使用 cx_freeze 把python程序编译成可执行文件

About cx_Freeze

cx_Freeze is a set of scripts and modules for freezing Pythonscripts into executables in much the same way that py2exe and py2appdo. Unlike these two tools, cx_Freeze is cross platform and should work on anyplatform that Python itself works on. It requires Python 2.3 or highersince it makes use of the zip import facility which was introduced in thatversion.

NOTE: Binary packages must be compatible with the Pythoninstallation on your system or you will get errors in your frozen executablesabout missing builtin modules or missing symbols. This is not likely to be aproblem on Windows (since www.python.org is the only known distributor) but onLinux it is more likely (since Python is often packaged with the Linuxdistribution in different ways). If you get such errors, download the sourcepackage and build the binaries yourself.

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