Open Source Software

proprietary: 财产,专有
confidential: 机密
relinquish: 放弃,交出
infringe: 侵犯
infringement: 违反
monetary: 货币的
attorney: 律师
indemnity: 保障,赔偿
obligation: 义务,条款,合同
be perceived as: 被认为 

1. Overview
 a. key features of OSS
 b. OSS licensing arrangements
 c. risk of using OSS
 d. guidelines of using OSS

2. Open Source: A Primer
 1) OSS is a kind of software that
  a. the source code should be freely obtainable, OR
  b. the software should be licensed for the purpose of allowing others to make modifications/derivative works, OR
  c. the software should be redistributable for no change(free).
 2) OSS characteristics:
  a. Allows free redistribution
  b. source code available
  c. allows derivative works
  d. preserves the integrity of the author's source code
  e. does not discriminate against persons or groups
  f. does not discriminate against fields of endeavor
  g. distributable along with the source
  h. not product-specific
  i. software-neutral
  j. technologicall-neutral  

3) OSS is also known as "Publicly Available Software"
  a. OSS is freely redistributable
  b. the source code is available and can be modified
  c. the Open Source license MUST be destributed with the source code

3. Open source Licenses  (GPL and LGPL licenses: )
 1). OSS liscensing impacts:
  use, modification, maintenance, distribution of the software and its derivates, cost to distribute the software, Intellectual Property Rights(IPR)
 2). Modification, Recompilation, Redistribution, Integration
 3). copyright conditions include:
  a. protection by the US and foreign copyright laws
  b. existence of a copyright of author upon creation of the software
  c. copyright notices, made by placing a copyright statement on or in the OSS
  d. right claim your contribution to the work as a "Work of Authorship"
  e. need for permission of the author(s) to make and distribute copies, and create derivative works
 4). Key License Terms
  a. Grant* (授予,给予)
  b. Warranty* (授权)
  c. Indemnification* (保障,赔偿物)
  d. Support
  e. Cost
  f. Non-Assert* (不主张)

 5). GPL
  Imposes not restrictions on internal use of the software
   a. restriction are triggered in "public" distribution
   b. distribution to affiliates in different countries must be examined on a case by case basis.
   c. Assuming GPL licensced program "A" and a newly written code "B" which cuts and pastes portions of A to either
   (i) work with A, or
   (ii) work independent of A,
   then, generally, A+B=A', where A' must be licensed under the GPL per the GPL
   Viral nature:
    - Recursive
    - GPL, Section 0; GPL, Section 6
 6). LGPL
  - Often used in user space/application
  - Often used as an Open Source implemetation for sorftware library in user space
  - LGPL's library sources must still be provided or made available when the libraries are distributed
 7). BSD
  - there is no requirements for distribution of any source code as part of a binary distribution (whether derivative or not).
   - there is no risk of exposure of proprietary source code
   - this license is perceived as more firendly to commercial use.     

 8). MySQL - dual licenses (GPL & Commercial License)

4. Riskes of Open Source Software
 1) OSS risk
  a. Contamination / viral effect
  b. Limited warranty and support

5. Integrating OSSM with Software Development
 1) Potential Problem Areas
  a. IP protection
  b. License obligations
  c. Process adherence
 2) apporach
  a. adding process controls
  b. performing scrubs for IP problems
  c. logging and resolving defects
  d. reporting status


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