Flex itemRenderers (一)-- 内联itemRenderer




 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" layout="absolute" creationComplete="initApp()">
 <mx:XML id="testData" xmlns="">
      <author>Peter F. Hamilton</author>
      <title>Pandora's Star</title>
      <date>Dec 3, 2004</date>
   <author>Peter F. Hamilton</author>
      <title>Judas Unchained</title>
      <date>Feb 28, 2010</date>
  import mx.controls.Alert;
  import events.BuyBookEvent;
   * Initialize this application by adding an event listener for the BuyBookEvent
   * which will bubble up from the itemRenderer in the TileList and be caught here
  private function initApp() : void
   addEventListener( BuyBookEvent.BUY_BOOK, handleBuyBook );
   * Handles the BuyBookEvent. If you had your interface to a web service defined at
   * this level, bubbling the event up to here would make it easier to handle.
  private function handleBuyBook( event:BuyBookEvent ) : void
   Alert.show("You have selected '"+event.bookData.title+"' by "+event.bookData.author, "Buy This Book");
 <!-- Simple inline itemRenderer
 <mx:List x="29" y="67" dataProvider="{testData.book}" width="286" height="190">
    <mx:Label text="{data.author}: {data.title}" />
 <!-- More complex inline itemRenderer
 <mx:List x="372" y="67" width="351" height="190" variableRowHeight="true" dataProvider="{testData.book}">
    <mx:HBox >
     <mx:Image source="{data.image}" width="50" height="50" scaleContent="true" />
     <mx:Label text="{data.author}" width="125" />
     <mx:Text  text="{data.title}" width="100%" />
 <!-- A DataGrid with a complex, inline itemRenderer that overrides the set data function
      so special logic can be used within the itemRenderer.
 <mx:DataGrid x="29" y="303" width="694" height="190" dataProvider="{testData.book}" variableRowHeight="true">
   <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Pub Date" dataField="date" width="85" />
   <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Author" dataField="author" width="125"/>
   <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Title" dataField="title">
      <mx:HBox paddingLeft="2">
        override public function set data( value:Object ) : void {
         super.data = value;
         var today:Number = (new Date()).time;
         var pubDate:Number = Date.parse(data.date);
         if( pubDate > today ) setStyle("backgroundColor",0xff99ff);
         else setStyle("backgroundColor",0xffffff);
       <mx:Image source="{data.image}" width="50" height="50" scaleContent="true" />
       <mx:Text width="100%" text="{data.title}" />
 <!-- TileList with a complex inline itemRenderer that also dispatches a bubbling event.
 <mx:TileList x="29" y="542" width="694" dataProvider="{testData.book}" height="232" columnWidth="275" rowHeight="135" >
    <mx:HBox verticalAlign="top">
     <mx:Image source="{data.image}" />
     <mx:VBox height="115" verticalAlign="top" verticalGap="0">
      <mx:Text text="{data.title}" fontWeight="bold" width="100%"/>
      <mx:Spacer height="20" />
      <mx:Label text="{data.author}" />
      <mx:Label text="Available {data.date}" />
      <mx:Spacer height="100%" />
      <mx:HBox width="100%" horizontalAlign="right">
       <mx:Button label="Buy" fillColors="[0x99ff99,0x99ff99]">
         import events.BuyBookEvent;
         var e:BuyBookEvent = new BuyBookEvent();
         e.bookData = data;
