dm8127 A8 yuv420sp 送入到videoM3编码--已经解决

NULL link->ipcFrameoutHost->ipcFramesIn(vidoeFromHost)->enclink->ipcFramesOut(videoToHost)->ipcFramesInHost->SYSTEM_LINK_ID_INVALID




 DMA: ChannelID allocated:4
 [m3video]  84148: IPC_FRAMES_IN   : Create in progress !!!
 [m3video]  84148: SYSTEM: Opening ListMP [HOST_IPC_OUT_23] ...
 [m3video]  84149: SYSTEM: Opening ListMP [HOST_IPC_IN_23] ...
 [m3video]  84151: SYSTEM: Opening MsgQ [HOST_MSGQ] ...
 [m3video] IPC_FRAMES_IN:HEAPID:0       USED:304
 [m3video]  84153: IPC_FRAMES_IN   : Create Done !!!
 [m3video]  84154: MERGE   : Create Done !!!
 [m3video]  84155: ENCODE: Create in progress ... !!!
 [m3video]  EncLink_codecCreateOutObj BitBuf Q Status
 [m3video] Empty Q 0 -> count 1, wrPtr 1, rdPtr 0
 [m3video] Full Q -> count 0, wrPtr 0, rdPtr 0
 [m3video]  EncLink_codecCreateOutObj BitBuf Q Status
 [m3video] Empty Q 0 -> count 2, wrPtr 2, rdPtr 0
 [m3video] Full Q -> count 0, wrPtr 0, rdPtr 0
 [m3video]  EncLink_codecCreateOutObj BitBuf Q Status
 [m3video] Empty Q 0 -> count 3, wrPtr 3, rdPtr 0
 [m3video] Full Q -> count 0, wrPtr 0, rdPtr 0
 [m3video]  EncLink_codecCreateOutObj BitBuf Q Status
 [m3video] Empty Q 0 -> count 4, wrPtr 4, rdPtr 0
 [m3video] Full Q -> count 0, wrPtr 0, rdPtr 0
 [m3video]  EncLink_codecCreateOutObj BitBuf Q Status
 [m3video] Empty Q 0 -> count 5, wrPtr 5, rdPtr 0
 [m3video] Full Q -> count 0, wrPtr 0, rdPtr 0
 [m3video]  EncLink_codecCreateOutObj BitBuf Q Status
 [m3video] Empty Q 0 -> count 6, wrPtr 6, rdPtr 0
 [m3video] Full Q -> count 0, wrPtr 0, rdPtr 0
 [m3video]  84346: ENCODE: Creating CH0 of 3296 x 2472, pitch = (3296, 3296) [PROGRESSIVE] [NON-TILED  ], bitrate = 24000 Kbps ...
 [m3video] ENCLINK_JPEG:HEAPID:0        USED:6328
 [m3video]  84348: ENCODE: All CH Create ... DONE !!!
 [m3video] ENCLINK:HEAPID:0     USED:6568
 [m3video]  84351: ENCODE: Create ... DONE !!!
 [m3video]  84353: IPC_BITS_OUT   : Create in progress !!!
 [m3video]  84356: IPC_BITS_OUT   : Create Done !!!
 [m3video]  JPGLINK: new targetframerate to set:15000 for bitrate 36000000
 [m3video]  JPGLINK: Run time parameters changed 0
 [m3video] 94265:!ERROR!:ENCLINK::links_m3video/iva_enc/encLink_jpeg.c:[215]::INTERNAL ERROR:-1
 [m3video] JPEG Extended error 8000
 [m3video] 94265:WARN
 [m3video] ENCLINK:ERROR in Enclink_JPEGEncodeFrame.Status[-1]
 [m3video] 94265:WARN
 [m3video] ENC : IVAHDID : 0 ENCLINK:ERROR in EncLink_SubmitBatch.Status[-1]


终于调通yuv420sp的数据送入到videoM3 解码的代码了,

 status = IpcFramesOutLink_putFullVideoFrames(iFrameOutLinkId,&vidBufList);




 unsigned char *pbuff=(unsigned char *)g_pYuv420spBuf;
        int i=0;

使用videoM3 编码1080p的数据,jpeg编码的图像有问题;如下:

dm8127 A8 yuv420sp 送入到videoM3编码--已经解决_第1张图片





How to pass a file from host to encoder

I have a file with raw YUV data that I would like to pass to the encoder. I can read the frames from the file on the host A8. How can I pass this data to the encoder through the ipcFramesOut Link.

I see that the API has two functions that I can use to write the frames.  I call IpcFramesOutLink_getEmptyVideoFrames(), write the data to the returned buffer and callIpcFramesOutLink_putFullVideoFrames() to send the data to the next link.  My problem is that there are no buffers returned from getEmptyVideoFrames() that I can write to.  I have configured the parameters in theSystem_LinkChInfo struct that is a part ofIpcFramesOutLinkHLOS_CreateParams with the correct frame information on initialization.

How can I get the system to allocate the buffers for me? Or if that is not possible, where would it be best for me to allocate it myself?



Is there any possibility that I set wrong parameters to IPCFrameOutLINK which can result this phenomenon?

Following is my parameters:

Part 1 : LINK parameters

    esipcFramesOutHostPrm0.baseCreateParams.inQueParams.prevLinkId         = SYSTEM_LINK_ID_INVALID;
    esipcFramesOutHostPrm0.baseCreateParams.inQueParams.prevLinkQueId      = 0;
    esipcFramesOutHostPrm0.baseCreateParams.numOutQue                      = 1;
    esipcFramesOutHostPrm0.baseCreateParams.numChPerOutQue[0]              = 1;
    esipcFramesOutHostPrm0.baseCreateParams.outQueParams[0].nextLink       = esipcFramesInVpssId0;
    esipcFramesOutHostPrm0.baseCreateParams.inputFrameRate                 = 60;    ////****~~~~
    esipcFramesOutHostPrm0.baseCreateParams.outputFrameRate                = 60;    ////****~~~~
    esipcFramesOutHostPrm0.baseCreateParams.notifyNextLink                 = TRUE;
    esipcFramesOutHostPrm0.baseCreateParams.notifyPrevLink                 = FALSE;
    esipcFramesOutHostPrm0.baseCreateParams.notifyProcessLink              = FALSE;
    esipcFramesOutHostPrm0.baseCreateParams.noNotifyMode                   = FALSE;

    esipcFramesOutHostPrm0.inQueInfo.numCh                                 = 1;
    esipcFramesOutHostPrm0.inQueInfo.chInfo[0].startX                      = 0;
    esipcFramesOutHostPrm0.inQueInfo.chInfo[0].startY                      = 0;
    esipcFramesOutHostPrm0.inQueInfo.chInfo[0].height                      = 720;
    esipcFramesOutHostPrm0.inQueInfo.chInfo[0].width                       = 1280;
    esipcFramesOutHostPrm0.inQueInfo.chInfo[0].pitch[0]                    = 2560;
    esipcFramesOutHostPrm0.inQueInfo.chInfo[0].bufType                     = SYSTEM_BUF_TYPE_VIDFRAME;
    esipcFramesOutHostPrm0.inQueInfo.chInfo[0].bufferFmt                   = 0;
    esipcFramesOutHostPrm0.inQueInfo.chInfo[0].codingformat                = 0;
    esipcFramesOutHostPrm0.inQueInfo.chInfo[0].memType                     = SYSTEM_MT_NONTILEDMEM;
    esipcFramesOutHostPrm0.inQueInfo.chInfo[0].dataFormat                  = SYSTEM_DF_YUV422I_YUYV;
    esipcFramesOutHostPrm0.inQueInfo.chInfo[0].scanFormat                  = SYSTEM_SF_PROGRESSIVE;//SYSTEM_SF_INTERLACED;//
    System_linkCreate(esipcFramesOutHostId0, &esipcFramesOutHostPrm0, sizeof(esipcFramesOutHostPrm0));

    esipcFramesInVpssPrm0.baseCreateParams.inQueParams.prevLinkId      = esipcFramesOutHostId0;
    esipcFramesInVpssPrm0.baseCreateParams.inQueParams.prevLinkQueId   = 0;
    esipcFramesInVpssPrm0.baseCreateParams.inputFrameRate              = 60;
    esipcFramesInVpssPrm0.baseCreateParams.noNotifyMode                = FALSE;
    esipcFramesInVpssPrm0.baseCreateParams.notifyNextLink              = TRUE;
    esipcFramesInVpssPrm0.baseCreateParams.notifyPrevLink              = TRUE;
    esipcFramesInVpssPrm0.baseCreateParams.numOutQue                   = 1;
    esipcFramesInVpssPrm0.baseCreateParams.numChPerOutQue[0]           = 1;
    esipcFramesInVpssPrm0.baseCreateParams.outQueParams[0].nextLink    = esmergeId0;
    esipcFramesInVpssPrm0.baseCreateParams.outputFrameRate             = 60;

Part 2 : Allocate Shared Region

    bufList.numFrames = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < VIDFRAME_MAX_FRAME_BUFS;i++)
        status = Vsys_allocBuf(FRAMEBUF_HEAP_SR_ID, bufSize, 128, &thrObj->bufInfo[i]);
        if (ERROR_NONE == status)
            pFrame                 = &bufList.frames[i];
            pFrame->channelNum     = 0;
            pFrame->fid            = 0;
            pFrame->frameHeight    = 720;
            pFrame->frameWidth     = 1280;
            pFrame->framePitch[0]  = 2560;
            pFrame->phyAddr[0][0]  = thrObj->bufInfo[i].physAddr;
            pFrame->addr[0][0]     = thrObj->bufInfo[i].virtAddr;
    status = IpcFramesOutLink_putFullVideoFrames(SYSTEM_HOST_LINK_ID_IPC_FRAMES_OUT_0, &bufList);

Part 3 : Video Data exchanging :

    while (FALSE == thrObj->exitFramesInOutThread)
        bufList.numFrames = 0;
        status = IpcFramesOutLink_getEmptyVideoFrames(SYSTEM_HOST_LINK_ID_IPC_FRAMES_OUT_0, &bufList);
        OSA_assert(0 == status);
        if (bufList.numFrames)
            //printf("Number of get empty: %d\n", bufList.numFrames);
            for(i = 0;i < bufList.numFrames;i++)
                pFrame                 = &bufList.frames[i];
                pFrame->channelNum     = 0;
                pFrame->fid            = 0;
                pFrame->frameHeight    = 720;
                pFrame->frameWidth     = 1280;
                pFrame->framePitch[0]  = 2560;
                thrObj->bufSize        = (pFrame->frameHeight)*(pFrame->frameWidth)*2;

                unsigned long ppIndex = ioctl(devfd, 4, 0);
/*                printf("ipcFrames : [sn: %d] ppIndex = %d, virtual = %x, phyaddr = %x\n",
                        i, ppIndex, ppMemVirtAddr[ppIndex], ppMemPhyAddr[ppIndex]);//*/

                //memcpy(pFrame->addr[0][0], ppMemVirtAddr[ppIndex], bufSize);

                copy2D.srcPhysAddr = (unsigned long)ppMemPhyAddr[ppIndex];
                copy2D.dstPhysAddr = (unsigned long)pFrame->phyAddr[0][0];
                OSA_dmaCopy2D(&dmaHndl, &copy2D, 1);
            status = IpcFramesOutLink_putFullVideoFrames(SYSTEM_HOST_LINK_ID_IPC_FRAMES_OUT_0, &bufList);
            OSA_assert(0 == status);

DM8168 IpcFramesOutLink


In my usecase,I use  the ipcFramesOutHost Link and ipcFramesInVpss link ,and I invoke Vsys_allocBuf() to allocateshard region firstly,then,pass it to  ipcFramesOut_putFullFrames.

I create a thread just work in this way "IpcFramesOutLink_getEmptyVideoFrames--->IpcFramesOutLink_putFullVideoFrames" ,and I just get 30frames per second,

I want to know what causes this phenomenon,my test code is like following:

Looking forward to your reply.

static Void *Chains_ipcFramesGetPutFxn(Void *prm)
    Chains_IpcFramesCtrlThrObj *thrObj = (Chains_IpcFramesCtrlThrObj *) prm;
    VIDFrame_BufList  bufList;
    VIDFrame_Buf      *pFrame;
    Int32             i = 0;
    Int32             status;
    Int32             bufSize = 1280 * 720 * 2;


    if (FALSE == bHasAllocSRBuf)
  bufList.numFrames = 0;
  for (i = 0; i < VIDFRAME_MAX_FRAME_BUFS;i++)
   status = Vsys_allocBuf(FRAMEBUF_HEAP_SR_ID, bufSize, 128, &thrObj->bufInfo[i]);
   if (ERROR_NONE == status)
    pFrame                 = &bufList.frames[i];
    pFrame->channelNum     = 0;
    pFrame->fid            = 0;
    pFrame->frameHeight    = 720;
    pFrame->frameWidth     = 1280;
    pFrame->framePitch[0]  = 2560;
    pFrame->phyAddr[0][0]  = thrObj->bufInfo[i].physAddr;
    pFrame->addr[0][0]     = thrObj->bufInfo[i].virtAddr;
  status = IpcFramesOutLink_putFullVideoFrames(SYSTEM_HOST_LINK_ID_IPC_FRAMES_OUT_0, &bufList);
  OSA_assert(0 == status);

  bHasAllocSRBuf = TRUE;

  printf ("ipcFrame   7777777777777777777777         put succefully...\n");


    while (FALSE == thrObj->exitFramesInOutThread)
     status = IpcFramesOutLink_getEmptyVideoFrames(SYSTEM_HOST_LINK_ID_IPC_FRAMES_OUT_0, &bufList);
     OSA_assert(0 == status);
     printf("[%13.6f]numFrames = %d\n", ELAPSE_TIME, bufList.numFrames);

        if (bufList.numFrames)
            status = IpcFramesOutLink_putFullVideoFrames(SYSTEM_HOST_LINK_ID_IPC_FRAMES_OUT_0, &bufList);
         OSA_assert(0 == status);


dm8127 MCFW link problem


appro dm8127 3.2 RDK!

I want to get YUV image in A8 and do some proces in the YUV image. Then  send the YUV back to M3Vpss. so the flow is:

camera link--->Dup--->Merger LInk-->IpcFramesOutLinkRTOS-->IpcFramesInLinkHLOS--> IpcFramesOutLinkHLOS-->IpcFramesInLinkRTOS-->swosd-->ipcOutVpss-->ipcInVideo

however, the M3 program get an error in IpcFramesInLink_putEmptyFrames. the following is the log info

 [m3vpss ] Command 1 recived from HOST A8
 [m3vpss ]  5615: CAMERA: Fields = 2 (fps = 0), Total Resets = 0 (Avg 0 ms per reset)

 [host] MCFW_IPCFRAMES: Callback function:App_ipcFramesInCbFxn
 [host] MCFW_IPCFRAMES:Received first frame notify...
 [host] MCFW_IPCFRAMES:VIDFRAMELIST_INFO:FullFrameList  numFullFrames:2
 [host] MCFW_IPCFRAMES:VIDFRAME_INFO:chNum:0    fid:0   frameWidth:1920 frameHeight:1080        timeStamp:5708   virtAddr[0][0]:(nil)    phyAddr[0][0]:0xb841c500
 [host] MCFW_IPCFRAMES:VIDFRAME_INFO:chNum:1    fid:0   frameWidth:720  frameHeight:480 timeStamp:5708  virtAddr[0][0]:(nil)     phyAddr[0][0]:0xb9beb500
 [host] Vdis_getEmptyVideoFrames:status 0 Num:0

 [host] MCFW_IPCFRAMES:App_ipcFramesSendRecvFxn:INFO: periodic print.. [m3video]  Channel:0 inputframerate:30 targetfps:60
 [m3vpss ]  5745: Assertion @ Line: 562 in links_common/ipcFramesIn/ipcFramesInLink_tsk.c: pListElem->frameBuf.phyAddr[0][0] == pFrameBuf->addr[0][0] : failed !!!

 [host] MCFW_IPCBITS: Callback function:App_ipcBitsInCbFxn
 [host] MCFW_IPCBITS:App_ipcBitsRecvStreamFxn:INFO: periodic print.. [m3video]  Channel:1 inputframerate:15 targetfps:60


the following is the code:

    /* Merge Link params */
 #ifdef YUV_FRAMES_TO_A8
    mergePrm[CAM_STREAM_MERGE_IDX].numInQue = 2;
 mergePrm[CAM_STREAM_MERGE_IDX].numInQue = 3;
    mergePrm[CAM_STREAM_MERGE_IDX].inQueParams[0].prevLinkId = dupId[MJPEG_DUP_LINK_IDX];
    mergePrm[CAM_STREAM_MERGE_IDX].inQueParams[0].prevLinkQueId = 0;
  mergePrm[CAM_STREAM_MERGE_IDX].inQueParams[1].prevLinkId = ispId;
     #ifdef RAW_FRAMES_TO_A8
  mergePrm[CAM_STREAM_MERGE_IDX].inQueParams[1].prevLinkId = ispId;
  mergePrm[CAM_STREAM_MERGE_IDX].inQueParams[1].prevLinkId = gVcamModuleContext.cameraId;

    mergePrm[CAM_STREAM_MERGE_IDX].inQueParams[1].prevLinkQueId = 1;
 #ifdef YUV_FRAMES_TO_A8
    mergePrm[CAM_STREAM_MERGE_IDX].inQueParams[2].prevLinkId = dupId[MJPEG_DUP_LINK_IDX];
    mergePrm[CAM_STREAM_MERGE_IDX].inQueParams[2].prevLinkQueId = 1;
//    mergePrm[CAM_STREAM_MERGE_IDX].outQueParams.nextLink = gVsysModuleContext.swOsdId;
    mergePrm[CAM_STREAM_MERGE_IDX].notifyNextLink = TRUE;
 mergePrm[CAM_STREAM_MERGE_IDX].outQueParams.nextLink = gVcamModuleContext.ipcFramesOutVpssToHostId;

 /* Set ipcFramesOutVpss link info */
 ipcFramesOutVpssToHostPrm.baseCreateParams.noNotifyMode = TRUE;
 ipcFramesOutVpssToHostPrm.baseCreateParams.notifyNextLink = FALSE;
 ipcFramesOutVpssToHostPrm.baseCreateParams.notifyPrevLink = TRUE;
 ipcFramesOutVpssToHostPrm.baseCreateParams.inQueParams.prevLinkId = mergeId[CAM_STREAM_MERGE_IDX];
 ipcFramesOutVpssToHostPrm.baseCreateParams.inQueParams.prevLinkQueId = 0;
 ipcFramesOutVpssToHostPrm.baseCreateParams.outQueParams[0].nextLink = gVcamModuleContext.ipcFramesInHostId;
 ipcFramesOutVpssToHostPrm.baseCreateParams.processLink       =  SYSTEM_LINK_ID_INVALID; //johnlin add

 ipcFramesInHostPrm.baseCreateParams.noNotifyMode = TRUE;
 ipcFramesInHostPrm.baseCreateParams.notifyNextLink = FALSE;
 ipcFramesInHostPrm.baseCreateParams.notifyPrevLink = FALSE;
 ipcFramesInHostPrm.baseCreateParams.inQueParams.prevLinkId = gVcamModuleContext.ipcFramesOutVpssToHostId;
 ipcFramesInHostPrm.baseCreateParams.inQueParams.prevLinkQueId = 0;
 ipcFramesInHostPrm.baseCreateParams.outQueParams[0].nextLink =SYSTEM_LINK_ID_INVALID;//gVsysModuleContext.swOsdId;//SYSTEM_LINK_ID_INVALID;
 ipcFramesInHostPrm.exportOnlyPhyAddr = TRUE;

 ipcFramesInHostPrm.cbCtx = &gVcamModuleContext;
 ipcFramesInHostPrm.cbFxn = Vcam_ipcFramesInCbFxn;

 ipcFramesOutHostPrm.baseCreateParams.noNotifyMode = TRUE;
 ipcFramesOutHostPrm.baseCreateParams.notifyNextLink = FALSE;
 ipcFramesOutHostPrm.baseCreateParams.notifyPrevLink = FALSE;
 ipcFramesOutHostPrm.baseCreateParams.inQueParams.prevLinkId = SYSTEM_LINK_ID_INVALID;
 ipcFramesOutHostPrm.baseCreateParams.inQueParams.prevLinkQueId = 0;
 ipcFramesOutHostPrm.baseCreateParams.outQueParams[0].nextLink = gVdisModuleContext.ipcFramesInVpssFromHostId;

 ipcFramesInVpssFromHostPrm.baseCreateParams.noNotifyMode = TRUE;
 ipcFramesInVpssFromHostPrm.baseCreateParams.notifyNextLink = TRUE;
 ipcFramesInVpssFromHostPrm.baseCreateParams.notifyPrevLink = FALSE;    
 ipcFramesInVpssFromHostPrm.baseCreateParams.inQueParams.prevLinkId = gVdisModuleContext.ipcFramesOutHostId;
 ipcFramesInVpssFromHostPrm.baseCreateParams.inQueParams.prevLinkQueId = 0;
 ipcFramesInVpssFromHostPrm.baseCreateParams.outQueParams[0].nextLink = gVsysModuleContext.swOsdId;
 mergePrm[CAM_STREAM_MERGE_IDX].outQueParams.nextLink = gVsysModuleContext.swOsdId;

    /* SWOSD Link Params */
 swosdPrm.inQueParams.prevLinkId = gVcamModuleContext.ipcFramesInHostId;//gVdisModuleContext.ipcFramesInVpssFromHostId; //johnlin
 swosdPrm.inQueParams.prevLinkId = mergeId[CAM_STREAM_MERGE_IDX];
    swosdPrm.inQueParams.prevLinkQueId = 0;
    swosdPrm.outQueParams.nextLink = ipcOutVpssId;
    swosdPrm.frameSync = 0;                                // frame sync is
                                                           // not required
    swosdPrm.frameSycChId = 0;                             // not used

    /* IPC Out VPSS link params */
    ipcOutVpssPrm.inQueParams.prevLinkId = gVsysModuleContext.swOsdId;
    ipcOutVpssPrm.inQueParams.prevLinkQueId = 0;
    ipcOutVpssPrm.numOutQue = 1;
    ipcOutVpssPrm.outQueParams[0].nextLink = ipcInVideoId;
    ipcOutVpssPrm.notifyNextLink = TRUE;
    ipcOutVpssPrm.notifyPrevLink = TRUE;
    ipcOutVpssPrm.noNotifyMode = FALSE;

    /* IPC In VIDEO params */
    ipcInVideoPrm.inQueParams.prevLinkId = ipcOutVpssId;
    ipcInVideoPrm.inQueParams.prevLinkQueId = 0;
    ipcInVideoPrm.numOutQue = 1;
    ipcInVideoPrm.outQueParams[0].nextLink = gVencModuleContext.encId;
    ipcInVideoPrm.notifyNextLink = TRUE;
    ipcInVideoPrm.notifyPrevLink = TRUE;
    ipcInVideoPrm.noNotifyMode = FALSE;




static Void * App_ipcFramesSendRecvFxn(Void * prm)
     App_IpcFramesCtrlThrObj *thrObj = ( App_IpcFramesCtrlThrObj *) prm;
    static Int printStatsInterval = 0;
    Int status;


    OSA_printf("MCFW_IPCFRAMES:Received first frame notify...");
    while (FALSE == thrObj->exitFramesInOutThread)
        status =  Vcam_getFullVideoFrames(&bufList,0);   

        OSA_assert(0 == status);
        if (bufList.numFrames)
            status = Vdis_putFullVideoFrames(&bufList);    

            OSA_assert(0 == status);
        status =  Vdis_getEmptyVideoFrames(&bufList,0);    

        OSA_assert(0 == status);

  OSA_printf("Vdis_getEmptyVideoFrames:status %d Num:%d \n",status,bufList.numFrames);

  if (bufList.numFrames)
            status = Vcam_putEmptyVideoFrames(&bufList);
            OSA_assert(0 == status);
        if ((printStatsInterval % MCFW_IPCFRAMES_INFO_PRINT_INTERVAL) == 0)
            OSA_printf("MCFW_IPCFRAMES:%s:INFO: periodic print..",__func__);
            OSA_printf(" Closing file [%s] for CH%d\n", gApp_ipcFramesCtrl.fileFrameWriteName, gApp_ipcFramesCtrl.fileFrameWriteChn);
    return NULL;


 What should I do? Is there something that I miss to config? Or the current config is wrong?  It's very strange. The custom dm8127 board work fine in the lowpower mode. However if I change the flow to get the YUV data in A8, the M3 vpss stop work after get the following assert.  Any suggestion would be  grateful. Thanks



typedef struct
    UInt32              bufType; /**< see System_BufType */
    UInt32              codingformat; /**< Video coding format - IVIDEO_H264BP, IVIDEO_H264MP,...*/
    UInt32              dataFormat; /**< see System_VideoDataFormat */
    UInt32              memType; /**< see System_MemoryType - Tiled / non-tiled */
    UInt32              startX; /**< Start x position */
    UInt32              startY; /**< Start x position */
    UInt32              width; /**< channel resolution - width */
    UInt32              height; /**< channel resolution - height */
    UInt32              pitch[SYSTEM_MAX_PLANES]; /**< Pitch for various formats / planes  */
    UInt32              scanFormat; /**< see System_VideoScanFormat */
} System_LinkChInfo;

 * \brief LINKs output queue information
 *  Specifies a place holder that describe the output information of the LINK
typedef struct
    UInt32              numCh;
    /**< No of channel that would be sent out */
    System_LinkChInfo   chInfo[SYSTEM_MAX_CH_PER_OUT_QUE];
    /**< Each channels configurations */

} System_LinkQueInfo;



    UInt32              startX=32; /**< Start x position */
    UInt32              startY=24; /**< Start x position */
    UInt32              pitch[SYSTEM_MAX_PLANES]; /**< Pitch for various formats / planes  */


你可能感兴趣的:(dm8127 A8 yuv420sp 送入到videoM3编码--已经解决)