
MRR:Manual retain-release

推荐:《iPhone/Mac Objective-C内存管理教程和原理剖析》


  • 生成的对象,有一个引用计数:retainCount,当retainCount = 0,内存就会被释放
  • 用alloc/new/copy生成对象时,其 retainCount = 1
  • retain 让retainCount + 1,release让retainCount - 1,成对出现:[obj retain]  [obj release]
  • 用autorelease能让retainCount的管理简单些,涉及到autorelease pool
  • 在生成新的RunLoop时,系统自动创建新的autorelease pool


  • assign
  • copy
  • retain:参考默认实现,很重要

  • 如:@property (retain) objA* obj;


-(void) setObjB:(ClassB*) value


         if (objB != value)


                   [objB release]; //原来的对象会先release

                   objB = [value retain]; //copy类似




assign针对简单数据类型(scalar types) ,如int,float, CGRect, NSInteger等,它只是简单的赋值操作




copy/mutableCopy 浅拷贝和深拷贝

参考:《浅析ObjectiveC 深浅拷贝学习 》http://www.cocoachina.com/bbs/read.php?tid=80463

  • 不可改变对象的copy,才是浅拷贝;其他都是深拷贝
  • copy 返回的对象都是不可改变的
  • 容器类(如NSArray等) 的内容都是浅拷贝的


参考:《Presentation: Finding & Fixing Mem Leaks》




// @property (nonatomic, retain) MyClass* objA;


- (void)foo{

  //retainCount = 2

  self.objA = [[MyClass alloc] init];



- (void)dealloc{

  //retainCount = 1

  [objA release];

  [super dealloc];




// @property (nonatomic, retain) MyClass* objA;

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- (void)foo{

  //retainCount = 1

  MyClass *obj = [[MyClass alloc] init];

  //retainCount = 2

  self.objA = obj;

  //retainCount = 1

  [obj release]



- (void)dealloc{

  //retainCount = 0

  [objA release];

  [super dealloc];





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       // @property (nonatomic, retain) MyClass* objA;


- (void)foo{

  MyClass *obj = [[MyClass alloc] init];

  self.objA = obj;

  [obj release];

  //retainCount = 1



- (void)dealloc{

  //retainCount = 1

  [super dealloc];



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// @property (nonatomic, retain) MyClass* objA;


- (void)foo{

  MyClass *obj = [[MyClass alloc] init];

  self.objA = obj;

  [obj release];

  //retainCount = 1



- (void)dealloc{

  //retainCount = 0

  [objA release];

  [super dealloc];



self.abc = nil 与 _abc = nil的区别

@property (retain) classA *abc;

@synthesize abc = _abc;


需要明白 self.abc 的默认实现,它相当于:

[_abc release];

_abc = nil;



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  • Build & Analyze
  • Leaks Instument  

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Automatic Reference Counting

  • “Automatic Reference Counting (ARC) is a compiler-level feature that simplifies the process of managing object lifetimes (memory management) in Cocoa applications.”
  • ARC is a pre-compilation step that adds retain/release/autorelease statements to your code for you
  • 需要Xcode 4.2+, Apple LLVM 3.0+ compiler 
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  • retain /release
  • autorelease
  • retainCount
  • NSAllocateObject / NSDeallocateObject  


  • strong:相当于retain
  • weak:相当于assign


  • __strong
    • This means any object created usingalloc/init is retained for the lifetime of its current scope.
    • is the default so you don’t need to type it.
    • #相当于retain,在不再使用的时候被释放 (默认)
  • __weak
    • means the object can be destroyed at anytime.
    • This is only useful if the object is somehow strongly referenced somewhere else.
    • When destroyed, a variable with __weak is set to nil.
    • #与assign很像,不同在于如果指向的数据被释放了,那么这个指向nil
  • __unsafe_unretained
    • is just like __weak but the poiner is not set to nil when the object is deallocated.
    • Instead the pointer is left dangling (i.e. it no longer points to anything useful).
    • #相当于assign,指向的数据如果被释放,这个指向原来的地址
  • __autoreleasing
    • not to be confused with calling autorelease on an object before returning it from a method, this is used for passing objects by reference, for example when passing NSError objects by reference such as [myObject performOperationWithError:&tmp];
    • #标明传给函数的(id*)型参数是自动释放的,(函数中(id*)型参数默认的也是这种类型)  
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Toll-Free Bridging/CF和ObjC转换

  • 在没有开启ARC时,可以进行强制转换.
    • CFStringRef aCFString = (CFStringRef)aNSString;
    • NSString *aNSString = (NSString *)aCFString;
  • __bridge
    • 简单赋值,不会影响两边对象的retain count.

      id my_id;

      CFStringRef my_cfref;

      NSString *a = (__bridge NSString*)my_cfref;

      CFStringRef b = (__bridge CFStringRef)my_id;

  • __bridge_retained or CFBridgingRetain
    • 保留赋值,赋值后也保留不释放右边的对象
  • __bridge_transfer or CFBridgingRelease
    • 释放赋值,赋值后释放右边的对象
  • 例子
    • -(void)test


          CFStringRef coreFoundationString = CFStringCreateWithCString(CFAllocatorGetDefault(),"C String", kCFStringEncodingUTF8);    // 创建 retainCount = 1

          id unknownObjectType = (__bridge  id)coreFoundationString; // 简单赋值,不变,retainCount = 1

          CFStringRef anotherString = (__bridge_retained  CFStringRef)unknownObjectType; // 保留赋值,加一,retainCount = 2

          NSString *objCString = (__bridge_transfer  NSString *)coreFoundationString; // 释放赋值,减一,retainCount =1;由于NSString*默认strong,加一,retainCount = 2

          NSLog(@"String = %@", objCString);

          objCString = nil;   // 不再指向原内存,原内存减一,retainCount = 1

          CFRelease(anotherString);   // 释放,减一,retainCount = 0


  • 转换宏
    • #if __has_feature(objc_arc)

      #   define objc_retainedObject(o) ((__bridge_transfer id)(objc_objectptr_t)(o))

      #   define objc_unretainedObject(o) ((__bridge id)(objc_objectptr_t)(o))

      #   define objc_unretainedPointer(o) ((__bridge objc_objectptr_t)(id)(o))


      #   define objc_retainedObject(o) ((id)(objc_objectptr_t)(o))

      #   define objc_unretainedObject(o) ((id)(objc_objectptr_t)(o))

      #   define objc_unretainedPointer(o) ((objc_objectptr_t)(id)(o))


@synthesize 和Dynamic ivars

@interface ClassA {

  //NSObject _objB; // instance varible or ivar,可以不写,编译器会自动生成


@property (retain) NSObject *objB; 



@implement ClassA

@synthesize objB = _objB;



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@synthesize myProperty = myIvar; // a dynamic ivar named myIvar  will be generated

@synthesize anotherProperty;   // a dynamic ivar named anotherProperty  will be generated

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  1. @synthesize是新特征,简化setter/getter方法;
  2. 能用retain/copy/assing,strong/wak管理内存
  3. 在init和dealloc函数中,不建议用synthesized accessors,它会trigger KVO notifications;它本质上是setter/getter,在不需要调用setter/getter的时候,就不要用

  4. 32bit Mac OS X不支持Dynamic ivar,必须手动什么iVar,否则无法编译
  5. 调试原因(我还不清楚这是什么意思,因为在self变量里可以找到ivar):For some reason the XCode debugger doesn't show properties that don't have corresponding ivars explicitly declared.       

self.abc = nil 与 _abc = nil的本质区别

