几个月前写过一个dnspod脚本,也是用来自动更新动态IP地址到DNSPOD解析顶级域名。周末闲着无聊,重新写了个脚本,在原来的基础上增加了一些功能,比如批量创建,批量更新,批量删除。脚本兼容支持centos, ubuntu这些使用bash的版本,也支持集成busybox的轻量发行版,如openwrt, ddwrt, tomato.但本人只在openwrt, centos和ubuntu上测试过。下面说下使用方法,首先你得有一个顶级域名并已转到dnspod解析,这步就省略了。
下载lino-dnspod或复制脚本内容到任意目录,保存为lino-dnspod, 推荐放在/usr/bin/下面,这样,直接输入文件名即可运行。复制粘贴时要注意dnspod的线路值“默认”,如果你的putty没有选择UTF-8,会导致粘贴后“默认”两字乱码。
email='[email protected]' password='password' sub_domains='www ftp test'
lino-dnspod -C zhetenger.com
然后执行创建记录的命令lino-dnspod -c zhetenger.com &
openwrt的用户可以把下面的脚本拷贝到/etc/init.d/下面,保存为dnspod,然后chmod 755 /etc/init.d/dnspod
#!/bin/sh /etc/rc.common # Copyright (C) 2006-2011 OpenWrt.org START=60 start() { lino-dnspod -u zhetenger.com & } stop() { killall lino-dnspod }
然后,/etc/init.d/lino-dnspod enable
创建域名命令lino-dnspod -C example.com
创建记录命令lino-dnspod -c example.com
删除记录命令lino-dnspod -r example.com
更新记录命令lino-dnspod -u example.com
#!/bin/sh #written by benson huang #[email protected] curl_status=`which curl 2>/dev/null` [ -n "$curl_status" ] || { echo "curl is not installed";exit 3; } #dnspod帐号名 email='[email protected]' #dnspod密码 password='xxxxxxx' sub_domains='www ftp @' API_url="https://dnsapi.cn" pub_ip_addr=$(curl -s http://checkip.dyndns.com | sed -n 's/.*: \([0-9]\{1,3\}\.[0-9]\{1,3\}\.[0-9]\{1,3\}\.[0-9]\{1,3\}\).*/\1/p') format='json' lang='en' record_type='A' offset="2" length="" os=$(uname -a | egrep -io 'openwrt' | tr [A-Z] [a-z]) shared_data="login_email=$email&login_password=$password&format=$format&lang=$lang&" PROGRAM=$(basename $0) #check for changed ip every 300 seconds wait=300 getJsonValue(){ params="$1" echo $json_data | sed 's/\\\\\//\//g' | sed 's/[{}]//g;s/\(\[\|\]\)//g' |\ awk -F ',' '{ for (i=1;i<=NF;i++) { print $i }}' |\ sed 's/":/\|/g;s/"//g' |\ awk -v k="$params" -F'|' '{ if ($(NF - 1) == k ) print $NF }' } getDomainId() { local json_data=`curl -k -A 'xddns' $API_url/Domain.info -d ${shared_data}domain=$domainname` getJsonValue id } getRecordId() { for sub_domain in $sub_domains;do local json_data json_data=$(curl -k -A 'xddns' $API_url/Record.List -d\ "${shared_data}record_type=$record_type&domain_id=$domain_id&sub_domain=${sub_domain}&offset=${offset}&length=${length}") #check if record type is NS IS_NS=$(getJsonValue type | grep -o 'NS' | head -n1) #if there are 3 @ subdomains, get the non-NS record id only if [ "$IS_NS" = "NS" ];then numofline=$(getJsonValue id | sed '/^[0-9]\{7\}$/d' | wc -l) [ $numofline -eq 3 ] && tmp_result_id="$(getJsonValue id | sed '/^[0-9]\{7\}$/d' | head -n1 )" || continue else tmp_result_id="$(getJsonValue id | sed '/^[0-9]\{7\}$/d')" fi #if result_id is not empty or unset, append a space to split record id result_id="${result_id:+${result_id} }${tmp_result_id}" done echo $result_id exit } createDomain() { curl -k -A 'xddns' $API_url/Domain.Create -d ${shared_data}domain=$domainname exit } createRecord() { for sub_domain in $sub_domains;do local extra_data="&domain_id=$domain_id&sub_domain=$sub_domain&record_type=$record_type&record_line=默认&value=${pub_ip_addr}" curl -k -A 'xddns' $API_url/Record.Create -d $shared_data"$extra_data" done } updateRecord() { local record_id_list=`getRecordId` tmp_sub_domains=${sub_domains} for record_id in $record_id_list;do sub_domain=$(echo $tmp_sub_domains | awk '{ print $1 }') tmp_sub_domains=${tmp_sub_domains#* } local extra_data="&domain_id=$domain_id&sub_domain=${sub_domain}\ &record_type=${record_type}&record_line=默认&value=${pub_ip_addr}&record_id=$record_id" curl -k -A 'xddns' $API_url/Record.Modify -d $shared_data"$extra_data" done } removeRecord(){ read -p "list the subdomains to be deleted " subdomain sub_domains="$subdomain" for sub_domain in $sub_domains;do record_id=`getRecordId` local extra_data="&domain_id=$domain_id&record_id=$record_id" curl -k -A 'xddns' $API_url/Record.Remove -d $shared_data"$extra_data" done exit } checkip() { oldip=$pub_ip_addr newip=$(curl -s http://checkip.dyndns.com | sed -n 's/.*: \([0-9]\{1,3\}\.[0-9]\{1,3\}\.[0-9]\{1,3\}\.[0-9]\{1,3\}\).*/\1/p') if [ "$newip" != "$oldip" ];then oldip="$newip" return 8 else return 3 fi } if [ $# -ne 2 ];then echo "usage:$PROGRAM |-c create record|-r remove records|-C create new domain|-m modify record | -bc create a batch of records DOMAIN [eg.example.com]" exit 3 fi [ -n "$2" ] && domainname=$2 domain_id=`getDomainId $domainname` case $1 in -c)createRecord $domainname;; -r)removeRecord $domainname;; -u)updateRecord $domainname;; -C)createDomain $domainname;; -i)getRecordId $domainname;; *) echo "no such option"; exit 3;; esac while [ 1 ];do checkip if [ $? -eq 8 ];then pub_ip_addr="$newip" updateRecord fi sleep $wait done