7月10日 RHIT2 I got my answer today !



         之后吃完自己动手做的午餐后,参加了catapult的开幕式,后来大家在户外分组相互认识了下,最后又回到室内,每个Doctor分别针对其感兴趣的projects做了简要的介绍!后面有大概一个小时的Free time 。然后是Barbeque,说实在的,我吃的不是很习惯,烤肠太咸了,夹在面包里太大了,吃都挺费劲的,然后是Salad不知道要如何涂。。。。。。

         今天说实话,感慨颇多!首先是在与一个美国高中交流的过程中(表示自己英语太差了,交流很吃力),I know that ,American view what they do as fun, They think it is interesting. While most of Chinese just want to finish what they do, and they do their jobs for salary. This is the difference, and this is the answer where it lies! And what’s more! Americans have more freedom, and they have more choices! Everyone has choices!  While if you look back in China, you will find that almost most of the parents expect their children to get high score to go to a good University! So children have so little choice! They seldom can make choice by themselves, and parents seldom say:” OK! If you like it! Go ahead! We always respect what you choose!” So it’s so unlucky!I hope that my next generation can have this right, they can choose what they like, they can have more freedom than us! And in the party, I can also finger out this smell……
