add rd,rs,rt
addu rd,rs,rt
addi rt,rs,imm
addiu rt,rs,imm
sub rd,rs,rt
subu rd,rs,rt
nor rd,rs,rt
xori rt,rs,imm
clo rd, rs
clz rs,rs
slt rd,rs,rt
sltu rd,rs,rt
slti rt,rs,imm
sltiu rt,rs imm
blez rs,imm
j target
import os def readfile(filename): """read and store test file""" try: fobj = open(filename, 'r') except IOError, e: print "*** file open error:", e else: lines = [] for eachLine in fobj: lines.append(eachLine) fobj.close() return lines def writefile(filename, l): """write the file with the binary""" ls = os.linesep fobj = open(filename, 'w') fobj.writelines(['%s%s' % (x, ls) for x in l]) fobj.close() print 'DONE!' def splitOandD(inst): """split the op and data""" sinst = [] for x in inst: z = x.rstrip() y = z.split(' ', 1) sinst.append(y); return sinst def numtobin(num, count): """tran a num to binary""" s = (bin(num))[2:] ss = ((count - len(s)) * '0') + s return ss def regtobin(reg): """make a regs to binary""" regs = reg.lstrip() regnum = regs[1:] if((int)(regnum) <= 31 and (int)(regnum) >= 0): regb = numtobin((int)(regnum), 5) return regb else: print "***no regs: ", regs return regb def handle(ins): """handle the strings to regular binary code""" op = (str)(ins[0]) data = (str)(ins[1]) sdata = data.lstrip() dl = sdata.split(',') if op == "add": opcode = "000000" rd = regtobin(dl[0]) rs = regtobin(dl[1]) rt = regtobin(dl[2]) func = "100000" incode = opcode+rs+rt+rd+"00000"+func elif op == "addu": opcode = "000000" rd = regtobin(dl[0]) rs = regtobin(dl[1]) rt = regtobin(dl[2]) func = "100001" incode = opcode+rs+rt+rd+"00000"+func elif op == "addi": opcode = "001000" rt = regtobin(dl[0]) rs = regtobin(dl[1]) imm = numtobin((int)(dl[2]), 16) incode = opcode + rs + rt + imm elif op == "addiu": opcode = "001001" rt = regtobin(dl[0]) rs = regtobin(dl[1]) imm = numtobin((int)(dl[2]), 16) incode = opcode + rs + rt + imm elif op == "sub": opcode = "000000" rd = regtobin(dl[0]) rs = regtobin(dl[1]) rt = regtobin(dl[2]) func = "100010" incode = opcode+rs+rt+rd+"00000"+func elif op == "subu": opcode = "000000" rd = regtobin(dl[0]) rs = regtobin(dl[1]) rt = regtobin(dl[2]) func = "100011" incode = opcode+rs+rt+rd+"00000"+func elif op == "nor": opcode = "000000" rd = regtobin(dl[0]) rs = regtobin(dl[1]) rt = regtobin(dl[2]) func = "100111" incode = opcode+rs+rt+rd+"00000"+func elif op == "xori": opcode = "001110" rt = regtobin(dl[0]) rs = regtobin(dl[1]) imm = numtobin((int)(dl[2]), 16) incode = opcode + rs + rt + imm elif op == "clo": opcode = "011100" rd = regtobin(dl[0]) rs = regtobin(dl[1]) func = "100001" incode = opcode + rs + "00000" + rd + "00000" + func elif op == "clz": opcode = "011100" rd = regtobin(dl[0]) rs = regtobin(dl[1]) func = "100000" incode = opcode + rs + "00000" + rd + "00000" + func elif op == "slt": opcode = "000000" rd = regtobin(dl[0]) rs = regtobin(dl[1]) rt = regtobin(dl[2]) func = "101010" incode = opcode+rs+rt+rd+"00000"+func elif op == "sltu": opcode = "000000" rd = regtobin(dl[0]) rs = regtobin(dl[1]) rt = regtobin(dl[2]) func = "101011" incode = opcode+rs+rt+rd+"00000"+func elif op == "slti": opcode = "001010" rt = regtobin(dl[0]) rs = regtobin(dl[1]) imm = numtobin((int)(dl[2]), 16) incode = opcode + rs + rt + imm elif op == "sltiu": opcode = "001011" rt = regtobin(dl[0]) rs = regtobin(dl[1]) imm = numtobin((int)(dl[2]), 16) incode = opcode + rs + rt + imm elif op == "blez": opcode = "000110" rs = regtobin(dl[0]) imm = numtobin((int)(dl[1]), 16) incode = opcode + rs + "00000" + imm elif op == "j": opcode = "000010" imm = numtobin((int)(dl[0]), 26) incode = opcode + imm else: print "***Not Define: ", op return incode def main(): l = readfile("i.txt") s = splitOandD(l) b = [] print s for m in s: if m != ['']: print m b.append(handle(m)) writefile("o.txt", b) if __name__ == "__main__": main()
《Mips instruction Reference》