
--select COUNT(*) as 职工人数 from 职工;
--select COUNT(*) as 个数 from 职工 where 性别='男' and 工资>1500;
--select COUNT(仓库号) from 仓库;
--select COUNT(distinct(仓库号)) from 仓库;

--select sum(工资) from 职工;
--select SUM(工资) as wh1仓库工资和 from 职工 where 仓库号='wh1';
--select SUM(工资) as 北京地区的工资 from 职工 where 仓库号 in (select 仓库号 from 仓库 where 城市='北京')
--select COUNT(*) as 职工人数, SUM(工资) as wh2仓库工资和 from 职工 where 仓库号='wh1';
--select SUM(工资)/COUNT(*) as 平均工资 from 职工 where 仓库号='wh1' and 工资>1500;
--select SUM(工资) as 工资和, COUNT(*) as 总人数 from 职工 where 工资>(select AVG(工资) from 职工);

--select MAX(工资) as 最大工资, MIN(工资) as 最小工资 from 职工;
--select MAX(工资) as wh1仓库的最大工资, MIN(工资) as wh1仓库的最小工资, (MAX(工资)-MIN(工资)) as 最大工资和最小工资之差 from 
--职工 where 仓库号='wh1'
--select (MAX(工资) - MIN(工资)) as 工资差, 工资评语=
--   case 
--      when (MAX(工资) - MIN(工资))>300 then '工资差别大'
--      when (MAX(工资) - MIN(工资))<=300 then '工资差别小'
--   end
--from 职工;
--select * from 职工 where 工资>(select MAX(工资) from 职工 where 仓库号='wh1')

--select  COUNT(*) as 仓库个数, MAX(面积) as 最大面积, MIN(面积) as 最小面积, AVG(面积) as 平均面积 
--from 仓库;
--select * from 仓库 where 面积>(select AVG(面积) from 仓库);
--select AVG(工资) from 职工 where 工资!=(select MAX(工资) from 职工);
--select AVG(工资) from 职工 where 工资 not in((select MAX(工资) from 职工),(select MIN(工资) from 职工));
--select *, (select avg(工资) from 职工) as 平均工资 from 职工

 --select *, 工资-(select avg(工资) from 职工) as 工资与平均工资之差 from 职工

--select * from 仓库 where 面积=(select MAX(面积) from 仓库);

--select * from 职工 where 仓库号 in(select 仓库号 from 仓库 where 面积=(select MAX(面积) from 仓库));

select *, 工资-(select AVG(工资) from 职工) as 工资与平均工资之差, 工资评语=
     when ABS(工资-(select AVG(工资) from 职工)) >300 then '工资差额大'
     when ABS(工资-(select AVG(工资) from 职工)) >=100 then '工资差额一般'
     when ABS(工资-(select AVG(工资) from 职工)) <100 then '工资差额小'

from 职工



select *, 不同仓库的平均信息=
     when 仓库号='wh1' then (select AVG(工资) from 职工 where 仓库号='wh1')
     when 仓库号='wh2' then (select AVG(工资) from 职工 where 仓库号='wh2')
     when 仓库号='wh3' then (select AVG(工资) from 职工 where 仓库号='wh3')
     when 仓库号='wh4' then (select AVG(工资) from 职工 where 仓库号='wh4')

 from 职工

select *, 不同仓库的平均信息=
     when 仓库号='wh1' then (select AVG(工资) from 职工 where 仓库号='wh1')
     when 仓库号='wh2' then (select AVG(工资) from 职工 where 仓库号='wh2')
     when 仓库号='wh3' then (select AVG(工资) from 职工 where 仓库号='wh3')
     when 仓库号='wh4' then (select AVG(工资) from 职工 where 仓库号='wh4')
      when 仓库号='wh1' then 工资-(select AVG(工资) from 职工 where 仓库号='wh1')
      when 仓库号='wh2' then 工资-(select AVG(工资) from 职工 where 仓库号='wh2')
      when 仓库号='wh3' then 工资-(select AVG(工资) from 职工 where 仓库号='wh3')
      when 仓库号='wh4' then 工资-(select AVG(工资) from 职工 where 仓库号='wh4')
 from 职工


select *,不同仓库的最大工资 =
   when 仓库号='wh1' then (select MAX(工资) from 职工 where 仓库号='wh1')
   when 仓库号='wh2' then (select MAX(工资) from 职工 where 仓库号='wh2')
   when 仓库号='wh3' then (select MAX(工资) from 职工 where 仓库号='wh3')
   when 仓库号='wh4' then (select MAX(工资) from 职工 where 仓库号='wh4')
from 职工


select *,不同仓库的最大工资和最小工资之差 =
   when 仓库号='wh1' then (select (MAX(工资)-MIN(工资)) from 职工 where 仓库号='wh1')
   when 仓库号='wh2' then (select (MAX(工资)-MIN(工资)) from 职工 where 仓库号='wh2')
   when 仓库号='wh3' then (select (MAX(工资)-MIN(工资)) from 职工 where 仓库号='wh3')
   when 仓库号='wh4' then (select (MAX(工资)-MIN(工资)) from 职工 where 仓库号='wh4')
from 职工 order by 不同仓库的最大工资和最小工资之差 desc



select *, 实发工资=
    when 工资>(select AVG(工资) from 职工) then 工资*0.90
    when 工资=(select AVG(工资) from 职工) then 工资
    when 工资<(select AVG(工资) from 职工) then 工资*1.1
from 职工 order by 实发工资 asc;



   可以使用group by基于指定列的值将数据集合划分为多个分组,在分组查询中要注意条件的运用,如果是分组之前的条件用where,如果是


select 仓库号,AVG(工资) as 不同仓库的平均工资 from 职工 where 性别!='女' group by 仓库号

select 仓库号, AVG(工资) as 不同仓库的平均工资 from 职工 group by 仓库号 having AVG(工资)>1700;

select 仓库号, (MAX(工资)-MIN(工资)) as 不同仓库的最大工资和最小工资之差 from 职工
group by 仓库号 having (MAX(工资)-MIN(工资))>2000

select 仓库号, MAX(工资) as 不同仓库的最大工资, MIN(工资) as 不同仓库的最小工资, (MAX(工资)-MIN(工资)) as 不同仓库的最大工资和最小工资之差 
from 职工 where 姓名 not like '%刘%'
group by 仓库号 having (MAX(工资)-MIN(工资))>2000

select 仓库号, AVG(工资) as 不同仓库的平均工资 from 职工 group by 仓库号

select 职工号, AVG(金额) as 不同职工的平均销售金额, MAX(金额) as 不同职工的最大销售金额,
 MIN(金额) as 不同职工的最小销售金额, SUM(金额) as 不同职工的金额销售和 from 订购单 group by 职工号

select 仓库号, MAX(工资) as 不同仓库的最大工资, MIN(工资) as 不同仓库的最小工资, 
(MAX(工资)-MIN(工资)) as 不同仓库的最大工资和最小工资之差 from 职工 group by 仓库号


select 仓库号, 性别, AVG(工资) as 不同仓库的平均工资 from 职工 group by 仓库号,性别

select 仓库号, 性别, AVG(工资) as 不同仓库的平均工资  from 职工  where 性别 is not null and 工资>500
group by 仓库号,性别

select 仓库号, 性别, AVG(工资) as 不同仓库的平均工资  from 职工  where 性别 is not null
group by 仓库号,性别 having AVG(工资) > 1600;


    在group by中使用all关键字,只有在SQL语句中带有where条件时,all关键字才有意义,使用all关键字后,查询结果将包括由group by 产生的所有数组,即某些组没有符合


select 仓库号, MAX(工资) as 不同仓库的最大工资, MIN(工资) as 不同仓库的最小工资, 
(MAX(工资)-MIN(工资)) as 不同仓库的最大工资和最小工资之差 from 职工 where 工资>1900
group by all 仓库号

select 仓库号, 性别, AVG(工资) as 职工的平均工资 from 职工 where 性别 is not null 
 group by all 仓库号,性别


cube关键字的主要作用是自动对group by中列出的字段进行分组汇总计算,其结果为多维数据集,在group by中应用cube关键字,需要指定维度列和关键字with cube,



select 仓库号, MAX(工资) as 不同仓库的最大工资, MIN(工资) as 不同仓库的最小工资,
 (MAX(工资) - MIN(工资)) as 不同仓库的最大工资与最小工资之差 
 from 职工 group by 仓库号 with cube;






   rollup生成的结果集显示了所选列中值的某一层次结构的聚合,rollup关键字只对group by 列出的第一个分组字段进行汇总计算,如果group by含有两个字段,那么字段位置


select 仓库号,性别,AVG(工资) as 不同仓库的平均工资 from 职工
where 性别 is not null group by 仓库号,性别;
 select 仓库号,性别,AVG(工资) as 不同仓库的平均工资 from 职工
where 性别 is not null group by 仓库号,性别 with rollup;



select 仓库号,MAX(工资) as 不同仓库的最大工资, MIN(工资) as 不同仓库的最小工资,
(MAX(工资)-MIN(工资)) as 不同仓库的最大工资和最小工资之差
from 职工 group by 仓库号 order by (MAX(工资)-MIN(工资)) asc;

compute by查询的应用
利用compute by查询可以用同一个SQL语句,即可以查看数据库表数据信息,也可以查看数据库表的数据汇总信息,通过compute by查询可以计算子组的汇总值,

select * from 职工 where 姓名 like '%平%'
  compute avg(工资), max(工资), min(工资), sum(工资), count(工资)


select * from 职工 order by 仓库号 compute avg(工资), max(工资), min(工资), sum(工资) by 仓库号

