With the evolution in technology, software development has not only evolved but has also matured a lot. An undeniable fact is that technology can never be static because it has to accommodate the needs of the people who are associated with it. From whatever I have seen of the software world, I must admit that it is indeed a dynamic field. Like I always say, the technology is evolving constantly and sometimes it gets really difficult to keep up with the ongoing trends.
As a software developer, you cannot afford being left behind on the latest trends in the technology world. You have had your share of calm years in software development and as a developer you should be all set for the new roller coaster ride now. As per some recent researches, the software developer is expected to be the highest paid job in 2013. In order to reach the heights and stay ahead of other software developers, you must be aware and be ready for the skills and trends expected to rule the year 2013.
Tip : Web Design Trends in 2013
Let us take a look at the top 10 software development skills and trends you should watch out for.
Mobile usage is getting really big with every passing day. User of internet on various mobile devices has gained a lot of popularity in 2012 and is expected to surpass not only the use of desktop but also the mobile usage percentage in 2012. Web responsive websites have gained a lot of popularity solely because internet usage via mobile devices is getting popular. Developers should be able to develop websites for all high-tech devices such as Smartphones, IOS, Android, Blackberry and of course Window Mobiles. As a developer, you cannot ignore hundreds of mobile users and this is exactly why you should learn more about responsive designing and Mobile UI kits. As a software developer, in 2013, you must learn mobile development.
Developers should be aware of Agile principles as it is very important. Agile is basically a set of principles that will help you from project management to daily development. Despite being a general principle, Agile is slow and gradually affecting the way developers work and the way they communicate. You must acknowledge that waterfall approach is becoming outmoded. If you want superior software quality, agile methodology is the way to go. Also, with Agile, you can easily incorporate any required changes in your software.
As a developer if you do not know about Unit testing much, you must work on getting to learn about it. This tool is no longer an optional fancy enhancement but a must learn skill for developers. When it comes to Unit Testing, you can find a huge variety of tools and frameworks available. Start learning it because it will prove to be very beneficial for you in the year 2013.
Cloud computing is becoming an integral part of businesses’ daily operations. Could computing is basically making business processes a lot easier and expedient for business owners and of course clients as well. This proves that this software will be in high demand in the year 2013.
HTML5 is one of the most popular tools these days and its popularity is only expected to increase. Before HTML reaches to its boom, you should prepare yourself to embrace the boom with full HTML5 knowledge. If you want to be a part of the best generation of applications, learning HTML5 is a must for you. Mobile devices also support HTML5 completely so it will also help you in learning mobile development as well.
PHP has come a long way and has always been considered as a winner. However, the good thing is that Python and Ruby are finally making their way in the development industry. Ruby+Rails and Python+Django are great platforms when it comes to web development. Python and Ruby might not be perfect for all sorts of projects but yes, they can be counted an extra skill. Also, they can be helpful in a lot of projects. So, make sure that you take out some time for learning these skills.
Along with HTML5, CSS3 will also gain more popularity. With HTML5 and CSS3, you can get semantically coherent websites. CSS3 has a lot of great features to offer such as, downloadable custom fonts via font-face, RGBA colors, Gradient, multiple backgrounds, transition, transform and a lot more.
Responsive web designing is going to be the most important skill and every developer should know about it because of the growing popularity of internet usage on mobile devices. You should be able to design a page that is responsive to various resolutions and of course different screen sizes. As a developer you should be able to design a website that is suitable for all browsers and devices.
JavaScript is now very important for desktop and tablet development especially after Windows8 release. With the combination of HTML5 and Javascript, you can really do good in web development. Apart from JavaScript, jQuery is a must know skill if you are working using HTML5. You may find some good alternatives for jQuery as well however, jQuery is the best, for now. Your basic purpose should be mastering more than a single programming language.
These days most of the mobile devices are GPS integrated which is exactly why foursquare and Facebook check-ins have gained a lot of popularity. From this, you can have an idea that location based softwares are a lot popular among the public. Learn more about the location based software development as it will be among the popular things in 2013 as well.
The above mentioned are only a few skills and trends that are expected to be very popular and in-demand in 2013. We would really like to hear your thoughts on skills and trends developers should watch out for in 2013. Feel free to share the skills you think are going to be a hit for developers in 2013.
(里面翻译的Web开发者应该改为开发者,范围不仅限于Web Developer)