CRS-0184: Cannot communicate with the CRS daemon.
rac1-> ps -ef |grep crs
root 4334 1 0 00:41 ? 00:00:00 /bin/sh /etc/init.d/init.crsd run
oracle 6284 5936 0 00:54 pts/1 00:00:00 grep crs
[root@rac1 ~]# /etc/init.d/ start
Startup will be queued to init within 90 seconds.
Shutdown has begun. The daemons should exit soon.
[root@rac1 ~]# cat /etc/fstab
# This file is edited by fstab-sync - see 'man fstab-sync' for details
LABEL=/ / ext3 defaults 1 1
none /dev/pts devpts gid=5,mode=620 0 0
none /dev/shm tmpfs defaults 0 0
LABEL=/home /home ext3 defaults 1 2
none /proc proc defaults 0 0
none /sys sysfs defaults 0 0
LABEL=SWAP-sda2 swap swap defaults 0 0
/dev/hdc /media/cdrecorder auto pamconsole,exec,noauto,managed 0 0
/dev/fd0 /media/floppy auto pamconsole,exec,noauto,managed 0 0
原来是/OCFS 的目录没有挂载
[root@rac1 devdb]# mount -t ocfs2 -o datavolume,nointr /dev/sdb1 /ocfs
要在引导时挂载文件系统,在两个节点的 /etc/fstab 中添加以下行。
/dev/sdb1 /ocfs ocfs2 _netdev,datavolume,nointr 0 0 重新[root@rac1 ~]# /etc/init.d/ start
重新su - oracle
rac2-> crs_stat -t
Name Type Target State Host
ora.devdb.db application OFFLINE OFFLINE
ora....b1.inst application OFFLINE OFFLINE
ora....b2.inst application OFFLINE OFFLINE
ora....SM1.asm application ONLINE ONLINE rac1
ora....C1.lsnr application ONLINE ONLINE rac1
ora.rac1.gsd application ONLINE ONLINE rac1
ora.rac1.ons application ONLINE ONLINE rac1 application ONLINE ONLINE rac1
ora....SM2.asm application ONLINE ONLINE rac2
ora....C2.lsnr application ONLINE ONLINE rac2
ora.rac2.gsd application ONLINE ONLINE rac2
ora.rac2.ons application ONLINE ONLINE rac2 application ONLINE ONLINE rac2