#include <iostream> int main() { const int iSize = 1024; int iCnt = 0; const int &iRefval = iSize;//ok int &iRef = iSize;//不允许非const引用绑定到const对象 const int &icRef = iCnt;//const引用可以绑定到右值 std::cout<<"iRefval: "<<iRefval<<std::endl; std::cout<<"icRef: "<<icRef<<std::endl; return 0; }
const class std::allocator<int> &)' : cannot convert parameter 1 from 'class std::deque<int,class std::allocator<int> >::iterator' to 'unsigned int'
No user-defined-conversion operator available that can perform this conversion, or the operator cannot be called
//prog2.cpp #include <iostream> #include <list> #include <deque> using namespace std; void main() { //Define a list that holds elements that are deques that hold ints deque<int> ideque(10,1); list<int> ilist(ideque.begin(),ideque.end()); for(list<int>::const_iterator itbegin=ilist.begin(),itend=ilist.end();itbegin!=itend;++itbegin) cout<<*itbegin<<endl; }
解决方法:vc 6.0对模板库支持不够好,使用vs2010编译通过。
//返回单词出现的行号set const set<int> & TextQuery::RunQuery(string word) const { map< string,set<int> >::const_iterator it = m_mapWordLine.find(word); if(it != m_mapWordLine.end()) return it->second; else return set<int>();//emptyset }
解决方法:愿意是返回set对象的const引用以减轻复制set对象的负担,但是这里返回空的set对象的局部引用是错误的,c++ primer 原文采用的方法是返回set对象,不使用引用,这也是一种解决方法。另外使用std::vector<std::string>::size_type 比int型的set好。
Types pointed to are unrelated; conversion requires reinterpret_cast, C-style cast or function-style cast
//输出一行中所有字符 void printchar(string &line) { istringstream iss(line); string word; while(iss>>word) for(vector<string>::const_iterator itbegin=word.begin(),itend=word.end();itbegin != itend; ++itbegin) cout<<*itbegin<<endl; }
解决方法:标准库string对象可以使用迭代器操作 ,但是其迭代器要正确使用,应该使用string::const_iterator 后者使用下标操作来获取string对象中的字符。
#include <iostream> #include <iterator>//使用back_inserter #include <algorithm> #include <vector> using namespace std; void main() { vector<int> ivec; try { fill_n(ivec.begin(),10,1);//error should use fill_n (back_inserter(ivec), 10, 1); for(vector<int>::iterator itbegin=ivec.begin(),itend=ivec.end();itbegin!=itend;++itbegin) cout<<*itbegin<<endl; } catch (runtime_error err) { cerr << "Error: "<<err.what()<<endl; } catch(out_of_range or) { cerr << "Error: "<<or.what()<<endl; } catch(exception ex) { cerr << "Error: "<<ex.what()<<endl; } }
fill_n (back_inserter(ivec), 10, 1);
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\include\algorithm(588) : see declaration of 'sort'
prog7.cpp(8) : error C2782: 'void __cdecl std::sort(_RI,_RI)' : template parameter '_RI' is ambiguous
could be 'class std::reverse_iterator<int *,int,int &,int *,int>'
or 'int *'
#include <iostream> #include <algorithm> #include <vector> using namespace std; void main() { vector<int> ivec1(10,1); sort(ivec1.begin(), ivec1.rend());//类型不匹配的错误 可以在编译时检查出来 }
// header file Sales_item.h #include <iostream> #include <string> class Sales_item { // private members private: std::string isbn; unsigned units_sold; double revenue; //public method public: .. //Overloaded Operator as member function Sales_item& operator+=(const Sales_item&);//Compound Assignment Operators Sales_item operator+(const Sales_item& lhs, const Sales_item& rhs); }; // implement file Sales_item.cpp using std::istream; using std::ostream; //Overloaded Operator as nonmember functions inline Sales_item Sales_item::operator+(const Sales_item& lhs, const Sales_item& rhs) { Sales_item ret(lhs); // copy lhs into a local object that we'll return ret += rhs; // add in the contents of rhs return ret; // return ret by value ,not by reference }
注意重载操作符的形参数目(包括成员函数的隐式 this 指针)与操作符的操作数数目相同。对称的操作符,如算术操作符、相等操作符、关系操作符和位操作符,最好定义为普通非成员函数。因此+应该重载为普通非成员函数。这里重载为成员函数时多了一个this形参,故对于+操作符来说,出现参数过多的错误。
// header file Sales_item operator+(const Sales_item& lhs, const Sales_item& rhs); //implement file //Overloaded Operator as nonmember functions inline Sales_item operator+(const Sales_item& lhs, const Sales_item& rhs) { Sales_item ret(lhs); // copy lhs into a local object that we'll return ret += rhs; // add in the contents of rhs return ret; // return ret by value ,not by reference }
Sales_item.exe - 4 error(s), 0 warning(s)
可能是“conflict.cpp(4) : int count”
或 “C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\VC\INCLUDE\xutility(3251) : iterato
r_traits<_Iter>::difference_type std::count(_InIt,_InIt,const _Ty &)”
conflict.cpp(12) : error C2872: “count”: 不明确的符号
可能是“conflict.cpp(4) : int count”
或 “C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\VC\INCLUDE\xutility(3251) : iterato
r_traits<_Iter>::difference_type std::count(_InIt,_InIt,const _Ty &)”
#include <iostream> using namespace std; int count = 0; int increment() { return ++count;// error, identifier count is ambiguous } int main() { increment(); cout<<"count= "<<count<<endl; return 0; }
1)尽量少用directive方式来引用命名空间:(directive方式即using namespace std;)
#include <iostream> using std::cout;//使用命名空间一个名字 using std::endl; int count = 0; int increment() { return ++count; } int main() { increment(); cout<<"count= "<<count<<endl; return 0; }
#include <iostream> using namespace std; namespace global { int count = 0;//重新定义一个命名空间 } int increment() { return ++global::count; } int main() { increment(); cout<<"count= "<<global::count<<endl; return 0; }
#include <iostream> #include <string> using std::cout; using std::endl; using std::string; //const引用形参举例 //非const引用形参只能与完全同类型的非const对象关联 std::size_t find_char(string &s,char c) { string::size_type i = 0; while(i != s.size() && s[i] != c) ++i; if(i == s.size()) return string::npos; else return i; } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { //字面值常量为const对象,调用出错 if(find_char("Hello, world.",'.') != string::npos) { cout<<"a sentence."<<endl; } return 0; }
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\VC\INCLUDE\xmemory0(601) : error C2512: “Foo”: 没有
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\VC\INCLUDE\xmemory0(600): 编译类 模板 成员函数
“void std::allocator<_Ty>::construct(_Ty *)”时
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\VC\INCLUDE\xmemory0(751): 参见对正在编译的函数
模板 实例化“void std::allocator<_Ty>::construct(_Ty *)”的引用
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\VC\INCLUDE\type_traits(743): 参见对正在编译的
类 模板 实例化“std::allocator<_Ty>”的引用
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\VC\INCLUDE\vector(655): 参见对正在编译的类 模
板 实例化“std::is_empty<_Ty>”的引用
prog26.cpp(15): 参见对正在编译的类 模板 实例化“std::vector<_Ty>”的引用
#include <stdio.h> #include <vector> using namespace std; //顺序容器举例 class Foo { public: Foo(int i):ival(i){} private: int ival; }; int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { vector<Foo> empty; vector<Foo> bad(10); vector<Foo> ok(10,1); return 0; }
出错代码:例子来自c++ primer 4th
Screen& Screen::display(std::ostream& os) const { os << contents << '\n'; return *this; }
解决办法: c++语言规定,不能从const成员函数返回指向类对象的普通引用,const成员函数只能返回*this作为一个const引用。因此解决办法即是,把成员函数声明为 const Screen& display(std::ostream &os) const;
//成员函数定义 Screen& Screen::move(index r,index c) { index row = r * width; cursor = row + c; return *this; } const Screen& Screen::display(std::ostream& os) const { os << contents << '\n'; return *this; } //main中处理 myScreen.display(cout).move(4,0).set('#').display(cout);
解决办法: 通过返回调用函数的对象的引用,可以将一些操作链接起来简化代码书写。
//通过是否为const成员函数实现重载 Screen& display(std::ostream &os) {do_display(os);return *this;} const Screen& display(std::ostream &os) const {do_display(os);return *this;} //提取公共函数 void do_display(std::ostream &os) const {os<<contents;} //main中处理 int main() { Screen myScreen(5,3); const Screen blank(5,3); //调用非const版本display myScreen.display(cout).set('#').display(cout); cout << endl; //调用 const版本display blank.display(cout); return 0; }这样非常量myScreen调用非const版本的display 函数,而const的blank对象调用const版本的display函数,从而避免了混淆。
//const成员初始化 class ConstInit { public: ConstInit(int i,int j) { ival = i; cival = j; rival = ival; } private: int ival; const int cival; int &rival; }; int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { ConstInit ci; }
//const成员初始化 #include <iostream> using std::cout; class ConstInit { public: ConstInit(int i=0):ival(i),cival(i),rival(i){} private: int ival; const int cival; int &rival; //只要初始化表达式是一个常量,可以再定义体中进行初始化 static const int period = 30; public: static const unsigned int ARRAY[3];//静态常量数组 }; const unsigned int ConstInit::ARRAY[3] = {1,3,5}; int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { ConstInit ci; cout<<ConstInit::ARRAY[1]; }
prog29.cpp(12) : 参见“Foo::Foo”的声明
prog29.cpp(7) : 参见“Foo”的声明
#include <iostream> using std::cout; using std::endl; //为了禁止复制,类必须显式声明其复制构造函数为private //要禁止类的友元和成员复制对象,可以声明但不定义复制构造函数 class Foo { public: Foo(int i=0):ival(i){} int getVal() const {return ival;} private: Foo(const Foo& orig){ival = orig.ival;};//声明为私有 private: int ival; }; int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { Foo foo1(1);//ok,调用构造函数 cout<<foo1.getVal()<<endl; Foo foo2; foo2 = foo1;//ok,使用合成的赋值操作符 cout<<foo2.getVal()<<endl; Foo foo3(foo1);//error,无法调用复制构造函数 cout<<foo3.getVal()<<endl; return 0; }
解决办法: 这里旨在说明三种初始化方式,foo1使用构造函数初始化,foo2使用默认值调用构造函数,而foo3代用私有的复制构造函数因而产生错误。注意,为了禁止复制,类必须显式声明其复制构造函数为private;要禁止类的友元和成员复制对象,可以声明但不定义复制构造函数。遇到这种错误,说明赋值构造函数函数的使用不当。
#include <iostream> #include <cstring> using std::cout; using std::endl; //复制构造函数举例1 //此例包含指针成员,没有复制构造函数出错 struct Node { Node(char *n="",int a = 0) { name = strdup(n); strcpy(name,n); age = a ; } ~Node() { delete[] name; } char *name; int age; }; int main() { Node node1("Roger",20),node2(node1); //print Roger 20 Roger 20 cout<<node1.name<<" "<<node1.age<<" " <<node2.name<<" "<<node2.age<<endl; strcpy(node2.name,"Wendy"); node2.age = 30; //print Wendy 20 Wendy 30 cout<<node1.name<<" "<<node1.age<<" " <<node2.name<<" "<<node2.age<<endl; }
Roger 20 Roger 20
Wendy 20 Wendy 30
0x77D9FCAA (ntdll.dll) (prog31.exe 中)处有未经处理的异常: 0xC0000374: 堆已损坏。 (参数: 0x77DC6668)。
#include <iostream> #include <cstring> using std::cout; using std::endl; //复制构造函数举例2 struct Node { Node(char *n="",int a = 0) { name = strdup(n); strcpy(name,n); age = a ; } //复制构造函数 Node(const Node& node) { name = strdup(node.name); age = node.age; } //赋值操作符 Node& operator=(const Node& n) { if(this != &n) { if(name != NULL) delete [] name;//释放先前空间 name = strdup(n.name);//重新分配内存 age = n.age; } return *this; } //析构函数 ~Node() { delete[] name; } char *name; int age; }; int main() { Node node1("Roger",20),node2(node1),node3("Tom",22); //print Roger 20 Roger 20 cout<<node1.name<<" "<<node1.age<<" " <<node2.name<<" "<<node2.age<<endl; strcpy(node2.name,"Wendy"); node2.age = 30; //print Roger 20 Wendy 30 cout<<node1.name<<" "<<node1.age<<" " <<node2.name<<" "<<node2.age<<endl; //赋值操作符 node2 = node3; //print Tom 22 Tom 22 cout<<node2.name<<" "<<node2.age<<" " <<node3.name<<" "<<node3.age<<endl; return 0; }
原因如下: 无法从“std::vector<_Ty>”转换为“const std::allocator<_Ty>”
prog33.cpp(13) : error C2664: “std::vector<_Ty>::vector(const std::allocator<_Ty> &)”: 不能将参数
1 从“std::vector<_Ty>”转换为“const std::allocator<_Ty> &”
原因如下: 无法从“std::vector<_Ty>”转换为“const std::allocator<_Ty>”
#include <iostream> #include <vector> #include <list> using std::vector; using std::list; using std::cout; //容器初始化举例 int main() { vector<int> ivec;//使用默认构造函数 vector<int> ivec2(ivec);//初始化为同型容器的副本 list<int> ilist(ivec);//错误,容器类型不同 vector<double> dvec(ivec);//错误,容器元素类型不同 return 0; }解决办法: c++标准库中不允许容器初始化为不同类型或者容器元素类型不同的容器的副本。如果需要从其他容器的元素初始化容器,可以使用一对迭代范围的构造函数初始化。例如:
vector<int> ivec; list<int> ilist(ivec.begin(),ivec.end()); vector<double> dvec(ivec.begin(),ivec.end());
#include <iostream> #include <vector> using std::vector; using std::cout; using std::endl; //迭代器失效举例-避免存储end操作返回的迭代器 int main() { vector<int> ivec; ivec.push_back(3); ivec.push_back(5); ivec.push_back(7); vector<int>::iterator end = ivec.end(); for(vector<int>::iterator first = ivec.begin();first != end;++first) cout<<*first<<endl; ivec.insert(ivec.begin(),1); //cause fatal error for(vector<int>::iterator first = ivec.begin();first != end;++first) cout<<*first<<endl; return 0; }
int ia[] = {1,5,3,3,4}; const int array_size = sizeof(ia)/sizeof(*ia); list<int> ilist(ia,ia+array_size); vector<int> temp; copy(ilist.begin(),ilist.end(), front_inserter(temp));//使用push_front插入,导致错误
解决办法: 迭代器与底层容器之间的操作实际上存在限制关系,也就是说并不是所有的容器都支持诸如push_front之类的操作。这里front_inserter将使用push_front方法来向vector插入元素,但是vector并不支持push_front操作。因此,解决的方法就是使用back_inserter 或者inserter函数返回的插入迭代器来进行操作。
#ifndef _PAIR_H_ #define _PAIR_H_ #include <string> template <class T> class Node { public: Node(T dat,Node *n=NULL):data(dat),next(n){} public: T data; Node *next; }; template <class T> class LinkedList { public: LinkedList():head(NULL){} ~LinkedList();//free space here void add(T e);//add element std::string toString();//print content public: Node<T> *head; }; #endifLinkedList.cpp
#include "LinkedList.h" //free space template <class T> LinkedList<T>::~LinkedList() { Node<T> * ptr = head; while(ptr != NULL) { Node<T> * tmp = ptr->next; delete ptr; ptr = tmp; } } template <class T> void LinkedList<T>::add(T e) { Node<T> *node = new Node<T>(e); node->next = head; head = node;//update head } template <class T> std::string LinkedList<T>::toString() { std::string asString("List:["); for(Node<T>* ptr = head;ptr != NULL;ptr = ptr->next) asString += std::to_string(ptr->data); asString += "]"; return asString; }
#include <iostream> #include "LinkedList.h" int main() { LinkedList<int> list; list.add(1); list.add(2); list.add(3); std::cout<<list.toString()<<std::endl; return 0; }
方式二,通过使用export关键字,让编译器知道要记住给定的模板定义。当然要看编译器支持否,我的vs2013编译提示, warning C4237: 目前还不支持“export”关键字,但已保留该关键字供将来使用。因此这里使用方式一,例如代码:
#ifndef _PAIR_H_ #define _PAIR_H_ #include <string> template <class T> class Node { public: Node(T dat,Node *n=NULL):data(dat),next(n){} public: T data; Node *next; }; template <class T> class LinkedList { public: LinkedList():head(NULL){} ~LinkedList();//free space here void add(T e);//add element std::string toString();//print content public: Node<T> *head; }; template <class T> LinkedList<T>::~LinkedList() { Node<T> * ptr = head; while(ptr != NULL) { Node<T> * tmp = ptr->next; delete ptr; ptr = tmp; } } template <class T> void LinkedList<T>::add(T e) { Node<T> *node = new Node<T>(e); node->next = head; head = node;//update head } template <class T> std::string LinkedList<T>::toString() { std::string asString("List:["); for(Node<T>* ptr = head;ptr != NULL;ptr = ptr->next) asString += std::to_string(ptr->data); asString += "]"; return asString; } #endif测试结果:
template<typename T> class Stack { public: virtual ~Stack(){}; virtual void push(T data)=0; virtual T pop()=0; virtual T top()=0; virtual bool isEmpty()=0; virtual void clear() = 0; virtual int getSize()=0; };
template<typename T = int> class ArrayStack : public Stack<T> { public: T top() { if(top == base) { throw std::logic_error("top at empty stack"); } return *(top-1); } //other member function private: T *base,*top; int capacity; };
d:\ds\stack\ArrayStack.h(79) : error C2365: “ArrayStack<T>::top”: 重定义;以前的定义是“成员函数” d:\ds\stack\ArrayStack.h(58) : 参见“ArrayStack<T>::top”的声明 d:\ds\stack\ArrayStack.h(81): 参见对正在编译的类 模板 实例化“ArrayStack<T>”的引用 d:\ds\stack\ArrayStack.h(79) : error C2365: “ArrayStack<T>::top”: 重定义;以前的定义是“成员函数” with [ T=int ] d:\ds\stack\ArrayStack.h(58) : 参见“ArrayStack<T>::top”的声明 with [ T=int ] StackTest.cpp(6): 参见对正在编译的类 模板 实例化“ArrayStack<T>”的引用 with [ T=int ]解决办法,遵照合理的命名规则。
st std::basic_string<_Elem,_Traits,_Alloc> &”推导 模板 参数
algorithm(3619) : error C2676: 二进制“<”:“Person”不定义该运算符或到预定义运算符可接收的类型的转换
#include <vector> #include <algorithm> #include <iostream> #include <string> class Person { public: // default constructor Person() : age(0) {} Person(int age, std::string name) { this->age = age; this->name = name; } int age; std::string name; }; int main() { std::vector<Person> vecPerson; vecPerson.push_back(Person(24,"Calvin")); vecPerson.push_back(Person(30,"Benny")); vecPerson.push_back(Person(28,"Alison")); std::sort(vecPerson.begin(),vecPerson.end()); //using c++11 for(const Person& p : vecPerson) std::cout<<p.age<<", "<<p.name<<std::endl; return 0; }解决办法: 定义STL算法需要的关系操作符。在上例中,sort算法默认使用std::less,而std::less使用类的<操作符,因此可以定义一个全局的 重载<操作符的函数来满足sort算法需求,如下:
inline bool operator<(const Person& a, const Person& b) { return a.age < b.age; }
24, Calvin
28, Alison
30, Benny
template<typename T,typename Compare=std::less<T> > class PriorityQueue : public Queue<T> { template<typename T,typename Compare> T PriorityQueue<T,Compare>::dequeue() { if(index == 0) { std::cerr<<"logic error : dequeue at empty queue. "<<std::endl; throw std::logic_error("dequeue at empty queue"); } //pick up one with highest priority int highIndex = 0; for(int i = 1;i < index ;i++) // O(n) { if( Compare( queue[i],queue[highIndex] ) ) highIndex = i; } T result = queue[highIndex]; index--; queue[highIndex] = queue[index]; //put the last element to the removed position return result; } }
std::less<Key> a; //定义一个函数对象 if(a(x,y)) ...
if(std::less<Key>()(x,y)) ...
#include <iostream> #include <list> using namespace std; void printList(list<int>::iterator itCur,list<int>::iterator end); int main() { list<int> iList; for(int i = 0;i < 10 ;i++) iList.push_back(i); printList(iList.begin(),iList.end()); } void printList(list<int>::iterator itCur,list<int>::iterator end) { if( itCur == end) { std::cout<<std::endl; return; } std::cout<<*itCur<<" "; printList(itCur++,end); }这段程序中,利用尾递归输出链表,实际上将进入死循环,导致输出时linux下提示段错误。在传递参数时,利用printList(itCur++,end)却没有达到预期效果,原因是后置自增变量用错了,这个错误很低级,需要引起注意。
while(!stack.empty()) { if(top == stack.top()->left && stack.top()->right != 0) { stack.push(stack.top()->right); visit(stack.top()->right);//should visit last top right,not the new top right break; }else { top = stack.top(); stack.pop(); } }
段错误,简而言之,是由于你使用已经释放的内存,写入只读的内存引起的错误。参考自:SO segmentation fault
int main() { //dereference a null pointer,can cause segmentation fault int *p = 0; *p = 1; return 0; }
int main() { // write to a portion of memory that has marked as read-only char *str = "Foo";// compiler marks the constant string as read-only *str = 'b';//which means this is illegal and results in a segfault return 0; }
No.27 warning: xxx will be initialized after [-Wreorder]
Class C { int a; int b; C():b(1),a(2){} //warning, should be C():a(2),b(1) }
No.28 error: ‘std::ios_base::ios_base(const std::ios_base&)’ is private
ios_base(const ios_base&);
synthesized method ‘std::basic_ostream<char>::basic_ostream(const std::basic_ostream<char>&)’ first required here
return s;
这个错误的原因大概是std::ios_base类的拷贝构造函数是私有的,从return s语句返回时缺少一个合成的构造拷贝构造函数完成流的复制。
#include <iostream> #include <string> struct Person { std::string name; Person(std::string n):name(n){} }; // should return a reference to std::ostream std::ostream operator<<(std::ostream& s,const Person &p) { s << p.name; return s; } int main() { Person p(std::string("Tom")); std::cout<<p<<std::endl; }重载输出操作符时,由于流对象不能复制,因此如果以值(by value)形式返回时,无法完成从s到std::osream的复制,因此导致上述错误。
No 29 . passing xxx as 'this' argument of xxx discards qualifiers
来自 stackoverflow的例子:
#include <iostream> #include <set> using namespace std; class StudentT { public: int id; string name; public: StudentT(int _id, string _name) : id(_id), name(_name) { } int getId() { // 应该声明为const成员 return id; } string getName() { // 应该声明为const成员 return name; } }; inline bool operator< (StudentT s1, StudentT s2) { return s1.getId() < s2.getId(); } int main() { set<StudentT> st; StudentT s1(0, "Tom"); StudentT s2(1, "Tim"); st.insert(s1); st.insert(s2); set<StudentT> :: iterator itr; for (itr = st.begin(); itr != st.end(); itr++) { cout << itr->getId() << " " << itr->getName() << endl; } return 0; }
No.30 error: cannot dynamic_cast ‘b’ (of type ‘class Base*’) to type ‘class Derived<int>*’ (source type is not polymorphic)
更正后的代码为(来自: c++ - converting a base class pointer to a derived class pointer):
#include <iostream> using namespace std; class Base { public: Base() {}; virtual ~Base() {}; // make it polymorphic }; template<class T> class Derived: public Base { T _val; public: Derived() {} Derived(T val): _val(val) {} T raw() {return _val;} }; int main() { Base * b = new Derived<int>(1); Derived<int> * d = dynamic_cast<Derived<int>* >(b); cout << d->raw() << endl; return 0; }
当实参与形参匹配的过程中,如果提供了多个转换操作符,而每个转换操作符都不能与形参类型匹配,需要额外的标准转换时,则没有哪种转换明显优于另一种,则编译器提示这个转换存在二义性,例如(来自c++ primer 4th):
// this example show paramaters matching process // note SmallInt is a bad design #include <iostream> using namespace std; class SmallInt { public: SmallInt(int x=0):val(x){ cout << "int ctor" << endl; } SmallInt(double x):val(x){ cout << "double ctor" << endl;} operator int() const { cout << "int conversion " << endl;return val;} operator double() const { cout << "double conversion" << endl; return val;} private: std::size_t val; }; void compute(int x){} void fp_compute(double x){} void extended_compute(long double x){} int main() { SmallInt si; compute(si); // using SmallInt::operator int() const fp_compute(si); // using SmallInt::operator double() const extended_compute(si); // error: ambiguous return 0; }
No.32 /usr/include/c++/4.9/bits/stl_iterator_base_types.h:165:53: error: ‘int’ is not a class, struct, or union type
先看下面的代码(来自: SO):
#include <iostream> #include <cmath> #include <vector> using namespace std; double distance(int a, int b) { return fabs(a-b); } int main() { vector<int> age; age.push_back(10); age.push_back(15); cout << distance(age[0],age[1]); return 0; }这段代码初看起来并无错误,编译时提示上述错误,原因在于使用std命名空间,而std命名空间中已经有了std::distance函数.
template<class InputIterator> typename iterator_traits<InputIterator>::difference_type distance (InputIterator first, InputIterator last);
namespace foo { double distance(int a, int b) { return fabs(a-b); } } int main() { foo::distance(x,y); //now you're calling your own distance function. }
No.33 auto_ptr is not dereferencable
// Example : Transferring ownership from // one auto_ptr to another void testAutoPtr6() { std::auto_ptr<TC> pt1(new TC); std::auto_ptr<TC> pt2; pt1->someFunc(); // OK pt2 = pt1; // now pt2 owns the pointer, and pt1 does not std::cout << "Content of pt1 is " << pt1.get() << std::endl; std::cout << "Content of pt2 is " << pt2.get() << std::endl; pt2->someFunc(); // OK pt1->someFunc(); // error! following a null pointer } // as we go out of scope, pt2's destructor // deletes the pointer, but pt1's does nothing
No.34 _block_type_is_valid(phead- nblockuse)
出现这种错误的原因有多个,基本原因有四个, 可以参见:SO。
void testSharedPtr1() { //std::shared_ptr<TC> pt(new TC[5]); // will crash , since default desctrctor using delete std::shared_ptr<TC> sptr1(new TC[5], [](TC* p) { delete[] p; }); }
No:35 error C2280: 'std::mutex::mutex(const std::mutex &)' : attempting to reference a deleted function
class Account { public: Account(int id_, double ba = 0.0) :id(id_), balance(ba){} void withdraw(double amount){ balance -= amount; } void deposit(double amount){ balance += amount; } void printInfo() const { std::cout << "Account id: " << id << " balance: " << balance << std::endl; } Account(const Account& other) = delete; Account& operator=(const Account& other) = delete; friend void transfer(Account& from, Account& to, double amount); private: double balance; int id; std::mutex m; };