
这个限制是在/usr/include/sys/limits.h里定义的:\r\n\r\nthe LINK_MAX value is set to 32767\r\n\r\n#define LINK_MAX        SHRT_MAX\r\n../..\r\n#define SHRT_MAX        (32767)\r\n\r\n\r\n所以一个目录不能够拥有超过32767个 子目录. \r\n\r\n以下是英文解析:\r\nThis is due to the fact that \"..\" in each subdirectory is a hard-link back to\r\nthe parent directory and the link count is implemented with a signed 16\r\nbit quantity. Hence the error, EMLINK. Regular files are ok since they\r\ndo not require this link. You could work around this limitation by using\r\nsymbolic <links> to directories\r\n\r\n/usr/include/sys/limits.h as the LINK_MAX value set to 32767\r\n\r\n#define LINK_MAX        SHRT_MAX\r\n../..\r\n#define SHRT_MAX        (32767)\r\n\r\n\r\n这个限制是hard-coded, 没办法改。\r\n\r\n只能是其他的办法,譬如创建一个symbolic link 。
