net-snmp API


net-snmp API分为两种,一种叫传统API(Traditional API),一种叫单个API(Single API)。早期的neet-snmp没有考虑到多线程的问题,所有的会话共享同一个资源,这些就是传统API,后来支持多线程的就叫做单个API。Single API是线程安全的。


APDU    Application Protocol Data Unit

Session  Concept embodying the management of transacting SNMP APDUs.

下面先列出Traditional API和Single API之间主要的区别:
The functions in the following table are functionally equivalent,
with the exception of these behaviors:
- The Traditional API manages many sessions
- The Traditional API passes a struct snmp_session pointer,
       and touches the Sessions list
- The Single API manages only one session
- The Single API passes an opaque pointer, and does not use Sessions list

Traditional               Single                    Comment

  ===========        ==============            =======

  snmp_sess_init     snmp_sess_init            Call before either open

  snmp_open          snmp_sess_open            Single not on Sessions lists

                     snmp_sess_session         Exposes snmp_session pointer

  snmp_send          snmp_sess_send            Send one APDU

  snmp_async_send    snmp_sess_async_send      Send one APDU with callback

  snmp_select_info   snmp_sess_select_info     Which session(s) have input

  snmp_read          snmp_sess_read            Read APDUs

  snmp_timeout       snmp_sess_timeout         Check for timeout

  snmp_close         snmp_sess_close           Single not on Sessions list

 snmp_synch_response snmp_sess_synch_response  Send/receive one APDU

  snmp_error         snmp_sess_error           Get library,system errno


/** @struct snmp_session  * The snmp session structure.  */

struct snmp_session {

    /*   * Protocol-version independent fields   */

    /** snmp version */

    long            version;

    /** Number of retries before timeout. */

    int             retries;

    /** Number of uS until first timeout, then exponential backoff */

    long            timeout;       

    u_long          flags;

    struct snmp_session *subsession;

    struct snmp_session *next;

    /** name or address of default peer (may include transport specifier and/or port number) */

    char           *peername;

    /** UDP port number of peer. (NO LONGER USED - USE peername INSTEAD) */

    u_short         remote_port;

    /** My Domain name or dotted IP address, 0 for default */

    char           *localname;

    /** My UDP port number, 0 for default, picked randomly */

    u_short         local_port;    

    /**  * Authentication function or NULL if null authentication is used s */

    u_char         *(*authenticator) (u_char *, size_t *, u_char *, size_t);

    /** Function to interpret incoming data */

    netsnmp_callback callback;     

    /** * Pointer to data that the callback function may consider important */

    void           *callback_magic;

    /** copy of system errno */

    int             s_errno;

    /** copy of library errno */

    int             s_snmp_errno;  

    /** Session id - AgentX only */

    long            sessid;

    /* * SNMPv1 & SNMPv2c fields */

    /** community for outgoing requests. */

    u_char         *community;

    /** Length of community name. */

    size_t          community_len; 

    /**  Largest message to try to receive.  */

    size_t          rcvMsgMaxSize;

    /**  Largest message to try to send.  */

    size_t          sndMsgMaxSize; 

    /* * SNMPv3 fields */

    /** are we the authoritative engine? */

    u_char          isAuthoritative;

    /** authoritative snmpEngineID */

    u_char         *contextEngineID;

    /** Length of contextEngineID */

    size_t          contextEngineIDLen;    

    /** initial engineBoots for remote engine */

    u_int           engineBoots;

    /** initial engineTime for remote engine */

    u_int           engineTime;

    /** authoritative contextName */

    char           *contextName;

    /** Length of contextName */

    size_t          contextNameLen;

    /** authoritative snmpEngineID */

    u_char         *securityEngineID;

    /** Length of contextEngineID */

    size_t          securityEngineIDLen;   

    /** on behalf of this principal */

    char           *securityName;

    /** Length of securityName. */

    size_t          securityNameLen;

    /** auth protocol oid */

    oid            *securityAuthProto;

    /** Length of auth protocol oid */

    size_t          securityAuthProtoLen;

    /** Ku for auth protocol XXX */

    u_char          securityAuthKey[USM_AUTH_KU_LEN];      

    /** Length of Ku for auth protocol */

    size_t          securityAuthKeyLen;

    /** Kul for auth protocol */

    u_char          *securityAuthLocalKey;      

    /** Length of Kul for auth protocol XXX */

    size_t          securityAuthLocalKeyLen;      

    /** priv protocol oid */

    oid            *securityPrivProto;

    /** Length of priv protocol oid */

    size_t          securityPrivProtoLen;

    /** Ku for privacy protocol XXX */

    u_char          securityPrivKey[USM_PRIV_KU_LEN];      

    /** Length of Ku for priv protocol */

    size_t          securityPrivKeyLen;

    /** Kul for priv protocol */

    u_char          *securityPrivLocalKey;      

    /** Length of Kul for priv protocol XXX */

    size_t          securityPrivLocalKeyLen;      

    /** snmp security model, v1, v2c, usm */

    int             securityModel;

    /** noAuthNoPriv, authNoPriv, authPriv */

    int             securityLevel; 

    /** target param name */

    char           *paramName;

    /**  * security module specific */

    void           *securityInfo;

    /** * transport specific configuration */

   struct netsnmp_container_s *transport_configuration;

   /**  * use as you want data  *  used by 'SNMP_FLAGS_RESP_CALLBACK' handling in the agent

     * XXX: or should we add a new field into this structure? */

    void           *myvoid;


这里面记录了我们发一个snmp APDUs所需要的重要信息,比如本地机和远程机的端口,名字,community string, timeout值,errorno,retries等等,参考一下Readme.thread,可以动态的修改session里面的参数。

After the struct snmp_session is setup, the thread must call snmp_sess_open() to create an SNMP session.  If at any time the thread must change the Session configuration, snmp_sess_session() returns the pointer to the internal configuration structure (a struct snmp_session, copied from snmp_sess_open).

The thread can adjust parameters such as the session timeout  or the community string with this returned struct snmp_session pointer. Changes to the remote or local port values have no effect on an opened Session.




if (!(hs->sess = snmp_open(&sess))) {


netsnmp_session *
snmp_open(netsnmp_session *session)
    struct session_list *slp;
    slp = (struct session_list *) snmp_sess_open(session);  //调用singleAPI创建
    if (!slp) {
        return NULL;
    snmp_res_lock(MT_LIBRARY_ID, MT_LIB_SESSION); //这个函数是唬人的,根本没锁
    slp->next = Sessions;//在snmp_api.c开头定义全局变量struct session_list *Sessions = NULL;   /* MT_LIB_SESSION */
    Sessions = slp;  //添加到共享的Sessions链上
    snmp_res_unlock(MT_LIBRARY_ID, MT_LIB_SESSION);//同样是唬人的s
    return (slp->session);


/* add in recent resource lock functions (not complete) */


 * snmp_send             - traditional API, no callback
 * snmp_async_send       - traditional API, with callback(异步方式)
 * snmp_sess_send        - single session API, no callback
 * snmp_sess_async_send  - single session API, with callback(异步方式)


int snmp_async_send(netsnmp_session * session,
            netsnmp_pdu *pdu, snmp_callback callback, void *cb_data)
    void           *sessp = snmp_sess_pointer(session);
    return snmp_sess_async_send(sessp, pdu, callback, cb_data);


        int fds = 0, block = 1;
        fd_set fdset;
        struct timeval timeout;
        snmp_select_info(&fds, &fdset, &timeout, &block);
        fds = select(fds, &fdset, NULL, NULL, block ? NULL : &timeout);
        if (fds < 0) {
            perror("select failed");
        if (fds) snmp_read(&fdset);
        else snmp_timeout();

因为输入timeout没有定义,block为1,那么输出后timeout值为0,block值被设为0 s

 * Structure for holding a set of file descriptors, similar to fd_set.
 * This structure however can hold so-called large file descriptors
 * (>= FD_SETSIZE or 1024) on Unix systems or more than FD_SETSIZE (64)
 * sockets on Windows systems.
 * It is safe to allocate this structure on the stack.
 * This structure must be initialized by calling netsnmp_large_fd_set_init()
 * and must be cleaned up via netsnmp_large_fd_set_cleanup(). If this last
 * function is not called this may result in a memory leak.
 * The members of this structure are:
 * lfs_setsize: maximum set size.
 * lsf_setptr:  points to lfs_set if lfs_setsize <= FD_SETSIZE, and otherwise
 *              to dynamically allocated memory.
 * lfs_set:     file descriptor / socket set data if lfs_setsize <= FD_SETSIZE.
typedef struct netsnmp_large_fd_set_s {
    unsigned        lfs_setsize;
    fd_set         *lfs_setptr;
    fd_set          lfs_set;
} netsnmp_large_fd_set;

