因为棋盘的长宽和皇后的个数是一样的,那么,每一个皇后总是占据其中的一列(或者一行,我们这里假设皇后占据的是列,所以,第i个皇后总是在第i列上)。但是每一个皇后在行上面有很多种不同的位置,如果我们用一个数组row[i]来表示第i个皇后所处的行的位置,那么第i个皇后的坐标为(row[i], i)。这里,我们认为皇后的编号从0开始。
//compare the n-th queen's row position with the previous (n-1) queen's row position,n refers to the n-th queen public boolean isSatisfied(int n, int[] row){ for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){ //on the same row if(row[i] == row[n]) return false; //on the same oblique line(斜线) if(Math.abs(row[n] - row[i]) == n - i) return false; } return true; }有了这样一个判断的方法,我们只需要把第i个皇后放在第从0到7的任意一行(for loop),然后,把第i个皇后与前面i-1个皇后的位置进行比较,如果满足,再放第i+1个皇后,直到,所有的皇后都在棋盘上了。 代码中count指的是皇后的个数。
// the main method to find all the possible cases. n refers to the n-th queens. public void queen(int n, int[] row){ if (n == count) { times++; print(row);//print return; } //put the nth queen to all the possible position for(int i = 0; i < count; i++){ row[n] = i; //put the nth queen to the row i. if(isSatisfied(n, row)) { queen(n+1, row); } } } //print the successful case public void print(int[] row){ System.out.println("the "+times+"th successful case"); for(int i = 0; i < count; i++){ System.out.println("the "+i+"th column, the "+row[i]+"th row"); } }
public class BackDateQueen{ //r[i] refers to the ith queen's row position。 // count refers to the number of queens private int count = 0; // times refers to how many possible cases private int times; //constructor public BackDateQueen(int count){ times = 0; this.count = count; } public static void main(String[] args){ BackDateQueen bdq=new BackDateQueen(4); int[] row = new int[4]; //no queen on the board for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { row[i] = -1; } bdq.queen(0, row); } }参考: http://blog.csdn.net/lixiaoshan_18899/article/details/1286716