- 可线性化的判断:
- 是否可线性化的判断的实例:
- 可线性化的性质:
* 可线性化是可复合的:未决调用,则必定存在一个响应<x res P>使得 H·<x res P>是可线性化的。
3.7 演进条件(Progress Conditions)
- Such an implementation is called blocking, because an unexpected delay by one
thread can prevent others from making progress.
- A method is wait-free if it guarantees that every call finishes its execution in a finite number of steps.
* Being wait-free is an example of a nonblocking progress condition, meaning that an arbitrary and
unexpected delay by one thread (say, the one holding a lock) does not necessarily prevent the
others from making progress.
Example of 'Wait Free'
class WaitFreeQueue<T> {
volatile int head = 0, tail = 0;
T[] items;
public WaitFreeQueue(int capacity) {
items = (T[])new Object[capacity];
head = 0; tail = 0;
public void enq(T x) throws FullException {
if (tail - head == items.length)
throw new FullException();
items[tail % items.length] = x;
public T deq() throws EmptyException {
if (tail - head == 0)
throw new EmptyException();
T x = items[head % items.length];
return x;
Figure 3.3 A single-enqueuer/single-dequeuer FIFO queue.
Example of 'Not Wait Free'
class LockBasedQueue<T> {
int head, tail;
T[] items;
Lock lock;
public LockBasedQueue(int capacity) {
head = 0; tail = 0;
lock = new ReentrantLock();
items = (T[])new Object[capacity];
public void enq(T x) throws FullException {
try {
if (tail - head == items.length)
throw new FullException();
items[tail % items.length] = x;
} finally {
public T deq() throws EmptyException {
try {
if (tail == head)
throw new EmptyException();
T x = items[head % items.length];
return x;
} finally {
- A method is lock-free if it guarantees that infinitely often some method call finishes in a finite number
of steps.
Lock-free 算法的基础是 CAS (Compareand-Swap) 原子操作。当某个地址的原始值等于某个比较值时,把值改成新值,无论有否修改,返回这个地址的原始值。目前的cpu 支持最多64位的CAS。并且指针 p 必须对齐。
一般的 CAS 使用方式是:
假设有指针 p, 它指向一个 32 位或者64位数,
复制p 的内容(*p)到比较量 cmp (原子操作)
基于这个比较量计算一个新值 xchg (非原子操作)
调用 CAS 比较当前 *p 和 cmp, 如果相等把 *p 替换成 xchg (原子操作)
第3步的 CAS 操作保证了写入的同时 p 没有被其他线程更改。如果*p已经被其他线程更改,那么第2步计算新值所使用的值(cmp)已经过期了,因此这个整个过程失败,重新来过。多线程环境下,由于 3 是一个原子操作,那么起码有一个线程(最快执行到3)的CAS 操作可以成功,这样整体上看,就保证了所有的线程上在“前进”,而不需要使用效率低下的锁来协调线程,更不会导致死锁之类的麻烦。//参考 http://blog.csdn.net/arau_sh/article/details/6636371
+ We say that a method call executes in isolation if no other threads take steps.
- Definition 3.7.1. A method is obstruction-free if, from any point after which it
executes in isolation, it finishes in a finite number of steps.