转自:http://jsfiddle.net/cn172/w2Mct/ (可直接看效果)
<div id="modelBound"> Input 1: <input data-role="simplewidget" data-bind="value: simpleValue, events: { buttonclick: onSomeButtonClick }" /><br /> Input 2: <input data-role="simplewidget" data-bind="value: simpleValue, events: { buttonclick: onSomeButtonClick" /><br /> Input 3: <input data-role="simplewidget" data-bind="value: simpleValue2, events: { buttonclick: onSomeButtonClick" /><br /> </div> <div id="eventsData" />
(function ($) { var kendo = window.kendo, ui = kendo.ui, Widget = ui.Widget, CHANGE = "change", BUTTONCLICK = "buttonclick", BLUR = "blur", ns = ".kendoSimpleWidget"; var SimpleWidget = Widget.extend({ // Kendo calls this method when a new widget is created init: function (element, options) { var that = this; Widget.fn.init.call(this, element, options); //Create a blur event handler. element = that.element .on(BLUR + ns, $.proxy(that._blur, that)); //Create the DOM elements to build the widget that._create(); //Set the value from the options.value setting, if it was called with a static value if (options.value) { that.value(options.value); } }, //List of all options supported and default values options: { name: "SimpleWidget", value: null, width: "150px;", iconclass: "k-i-search", }, //Convenience method to set the value of the control externally //Useful for event handlers in dependent methods to be able to //set the control's value and have it propogate to the MVVM subscribers set: function (value) { var that = this; if (that._old != value) { //It is different, update the value that._update(value); //Capture the new value for future change detection that._old = value; // trigger the external change event to notify subscribers that.trigger(CHANGE); } }, //MVVM framework calls 'value' when the viewmodel 'value' binding changes value: function(value) { var that = this; if (value === undefined) { return that._value; } that._update(value); that._old = that._value; }, //Export the events the control can fire events: [CHANGE, BUTTONCLICK], // this function creates each of the UI elements and appends them to the element // that was selected out of the DOM for this widget _create: function () { // cache a reference to this var that = this; // setup the icon var template = kendo.template(that._templates.icon); that.icon = $(template(that.options)); // setup the textbox template = kendo.template(that._templates.textbox); that.textbox = $(template(that.options)); that.icon.on("click", $.proxy(that._buttonclick, that)); // append all elements to the DOM that.element.attr("name", that.options.name); that.element.addClass("k-input"); that.element.css("width", "100%"); that.element.wrap(that.textbox); that.element.after(that.icon); }, //Fire the external event: buttonclick _buttonclick: function (element) { var that = this; that.trigger(BUTTONCLICK, { element: element }); return that; }, //HTML for the templates that comprise the widget _templates: { textbox: "<span style='width: #: width #px;' class='k-widget k-datepicker k-header tb'><span class='k-picker-wrap k-state-default'></span></span>", icon: "<span unselectable='on' class='k-select' role='button'><span unselectable='on' class='k-icon #: iconclass #'>select</span></span>" }, //blur event handler - primary UI change detection entry point _blur: function () { var that = this; that._change(that.element.val()); }, //Update the internals of 'value' _update: function (value) { var that = this; that._value = value; that.element.val(value); }, _change: function (value) { var that = this; //Determine if the value is different than it was before if (that._old != value) { //It is different, update the value that._update(value); //Capture the new value for future change detection that._old = value; // trigger the external change that.trigger(CHANGE); } } }); ui.plugin(SimpleWidget); })(jQuery); var viewModel = kendo.observable({ simpleValue : 'StartValue', simpleValue2 : 'Third box', onSomeButtonClick: function(e) { $('#eventsData').append("Lookup button clicked! Value:" + e.sender.value() + "<br />"); } }); kendo.bind( $("#modelBound"), viewModel);