Glassfish 各种问题汇总

1. Eclipse 集成的glassfish 停留在starting 无法启动server

Eclipse monitors the ports opened by JBoss AS to determine if the app server is running (I think it gets the server mbean and asks for the state). If you change the ports that JBoss AS uses, or if you change the -b run option to bind to something other than localhost, Eclipse will not be able to tell if the app server started successfully. You can edit the eclipse/plugins/org.eclipse.jst.server.generic.jboss_1.6.1.v200904151730/servers/jboss42.serverdef file to change the ports used by Eclipse to monitor the app server.


2. Linux下glassfish 无法启动,总是提示4848端口被占用,但又没有程序占用其端口
解决方法 在/etc/hosts下把对应到真正的机器名而不是localhost
