Intel Spec. Processor Instructions 6 - Instruction Statements

Intel Spec. Processor Instructions 6 - Instruction Statements

I. Instruction statement syntax

   assembler instruction: [label] : [prefix] mnemonic [argument [, . . . ]]

   label: a unique identifier that defines a label, optional

   prefix: a processor instruction prefix (LOCK or REP), optional

   mnemonic: a processor or floating-point coprocessor instruction or programmer-defined codemacro

   argument: an operand. one, two, three explicit operands, floating-point coprocessor instruction at most two explicit operands

II. Instruction attributes

- Address size attributes

   The assembler checks the USE attribute of the segment, EX: .code32 or .code16, AT&T assembler

   The instruction contains an anonymous reference the assembler, EX: push dword ptr [eax], implies the USE32 attribute because of eax is 32-bit register

- Operand size attributes

   An instruction that accesses dwords (32-bits) or words (16-bits) has an operand size attribute of 32- or 16-bits, respectively

   An instruction that accesses a byte has the operand size attribute of the current code segment

III. Instruction encoding format

- Instruction prefix codes

   Instruction prefix

   F3H   REP/REPE/REPZ prefix

   F2H   REPNE/REPNZ prefix

   F0H   LOCK prefix

   Segment override

   2EH   CS segment override prefix

   36H   SS segment override prefix

   3EH   DS segment override prefix

   26H   ES segment override prefix

   64H   FS segment override prefix

   65H   GS segment override prefix

   Address size and operand size prefix

   67H   Address size prefix

   66H   Operand size prefix

Intel Spec. Processor Instructions 6 - Instruction Statements_第1张图片

- ModeRM byte

   mode: The mod field combines with the r/m field to form 32 possible values representing 8 general registers and 24 indexing modes

   reg: The reg field specifies either a register number or three more bits of opcode information, the meaning of the reg field is determined by the first opcode byte of the instruction

   r/m: The r/m field can specify a register as the location of an operand,  or it can be combined with the mod field to form the addressing-mode encoding

- SIB byte

   sf: It specifies the scale factor

   index: It specifies the register number of the index register

   base: It specifies the register number of the base register

Intel Spec. Processor Instructions 6 - Instruction Statements_第2张图片

Intel Spec. Processor Instructions 6 - Instruction Statements_第3张图片

Intel Spec. Processor Instructions 6 - Instruction Statements_第4张图片

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