// Create the table with a caption. Table table = new Table("This is my Table"); // Define the names and data types of columns. // The "default value" parameter is meaningless here. table.addContainerProperty("First Name", String.class, null); table.addContainerProperty("Last Name", String.class, null); table.addContainerProperty("Year", Integer.class, null); // Add a few items in the table. table.addItem(new Object[] { "Nicolaus","Copernicus",new Integer(1473)}, new Integer(1)); table.addItem(new Object[] { "Tycho", "Brahe", new Integer(1546)}, new Integer(2)); table.addItem(new Object[] { "Giordano","Bruno", new Integer(1548)}, new Integer(3)); table.addItem(new Object[] { "Galileo", "Galilei", new Integer(1564)}, new Integer(4)); table.addItem(new Object[] { "Johannes","Kepler", new Integer(1571)}, new Integer(5)); table.addItem(new Object[] { "Isaac", "Newton", new Integer(1643)}, new Integer(6));
在这个例子中,使用了整数值作为Item的IID,作为第二个参数传给addItem, 每行实际的数据为一个Object数组,采用和表字段定义同样的顺序,并且必须采用和由addContainerProperty定义的同样的数据类型。
Table 支持的数据规模取决于Container的实现,缺省的Container在更新数据时可能会由于数据规模过大而造成问题。因此推荐使用优化过的Container类型。Table本身不限制记录的数目,但当前滚动实现有一个50万条记录的限制。
选择Table中的项 ,Table允许用户选择表格中的某个或多个数据项,当用户选取某个Item时,Item的IID会作为ValueChangeEvent 的Property传入。要使Table支持选取,必须通过方法setSelectable 将Table设为支持选取。同时需将setImmediate 设为True。
// Allow selecting items from the table. table.setSelectable(true); // Send changes in selection immediately to server. table.setImmediate(true); // Shows feedback from selection. final Label current = new Label("Selected: -"); // Handle selection change. table.addListener(new Property.ValueChangeListener() { public void valueChange(ValueChangeEvent event) { current.setValue("Selected: " + table.getValue()); } });
通常用户再次点击已选取的数据行时会取消该行的选取,如果你想修改这种行为,可以将setNullSelectionAllowed 设为False.
如果需要Table支持多行选取,可以将setMultiSelect 设为True, 此时可以通过按下Ctrl/Shift来实现多选。
Table缺省支持滚动条,当所显示记录数大于Table可见行数时在Table右边显示滚动条。可以通过setPageLength 修改Table可以区域。将PageLength设为0,取消分页,显示所有记录数。
表个字段宽度可以通过setColumnWidth 来修改,用户也可以通过拖动字段边界更改字段宽度,并会触发ColumnResizeEvent 事件。
如果设置setColumnReorderingAllowed(true) ,则允许用户重新排列字段的顺序。
setColumnCollapsingAllowed (true) 允许用户展开或隐藏某些字段。
如果需要响应Table单元格中某个UI组件的事件,需要知道其对应的Item标识IID。简单的方法是使用setData 方法将某个对象附加到该UI组件上。
如下例使用了Label,TextField, CheckBox, Button 作为Table单元格元素显示。
// Create a table and add a style to allow setting the row height in theme. final Table table = new Table(); table.addStyleName("components-inside"); //Define the names and data types of columns. // The "default value" parameter is meaningless here. table.addContainerProperty("Sum", Label.class, null); table.addContainerProperty("Is Transferred", CheckBox.class, null); table.addContainerProperty("Comments", TextField.class, null); table.addContainerProperty("Details", Button.class, null); // Add a few items in the table. for (int i=0; i<100; i++) { // Create the fields for the current table row Label sumField = new Label(String.format( "Sum is <b>$%04.2f</b><br/><i>(VAT incl.)</i>", new Object[] {new Double(Math.random()*1000)}), Label.CONTENT_XHTML); CheckBox transferredField = new CheckBox("is transferred"); // Multiline text field. This required modifying the // height of the table row. TextField commentsField = new TextField(); commentsField.setRows(3); // The Table item identifier for the row. Integer itemId = new Integer(i); // Create a button and handle its click. A Button does not // know the item it is contained in, so we have to store the // item ID as user-defined data. Button detailsField = new Button("show details"); detailsField.setData(itemId); detailsField.addListener(new Button.ClickListener() { public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) { // Get the item identifier from the user-defined data. Integer itemId = (Integer)event.getButton().getData(); getWindow().showNotification("Link "+ itemId.intValue()+" clicked."); } }); detailsField.addStyleName("link"); // Create the table row. table.addItem(new Object[] {sumField, transferredField, commentsField, detailsField}, itemId); } // Show just three rows because they are so high. table.setPageLength(3);
setColumnHeader 为表格定义表头,setColumnFooter 定义表尾。Table的表头和表尾也接受点击事件。
// Have a table with a numeric column Table table = new Table("Custom Table Footer"); table.addContainerProperty("Name", String.class, null); table.addContainerProperty("Died At Age", Integer.class, null); // Insert some data Object people[][] = {{"Galileo", 77}, {"Monnier", 83}, {"Vaisala", 79}, {"Oterma", 86}}; for (int i=0; i<people.length; i++) table.addItem(people[i], new Integer(i)); // Calculate the average of the numeric column double avgAge = 0; for (int i=0; i<people.length; i++) avgAge += (Integer) people[i][1]; avgAge /= people.length; // Set the footers table.setFooterVisible(true); table.setColumnFooter("Name", "Average"); table.setColumnFooter("Died At Age", String.valueOf(avgAge)); // Adjust the table height a bit table.setPageLength(table.size());