设模式串的长度为m,文本的长度为n,使用后缀数组做文本匹配,如果只用后缀表suftab和折半查找算法的复杂度为O(m*logn); 如果使用最长公共前缀表lcptab和折半查找算法,复杂度可以降至O(m+logn);使用增强型后缀数组(ESA)表childtab,复杂度为O(m)。本文使用复杂度为O(m)的算法,在匹配之前要求先构造SA(下面采用DC3算法构造后缀数组),然后计算出后缀数组的suftab,lcptab和childtab。由于通过childtab可以在O(1)时间复杂度内找到每一个lcp-interval的所有child-interval,因此这跟后缀树的自顶向下匹配模式串的算法复杂度相当;进一步通过lcp-interval可以很容易地得到z个匹配子串的起始位置,复杂度为O(m+z)。
import java.util.Stack; /** * * * finding all z occurrences of a pattern with suftab,lcptab and childtab * (m: the length of pattern, n: the length of text) * time complexity: O(m+z) * * (The suffix array is constructed with DC3 algorithm) * * * Copyright (c) 2011 ljs (http://blog.csdn.net/ljsspace/) * Licensed under GPL (http://www.opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php) * * @author ljs * 2011-07-28 * */ public class ESAPatternMatch { private String text; private int[] suftab; private int[] lcptable; private int[] childtab; private int len; public ESAPatternMatch(String text){ this.text = text; this.len = text.length(); childtab=new int[len]; for(int i=0;i<len;i++){ childtab[i] = -1; } } public static final char MAX_CHAR = '\u00FF'; class Suffix{ int[] sa; //Note: the p-th suffix in sa: SA[rank[p]-1]]; //p is the index of the array "rank", start with 0; //a text S's p-th suffix is S[p..n], n=S.length-1. int[] rank; boolean done; public Suffix(int[] sa,int[] rank){ this.sa = sa; this.rank = rank; } } //a prefix of suffix[isuffix] represented with digits class Tuple{ int isuffix; //the p-th suffix int[] digits; public Tuple(int suffix,int[] digits){ this.isuffix = suffix; this.digits = digits; } public String toString(){ StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append(isuffix); sb.append("("); for(int i=0;i<digits.length;i++){ sb.append(digits[i]); if(i<digits.length-1) sb.append("-"); } sb.append(")"); return sb.toString(); } } //d: the digit to do countingsort //max: A value's range is 0...max private void countingSort(int d,Tuple[] tA,Tuple[] tB,int max){ //init the counter array int[] C = new int[max+1]; for(int i=0;i<=max;i++){ C[i] = 0; } //stat the count for(int j=0;j<tA.length;j++){ C[tA[j].digits[d]]++; } //process the counter array C for(int i=1;i<=max;i++){ C[i]+=C[i-1]; } //distribute the values for(int j=tA.length-1;j>=0;j--){ //C[A[j]] <= A.length tB[--C[tA[j].digits[d]]]=tA[j]; } } //tA: input //tB: output for rank caculation private void radixSort(Tuple[] tA,Tuple[] tB,int max,int digitsLen){ int len = tA.length; int digitsTotalLen = tA[0].digits.length; for(int d=digitsTotalLen-1,j=0;j<digitsLen;d--,j++){ this.countingSort(d, tA, tB, max); //assign tB to tA if(j<digitsLen-1){ for(int i=0;i<len;i++){ tA[i] = tB[i]; } } } } //max is the maximum value in any digit of TA.digits[], used for counting sort //tA: input //tB: the place holder, reused between iterations private Suffix rank(Tuple[] tA,Tuple[] tB,int max,int digitsLen){ int len = tA.length; radixSort(tA,tB,max,digitsLen); int digitsTotalLen = tA[0].digits.length; //caculate rank and sa int[] sa = new int[len]; sa[0] = tB[0].isuffix; int[] rank = new int[len+2]; //add 2 for sentinel rank[len]=1;rank[len+1] = 1; int r = 1; //rank starts with 1 rank[tB[0].isuffix] = r; for(int i=1;i<len;i++){ sa[i] = tB[i].isuffix; boolean equalLast = true; for(int j=digitsTotalLen-digitsLen;j<digitsTotalLen;j++){ if(tB[i].digits[j]!=tB[i-1].digits[j]){ equalLast = false; break; } } if(!equalLast){ r++; } rank[tB[i].isuffix] = r; } Suffix suffix = new Suffix(sa,rank); //judge if we are done if(r==len){ suffix.done = true; }else{ suffix.done = false; } return suffix; } private int[] orderSuffixes(Tuple[] tA,Tuple[] tB,int max,int digitsLen){ int len = tA.length; radixSort(tA,tB,max,digitsLen); //caculate rank and sa int[] sa = new int[len]; for(int i=0;i<len;i++){ sa[i] = tB[i].isuffix; } return sa; } //rank needs sentinel: len+2 private Suffix reduce(int[] rank,int max){ int len = rank.length - 2; int n1 = (len+1)/3; int n2 = len/3; Tuple[] tA = new Tuple[n1+n2]; Tuple[] tB = new Tuple[n1+n2]; for(int i=0,j=1;i<n1;i++,j+=3){ int r1 = rank[j]; int r2 = rank[j+1]; int r3 = rank[j+2]; tA[i] = new Tuple(i,new int[]{r1,r2,r3}); } for(int i=n1,j=2;i<n1+n2;i++,j+=3){ int r1 = rank[j]; int r2 = rank[j+1]; int r3 = rank[j+2]; tA[i] = new Tuple(i,new int[]{r1,r2,r3}); } return rank(tA,tB,max,3); } private int[] skew(int[] rank,int max){ int len = rank.length - 2; //step 1: caculate sa12 Suffix suffixT12 = reduce(rank,max); int[] sa12 = null; if(!suffixT12.done){ int[] rankT12 = suffixT12.rank; int maxT12 = rankT12[suffixT12.sa[suffixT12.sa.length-1]]; sa12 = skew(rankT12,maxT12); // debug for string: GACCCACCACC# //s12 = new Suffix(); //s12.rank = new int[]{3,6,5,4,7,2,1,1,1}; //s12.sa = new int[]{7,6,5,0,3,2,1,4}; //s12.done =true; }else{ sa12 = suffixT12.sa; } //index conversion for sa12 int n1 = (len+1)/3; for(int j=0;j<sa12.length;j++){ if(sa12[j]<n1){ sa12[j] = 1 + 3*sa12[j]; }else{ sa12[j] = 2 + 3*(sa12[j]-n1); } } //recaculate rank for sa12 int[] rank12 = new int[len+2]; rank12[len] = 1;rank12[len+1] = 1; for(int k=0;k<sa12.length;k++){ rank12[sa12[k]] = k+1; } //step 2: caculate sa0 int n0=(len+2)/3; Tuple[] tA = new Tuple[n0]; Tuple[] tB = new Tuple[n0]; for(int i=0,j=0;i<n0;i++,j+=3){ int r1 = rank[j]; int r2 = rank12[j+1]; tA[i] = new Tuple(i,new int[]{r1,r2}); } int max12 = rank12[sa12[sa12.length-1]]; int[] sa0 = orderSuffixes(tA,tB,max<max12?max12:max,2); //index conversion for sa0 for(int j=0;j<n0;j++){ sa0[j] = 3*sa0[j]; } //step 3: merge sa12 and sa0 int[] sa = new int[len]; int i=0,j=0; int k=0; while(i<sa12.length && j<sa0.length){ int p = sa12[i]; int q = sa0[j]; if(p%3==1){ //case 1 if(rank[p]<rank[q]){ sa[k++] = p;i++; }else if(rank[p]>rank[q]){ sa[k++] = q;j++; }else{ if(rank12[p+1]<rank12[q+1]){ sa[k++] = p;i++; }else{ sa[k++] = q;j++; } } }else{ //case 2 if(rank[p]<rank[q]){ sa[k++] = p;i++; }else if(rank[p]>rank[q]){ sa[k++] = q;j++; }else{ if(rank[p+1]<rank[q+1]){ sa[k++] = p;i++; }else if(rank[p+1]>rank[q+1]){ sa[k++] = q;j++; }else{ if(rank12[p+2]<rank12[q+2]){ sa[k++] = p;i++; }else{ sa[k++] = q;j++; } } } } } for(int m=i;m<sa12.length;m++){ sa[k++] = sa12[m]; } for(int m=j;m<sa0.length;m++){ sa[k++] = sa0[m]; } return sa; } //Precondition: the last char in text must be less than other chars. public Suffix DC3(String text) throws Exception{ if(text == null)return null; int len = text.length(); if(len == 0) return null; char base = text.charAt(len-1); //the smallest char Tuple[] tA = new Tuple[len]; Tuple[] tB = new Tuple[len]; //placeholder for(int i=0;i<len;i++){ int delta=text.charAt(i)-base; if(delta<0) throw new Exception("invalid input: last char must be the smallest one."); tA[i] = new Tuple(i,new int[]{0,delta}); } Suffix suffix = rank(tA,tB,MAX_CHAR-base,1); int max = suffix.rank[suffix.sa[len-1]]; int[] sa = skew(suffix.rank,max); //caculate rank for result suffix array int[] r = new int[len]; for(int k=0;k<sa.length;k++){ r[sa[k]] = k+1; } return new Suffix(sa,r); } //rank[p]'s index starts with 1 (not 0) public int[] computeLCPTable(String text,int[] sa,int[] rank){ if(text == null)return null; int len = text.length(); if(len == 0) return null; int[] lcpz = new int[len]; //base case: p=0 //caculate LCP of suffix[0] int lcp = 0; int r = rank[0]-1; if(r>0){ int q=sa[r-1]; //caculate LCP by definition for(int i=0,j=q;i<len && j<len;i++,j++){ if(text.charAt(i) != text.charAt(j)){ lcp=i; break; } } } lcpz[0] = lcp; //other cases: p>=1 //ignore p == sa[0] because LCP=0 for suffix[p] where rank[p]=0 for(int p=1;p<len && p != sa[0];p++){ int h = lcpz[p-1]; int q=sa[rank[p]-2]; lcp = 0; if(h>1){ //for h<=1, caculate LCP by definition (i.e. start with lcp=0) //jump h-1 chars for suffix[p] and suffix[q] lcp = h-1; } for(int i=p+lcp,j=q+lcp,k=0;i<len && j<len;i++,j++,k++){ if(text.charAt(i) != text.charAt(j)){ lcp+=k; break; } } lcpz[p] = lcp; } //caculate LCP int[] LCP = new int[len]; for(int i=0;i<len;i++){ LCP[i] = lcpz[sa[i]]; } return LCP; } public void buildChildtab(){ //step 1: caculate up and down value Stack<Integer> stack = new Stack<Integer>(); int lastIndex = -1; stack.push(0); for(int i=1;i<len;i++){ while(lcptable[i]<lcptable[stack.peek()]){ lastIndex = stack.pop(); int next = stack.peek(); if(lcptable[i]<=lcptable[next] && lcptable[next] != lcptable[lastIndex]){ childtab[next] = lastIndex; } } if(lastIndex != -1){ childtab[i-1] = lastIndex; lastIndex = -1; } stack.push(i); } //process remaining elements while(0<lcptable[stack.peek()]){ lastIndex = stack.pop(); int next = stack.peek(); if(0<=lcptable[next] && lcptable[next] != lcptable[lastIndex]){ childtab[next] = lastIndex; } } //step 2: caculate nextLIndex stack.clear(); stack.push(0); for(int i=1;i<len;i++){ while(lcptable[i]<lcptable[stack.peek()]){ stack.pop(); } if(lcptable[i] == lcptable[stack.peek()]){ lastIndex = stack.pop(); childtab[lastIndex] = i; } stack.push(i); } } //get i's up value; otherwise return -1 private int getUpValue(int i){ int up = -1; if(i>=1 && lcptable[i-1]>lcptable[i]){ up = childtab[i-1];//up value } return up; } //get i's down value; otherwise return -1 private int getDownValue(int i){ int down = -1; if(childtab[i]>-1 && lcptable[childtab[i]] > lcptable[i]){ down = childtab[i]; //down value } return down; } //get the i's next L-index value; otherwise return -1 private int getNextLIndexValue(int i){ int nextLIndex = -1; if(i<len-1 && getUpValue(i+1)==-1 && getDownValue(i)==-1){ //neither down value nor up value nextLIndex = childtab[i]; } return nextLIndex; } //i and j is an lcp-interval private int getlcp(int i,int j){ if(i==j) return lcptable[i]; int up = -1; if(j+1<len){ up = getUpValue(j+1); } if(up>i && up<=j){ return lcptable[up]; }else{ int down = getDownValue(i); if(down>-1) return lcptable[down]; else return 0; } } private int getFirstLIndex(int i,int j){ int up = -1; if(j+1<len){ up = getUpValue(j+1); } int i1 = -1; if(up>i && up<=j){ i1 = up; }else{ i1 = getDownValue(i); } if(i1==-1){ //accommodate: i's doesn't belong to an lcp-interval i1 = getNextLIndexValue(i); } return i1; } //find the child-interval or singleton interval starting with char c //return null if not found //i and j is the parent lcp-interval private int[] getMatchedInterval(int i,int j,char c){ int lcp = getlcp(i,j); int[] interval = null; int i1 = getFirstLIndex(i,j); //i..i1-1 interval = getMatchedChildInterval(i,i1-1,c,lcp); if(interval != null) return interval; int nextLIndex = -1; while((nextLIndex = getNextLIndexValue(i1)) != -1){ int i2 = nextLIndex; interval = getMatchedChildInterval(i1,i2-1,c,lcp); if(interval != null) return interval; i1 = i2; } interval = getMatchedChildInterval(i1,j,c,lcp); return interval; } private int[] getMatchedChildInterval(int i,int j,char c,int lcp){ int[] interval = null; if(i==j){ //singleton interval if(text.charAt(this.suftab[i]+lcp)==c){ interval = new int[]{getlcp(i,i),i,j}; } }else{ if(text.charAt(this.suftab[i+1]+lcp)==c){ interval = new int[]{getlcp(i,j),i,j}; } } return interval; } public void enhanceSA() throws Exception{ //prepare suftab, lcptab and childtab Suffix suffix = this.DC3(this.text); this.suftab = suffix.sa; int[] sufinv = suffix.rank; this.lcptable = this.computeLCPTable(this.text,this.suftab,sufinv); this.buildChildtab(); } //precondition: call this.enhanceSA() first public void match(String pattern){ int m = pattern.length(); if(m==0) return; int pos=0; boolean found = true; int i=0; int j=len-1; int[] interval = null; while(found && pos<m && (interval = getMatchedInterval(i,j,pattern.charAt(pos))) != null){ i=interval[1]; j=interval[2]; if(i!=j){ int lcp=interval[0]; int min=(lcp<m)?lcp:m; found=(pattern.substring(pos,min).equals( text.substring(this.suftab[j]+pos,this.suftab[j]+min))); pos=min; //if lcp<m and found, continue //if lcp>=m, exit whether found or not (pos==m) //if lcp<m but not found, exit (found=false) }else{ int tmp=this.suftab[i]+m; if(tmp>len) tmp=len; found=(pattern.substring(pos).equals( text.substring(this.suftab[i]+pos,tmp))); pos=m; //exit whether found or not (pos==m) } } if(found && interval != null){ report(pattern,i,j); }else{ System.out.format("pattern \"%s\" not found!%n",pattern); } } //i,j is an interval (child-interval or a singleton interval) private void report(String pattern,int i,int j){ System.out.format("matched suffix(es) with pattern \"%s\": %d%n",pattern,j-i+1); for(int z=i;z<=j;z++){ System.out.format("[%d:%s]%n",this.suftab[z],this.text.substring(this.suftab[z],this.text.length()-1)); } } public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { String text = "mississippi#"; System.out.format("Text: %s %n",text.substring(0,text.length()-1)); ESAPatternMatch esa = new ESAPatternMatch(text); esa.enhanceSA(); esa.match("z"); esa.match("i"); esa.match("iss"); esa.match("issi"); esa.match("j"); esa.match("ir"); esa.match("ia"); System.out.format("%n********************************%n"); text = "acaaacatat#"; System.out.format("Text: %s %n",text.substring(0,text.length()-1)); esa = new ESAPatternMatch(text); esa.enhanceSA(); esa.match("ac"); System.out.format("%n********************************%n"); text = "After a long text, here's a needle ZZZZZ\u0000"; System.out.format("Text: %s %n",text.substring(0,text.length()-1)); esa = new ESAPatternMatch(text); esa.enhanceSA(); esa.match("ZZZZZ"); System.out.format("%n********************************%n"); text = "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.\u0000"; System.out.format("Text: %s %n",text.substring(0,text.length()-1)); esa = new ESAPatternMatch(text); esa.enhanceSA(); esa.match("lazy"); System.out.format("%n********************************%n"); text = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna...\u0000"; System.out.format("Text: %s %n",text.substring(0,text.length()-1)); esa = new ESAPatternMatch(text); esa.enhanceSA(); esa.match("tempor"); } }
Text: mississippi
pattern "z" not found!
matched suffix(es) with pattern "i": 4
matched suffix(es) with pattern "iss": 2
matched suffix(es) with pattern "issi": 2
pattern "j" not found!
pattern "ir" not found!
pattern "ia" not found!
Text: acaaacatat
matched suffix(es) with pattern "ac": 2
Text: After a long text, here's a needle ZZZZZ
matched suffix(es) with pattern "ZZZZZ": 1
Text: The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
matched suffix(es) with pattern "lazy": 1
[35:lazy dog.]
Text: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna...
matched suffix(es) with pattern "tempor": 1
[73:tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna...]