How Design Patterns Solve Design Problems 设计模式如何解决设计问题


How Design Patterns Solve Design Problems 设计模式如何解决设计问题

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HowDesign Patterns Solve Design Problems


Design patterns solve many of theday-to-day problems object-oriented designers face, and in many different ways. Here areseveral of these problems and how design patterns solve them.


FindingAppropriate Objects


Object-oriented programs are made up ofobjects. An object packages both data and the procedures that operate on that data. The procedures are typically called methodsor operations. An object performs an operation when it receives a request

(or message) from a client.


Requests are the only way to get an objectto execute an operation. Operations are the only way to change an object'sinternal data. Because of these restrictions, the object's internal state is said to beencapsulated; it cannot be accessed directly, and its representation isinvisible from outside the object.


The hard part about object-oriented designis decomposing a system into objects. The task is difficult because many factorscome into play: encapsulation, granularity, dependency, flexibility,performance, evolution, reusability, and on and on. They all influence thedecomposition, often in conflicting ways.


Object-oriented design methodologies favormany different approaches. You can write a problem statement, single out thenouns and verbs, and create corresponding classes and operations. Or you can focus onthe collaborations and responsibilities in your system. Or you can model the realworld and translate the objects found during analysis into design. There willalways be disagreement on which approach is best.


Many objects in a design come from theanalysis model. But object-oriented designs often end up with classes that have nocounterparts in the real world. Some of these are low-level classes like arrays.Others are much higher-level. For example,

the Composite (183) pattern introduces anabstraction for treating objects uniformly that doesn't have a physicalcounterpart. Strict modeling of the real world leads to a system that reflectstoday's realities but not necessarily tomorrow's. The abstractions that emergeduring design are key to making a design flexible.


Design patterns help you identifyless-obvious abstractions and the objects that can capture them. For example, objects thatrepresent a process or algorithm don't occur in nature, yet they are a crucialpart of flexible designs. The Strategy(349) pattern describes how to implementinterchangeable families of algorithms. The State (338) pattern represents eachstate of an entity as an object. Theseobjects are seldom found during analysis oreven the early stages of design; they're discovered later in the course of making adesign more flexible and reusable.

