In anomaly detection problems,every features corresponding to one formula of Gaussian distribution.
I think that to deal with Recommender Systems problems,It is important to build a powerful mathmatical model.
for this exercise ,the follow picture shows the model(with unknow features),Which has two matrix represented movies’ and users’ features:
In order to deal with this kind of problem,we may recommended to use an algorithm named Collaborative filtering learning algorithm,the steps:
Also show you how i finish this ,but do not copy it!:
id = find(R==1);%获取R==1的下标
J = (1/2) * sum(sum( (((X*Theta')-Y).*R ).^2)) + ((lambda/2) * sum(sum(Theta.^2)) )+ ((lambda/2) * sum(sum(X.^2)) );
for index1 = 1:num_users
idx1 = find(R(:,index1)==1);%获得第index1个用户评价了的电影列向量下标(参考ppt的电影与用户的关系的表格)
XT = X(idx1,:);%获取第index1个用户评价过的每个电影的features
YT = Y(idx1,index1);%获得第index1个用户评价过的每个电影的得分
Theta_grad(index1,:) = ((Theta(index1,:) * XT') - YT' ) * XT + lambda*Theta(index1,:);%向量化求解
for index2 = 1:num_movies
idx2 = find(R(index2,:)==1);%获得一个用户列表下标(所有评价过第index2部电影的用户)
ThetaT = Theta(idx2,:);%获得评价过第index2部电影的用户featrues
YT = Y(index2,idx2);%获得第index2部电影被所有评价过该电影的用户给的得分
X_grad(index2,:) = ( X(index2,:) * ThetaT' - YT ) * ThetaT + lambda*X(index2,:); %向量化求解