queue<int> q1;
queue<double> q2;
入队,如例:q.push(x); 将x接到队列的末端。
出队,如例:q.pop(); 弹出队列的第一个元素,注意,并不会返回被弹出元素的值。
#include <iostream> #include <queue> #include <string> using namespace std; void test_empty() { queue<int> myqueue; int sum (0); for (int i=1;i<=10;i++) myqueue.push(i); while (!myqueue.empty()) { sum += myqueue.front(); myqueue.pop(); } cout << "total: " << sum << endl; }//运行结果: total: 55 void test_pop() { queue<int> myqueue; int myint; cout << "\nPlease enter some integers (enter 0 to end):\n"; do { cin >> myint; myqueue.push (myint); } while (myint); cout << "myqueue contains: "; while (!myqueue.empty()) { cout << " " << myqueue.front(); myqueue.pop(); } } /******** 运行结果: Please enter some integers (enter 0 to end): 512 605 420 517 532 0 myqueue contains: 512 605 420 517 532 0 ********/ void test_size() { queue<int> myints; cout << "0. size: " << (int) myints.size() << endl; for (int i=0; i<5; i++) myints.push(i); cout << "1. size: " << (int) myints.size() << endl; myints.pop(); cout << "2. size: " << (int) myints.size() << endl; } /**** 运行结果: 0. size: 0 1. size: 5 2. size: 4 ****/ int main() { test_empty(); cout<<"\n***********************************************\n"; test_size(); cout<<"\n***********************************************\n"; test_pop(); cout<<"\n***********************************************\n"; queue<string> q; // insert three elements into the queue q.push("These "); q.push("are "); q.push("more than "); //cout << "number of elements in the queue: " << q.size()<< endl; // read and print two elements from the queue cout << q.front(); q.pop(); cout << q.front(); q.pop(); //cout << "number of elements in the queue: " << q.size()<< endl; // insert two new elements q.push("four "); q.push("words!"); //cout << "\nnumber of elements in the queue: " << q.size()<< endl; // skip one element q.pop(); // read and print two elements cout << q.front(); q.pop(); cout << q.front() << endl; q.pop(); // print number of elements in the queue cout << "number of elements in the queue: " << q.size()<< endl; } /******* *运行结果: total: 55 *********************************************** 0. size: 0 1. size: 5 2. size: 4 *********************************************** Please enter some integers (enter 0 to end): 512 605 420 517 532 0 myqueue contains: 512 605 420 517 532 0 *********************************************** These are four words! number of elements in the queue: 0 Process returned 0 (0x0) execution time : 33.512 s Press any key to continue. ********/