. Actions: ………… --restore-file 'path' Will restore file 'path'. 'path' is relative to root of the partition and does not start with a '/' (it must be one of the paths returned by --dump-names). The restored file is created in the current directory as 'RECOVERED_FILES/path'. --restore-files 'path' Will restore files which are listed in the file 'path'. Each filename should be in the same format as an option to --restore-file, and there should be one per line. --output-dir 'path' Restore files in the output dir 'path'. By default the restored files are created under current directory 'RECOVERED_FILES'. --restore-all Attempts to restore everything. ………..
Itleaks@ Itleaks:~$ date -d "2014-06-01 23:02:00" +%s 1401634920
%s的意思是seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC,就是输入时间与1970-01-0100:00:00的时间差
sudo extundelete /dev/sda8 --after 1401634920--restore-all
Itleaks@ Itleaks:/tmp$ echo "recovery test"> itleaks.test Itleaks@ Itleaks:/tmp$ rm itleaks.test Itleaks@ Itleaks:/tmp$ date -d "2014-06-01 22:28:00" +%s 1401632880 Itleaks@ Itleaks:/tmp$ sudo extundelete /dev/sda8 --after 1401632880 --restore-all Only show and process deleted entries if they are deleted on or after 1401632880 and before 9223372036854775807. WARNING: Extended attributes are not restored. WARNING: EXT3_FEATURE_INCOMPAT_RECOVER is set. The partition should be unmounted to undelete any files without further data loss. If the partition is not currently mounted, this message indicates it was improperly unmounted, and you should run fsck before continuing. If you decide to continue, extundelete may overwrite some of the deleted files and make recovering those files impossible. You should unmount the file system and check it with fsck before using extundelete. Would you like to continue? (y/n) y Loading filesystem metadata ... 378 groups loaded. Loading journal descriptors ... 27106 descriptors loaded. Searching for recoverable inodes in directory / ... 85 recoverable inodes found. Looking through the directory structure for deleted files ... ……………….. Unable to restore inode 2360218 (etc/brltty/brl-fs-bumpers.kti): No undeleted copies found in the journal. Unable to restore inode 2359564 (etc/mtab~): No undeleted copies found in the journal. Restored inode 2883641 to file RECOVERED_FILES/tmp/itleaks.test Itleaks@ Itleaks:/tmp$ tree RECOVERED_FILES/ RECOVERED_FILES/ └── tmp └── itleaks.test 1 directory, 1 file
* 本文来自博客 “爱踢门”
* 转载请标明出处:http://blog.csdn.net/itleaks