windows wdf 驱动开发总结(1)--usb驱动

()EZ-USB-Fx2 USB驱动相关



  __out  PWDF_IO_QUEUE_CONFIG Config,
  __in   WDF_IO_QUEUE_DISPATCH_TYPE DispatchType


Config [out]

A pointer to the driver's WDF_IO_QUEUE_CONFIG structure.

DispatchType [in]

A WDF_IO_QUEUE_DISPATCH_TYPE enumerator that identifies the request dispatching type for the queue.


  WdfIoQueueDispatchInvalid      = 0,

  WdfIoQueueDispatchSequential   = 1,

  WdfIoQueueDispatchParallel     = 2,

  WdfIoQueueDispatchManual       = 3,

  WdfIoQueueDispatchMax          = 4



typedef struct _WDF_IO_QUEUE_CONFIG {

  ULONG                                          Size;

  WDF_IO_QUEUE_DISPATCH_TYPE                   DispatchType;

  WDF_TRI_STATE                                 PowerManaged;

  BOOLEAN                                        AllowZeroLengthRequests;

  BOOLEAN                                        DefaultQueue;

  PFN_WDF_IO_QUEUE_IO_DEFAULT                 EvtIoDefault;

  PFN_WDF_IO_QUEUE_IO_READ                    EvtIoRead;

  PFN_WDF_IO_QUEUE_IO_WRITE                   EvtIoWrite;

  PFN_WDF_IO_QUEUE_IO_DEVICE_CONTROL         EvtIoDeviceControl;


  PFN_WDF_IO_QUEUE_IO_STOP                    EvtIoStop;

  PFN_WDF_IO_QUEUE_IO_RESUME                  EvtIoResume;


  union {

    struct {

      ULONG NumberOfPresentedRequests;

    } Parallel;

  } Settings;



(2) WdfDeviceCreate

函数功能:建立一个设备对象框架(creates a framework device object)

NTSTATUS WdfDeviceCreate(

  [in, out]       PWDFDEVICE_INIT *DeviceInit,

  [in, optional]  PWDF_OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES DeviceAttributes,

  [out]           WDFDEVICE *Device




DeviceInit [in, out]

The address of a pointer to a WDFDEVICE_INIT structure. If WdfDeviceCreate encounters no errors, it sets the pointer to NULL.

DeviceAttributes [in, optional]

A pointer to a caller-allocated WDF_OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES structure that contains attributes for the new object. (The structure's ParentObject member must be NULL.) This parameter is optional and can be WDF_NO_OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES.

Device [out]

A pointer to a location that receives a handle to the new framework device object.



(3) WdfDriverCreate


NTSTATUS WdfDriverCreate(

  [in]             PDRIVER_OBJECT DriverObject,

  [in]             PCUNICODE_STRING RegistryPath,

  [in, optional]   PWDF_OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES DriverAttributes,

  [in]             PWDF_DRIVER_CONFIG DriverConfig,

  [out, optional]  WDFDRIVER *Driver


DriverObject [in]

A pointer to a DRIVER_OBJECT structure that represents a Windows Driver Model (WDM) driver object. The driver receives this pointer as input to its DriverEntry routine.

RegistryPath [in]

A pointer to a UNICODE_STRING structure that contains the registry path string that the driver received as input to its DriverEntry routine.

DriverAttributes [in, optional]

A pointer to a caller-allocated WDF_OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES structure. (The structure's ParentObject member must be NULL.) This parameter is optional and can be WDF_NO_OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES.

DriverConfig [in]

A pointer to a caller-allocated WDF_DRIVER_CONFIG structure.

Driver [out, optional]

A pointer to a location that receives a handle to the new framework driver object. This parameter is optional and can be WDF_NO_HANDLE.


typedef struct _WDF_OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES {

  ULONG                          Size;



  WDF_EXECUTION_LEVEL            ExecutionLevel;

  WDF_SYNCHRONIZATION_SCOPE      SynchronizationScope;

  WDFOBJECT                      ParentObject;

  size_t                         ContextSizeOverride;




(4) WdfIoQueueCreate

函数功能:creates and configures an I/O queue for a specified device

NTSTATUS WdfIoQueueCreate(

  [in]             WDFDEVICE Device,

  [in]             PWDF_IO_QUEUE_CONFIG Config,

  [in, optional]   PWDF_OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES QueueAttributes,

  [out, optional]  WDFQUEUE *Queue



Device [in]

A handle to the framework device object that the queue will be associated with.

Config [in]

A pointer to a caller-allocated WDF_IO_QUEUE_CONFIG structure.

QueueAttributes [in, optional]

A pointer to a caller-allocated WDF_OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES structure that specifies object attributes for the new object. This parameter is optional and can be WDF_NO_OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES.

Queue [out, optional]

A pointer to a location that receives a handle to a framework queue object.



Each call to WdfIoQueueCreate creates an I/O queue for a device. Your driver can create multiple I/O queues for each device.

The Config and QueueAttributes parameters specify the queue's configuration and object attributes.


(5) WdfDeviceCreateDeviceInterface

函数功能:创建设备接口creates a device interface for a specified device.

NTSTATUS WdfDeviceCreateDeviceInterface(

  [in]            WDFDEVICE Device,

  [in]            const GUID *InterfaceClassGUID,

  [in, optional]  PCUNICODE_STRING ReferenceString



Device [in]

A handle to a framework device object.

InterfaceClassGUID [in]

A pointer to a GUID that identifies the device interface class.

ReferenceString [in, optional]

A pointer to a UNICODE_STRING structure that describes a reference string for the device interface. This parameter is optional and can be NULL. For more information, see the following Remarks section.

Copy Code  调用例子

NTSTATUS  status;


status = WdfDeviceCreateDeviceInterface(


                                        (LPGUID) &GUID_DEVINTERFACE_COMPORT,




(6) WdfRequestComplete

函数功能:completes a specified I/O request and supplies a completion status.

VOID WdfRequestComplete(

  [in]  WDFREQUEST Request,

  [in]  NTSTATUS Status




(7) WdfRequestRetrieveInputBuffer

函数功能:retrieves an I/O request's input buffer. 获取输入缓冲区的地址

NTSTATUS WdfRequestRetrieveInputBuffer(

  [in]             WDFREQUEST Request,

  [in]             size_t MinimumRequiredSize,

  [out]            PVOID *Buffer,

  [out, optional]  size_t *Length


Request [in]

A handle to a framework request object.

MinimumRequiredSize [in]

The minimum buffer size, in bytes, that the driver needs to process the I/O request.

Buffer [out]

A pointer to a location that receives the buffer's address.

Length [out, optional]

A pointer to a location that receives the buffer's size, in bytes. This parameter is optional and can be NULL.


(8) WdfRequestRetrieveOutputBuffer


NTSTATUS WdfRequestRetrieveInputBuffer(

  [in]             WDFREQUEST Request,

  [in]             size_t MinimumRequiredSize,

  [out]            PVOID *Buffer,

  [out, optional]  size_t *Length




(9) WdfRequestCompleteWithInformation

函数功能:stores completion information and then completes a specified I/O request with a supplied completion status.(完成Io请求)

VOID WdfRequestCompleteWithInformation(

  [in]  WDFREQUEST Request,

  [in]  NTSTATUS Status,

  [in]  ULONG_PTR Information






pDeviceContext = GetDeviceContext(device);

   deviceContext = GetDeviceContext(WdfIoQueueGetDevice(Queue));


(11) WdfIoQueueRetrieveNextRequest

函数功能: 从非缺省手工队列中取出I/O请求,做相应处理

    IN WDFQUEUE  Queue,


A handle to a framework queue object.


A pointer to a location that receives a handle to a framework request object. If the queue is empty or the last request has been retrieved, this parameter receives NULL.


(12) WdfTimerStop


    IN WDFTIMER  Timer,


A handle to a framework timer object that was obtained by calling WdfTimerCreate.


A Boolean value that, if TRUE, specifies that the framework does not return until all queued calls to the driver's deferred procedure calls (DPCs), including the driver's EvtTimerFunc callback functions, have executed.


WdfTimerStop returns TRUE if the timer object was in the system's timer queue. Otherwise, this method returns FALSE.


(13) WdfRequestForwardToIoQueue

函数功能:requeues an I/O request to one of the calling driver's I/O queues.

NTSTATUS WdfRequestForwardToIoQueue(

  [in]  WDFREQUEST Request,

  [in]  WDFQUEUE DestinationQueue



Request [in]

A handle to a framework request object.

DestinationQueue [in]

A handle to a framework queue object.

The driver must own the I/O request and must have obtained the request from one of its I/O queues.

The source and destination queues cannot be the same. In other words, the driver cannot call WdfRequestForwardToIoQueue to return a request to the queue that it came from. To requeue a request to the same queue, use WdfRequestRequeue .
