
Counts the number of cells within a range that meet the given criteria.



Range    is the range of cells from which you want to count cells.

Criteria    is the criteria in the form of a number, expression, cell reference, or text that defines which cells will be counted. For example, criteria can be expressed as 32, "32", ">32", "apples", or B4.


  • You can use the wildcard characters, question mark (?) and asterisk (*), in criteria. A question mark matches any single character; an asterisk matches any sequence of characters. If you want to find an actual question mark or asterisk, type a tilde (~) before the character.
  • Microsoft Excel provides additional functions that can be used to analyze your data based on a condition.
    • To calculate a sum based on a string of text or a number within a range, use the SUMIF worksheet function.
    • To have a formula return one of two values based on a condition, such as a sales bonus based on a specified sales amount, use the IF worksheet function.
    • To count cells that are empty or not empty, use the COUNTA and COUNTBLANK functions.

Example 1: Common COUNTIF formulas

The example may be easier to understand if you copy it to a blank worksheet.

How to copy an example

Data Data
apples 32
oranges 54
peaches 75
apples 86
Formula Description (result)
=COUNTIF(A2:A5,"apples") Number of cells with apples in the first column above (2)
=COUNTIF(A2:A5,A4) Number of cells with peaches in the first column above (1)
=COUNTIF(A2:A5,A3)+COUNTIF(A2:A5,A2) Number of cells with oranges or apples in the first column above (3)
=COUNTIF(B2:B5,">55") Number of cells with a value greater than 55 in the second column above (2)
=COUNTIF(B2:B5,"<>"&B4) Number of cells with a value not equal to 75 in the second column above (2)
=COUNTIF(B2:B5,">=32")-COUNTIF(B2:B5,">85") Number of cells with a value greater than or equal to 32 and less than or equal to 85 in the second column above (3)

Example 2: COUNTIF formulas using wildcard characters and handling blank values

The example may be easier to understand if you copy it to a blank worksheet.

How to copy an example

Data Data
apples Yes
oranges NO
peaches No
apples YeS
Formula Description (result)
=COUNTIF(A2:A7,"*es") Number of cells ending with the letters "es" in the first column above (4)
=COUNTIF(A2:A7,"?????es") Number of cells ending with the letters "les" and having exactly 7 letters in the first column above (2)
=COUNTIF(A2:A7,"*") Number of cells containing text in the first column above (4)
=COUNTIF(A2:A7,"<>"&"*") Number of cells not containing text in the first column above (2)
=COUNTIF(B2:B7,"No") / ROWS(B2:B7) The average number of No votes including blank cells in the second column above formatted as a percentage with no decimal places (33%)
=COUNTIF(B2:B7,"Yes") / (ROWS(B2:B7) -COUNTIF(B2:B7, "<>"&"*")) The average number of Yes votes excluding blank cells in the second column above formatted as a percentage with no decimal places (50%)

 NOTE    To view the number as a percentage, select the cell and click Cells on theFormat menu. Click the Number tab, and then click Percentage in the Categorybox.
