1.参考 gem5中运行spec2006,修改spec06_se.py文件,是每个cpu处理一个测试程序。
import spec06_4mix_benchmarks
import optparse
import sys
import os
import m5
from m5.defines import buildEnv
from m5.objects import *
from m5.util import addToPath, fatal
import Options
import Ruby
import Simulation
import fldwtl3CacheConfig
import MemConfig
from fldwtl3Caches import *
from cpu2000 import *
def get_processes(options):
"""Interprets provided options and returns a list of processes"""
multiprocesses = []
inputs = []
outputs = []
errouts = []
pargs = []
workloads = options.cmd.split(';')
if options.input != "":
inputs = options.input.split(';')
if options.output != "":
outputs = options.output.split(';')
if options.errout != "":
errouts = options.errout.split(';')
if options.options != "":
pargs = options.options.split(';')
idx = 0
for wrkld in workloads:
process = LiveProcess()
process.executable = wrkld
process.cwd = os.getcwd()
if len(pargs) > idx:
process.cmd = [wrkld] + pargs[idx].split()
process.cmd = [wrkld]
if len(inputs) > idx:
process.input = inputs[idx]
if len(outputs) > idx:
process.output = outputs[idx]
if len(errouts) > idx:
process.errout = errouts[idx]
idx += 1
if options.smt:
assert(options.cpu_type == "detailed" or options.cpu_type == "inorder")
return multiprocesses, idx
return multiprocesses, 1
parser = optparse.OptionParser()
parser.add_option("-b", "--benchmark", type="string", default="", help="The SPEC benchmark to be loaded.")
parser.add_option("--benchmark_stdout", type="string", default="", help="Absolute path for stdout redirection for the benchmark.")
parser.add_option("--benchmark_stderr", type="string", default="", help="Absolute path for stderr redirection for the benchmark.")
if '--ruby' in sys.argv:
(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
if args:
print "Error: script doesn't take any positional arguments"
# default LLC(L3) partition 0, we should specify this args. Otherwise when we do not want partition, it still executes. by sff
if options.part == 0:
print "Error: default LLC(L3) partition is 0, we should specify this args '--part=PART'.\n"
multiprocesses = []
numThreads = 1 //主要修改部分
if options.benchmark:
print 'Selected SPEC_CPU2006 4mix benchmark'
if options.benchmark == 'mix1':
print '--> gobmk, h264ref, astar, zeusmp'
pro1 = spec06_4mix_benchmarks.gobmk
pro2 = spec06_4mix_benchmarks.h264ref
pro3 = spec06_4mix_benchmarks.astar
pro4 = spec06_4mix_benchmarks.zeusmp
elif options.benchmark == 'mix2':
print '--> gromacs, leslie3d, GemsFDTD, tonto'
pro1 = spec06_4mix_benchmarks.gromacs
pro2 = spec06_4mix_benchmarks.leslie3d
pro3 = spec06_4mix_benchmarks.GemsFDTD
pro4 = spec06_4mix_benchmarks.tonto
print "No recognized SPEC2006 benchmark selected! Exiting."
print >> sys.stderr, "Need --benchmark switch to specify SPEC CPU2006 workload. Exiting!\n"
# Set process stdout/stderr
if options.benchmark_stdout:
process.output = options.benchmark_stdout
print "Process stdout file: " + process.output
if options.benchmark_stderr:
process.errout = options.benchmark_stderr
print "Process stderr file: " + process.errout
(CPUClass, test_mem_mode, FutureClass) = Simulation.setCPUClass(options)
CPUClass.numThreads = numThreads
MemClass = Simulation.setMemClass(options)
# Check -- do not allow SMT with multiple CPUs
if options.smt and options.num_cpus > 1:
fatal("You cannot use SMT with multiple CPUs!")
np = options.num_cpus
memsize = options.mem_size # sff modify the memory size
memsize = "2048MB"
system = System(cpu = [CPUClass(cpu_id=i) for i in xrange(np)],
mem_mode = test_mem_mode,
mem_ranges = [AddrRange(memsize)],
cache_line_size = options.cacheline_size)
# Create a top-level voltage domain
system.voltage_domain = VoltageDomain(voltage = options.sys_voltage)
# Create a source clock for the system and set the clock period
system.clk_domain = SrcClockDomain(clock = options.sys_clock,
voltage_domain = system.voltage_domain)
# Create a CPU voltage domain
system.cpu_voltage_domain = VoltageDomain()
# Create a separate clock domain for the CPUs
system.cpu_clk_domain = SrcClockDomain(clock = options.cpu_clock,
voltage_domain =
# All cpus belong to a common cpu_clk_domain, therefore running at a common
# frequency.
for cpu in system.cpu:
cpu.clk_domain = system.cpu_clk_domain
# Sanity check
if options.fastmem:
if CPUClass != AtomicSimpleCPU:
fatal("Fastmem can only be used with atomic CPU!")
if (options.caches or options.l2cache):
fatal("You cannot use fastmem in combination with caches!")
if options.simpoint_profile:
if not options.fastmem:
# Atomic CPU checked with fastmem option already
fatal("SimPoint generation should be done with atomic cpu and fastmem")
if np > 1:
fatal("SimPoint generation not supported with more than one CPUs")
for i in xrange(np):
system.cpu[i].workload = multiprocesses[i]
print multiprocesses[i].cmd
if options.fastmem:
system.cpu[i].fastmem = True
if options.simpoint_profile:
system.cpu[i].simpoint_profile = True
system.cpu[i].simpoint_interval = options.simpoint_interval
if options.ruby:
if not (options.cpu_type == "detailed" or options.cpu_type == "timing"):
print >> sys.stderr, "Ruby requires TimingSimpleCPU or O3CPU!!"
# Set the option for physmem so that it is not allocated any space
system.physmem = MemClass(range=AddrRange(options.mem_size),
null = True)
options.use_map = True
Ruby.create_system(options, system)
assert(options.num_cpus == len(system.ruby._cpu_ruby_ports))
for i in xrange(np):
ruby_port = system.ruby._cpu_ruby_ports[i]
# Create the interrupt controller and connect its ports to Ruby
# Note that the interrupt controller is always present but only
# in x86 does it have message ports that need to be connected
# Connect the cpu's cache ports to Ruby
system.cpu[i].icache_port = ruby_port.slave
system.cpu[i].dcache_port = ruby_port.slave
if buildEnv['TARGET_ISA'] == 'x86':
system.cpu[i].interrupts.pio = ruby_port.master
system.cpu[i].interrupts.int_master = ruby_port.slave
system.cpu[i].interrupts.int_slave = ruby_port.master
system.cpu[i].itb.walker.port = ruby_port.slave
system.cpu[i].dtb.walker.port = ruby_port.slave
system.membus = CoherentBus()
system.system_port = system.membus.slave
fldwtl3CacheConfig.config_cache(options, system)
MemConfig.config_mem(options, system)
root = Root(full_system = False, system = system)
Simulation.run(options, root, system, FutureClass)
/home/fandroid/gem5/build/ALPHA/gem5.debug --debug-flags=CacheDead --debug-file=/home/fandroid/gem5/m5out/trace.out --outdir=/home/fandroid/gem5/m5out /home/fandroid/gem5/configs/example/spec06_l3_4mix_se.py --benchmark=mix1 -n 4 --cpu-type=detailed --cpu-clock=2GHz --mem-size=4GB --mem-channels=2 --mem-type=LPDDR3_1600_x32 --caches --l1i_size=32kB --l1i_assoc=8 --l1d_size=32kB --l1d_assoc=8 --l2cache --l2_size=256kB --l2_assoc=8 --l3cache --l3_size=2MB --l3_assoc=32 --part=32 --fast-forward=10000000000 --maxinsts=2000000000