[SD2.0大会]王坚:Data–centric Computing


  • APAR网仅有4个节点
  • 人类登月


  • PC会不同
  • Software会不同
  • Internet会不同

Software is Different

  • Value of 传统软件
    • 功能
  • Data-driven software(service)
  • Release cycle

Internet is Different

  • 当人类有了火:互联网不单单是技术
  • Biggest computing platform
    • connect resources
  • Biggest database ever and growing
    • connect data
  • Biggest social network
    • connects people
  • Most vibrant marketplace
    • connects supply & demand


  • Internet as infrastructure 互联网成了基础设施
  • Data center is the computer 数据中心成了一台计算机
  • Computing as utility 计算成了公共服务

Internet as infrastructure

  • SaaS

Software + Infra + Data = Internet Services

  • Internet service disruption


Data Center is the computer

  • Moore定律在进一步缩小化
  • Ubiquity of broadband and wireless

Computing as utility

Data-intensive computing

  • Data as an important part of the services
  • Need to managae and process lots of data
  • Internet apps
    • Web Search,
    • Digital AD
    • Map service
    • etc
  • Providing a computing platform for data-intensive business
    • How many data you can process in your data center?

Data–centric Computing

  • Scale of web data
  • Billions of query per day

Green Technology is our commitment

Road ahead

  • Making data-intensive computing commodity
    • Data driven internet economies
  • Making data-centric computing utility
    • Write your code for thousands of machines


  • Q:会考虑自己创业吗?
  • A:’规模化’。Cloud Computing 不是一个人能做的,而是需要几千人聚集在一起,静心做。
  • Q2:ALIBABA最大的竞争对手是谁?
  • A:笔和纸

===== by 鬼谷子@魔教,更多内容在 http://DavyYew.BlogBus.com ======

