Cassandra in Action with Twitter's Ruby Client

有一个全新的项目,因为考虑到将来的数据扩展性能,所以考虑用Cassandra做数据存储,前端用Lighttpd + FastCGI + Rails。在使用Cassandra的时候,觉得有一些东西可能大家都需要,就写了一个简单的指南。因为内容比较长(16页),就弄了个PDF文件给大家下载。

Cassandra in Action with Twitter's Ruby Client.pdf

如果下载链接有问题,请给我邮件:[email protected]。需要说明一下的是,这个指南是用英语写的,不过都是些很简单的句子,相信有四级英语就可以毫不费力的看明白。下面把文章的引文放这里,供大家参考,你可以看看适不适合你的需要:

Okay, let me get something straight. I’m not going to persuade you to use Cassandra. I just assume you have already chosen Cassandra as your storage solution. Maybe you know the basic things, the underneath mechanisms, about Cassandra or maybe not. Anyway, I assume you don’t care what makes Cassandra outstanding and you just want to use it. If that’s the case, this tutorial is going to help you, in these 3 aspects:

1) to set up the environment correctly,

2) to understand how to model you data in a Cassandra way,

3) to understand and use Twitter’s Cassandra Ruby client.

After reading this tutorial, you should have a working environment and can start your project with a good understanding of doing your job in a very Cassandra way. Here we go!
