#include "stdio.h" #include "vpu_global.h" #include "utils/Log.h" #include "vpu_api.h" #undef LOG_TAG #define LOG_TAG "vpu_api_demo" static RK_U32 VPU_API_DEMO_DEBUG_DISABLE = 0; #define VPU_API_DEMO_DEBUG 1 #ifdef VPU_API_DEMO_DEBUG #ifdef AVS40 #define VPU_DEMO_LOG(...) do { if (VPU_API_DEMO_DEBUG_DISABLE==0) LOGI(__VA_ARGS__); } while (0) #else #define VPU_DEMO_LOG(...) do { if (VPU_API_DEMO_DEBUG_DISABLE==0) ALOGI(__VA_ARGS__); } while (0) #endif #else #define VPU_DEMO_LOG #endif #define BSWAP32(x) \ ((((x) & 0xff000000) >> 24) | (((x) & 0x00ff0000) >> 8) | \ (((x) & 0x0000ff00) << 8) | (((x) & 0x000000ff) << 24)) #define DEMO_ERR_RET(err) do { ret = err; goto DEMO_OUT; } while (0) #define DECODE_ERR_RET(err) do { ret = err; goto DECODE_OUT; } while (0) #define ENCODE_ERR_RET(err) do { ret = err; goto ENCODE_OUT; } while (0) typedef enum VPU_API_DEMO_RET { VPU_DEMO_OK = 0, VPU_DEMO_PARSE_HELP_OK = 1, VPU_DEMO_ERROR_BASE = -100, ERROR_INVALID_PARAM = VPU_DEMO_ERROR_BASE - 1, ERROR_INVALID_STREAM = VPU_DEMO_ERROR_BASE - 2, ERROR_IO = VPU_DEMO_ERROR_BASE - 3, ERROR_MEMORY = VPU_DEMO_ERROR_BASE - 4, ERROR_INIT_VPU = VPU_DEMO_ERROR_BASE - 5, ERROR_VPU_DECODE = VPU_DEMO_ERROR_BASE - 90, } VPU_API_DEMO_RET; typedef struct VpuApiCmd { RK_U8* name; RK_U8* argname; RK_U8* help; }VpuApiCmd_t; typedef struct VpuApiDemoCmdContext { RK_U32 width; RK_U32 height; CODEC_TYPE codec_type; OMX_ON2_VIDEO_CODINGTYPE coding; RK_U8 input_file[200]; RK_U8 output_file[200]; RK_U8 have_input; RK_U8 have_output; RK_U8 disable_debug; RK_U32 record_frames; RK_S64 record_start_ms; }VpuApiDemoCmdContext_t; typedef struct VpuApiEncInput { EncInputStream_t stream; RK_U32 capability; }VpuApiEncInput; static VpuApiCmd_t vpuApiCmd[] = { {"i", "input_file", "input bitstream file"}, {"o", "output_file", "output bitstream file, "}, {"w", "width", "the width of input bitstream"}, {"h", "height", "the height of input bitstream"}, {"t", "codec_type", "the codec type, dec: deoder, enc: encoder, default: decoder"}, {"coding", "coding_type", "encoding type of the bitstream"}, {"vframes", "number", "set the number of video frames to record"}, {"ss", "time_off", "set the start time offset, use Ms as the unit."}, {"d", "disable", "disable the debug output info."}, }; static void show_usage() { VPU_DEMO_LOG("usage: vpu_apiDemo [options] input_file, \n\n"); VPU_DEMO_LOG("Getting help:\n"); VPU_DEMO_LOG("-help --print options of vpu api demo\n"); } static RK_S32 show_help() { VPU_DEMO_LOG("usage: vpu_apiDemo [options] input_file, \n\n"); RK_S32 i =0; RK_U32 n = sizeof(vpuApiCmd)/sizeof(VpuApiCmd_t); for (i =0; i <n; i++) { VPU_DEMO_LOG("-%s %s\t\t%s\n", vpuApiCmd[i].name, vpuApiCmd[i].argname, vpuApiCmd[i].help); } return 0; } static RK_S32 parse_options(int argc, char **argv, VpuApiDemoCmdContext_t* cmdCxt) { RK_S8 *opt; RK_U32 optindex, handleoptions = 1, ret =0; if ((argc <2) || (cmdCxt == NULL)) { VPU_DEMO_LOG("vpu api demo, input parameter invalid\n"); show_usage(); return ERROR_INVALID_PARAM; } /* parse options */ optindex = 1; while (optindex < argc) { opt = argv[optindex++]; if (handleoptions && opt[0] == '-' && opt[1] != '\0') { if (opt[1] == '-') { if (opt[2] != '\0') { opt++; } else { handleoptions = 0; continue; } } opt++; switch (*opt) { case 'i': if (argv[optindex]) { memcpy(cmdCxt->input_file, argv[optindex], strlen(argv[optindex])); cmdCxt->input_file[strlen(argv[optindex])] = '\0'; cmdCxt->have_input = 1; } else { VPU_DEMO_LOG("input file is invalid\n"); ret = -1; goto PARSE_OPINIONS_OUT; } break; case 'o': if (argv[optindex]) { memcpy(cmdCxt->output_file, argv[optindex], strlen(argv[optindex])); cmdCxt->output_file[strlen(argv[optindex])] = '\0'; cmdCxt->have_output = 1; break; } else { VPU_DEMO_LOG("out file is invalid\n"); ret = -1; goto PARSE_OPINIONS_OUT; } case 'd': cmdCxt->disable_debug = 1; break; case 'w': if (argv[optindex]) { cmdCxt->width = atoi(argv[optindex]); break; } else { VPU_DEMO_LOG("input width is invalid\n"); ret = -1; goto PARSE_OPINIONS_OUT; } case 'h': if ((*(opt+1) != '\0') && !strncmp(opt, "help", 4)) { show_help(); ret = VPU_DEMO_PARSE_HELP_OK; goto PARSE_OPINIONS_OUT; } else if (argv[optindex]) { cmdCxt->height = atoi(argv[optindex]); } else { VPU_DEMO_LOG("input height is invalid\n"); ret = -1; goto PARSE_OPINIONS_OUT; } break; case 't': if (argv[optindex]) { cmdCxt->codec_type = atoi(argv[optindex]); break; } else { VPU_DEMO_LOG("input codec_type is invalid\n"); ret = -1; goto PARSE_OPINIONS_OUT; } default: if ((*(opt+1) != '\0') && argv[optindex]) { if (!strncmp(opt, "coding", 6)) { VPU_DEMO_LOG("coding, argv[optindex]: %s", argv[optindex]); cmdCxt->coding = atoi(argv[optindex]); } else if (!strncmp(opt, "vframes", 7)) { cmdCxt->record_frames = atoi(argv[optindex]); } else if (!strncmp(opt, "ss", 2)) { cmdCxt->record_start_ms = atoi(argv[optindex]); } else { ret = -1; goto PARSE_OPINIONS_OUT; } } else { ret = -1; goto PARSE_OPINIONS_OUT; } break; } optindex += ret; } } PARSE_OPINIONS_OUT: if (ret <0) { VPU_DEMO_LOG("vpu api demo, input parameter invalid\n"); show_usage(); return ERROR_INVALID_PARAM; } return ret; } static RK_S32 readBytesFromFile(RK_U8* buf, RK_S32 aBytes, FILE* file) { if ((NULL ==buf) || (NULL ==file) || (0 ==aBytes)) { return -1; } RK_S32 ret = fread(buf, 1, aBytes, file); if(ret != aBytes) { VPU_DEMO_LOG("read %d bytes from file fail", aBytes); return -1; } return 0; } static RK_S32 vpu_encode_demo(VpuApiDemoCmdContext_t *cmd) { if (cmd == NULL) { return -1; } FILE* pInFile = NULL; FILE* pOutFile = NULL; struct VpuCodecContext *ctx = NULL; RK_S32 nal = 0x00000001; RK_S32 fileSize, frame_count, ret, size; EncoderOut_t enc_out_yuv; EncoderOut_t *enc_out = NULL; VpuApiEncInput enc_in_strm; VpuApiEncInput *api_enc_in = &enc_in_strm; EncInputStream_t *enc_in =NULL; EncParameter_t *enc_param = NULL; RK_S64 fakeTimeUs =0; if ((cmd->have_input == NULL) || (cmd->width <=0) || (cmd->height <=0) || (cmd->coding <= OMX_ON2_VIDEO_CodingAutoDetect)) { VPU_DEMO_LOG("Warning: missing needed parameters for vpu api demo\n"); } if (cmd->have_input) { VPU_DEMO_LOG("input bitstream w: %d, h: %d, coding: %d(%s), path: %s\n", cmd->width, cmd->height, cmd->coding, cmd->codec_type == CODEC_DECODER ? "decode" : "encode", cmd->input_file); pInFile = fopen(cmd->input_file, "rb"); if (pInFile == NULL) { VPU_DEMO_LOG("input file not exsist\n"); ENCODE_ERR_RET(ERROR_INVALID_PARAM); } } else { VPU_DEMO_LOG("please set input bitstream file\n"); ENCODE_ERR_RET(ERROR_INVALID_PARAM); } if (cmd->have_output) { VPU_DEMO_LOG("vpu api demo output file: %s\n", cmd->output_file); pOutFile = fopen(cmd->output_file, "wb"); if (pOutFile == NULL) { VPU_DEMO_LOG("can not write output file\n"); ENCODE_ERR_RET(ERROR_INVALID_PARAM); } } fseek(pInFile, 0L, SEEK_END); fileSize = ftell(pInFile); fseek(pInFile, 0L, SEEK_SET); memset(&enc_in_strm, 0, sizeof(VpuApiEncInput)); enc_in = &enc_in_strm.stream; enc_in->buf = NULL; memset(&enc_out_yuv, 0, sizeof(EncoderOut_t)); enc_out = &enc_out_yuv; enc_out->data = (RK_U8*)malloc(cmd->width * cmd->height); if (enc_out->data == NULL) { ENCODE_ERR_RET(ERROR_MEMORY); } ret = vpu_open_context(&ctx); if (ret || (ctx ==NULL)) { ENCODE_ERR_RET(ERROR_MEMORY); } /* ** now init vpu api context. codecType, codingType, width ,height ** are all needed before init. */ ctx->codecType = cmd->codec_type; ctx->videoCoding = cmd->coding; ctx->width = cmd->width; ctx->height = cmd->height; ctx->no_thread = 1; ctx->private_data = malloc(sizeof(EncParameter_t)); memset(ctx->private_data,0,sizeof(EncParameter_t)); enc_param = (EncParameter_t*)ctx->private_data; enc_param->width = cmd->width; enc_param->height = cmd->height; enc_param->bitRate = 100000; enc_param->framerate = 25; enc_param->enableCabac = 0; enc_param->cabacInitIdc = 0; enc_param->intraPicRate = 30; if ((ret = ctx->init(ctx, NULL, 0)) !=0) { VPU_DEMO_LOG("init vpu api context fail, ret: 0x%X", ret); ENCODE_ERR_RET(ERROR_INIT_VPU); } /* ** init of VpuCodecContext while running encode, it returns ** sps and pps of encoder output, you need to save sps and pps ** after init. */ VPU_DEMO_LOG("encode init ok, sps len: %d", ctx->extradata_size); if(pOutFile && (ctx->extradata_size >0)) { VPU_DEMO_LOG("dump %d bytes enc output stream to file", ctx->extradata_size); /* save sps and pps */ fwrite(ctx->extradata, 1, ctx->extradata_size, pOutFile); fflush(pOutFile); } /* ** vpu api encode process. */ VPU_DEMO_LOG("init vpu api context ok, input yuv stream file size: %d", fileSize); RK_U32 w_align = ((ctx->width + 15) & (~15)); RK_U32 h_align = ((ctx->height + 15) & (~15)); size = w_align * h_align * 3/2; nal = BSWAP32(nal); do { if (ftell(pInFile) >=fileSize) { VPU_DEMO_LOG("read end of file, complete"); break; } if (enc_in && (enc_in->size ==0)) { if (enc_in->buf == NULL) { enc_in->buf = (RK_U8*)(malloc)(size); if (enc_in->buf == NULL) { ENCODE_ERR_RET(ERROR_MEMORY); } api_enc_in->capability = size; } if (api_enc_in->capability <((RK_U32)size)) { enc_in->buf = (RK_U8*)(realloc)((void*)(enc_in->buf), size); if (enc_in->buf == NULL) { ENCODE_ERR_RET(ERROR_MEMORY); } api_enc_in->capability = size; } if (readBytesFromFile(enc_in->buf, size, pInFile)) { break; } else { enc_in->size = size; enc_in->timeUs = fakeTimeUs; fakeTimeUs +=40000; } VPU_DEMO_LOG("read one frame, size: %d, timeUs: %lld, filePos: %ld", enc_in->size, enc_in->timeUs , ftell(pInFile)); } if ((ret = ctx->encode(ctx, enc_in, enc_out)) !=0) { ENCODE_ERR_RET(ERROR_VPU_DECODE); } else { VPU_DEMO_LOG("vpu encode one frame, out len: %d, left size: %d", enc_out->size, enc_in->size); /* ** encoder output stream is raw bitstream, you need to add nal ** head by yourself. */ if ((enc_out->size) && (enc_out->data)) { if(pOutFile) { VPU_DEMO_LOG("dump %d bytes enc output stream to file", enc_out->size); fwrite((uint8_t*)&nal, 1, 4, pOutFile); fwrite(enc_out->data, 1, enc_out->size, pOutFile); fflush(pOutFile); } enc_out->size = 0; } } usleep(30); }while(1); ENCODE_OUT: if (enc_in && enc_in->buf) { free(enc_in->buf); enc_in->buf = NULL; } if (enc_out && (enc_out->data)) { free(enc_out->data); enc_out->data = NULL; } if (ctx) { if (ctx->private_data) { free(ctx->private_data); ctx->private_data = NULL; } vpu_close_context(&ctx); ctx = NULL; } if (pInFile) { fclose(pInFile); pInFile = NULL; } if (pOutFile) { fclose(pOutFile); pOutFile = NULL; } if (ret) { VPU_DEMO_LOG("encode demo fail, err: %d", ret); } else { VPU_DEMO_LOG("encode demo complete OK."); } return ret; } static RK_S32 vpu_decode_demo(VpuApiDemoCmdContext_t *cmd) { if (cmd == NULL) { return -1; } FILE* pInFile = NULL; FILE* pOutFile = NULL; struct VpuCodecContext* ctx = NULL; RK_S32 fileSize =0, pkt_size =0; RK_S32 ret = 0, frame_count = 0; DecoderOut_t decOut; VideoPacket_t demoPkt; VideoPacket_t* pkt =NULL; DecoderOut_t *pOut = NULL; VPU_FRAME *frame = NULL; RK_S64 fakeTimeUs =0; RK_U8* pExtra = NULL; RK_U32 extraSize = 0; if ((cmd->have_input == NULL) || (cmd->width <=0) || (cmd->height <=0) || (cmd->coding <= OMX_ON2_VIDEO_CodingAutoDetect)) { VPU_DEMO_LOG("Warning: missing needed parameters for vpu api demo\n"); } if (cmd->have_input) { VPU_DEMO_LOG("input bitstream w: %d, h: %d, coding: %d(%s), path: %s\n", cmd->width, cmd->height, cmd->coding, cmd->codec_type == CODEC_DECODER ? "decode" : "encode", cmd->input_file); pInFile = fopen(cmd->input_file, "rb"); if (pInFile == NULL) { VPU_DEMO_LOG("input file not exsist\n"); DECODE_ERR_RET(ERROR_INVALID_PARAM); } } else { VPU_DEMO_LOG("please set input bitstream file\n"); DECODE_ERR_RET(ERROR_INVALID_PARAM); } if (cmd->have_output) { VPU_DEMO_LOG("vpu api demo output file: %s\n", cmd->output_file); pOutFile = fopen(cmd->output_file, "wb"); if (pOutFile == NULL) { VPU_DEMO_LOG("can not write output file\n"); DECODE_ERR_RET(ERROR_INVALID_PARAM); } if (cmd->record_frames ==0) cmd->record_frames = 5; } fseek(pInFile, 0L, SEEK_END); fileSize = ftell(pInFile); fseek(pInFile, 0L, SEEK_SET); memset(&demoPkt, 0, sizeof(VideoPacket_t)); pkt = &demoPkt; pkt->data = NULL; pkt->pts = VPU_API_NOPTS_VALUE; pkt->dts = VPU_API_NOPTS_VALUE; memset(&decOut, 0, sizeof(DecoderOut_t)); pOut = &decOut; pOut->data = (RK_U8*)(malloc)(sizeof(VPU_FRAME)); if (pOut->data ==NULL) { DECODE_ERR_RET(ERROR_MEMORY); } memset(pOut->data, 0, sizeof(VPU_FRAME)); ret = vpu_open_context(&ctx); if (ret || (ctx ==NULL)) { DECODE_ERR_RET(ERROR_MEMORY); } /* ** read codec extra data from input stream file. */ if (readBytesFromFile((RK_U8*)(&extraSize), 4, pInFile)) { DECODE_ERR_RET(ERROR_IO); } VPU_DEMO_LOG("codec extra data size: %d", extraSize); pExtra = (RK_U8*)(malloc)(extraSize); if (pExtra ==NULL) { DECODE_ERR_RET(ERROR_MEMORY); } memset(pExtra, 0, extraSize); if (readBytesFromFile(pExtra, extraSize, pInFile)) { DECODE_ERR_RET(ERROR_IO); } /* ** now init vpu api context. codecType, codingType, width ,height ** are all needed before init. */ ctx->codecType = cmd->codec_type; ctx->videoCoding = cmd->coding; ctx->width = cmd->width; ctx->height = cmd->height; ctx->no_thread = 1; if ((ret = ctx->init(ctx, pExtra, extraSize)) !=0) { VPU_DEMO_LOG("init vpu api context fail, ret: 0x%X", ret); DECODE_ERR_RET(ERROR_INIT_VPU); } /* ** vpu api decoder process. */ VPU_DEMO_LOG("init vpu api context ok, fileSize: %d", fileSize); do { if (ftell(pInFile) >=fileSize) { VPU_DEMO_LOG("read end of file, complete"); break; } if (pkt && (pkt->size ==0)) { if (readBytesFromFile((RK_U8*)(&pkt_size), 4, pInFile)) { break; } if (pkt->data ==NULL) { pkt->data = (RK_U8*)(malloc)(pkt_size); if (pkt->data ==NULL) { DECODE_ERR_RET(ERROR_MEMORY); } pkt->capability = pkt_size; } if (pkt->capability <((RK_U32)pkt_size)) { pkt->data = (RK_U8*)(realloc)((void*)(pkt->data), pkt_size); if (pkt->data ==NULL) { DECODE_ERR_RET(ERROR_MEMORY); } pkt->capability = pkt_size; } if (readBytesFromFile(pkt->data, pkt_size, pInFile)) { break; } else { pkt->size = pkt_size; pkt->pts = fakeTimeUs; fakeTimeUs +=40000; } VPU_DEMO_LOG("read one packet, size: %d, pts: %lld, filePos: %ld", pkt->size, pkt->pts, ftell(pInFile)); } /* note: must set out put size to 0 before do decoder. */ pOut->size = 0; if ((ret = ctx->decode(ctx, pkt, pOut)) !=0) { DECODE_ERR_RET(ERROR_VPU_DECODE); } else { VPU_DEMO_LOG("vpu decode one frame, out len: %d, left size: %d", pOut->size, pkt->size); /* ** both virtual and physical address of the decoded frame are contained ** in structure named VPU_FRAME, if you want to use virtual address, make ** sure you have done VPUMemLink before. */ if ((pOut->size) && (pOut->data)) { VPU_FRAME *frame = (VPU_FRAME *)(pOut->data); VPUMemLink(&frame->vpumem); RK_U32 wAlign16 = ((frame->DisplayWidth+ 15) & (~15)); RK_U32 hAlign16 = ((frame->DisplayHeight + 15) & (~15)); RK_U32 frameSize = wAlign16*hAlign16*3/2; if(pOutFile && (frame_count++ <cmd->record_frames)) { VPU_DEMO_LOG("write %d frame(yuv420sp) data, %d bytes to file", frame_count, frameSize); fwrite((RK_U8*)(frame->vpumem.vir_addr), 1, frameSize, pOutFile); fflush(pOutFile); } /* ** remember use VPUFreeLinear to free, other wise memory leak will ** give you a surprise. */ VPUFreeLinear(&frame->vpumem); pOut->size = 0; } } usleep(30); }while(!(ctx->decoder_err)); DECODE_OUT: if (pkt && pkt->data) { free(pkt->data); pkt->data = NULL; } if (pOut && (pOut->data)) { free(pOut->data); pOut->data = NULL; } if (pExtra) { free(pExtra); pExtra = NULL; } if (ctx) { vpu_close_context(&ctx); ctx = NULL; } if (pInFile) { fclose(pInFile); pInFile = NULL; } if (pOutFile) { fclose(pOutFile); pOutFile = NULL; } if (ret) { VPU_DEMO_LOG("decode demo fail, err: %d", ret); } else { VPU_DEMO_LOG("encode demo complete OK."); } return ret; } int main(int argc, char **argv) { VPU_DEMO_LOG("/******* vpu api demo in *******/"); VpuApiDemoCmdContext_t demoCmdCtx; RK_S32 ret =0; VPU_API_DEMO_DEBUG_DISABLE = 0; if (argc == 1) { show_usage(); VPU_DEMO_LOG("vpu api demo complete directly\n"); return 0; } VpuApiDemoCmdContext_t* cmd = &demoCmdCtx; memset (cmd, 0, sizeof(VpuApiDemoCmdContext_t)); cmd->codec_type = CODEC_DECODER; if ((ret = parse_options(argc, argv, cmd)) !=0) { if (ret == VPU_DEMO_PARSE_HELP_OK) { return 0; } VPU_DEMO_LOG("parse_options fail\n\n"); show_usage(); DEMO_ERR_RET(ERROR_INVALID_PARAM); } if (cmd->disable_debug) { VPU_API_DEMO_DEBUG_DISABLE = 1; } switch (cmd->codec_type) { case CODEC_DECODER: ret = vpu_decode_demo(cmd); break; case CODEC_ENCODER: ret = vpu_encode_demo(cmd); break; default: ret = ERROR_INVALID_PARAM; break; } DEMO_OUT: if (ret) { VPU_DEMO_LOG("vpu api demo fail, err: %d", ret); } else { VPU_DEMO_LOG("vpu api demo complete OK."); } return ret; }
/* vpu api demo code on Rockchip Android platform */ 1: please put demo source code to your project, here you can put it on the root directory of the SDK project, also other directory will be OK. 2: build api demo source code just use: mm -B 3: after step 2, you will generate a test bin file named "vpu_apiDemo" in the out directory of Android SDK platfrom. you can just use adb to push it to /system/bin of your device. Note if you can not execute it, chmod 777 to it. 4: relative head files are given in hardware/rk29/libon2/, which has been described in Android.mk of demo source code. 5: do your test, help info about how to use demo is included in the demo source code, also you can execute "vpu_apiDemo --help" in adb shell mode to get help info. 6: run your test in adb shell mode. (1) decode test example: here is the example for test WMV3 decode. The following input wmv3 bitstream is also given with this demo code, -coding 5 means the coding_type is OMX_ON2_VIDEO_CodingWMV, defined in vpu_api.h, you can find it under hardware/rk29/libon2/ run wmv3 decode test command in adb shell mode: vpu_apiDemo -i /mnt/sdcard/test_bitstream_320x240,259 Kbps,29.970fps,WMV3,32.0 Kbps-Journey.bin -coding 5 -w 320 -h 240 (2) encode test example: here is the example for test AVC encode. The encode test input yuv bitstream(YUV420_SEMI_PLANAR) is also given with this demo code, -coding 7 means the coding_type is OMX_ON2_VIDEO_CodingAVC, -t 2 means codec_type is encoder, all defined in vpu_api.h, you can find it under hardware/rk29/libon2/ run avc encode test command in adb shell mode: vpu_apiDemo -i /mnt/sdcard/vpu_enc_input_yuv420sp_320x240.yuv -o /mnt/sdcard/enc_out.264 -coding 7 -t 2 -w 320 -h 240 Note: Current demo source just use one test bin file(with WMV3 coding) for decoding test, because we have not parser or demuxer in this demo source code, so we just write video bitstream in the test bin file. note we have added some extra info such as every frame size. so if you want to use this demo with your own demuxer, you need to add a little modify to the demo source code.剩下另外两个文件是bin文件和视频编码需要的。