@property (attributes) type name;
nonatomic. 告诉编译器不用保证线程安全。
readonly. 只可读,这个很好理解,也就是只有get,没有set。
readwrite. 这个是默认的方式。
assign. 直接用等于号赋值,这个也是默认方式。
copy. 使用object自己的拷贝函数而不是assign。
iOS 5 中对属性的设置新增了strong 和weak关键字来修饰属性
strong 用来修饰强引用的属性;
@property (strong) SomeClass * aObject;
@property (nonatomic, copy) NSString* name
can be realized by the compiler as follows:
-(NSString*) name{returnname;
-(void) setName:(NSString*) aName{
if(name!= aName){[name release];name = [aName copy];
@property (nonatomic, retain) Employee* manager
can be realized by the compiler as follows:
-(Employee*) manager{returnmanager;
-(void) setManager:(Employee*) theManager{if(manager!= theManager){
[manager release];
manager = [theManager retain];
@property (nonatomic, assign) NSString* address
can be realized by the compiler as follows:
-(NSString*) address{returnaddress;
-(void) setAddress:(NSString*)anAddress{
address = anAddress;
@property (nonatomic, copy) NSMutableArray* achievements
When dealing with mutable collections such asNSMutableArray,the compiler-providedsetter/getter might not be appropriate. Let us see a possible synthesis of theachievementsproperty:
-(NSMutableArray*) achievements{returnachievements;
-(void) setAchievements:(NSMutableArray*) newAchievements{
if(achievements!= newAchievements){[achievements release];
achievements = [newAchievements copy];