Spray(7)REST API Project - Routing

Spray(7)REST API Project - Routing

5. How to deal with routing
First start class Boot.scala
package com.sillycat.easysprayrestserver

import spray.can.server.SprayCanHttpServerApp
import akka.actor.Props
import com.sillycat.easysprayrestserver.bootstrap.Bootstrap
import com.sillycat.easysprayrestserver.actor.URLRouterActor

object Boot extends App with Bootstrap with SprayCanHttpServerApp {

  valhandler = system.actorOf(Props[URLRouterActor])

  newHttpServer(handler) ! Bind(interface = serverAddress, port = serverPort)


Bootstrap.scala to prepare some parameters
package com.sillycat.easysprayrestserver.bootstrap

import akka.actor.ActorSystem
import com.typesafe.config.ConfigFactory

trait Bootstrap {
  //implicit val system = ActorSystem("RESTAPIService")
  valconfig = ConfigFactory.load()
  valenv = config.getString("build.env")
  varserverAddress: String = config.getString("server.address")
  varserverPort: Int = config.getInt("server.port")

  if (env != null && env != "") {
    serverAddress = if (config.getString("environment." + env + ".server.address") != null) config.getString("environment." + env + ".server.address") elseserverAddress
    serverPort = if (config.getInt("environment." + env + ".server.port") != 0) config.getInt("environment." + env + ".server.port") elseserverPort


URLRouterActor to manage the URL resources
package com.sillycat.easysprayrestserver.actor

import akka.actor.{ Props, Actor }
import spray.routing._
import spray.routing.directives._
import spray.util.LoggingContext
import spray.http.StatusCodes._
import spray.httpx.SprayJsonSupport._
import shapeless._

class URLRouterActor extends Actor with URLRouterService {
  def actorRefFactory = context
  def receive = runRoute(route)

trait URLRouterService extends HttpService {
  def route = {
    pathPrefix(Version / BrandCode) { (apiVersion, brandCode) =>

      path("resource" / "all") {
        get {
          complete {
            "Morning, guest. apiVersion = " + apiVersion + ", brandCode ="  + brandCode
      } ~
        path("resource" / "admin-only") {
          get {
            complete {
              "Morning, admin-only. apiVersion = " + apiVersion + ", brandCode ="  + brandCode
        } ~
        path("resource" / "customer-only") {
          get {
            complete {
              "Morning, customer-only. apiVersion = " + apiVersion + ", brandCode ="  + brandCode
        } ~
        path("resource" / "better-admin") {
          get {
            complete {
              "Morning, better-admin. apiVersion = " + apiVersion + ", brandCode ="  + brandCode
        } ~
        path("resource" / "better-customer") {
          get {
            complete {
              "Morning, better-customer. apiVersion = " + apiVersion + ", brandCode ="  + brandCode

  valVersion = PathMatcher("""v([0-9]+)""".r)
    .flatMap {
      casestring :: HNil => {
        try Some(java.lang.Integer.parseInt(string) :: HNil)
        catch {
          case _: NumberFormatException => None

  valBrandCode = PathElement


Visit the URL as follow to verify that.

6. How to Deal with Auth

7. How to work with DB
come soon...

8. How to Work with Actor
come soon…

9. How to do Validation
come soon...

10. How to Work with Logback
come soon…

1. Add formatter to plugins
addSbtPlugin("com.typesafe.sbt" % "sbt-scalariform" % "1.0.1")

