Storage Infrastructure Behind Facebook Messages

One of the talks that I particularly enjoyed yesterday at HPTS 2011 was Storage Infrastructure Behind Facebook Messages by Kannan Muthukkaruppan. In this talk, Kannan talked about the Facebook store for chats, email, SMS, & messages.


This high scale storage system is based upon HBase and Haystack. HBase is a non-relational, distributed database very similar to Google’sBig Table. Haystack is simple file system designed by Facebook for efficient photo storage and delivery. More on Haystack at: Facebook Needle in a Haystack.


In this Facebook Message store, Haystack is used to store attachments and large messages.  HBase is used for message metadata, search indexes, and small messages (avoiding the second I/O to Haystack for small messages like most SMS).


Facebook Messages takes 6B+ messages a day. Summarizing HBase traffic:

·         75B+ R+W ops/day with 1.5M ops/sec at peak

·         The average write operation inserts 16 records across multiple column families

·         2PB+ of cooked online data in HBase. Over 6PB including replication but not backups

·         All data is LZO compressed

·         Growing at 250TB/month


The Facebook Messages project timeline:

·         2009/12: Project started

·         2010/11: Initial rollout began

·         2011/07: Rollout completed with 1B+ accounts migrated to new store

·         Production changes:

o   2 schema changes

o   Upgraded to Hfile 2.0


They implemented a very nice approach to testing where, prior to release, they shadowed the production workload to the test servers.

Storage Infrastructure Behind Facebook Messages_第1张图片

After going into production the continued the practice of shadowing the real production workload into the test cluster to test before going into production:


Storage Infrastructure Behind Facebook Messages_第2张图片

The list of scares and scars from Kannan:

·         Not without our share of scares and incidents:

o   s/w bugs. (e.g., deadlocks, incompatible LZO used for bulk imported data, etc.)

§  found a edge case bug in log recovery as recently as last week!

·         performance spikes every 6 hours (even off-peak)!

o   cleanup of HDFS’s Recycle bin was sub-optimal! Needed code and config fix.

·         transient rack switch failures

·         Zookeeper leader election took than 10 minutes when one member of the quorum died. Fixed in more recent version of ZK.

·         HDFS Namenode – SPOF

·         flapping servers (repeated failures)

·         Sometimes, tried things which hadn’t been tested in dark launch!

o   Added a rack of servers to help with performance issue

§  Pegged top of the rack network bandwidth!

§  Had to add the servers at much slower pace. Very manual .

§  Intelligent load balancing needed to make this more automated.

·         A high % of issues caught in shadow/stress testing

·         Lots of alerting mechanisms in place to detect failures cases

o   Automate recovery for a lots of common ones

o   Treat alerts on shadow cluster as hi-pri too!

·         Sharding service across multiple HBase cells also paid off


Kannan’s slides are posted at:

