
Here's how to clean up, without losing your actual repositories.

All this is on the server.  Note that the instructions are so long because
they're generic enough to fit any situation.

  * Clean out the existing install

      * edit `~/.ssh/authorized_keys` and delete all lines between `# gitolite
        start` and `# gitolite end` inclusive.

      * look in `~/.gitolite.rc` for 2 variables starting with `GL_PACKAGE_`.
        If they are defined (and not just commented out), you need to clean
        out all gitolite related files and directories from those two paths.

        Just for reference, the defaults for a non-root install are 'conf' and
        'hooks' in `$HOME/share/gitolite`, while for an RPM/DEB or root
        install they should be in `/var/gitolite/` or some such.

        If those variables don't exist or are commented out, ignore this step.

      * look in `$PATH` for any gitolite programs and delete them also.  A
        good way to hunt them down is `which gl-auth-command`, and in the path

        you find, delete all "gl-*" programs (perhaps after checking the list,
        if the path you find happens to be /usr/bin or such!!)

        Repeat this step until there are no more.  I know of people who mixed
        different install methods and had two, or even three, versions lying

      * make some temp directory (say "old"), and **move** the following
        files/directories into it: `~/.gitolite`, `~/.gitolite.rc` and
        `~/repositories/gitolite-admin.git`.  If there's nothing you need to
        salvage from them you can delete them too.

      * if you used an RPM/DEB install, remove the package also.

  * Now install a fresh copy of gitolite using whatever method you prefer.
    (If you used a different method earlier and did not clean things out
    properly per the instructions given above, expect trouble).
