WLAN Scan with NDIS Miniport and Much More - CodeProject

WLAN Scan with NDIS Miniport and Much More

By sirb | 29 Oct 2007
An article about using NDIS Miniport from userspace to access several functions of the WLANcard
  • Download source - 45.5 KB
  • Download demo project - 19.8 KB


I spent some time with WLAN, and I wondered how NetStumbler performed this nice scan, but the source is not free. I programmed a lot of stuff but nothing worked. I tried to code my own driver and used WinPcap, but nothing worked very well. Then I read an article, "Scanning for Wireless Networks" in 29A magazine 8 from GriYo. My work is mainly based on this article and you can find a lot of sources on the internet that do the same thing.


It's possible via NDIS Miniport (from userspace) to access a lot of functions of the WLANcard. To get access to all these nice functions you need the Windows DDK.

Take a look at ntddndis.h and you will find a lot of actions you can perform. For example, you can get or set the WEP key. I only implemeted the scanning function, but you can improve it. To build your own application, you can take my article class or write our own.

Using the Code

Well, I put a lot of comments in the code so you will be able to understand it easily. All the functions you need are in the airctl class. Take a look at the header file.

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class airctl
    HANDLE m_handle;
    deviceInfo* m_devices;
        // Frees the list of wlans
    void freeScanList(void);
    //scans for wlan and returns pointer to the list.
    NDIS_802_11_BSSID_LIST* scan(void);

bool open( char *device_name);
    //lists all devices and saves them in an internal list.
    BOOL list_devices( void);
    // return the pointer to the list
    inline deviceInfo* getDevList( ){return m_devices;};
    // adds one device to the list
    void AddDevice(char * desc, char * name);
    // clears the intern list
    void clearDeviceList(void);
    NDIS_802_11_BSSID_LIST* m_pBSSIDList;

    // intern used to get more informations about an interface
    BOOL get_device_info(   int Index,
                        char *key_name,
                        char *device_info,
                        char *device_description);


First we need a list of all devices. Call list_devices() and it will list everything in an single linked list. Then the demo program shows the user a list of all available devices. The structure for the list is as follows.

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struct deviceInfo
    char *description;//information for the user
    char *name;// important to open the device
    deviceInfo* next;//single linked list
Look at the following piece of code. It is from the demo program.
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   //return me the pointer to the list
    deviceInfo* dv = win->m_airctl.getDevList();

    if (dv == NULL)
        List.AddString("No available interface found !");
        while (dv != NULL)//step through the linked list
            List.AddString(dv->description);// adds it to the list.
            dv = dv->next;

After the user selects a device, it will be opened.

To open the device with the aitctl class we only need to call open() with the device name in it.

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    if(m_airctl.open(dv->name)!= true)
            MessageBox("Cant open selected device","fehler",0);
            ::AfxBeginThread( threadFunc , (LPVOID) this);


But we are curious and will take a small look into that function.

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    //we open the physical device with CreateFileA
        m_handle = CreateFileA(   device_file,
                                FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE,// share 
                                                                   // mode 
                                NULL, // default security attributes 
                                OPEN_EXISTING,// disposition 
                                0,// file attributes
                                NULL) ;// do not copy file attributes

        if( m_handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
               return false;
               // ... open
            return true;


Now it's time to search the WLANs. We will call scan() from the aitctl class.

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        NDIS_802_11_BSSID_LIST * pBSSIDList = pDlg->m_airctl.scan();

How is this performed? It's done via DeviceIoControl. This is for direct input and output, or for retrieving information from a physical device. For more infomration read this article. It's a really nice series of articles.

First we force the WLAN device to scan for WLANs; we wait for a moment and then we ask the device again to tell us an answer. The source code for this looks like this:

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     oidcode = OID_802_11_BSSID_LIST_SCAN ;//action to perform

        DeviceIoControl(        m_handle,
                                sizeof( oidcode),
                                ( ULONG *) NULL,
                                NULL) ;

        Sleep( 2000) ;// we give him some time

        memset( m_pBSSIDList, 0, sizeof( NDIS_802_11_BSSID_LIST) * 
            NUMBEROF_BSSIDS) ;
        oidcode = OID_802_11_BSSID_LIST ;//action to perform

        if( DeviceIoControl(    m_handle,// device to be queried
                                IOCTL_NDIS_QUERY_GLOBAL_STATS,// operation to 
                                                              // perform
                                sizeof( oidcode),//  input buffer
                                ( ULONG *) m_pBSSIDList,// output buffer
                                sizeof( NDIS_802_11_BSSID_LIST) * 
                                &bytesreturned,// # bytes returned
                                NULL) == 0)// synchronous I/O
               // List failed
              return NULL;
        else {
              return m_pBSSIDList;

Now we have a pointer to the NDIS_802_11_BSSID_LIST take a look in ntddndis.h where it's defined.

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typedef struct _NDIS_802_11_BSSID_LIST
    ULONG           NumberOfItems;      // in list below, at least 1
    NDIS_WLAN_BSSID Bssid[1];

So far so good, but what does NDIS_WLAN_BSSID look like?

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typedef struct _NDIS_WLAN_BSSID
    ULONG                               Length;             // Length of this
                                                            // structure
    NDIS_802_11_MAC_ADDRESS             MacAddress;         // BSSID
    UCHAR                               Reserved[2];
    NDIS_802_11_SSID                    Ssid;               // SSID
    ULONG                               Privacy;            // WEP encryption
                                                            // requirement
    NDIS_802_11_RSSI                    Rssi;               // receive signal
                                                            // strength in dBm
    NDIS_802_11_NETWORK_TYPE            NetworkTypeInUse;
    NDIS_802_11_CONFIGURATION           Configuration;
    NDIS_802_11_NETWORK_INFRASTRUCTURE  InfrastructureMode;
    NDIS_802_11_RATES                   SupportedRates;

This looks much better. This is the information we would like to obtain. Now we can show them to the user.

But, we have one thing left to discuss: how to get the next item. For this we will use another pointer which points to NDIS_WLAN_BSSID. Now the variable ULONG Length tells us how long this entry is. After this a certain number of bytes the next entry "lies."

Well, the following is not a good solution, but it shows you what I mean and what it could look like.

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    //NumberOfItems indecates how many are now in the list
    for(unsigned int i =0 ;i < pBSSIDList->NumberOfItems;i++){
        int temp=i;//used to build the differens
        //step to the next in list...
        PNDIS_WLAN_BSSID cpSsid=pBSSIDList->Bssid;//save
        //if we aren't in the first loop we have to set the pointer 
        //to the next
        while(temp!=0 ){
            // go forward
            cpSsid=(PNDIS_WLAN_BSSID)((char*)cpSsid+ cpSsid->Length);

        //do something with your data

That's it man. Thank you for reading, now it's up to you.

Points of Interest

You can perform a lot of more functions to the WLAN device. Just take a look into ntddndis.h under 802.11 OIDs.


First release version 0.1


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 Regarding OID_802_11_BSSID_LIST_SCAN   raptor_funky 21:44 9 Mar '08  
 Found this article while surfing Codeproject. A small pointer regarding OID_802_11_BSSID_LIST_SCAN. If you check out the NDIS 5.1 design guide for 802.11, it states that this particular OID only supports Setting and Not Querying. The IOCTL_NDIS_QUERY_GLOBAL_STATS can just be used with DeviceIoControl to Query the Miniport driver (as can be done for OID_802_11_BSSID_LIST). There is not equivalent IOCTL to do a Set. Therefore eventhough the DeviceIoControl call returns success, with OID_802_11_BSSID_LIST_SCAN, it does not actually trigger an Explicit scan. You can verify this by checking for Probe Requests on a particular channel.

On Windows CE, the NDISUIO can be used to implement this functionality.

Do put up a post if anyone finds another way to do this.
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 Re: Regarding OID_802_11_BSSID_LIST_SCAN   Malcolm Hall 4:10 27 Mar '08  
 I'd really like to know how to do a OID_802_11_BSSID_LIST_SCAN via Ndis instead of through Ndisuio because Ndisuio requires you to bind to the driver and only one application can do it at once.

Is there any kind of IOCTL_NDIS_SET method perhaps?
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 Re: Regarding OID_802_11_BSSID_LIST_SCAN   Malcolm Hall 4:13 27 Mar '08  
 Found more info here:

The IOCTL is predefined to use METHOD_OUT_DIRECT; this means that only the NDIS miniport QueryInformation handler can be called this way.

(With some creativity METHOD_OUT_DIRECT could be used to set NDIS data...)

Does anyone know what the creativity required is?
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 Re: Regarding OID_802_11_BSSID_LIST_SCAN   Malcolm Hall 4:52 27 Mar '08  
 I think you need to modify the driver to get this to work. e.g.

If you have access to the source, you can define and then call a private Oid in MiniportQueryInformation, and in the driver you can call MiniportSetInformation.
DeviceIOControl is a wrapper around MiniportQueryInformation.
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 Re: Regarding OID_802_11_BSSID_LIST_SCAN   amitalonm 7:35 4 Oct '09  
 Hi there,
Did you find any answer to this question ?

Especially, please have a look at my open issues that I have in my respond few lines above (also in this link):

WLAN Scan with NDIS Miniport and Much More[^]

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 Re: Regarding OID_802_11_BSSID_LIST_SCAN   fibers 22:47 17 Dec '09  
 I got the error code 31 which means "A device attached to the system is not functioning" in DeviceIoControl with OID LIST SCAN.
do you think this question matters with your point?
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 What about Windows CE?   Win32nipuh 21:47 5 Nov '07  
I have one question:
Is it possible to have the same utility (or classes) for using under Windows CE?
I'd like to integrate these features to my application.

Thank you.

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 Scan IPs   rrrado 3:09 30 Oct '07  
 It would be great if it would be able also to sniff packets to see IP addresses 


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 Re: Scan IPs   sirb 22:36 5 Nov '07  
 well my friend. this is only possible if you are connected to the accesspoint. i have seen a pice of code that did it with the same technic. than it can be handled like a normal device. you can obtain the data via rawsocket or winpcap.
if you dont want to connect you need monitor mode. this is not so easy in windows. you need a patched driver.there are drivers available for orinoco und atheros. look into the airodump-ng for windows. there you will find everythink you need. but it the traffic is encypted you wont be able to get the data without the key

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 Re: Scan IPs   rrrado 23:28 5 Nov '07  
 I have atheros, but capturing does not work in ethereal. It is working in one shareware program (I'm at different computer so I don't know it's name now, it has it's own driver) but it's not so important to me to purchase it so I'm looking for free alternative.
I don't need to capture encrypted trafic, there are some unencrypted providers 


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 Re: Scan IPs   sirb 23:51 5 Nov '07  
ok.. well , i think i know the programm you are talking about, but i also fogot the name .mh well i hope the programm intalled the patched driver so try aircrack-ng for windows. if airodump-ng works, look into the source code. its freely available. if it wont work try to search the pachted driver on the internet and make ist work. i am not sure but i think i have seen them there. atheros421.zip or somethink like that.well i know this is not a great help.. but thats what i would do 
or connect to the wlan and then you will be able to get all packets with etheral.
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 Re: Scan IPs   rrrado 5:20 6 Nov '07  
 Thank you for information, I'll check it when I'll have a time.

As far as I remember ethereal doesn't capture anything even when I'm connected. BUt I'm not 100% sure, maybe it helps to turn off promiscous mode.


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