#cd /tmp
#wget ftp://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/termcap/termcap-1.3.1.tar.gz
到这里termcap-1.3.1.tar.gz 已经下载完成。
#tar zxvf termcap-1.3.1.tar.gz
#cd termcap-1.3.1
#sudo ./configure prefix=/usr
#sudo make
#sudo make install
#tar xjvf crosstool-ng-1.9.2.tar.bz2 -C /work/tools/crosstool-ng-1.9.3//进入工作目录
#mkdir crosstool-ng-1.9.2_build //这是编译新交叉编译器的工作目录
#mkdir crosstool-ng-1.9.2_install //这是crosstool-ng的安装目录
#cd crosstool-ng-1.9.2 //进入解压后的 crosstool-ng-1.9.2目录
#patch -p1 < 补丁文件 //如果有补丁,打补丁
#./configure --prefix=/work/tools/crosstool-ng-1.9.2_install //配置crosstool-ng
#sudo make //编译crosstool-ng
#sudo make install //安装crosstool-ng
# echo "PATH=$PATH:/work/tools/crosstool/crosstool-ng-1.9.2_install/bin" >> ~/.bashrc //为后面调用ct-ng命令增加环境变量
# source ~/.bashrc
# ct-ng help
hens@hens-desktop:/work/tools/crosstool-ng-1.9.3$ ct-ng help
This is crosstool-NG version 1.9.2
Copyright (C) 2008 Yann E. MORIN <[email protected]>
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions.
There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
See below for a list of available actions, listed by category:
Configuration actions:
menuconfig - Update current config using a menu based program
oldconfig - Update current config using a provided .config as base
extractconfig - Extract to stdout the configuration items from a
build.log file piped to stdin
saveconfig - Save current config as a preconfigured target
show-tuple - Print the tuple of the currently configured toolchain
Preconfigured toolchains (#: force number of // jobs):
list-samples - prints the list of all samples (for scripting)
show-<sample> - show a brief overview of <sample> (list with list-samples)
<sample> - preconfigure crosstool-NG with <sample> (list with list-samples)
build-all[.#] - Build *all* samples (list with list-samples) and install in
${CT_PREFIX} (which you must set)
Build actions (#: force number of // jobs):
build[.#] - Build the currently configured toolchain
list-steps - List all build steps
Clean actions:
clean - Remove generated files
distclean - Remove generated files, configuration and build directories
Distribution actions:
wiki-samples - Print a DokuWiki table of samples
updatetools - Update the config tools
tarball - Build a tarball of the configured toolchain
Environement variables (see /work/tools/crosstool-ng-1.9.3_install/share/doc/ct-ng-1.9.3/0 - Table of content.txt):
STOP=step - Stop the build just after this step (list with list-steps)
RESTART=step - Restart the build just before this step (list with list-steps)
CT_PREFIX=dir - install samples in dir (see action "build-all", above).
V=0|1|2 - 0 => show only human-readable messages (default)
1 => show only the commands being executed
2 => show both
Use action "menuconfig" to configure your toolchain
Use action "build" to build your toolchain
Use action "version" to see the version
See "man 1 ct-ng" for some help as well
接下来就是配置你要编译的交叉编译工具链了,在crosstool-ng已很多已经做好的默认配置(位于crosstool-ng- X.Y.Z/samples目录下),你只要针对其进行修改就好了。对于编译器组件部分的版本最好不要修改,因为那个配搭应该是经过测试后的最高本版了,但内核版本可以修改。
#sudo mkdir /work/tools/TQ2440/x-tools //建立交叉编译器的安装路径
#sudo mkdir /work/tools//TQ2440/crosstool-ng/src //建立保存源码包目录
#cd /work/tools/crosstool-ng-1.9.2_build
#sudo cp ../crosstool-ng-1.9.2/samples/arm-unknown-linux-gnueabi /* ./
#mv crosstool.config .config
#../crosstool-ng-1.9.2_install/bin/ct-ng menuconfig
Paths and misc options --->Local tarballs directory
(/work/tools/TQ2440/crosstool-ng/src) Local tarballs directory 保存源码包路径
Paths and misc options --->Prefix directory
(/work/tools/TQ2440/x-tools/${CT_TARGET}) Prefix directory 交叉编译器的安装路径
1、Target options --->
*** Target optimisations ***
Target options --->Architecture level
Target options --->Emit assembly for CPU
Target options --->Tune for CPU
通过查找资料,这个应该是指令集的架构,对于S3C2410/S3C2440,都是ARM920T的核心,架构指令是armv4t,所以,如果要编译2410/2440的,就选armv4t。以此类推S3C6410 ARM1176JZF-S核心 使用的是armv6架构,就选armv6,那么具体都支持哪些架构呢?可以用man gcc来查询,搜索arm,再搜索-march=就可以找到本gcc支持的处理器核心列表了。
Operating System --->
[N] Check installed headers
Paths and misc options --->
*** Build behavior ***
(4) Number of parallel jobs
Toolchain options --->
*** Tuple completion and aliasing ***
(hens) Tuple's vendor string
5、C compiler --->
(crosstool-NG-${CT_VERSION}-hens) gcc ID string
之所以用crosstool-ng是因为crosstool-ng是最新的用来建立交叉工具链的工具,正如其官网所说,crosstool-ng is a rewrite of the original crosstool by Dan Kegel.它是crosstool的替代者,crosstool的gcc版本只能到4.1.1,无法编译版本高于2.6.29 的linux内核,而crosstool-ng一直保存着更新,而且crosstool-ng is really targetted at building toolchains, and only toolchains.
系统环境:pursuitxh@ubuntu:~$ uname -a
Linux ubuntu 2.6.35-24-generic #42-Ubuntu SMP Thu Dec 2 01:41:57 UTC 2010 i686 GNU/Linux
#apt-get install libncurses5-dev
#apt-get install bison
#apt-get install flex
#apt-get install texinfo
#apt-get install automake
#apt-get install libtool
#apt-get install patch
#apt-get install gcj
#apt-get install cvs
#apt-get install cvsd
#apt-get install gawk
#cd /tmp
#wget ftp://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/termcap/termcap-1.3.1.tar.gz
#tar zxvf termcap-1.3.1.tar.gz
#cd termcap-1.3.1
#./configure --prefix=/usr
#make install
#tar xjvf crosstool-ng-1.9.2.tar.bz2 -C /home/lwm/software/crosstool
#cd /home/lwm/software/crosstool //进入工作目录
#mkdir crosstool-ng-1.9.2_build //这是编译新交叉编译器的工作目录
#mkdir crosstool-ng-1.9.2_install //这是crosstool-ng的安装目录
#cd crosstool-ng-1.9.2 //进入解压后的 crosstool-ng-1.9.2目录
#patch -p1 < 补丁文件 //如果有补丁,打补丁
#./configure –prefix=/home/lwm/software/crosstool/crosstool-ng-1.9.2_install //配置crosstool-ng
#make //编译crosstool-ng
#make install //安装crosstool-ng
# echo "PATH=$PATH:/home/lwm/software/crosstool/crosstool-ng-1.9.2_install/bin" >> ~/.bashrc //为后面调用ct-ng命令增加环境变量
# source ~/.bashrc
# ct-ng help
This is crosstool-NG version 1.9.2
Copyright (C) 2008 Yann E. MORIN <[email protected]>
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions.
There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
See below for a list of available actions, listed by category:
Configuration actions:
menuconfig - Update current config using a menu based program
oldconfig - Update current config using a provided .config as base
extractconfig - Extract to stdout the configuration items from a
build.log file piped to stdin
saveconfig - Save current config as a preconfigured target
show-tuple - Print the tuple of the currently configured toolchain
Preconfigured toolchains (#: force number of // jobs):
list-samples - prints the list of all samples (for scripting)
show-<sample> - show a brief overview of <sample> (list with list-samples)
<sample> - preconfigure crosstool-NG with <sample> (list with list-samples)
build-all[.#] - Build *all* samples (list with list-samples) and install in
${CT_PREFIX} (which you must set)
Build actions (#: force number of // jobs):
build[.#] - Build the currently configured toolchain
list-steps - List all build steps
Clean actions:
clean - Remove generated files
distclean - Remove generated files, configuration and build directories
Distribution actions:
wiki-samples - Print a DokuWiki table of samples
updatetools - Update the config tools
tarball - Build a tarball of the configured toolchain
Environement variables (see /home/lwm/software/crosstool/crosstool-ng-1.9.2_install/share/doc/ct-ng-1.9.2/0 - Table of content.txt):
STOP=step - Stop the build just after this step (list with list-steps)
RESTART=step - Restart the build just before this step (list with list-steps)
CT_PREFIX=dir - install samples in dir (see action "build-all", above).
V=0|1|2 - 0 => show only human-readable messages (default)
1 => show only the commands being executed
2 => show both
Use action "menuconfig" to configure your toolchain
Use action "build" to build your toolchain
Use action "version" to see the version
See "man 1 ct-ng" for some help as well
接下来就是配置你要编译的交叉编译工具链了,在crosstool-ng已很多已经做好的默认配置(位于crosstool-ng- X.Y.Z/samples目录下),你只要针对其进行修改就好了。对于编译器组件部分的版本最好不要修改,因为那个配搭应该是经过测试后的最高本版了,但内核版本可以修改。
#mkdir /home/lwm/software/mini2440/x-tools //建立交叉编译器的安装路径
#mkdir /home/lwm/software/mini2440/crosstool-ng/src //建立保存源码包目录
#cd /home/lwm/software/crosstool/crosstool-ng-1.9.2_build/
#cp ../crosstool-ng-1.9.2/samples/arm-unknown-linux-gnueabi /* ./
#mv crosstool.config .config
#../crosstool-ng-1.9.2_install/bin/ct-ng menuconfig
Paths and misc options --->
(/home/lwm/software/mini2440/crosstool-ng/src) Local tarballs directory 保存源码包路径
(/home/lwm/software/mini2440/x-tools/${CT_TARGET}) Prefix directory 交叉编译器的安装路径
1、Target options --->
*** Target optimisations ***
(armv4t) Architecture level
(arm9tdmi) Emit assembly for CPU
(arm920t) Tune for CPU
通过查找资料,这个应该是指令集的架构,对于S3C2410/S3C2440,都是ARM920T的核心,架构指令是armv4t,所以,如果要编译2410/2440的,就选armv4t。以此类推S3C6410 ARM1176JZF-S核心 使用的是armv6架构,就选armv6,那么具体都支持哪些架构呢?可以用man gcc来查询,搜索arm,再搜索-march=就可以找到本gcc支持的处理器核心列表了。
man ./gcc.1
ARM Options
-mcpu=name (Emit assembly for CPU)
This specifies the name of the target ARM processor. GCC uses this
name to determine what kind of instructions it can emit when gener‐
ating assembly code. Permissible names are: arm2, arm250, arm3,
arm6, arm60, arm600, arm610, arm620, arm7, arm7m, arm7d, arm7dm,
arm7di, arm7dmi, arm70, arm700, arm700i, arm710, arm710c, arm7100,
arm7500, arm7500fe, arm7tdmi, arm7tdmi-s, arm8, strongarm, stron‐
garm110, strongarm1100, arm8, arm810, arm9, arm9e, arm920, arm920t,
arm922t, arm946e-s, arm966e-s, arm968e-s, arm926ej-s, arm940t,
arm9tdmi, arm10tdmi, arm1020t, arm1026ej-s, arm10e, arm1020e,
arm1022e, arm1136j-s, arm1136jf-s, mpcore, mpcorenovfp,
arm1156t2-s, arm1176jz-s, arm1176jzf-s, cortex-a8, cortex-r4, cor‐
tex-m3, xscale, iwmmxt, ep9312.
-mtune=name (Tune for CPU)
This option is very similar to the -mcpu= option, except that
instead of specifying the actual target processor type, and hence
restricting which instructions can be used, it specifies that GCC
should tune the performance of the code as if the target were of
the type specified in this option, but still choosing the instruc‐
tions that it will generate based on the cpu specified by a -mcpu=
option. For some ARM implementations better performance can be
obtained by using this option.
-march=name (Architecture level)
This specifies the name of the target ARM architecture. GCC uses
this name to determine what kind of instructions it can emit when
generating assembly code. This option can be used in conjunction
with or instead of the -mcpu= option. Permissible names are:
armv2, armv2a, armv3, armv3m, armv4, armv4t, armv5, armv5t,
armv5te, armv6, armv6j, armv6t2, armv6z, armv6zk, armv7, armv7-a,
armv7-r, armv7-m, iwmmxt, ep9312.
Operating System --->
[N] Check installed headers
Paths and misc options --->
*** Build behavior ***
(4) Number of parallel jobs
Toolchain options --->
*** Tuple completion and aliasing ***
(lwm) Tuple's vendor string
5、C compiler --->
(crosstool-NG-${CT_VERSION}-lwm) gcc ID string
CT_KERNEL_VERSION= //开始我在这里写上Linux-时不能编译通过
如果再次../crosstool-ng-1.9.2_install/bin/ct-ng menuconfig,这个修改又会复原,必须再次手工修改。
配置完后,在crosstool-ng-1.9.2_build目录下执行命令:$ ct-ng build.4。
ct-ng: command not found
# echo "PATH=$PATH:/home/lwm/software/crosstool/crosstool-ng-1.9.2_install/bin" >> ~/.bashrc //为后面调用ct-ng命令增加环境变量
# source ~/.bashrc
[INFO ] Retrieving needed toolchain components' tarballs
[EXTRA] Retrieving 'duma_2_5_15'
[ERROR] Could not retrieve 'duma_2_5_15'.
[09:16] / make[1]: *** [build] Error 1
make: *** [build.4] Error 2
重新进入配置界面Debug facilities --->
[ ] duma --->,把'duma这项去掉。也还是不行。
root@hens-desktop:/work/crosstool/crosstool_build# ../crosstool_install/bin/ct-ng build
[INFO ] Performing some trivial sanity checks
[INFO ] Build started 20120524.143846
[INFO ] Building environment variables
[EXTRA] Preparing working directories
[EXTRA] Installing user-supplied crosstool-NG configuration
[EXTRA] =================================================================
[EXTRA] Dumping internal crosstool-NG configuration
[EXTRA] Building a toolchain for:
[EXTRA] build = i686-pc-linux-gnu
[EXTRA] host = i686-pc-linux-gnu
[EXTRA] target = arm-hens-linux-gnueabi
[EXTRA] Dumping internal crosstool-NG configuration: done in 0.20s (at 00:04)
[INFO ] =================================================================
[INFO ] Retrieving needed toolchain components' tarballs
[EXTRA] Retrieving 'ncurses-5.7'
[EXTRA] Saving 'ncurses-5.7.tar.gz' to local storage
[INFO ] Retrieving needed toolchain components' tarballs: done in 22.27s (at 00:26)
[INFO ] =================================================================
[INFO ] Extracting and patching toolchain components
[EXTRA] Extracting 'linux-'
[EXTRA] Patching 'linux-'
[EXTRA] Extracting 'gmp-4.3.2'
[EXTRA] Patching 'gmp-4.3.2'
[EXTRA] Extracting 'mpfr-2.4.2'
[EXTRA] Patching 'mpfr-2.4.2'
[EXTRA] Extracting 'libelf-0.8.13'
[EXTRA] Patching 'libelf-0.8.13'
[EXTRA] Extracting 'binutils-2.19.1'
[EXTRA] Patching 'binutils-2.19.1'
[EXTRA] Extracting 'gcc-4.3.2'
[EXTRA] Patching 'gcc-4.3.2'
[EXTRA] Extracting 'glibc-2.9'
[EXTRA] Patching 'glibc-2.9'
[EXTRA] Extracting 'glibc-ports-2.9'
[EXTRA] Patching 'glibc-ports-2.9'
[EXTRA] Extracting 'dmalloc-5.5.2'
[EXTRA] Patching 'dmalloc-5.5.2'
[EXTRA] Extracting 'duma_2_5_15'
[EXTRA] Patching 'duma-2_5_15'
[EXTRA] Extracting 'gdb-6.8'
[EXTRA] Patching 'gdb-6.8'
[EXTRA] Extracting 'ncurses-5.7'
[EXTRA] Patching 'ncurses-5.7'
[EXTRA] Extracting 'expat-2.0.1'
[EXTRA] Patching 'expat-2.0.1'
[EXTRA] Extracting 'ltrace-0.5.3'
[EXTRA] Patching 'ltrace-0.5.3'
[EXTRA] Extracting 'strace-4.5.19'
[EXTRA] Patching 'strace-4.5.19'
[INFO ] Extracting and patching toolchain components: done in 211.31s (at 03:58)
[INFO ] =================================================================
[INFO ] Installing kernel headers
[EXTRA] Installing kernel headers
[EXTRA] Checking installed headers
[INFO ] Installing kernel headers: done in 11.32s (at 04:09)
[INFO ] =================================================================
[INFO ] Installing GMP
[EXTRA] Configuring GMP
[EXTRA] Building GMP
[EXTRA] Installing GMP
[INFO ] Installing GMP: done in 283.14s (at 08:52)
[INFO ] =================================================================
[INFO ] Installing MPFR
[EXTRA] Configuring MPFR
[EXTRA] Building MPFR
[EXTRA] Installing MPFR
[INFO ] Installing MPFR: done in 52.61s (at 09:45)
[INFO ] =================================================================
[INFO ] Installing binutils
[EXTRA] Configuring binutils
[EXTRA] Building binutils
[EXTRA] Installing binutils
[INFO ] Installing binutils: done in 178.97s (at 12:44)
[INFO ] =================================================================
[INFO ] Installing static core C compiler
[EXTRA] Configuring static core C compiler
[EXTRA] Building static core C compiler
[EXTRA] Installing static core C compiler
[INFO ] Installing static core C compiler: done in 336.89s (at 18:21)
[INFO ] =================================================================
[INFO ] Installing C library headers
[EXTRA] Configuring C library
[EXTRA] Installing C library headers
[INFO ] Installing C library headers: done in 45.14s (at 19:06)
[INFO ] =================================================================
[INFO ] Installing C library start files
[EXTRA] Configuring C library
[WARN ] Removing "-pipe" for use with glibc>=2.6
[EXTRA] Building C library start files
[EXTRA] Installing C library start files
[INFO ] Installing C library start files: done in 35.80s (at 19:42)
[INFO ] =================================================================
[INFO ] Installing shared core C compiler
[EXTRA] Configuring shared core C compiler
[EXTRA] Building shared core C compiler
[EXTRA] Installing shared core C compiler
[INFO ] Installing shared core C compiler: done in 373.23s (at 25:55)
[INFO ] =================================================================
[INFO ] Installing C library
[EXTRA] Configuring C library
[WARN ] Removing "-pipe" for use with glibc>=2.6
[EXTRA] Building C library
[EXTRA] Installing C library
[EXTRA] Fixing C library linker scripts
[INFO ] Installing C library: done in 1118.93s (at 44:34)
[INFO ] =================================================================
[INFO ] Installing final compiler
[EXTRA] Configuring final compiler
[EXTRA] Building final compiler
[EXTRA] Installing final compiler
[INFO ] Installing final compiler: done in 914.62s (at 59:49)
[INFO ] =================================================================
[INFO ] Installing libelf for the target
[EXTRA] Configuring libelf
[EXTRA] Building libelf
[EXTRA] Installing libelf
[INFO ] Installing libelf for the target: done in 14.22s (at 60:03)
[INFO ] =================================================================
[INFO ] Installing binutils for target
[EXTRA] Configuring binutils for target
[EXTRA] Building binutils' libraries (libiberty bfd) for target
[EXTRA] Installing binutils' libraries (libiberty bfd) for target
[INFO ] Installing binutils for target: done in 169.56s (at 62:53)
[INFO ] =================================================================
[INFO ] Installing dmalloc
[EXTRA] Configuring dmalloc
[EXTRA] Building dmalloc
[EXTRA] Installing dmalloc
[INFO ] Installing dmalloc: done in 17.31s (at 63:10)
[INFO ] =================================================================
[INFO ] Installing D.U.M.A.
[EXTRA] Copying sources
[EXTRA] Building libraries 'libduma.a libduma.so.0.0.0'
[EXTRA] Installing libraries 'libduma.a libduma.so.0.0.0'
[EXTRA] Installing shared library link
[EXTRA] Installing wrapper script
[INFO ] Installing D.U.M.A.: done in 2.73s (at 63:13)
[INFO ] =================================================================
[INFO ] Installing cross-gdb
[EXTRA] Configuring cross-gdb
[EXTRA] Building cross-gdb
[EXTRA] Installing cross-gdb
[INFO ] Installing cross-gdb: done in 324.74s (at 68:38)
[INFO ] =================================================================
[INFO ] Installing native gdb
[EXTRA] Building static target ncurses
[EXTRA] Building static target expat
[EXTRA] Configuring native gdb
[EXTRA] Building native gdb
[EXTRA] Installing native gdb
[EXTRA] Cleaning up ncurses
[INFO ] Installing native gdb: done in 521.52s (at 77:19)
[INFO ] =================================================================
[INFO ] Installing gdbserver
[EXTRA] Configuring gdbserver
[EXTRA] Building gdbserver
[EXTRA] Installing gdbserver
[INFO ] Installing gdbserver: done in 14.75s (at 77:34)
[INFO ] =================================================================
[INFO ] Installing ltrace
[EXTRA] Copying sources to build dir
[EXTRA] Configuring ltrace
[EXTRA] Building ltrace
[EXTRA] Installing ltrace
[INFO ] Installing ltrace: done in 5.92s (at 77:40)
[INFO ] =================================================================
[INFO ] Installing strace
[EXTRA] Configuring strace
[EXTRA] Building strace
[EXTRA] Installing strace
[INFO ] Installing strace: done in 24.17s (at 78:04)
[INFO ] =================================================================
[INFO ] Cleaning-up the toolchain's directory
[INFO ] Stripping all toolchain executables
[EXTRA] Installing the populate helper
[EXTRA] Installing a cross-ldd helper
[EXTRA] Creating toolchain aliases
[EXTRA] Removing access to the build system tools
[INFO ] Cleaning-up the toolchain's directory: done in 2.28s (at 78:07)
[INFO ] Build completed at 20120524.155653
[INFO ] (elapsed: 78:06.56)
[INFO ] Finishing installation (may take a few seconds)...
[78:07] / root@hens-desktop:/work/crosstool/crosstool_build#
1. sudo vim /etc/profile,在其中文件的末尾添加这样一行:PATH=$PATH:/work/hens/crosstool/tools/bin,其实是我的工具的路径,可以根据实际需要来设定。
2. source /etc/profile 使修改生效,不用重新登陆。
3. arm-hens-linux-gnueabi-gcc -v 就会有如下的信息