PowerBuilder 状态栏对象

global type uo_comctl_statusbar from userobject
end type
type rect from structure within uo_comctl_statusbar
end type
end forward

type RECT from structure
 long  left
 long  top
 long  right
 long  bottom
end type

global type uo_comctl_statusbar from userobject
integer width = 2213
integer height = 284
userobjects objecttype = externalvisual!
long backcolor = 79741120
string classname = "msctls_statusbar32"
string libraryname = "comctl32.dll"
long style = 1174405376
end type
global uo_comctl_statusbar uo_comctl_statusbar

type prototypes
function long SendMessageLong( long hWindow, uint Msg, ulong wParam, Ref long Parts[] ) Library 'user32' alias for 'SendMessageA'
function long SendMessageString( long hWindow, uint Msg, ulong wParam, Ref string szText ) Library 'user32' alias for 'SendMessageA'
function long SendMessageRect( long hWindow, uint Msg, ulong wParam, Ref RECT lpRect ) Library 'user32' alias for 'SendMessageA'
end prototypes

type variables
// Status Bar Types
Public :
Constant  Long SBT_NOBORDERS = 256
Constant  Long SBT_POPOUT  = 512
Constant  Long SBT_RTLREADING = 1024
Constant  Long SBT_OWNERDRAW = 4096

//弹出的 消息窗口
String is_winmessage

// Status Bar Messages
Constant  Long WM_USER  = 1024
Constant  Long SB_SETTEXT  = (WM_USER+1)
Constant  Long SB_GETTEXT  = (WM_USER+2)
Constant  Long SB_SETPARTS  = (WM_USER+4)
Constant  Long SB_GETPARTS  = (WM_USER+6)
Constant  Long SB_GETBORDERS = (WM_USER+7)
Constant  Long SB_SETMINHEIGHT = (WM_USER+8)
Constant  Long SB_SIMPLE  = (WM_USER+9)
Constant  Long SB_GETRECT  = (WM_USER+10)

end variables

forward prototypes
public subroutine of_gettext (readonly integer aipart, ref string astext)
public function long of_getparts (ref long alparts[])
public function boolean of_setparts (long alparts[])
public subroutine of_setminheight (readonly long alMinHeight)
public function integer of_gettextlength (readonly long alpart)
public function boolean of_getrect (readonly long alPart, ref long alTop, ref long alLeft, ref long alRight, ref long alBottom)
public function boolean of_settext (readonly integer aipart, readonly integer aistyle, string astext)
public function boolean of_getborders (ref long alhorizontalwidth, ref long alverticalwidth, integer alseperatorwidth)
public function boolean of_setsimple (readonly boolean absimple)
end prototypes

public subroutine of_gettext (readonly integer aipart, ref string astext);//===================================================================
// Function: uo_StatusBar::of_GetText()
// Description:The SB_GETTEXT message retrieves the text from the
//     specified part of a status window.
// Parameters: wParam = (WPARAM) iPart
//     lParam = (LPARAM) (LPSTR) szText
// iPart
//  Zero-based index of the part from which to retrieve text.
// szText
//  Pointer to the buffer that receives the text.
//  This parameter is a null-terminated string.
// Returns: Returns a 32-bit value that consists of two 16-bit values.
//    The low word specifies the length, in characters, of the text.
//    The high word specifies the type of operation used to
//    draw the text. The type can be one of the following values:
//  -------------- ------------------------------------------------
//  0     The text is drawn with a border to appear lower
//       than the plane of the window.
//  SBT_NOBORDERS The text is drawn without borders.
//  SBT_POPOUT  The text is drawn with a border to appear higher
//       than the plane of window.
//  SBT_RTLREADING Displays text using right-to-left reading order
//       on Hebrew or Arabic systems.
// If the text has the SBT_OWNERDRAW drawing type, this message
// returns the 32-bit value associated with the text instead of
// the length and operation type.
// ?1997 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

// Allocate space for buffer
asText = Space(255)

SendMessageString( Handle(This), SB_GETTEXT, aiPart, asText )


end subroutine

public function long of_getparts (ref long alparts[]);//===================================================================
// Function: uo_StatusBar::of_GetParts()
// Description:The SB_GETPARTS message retrieves a count of the
//     parts in a status window. The message also retrieves
//     the coordinate of the right edge of the specified
//     number of parts.
// Parameters: wParam = (WPARAM) nParts
//     lParam = (LPARAM) (LPINT) aRightCoord
// nParts
//  Number of parts for which to retrieve coordinates.
//  If this parameter is greater than the number of parts in the
//  window, the message retrieves coordinates for existing parts only.
// aRightCoord
//  Pointer to an integer array that has the same number of elements
//  as parts specified by nParts. Each element in the array receives
//  the client coordinate of the right edge of the corresponding part.
//  If an element is set to - 1, the position of the right edge for
//  that part extends to the right edge of the window. To retrieve
//  the current number of parts, set this parameter to zero.
// Returns: Returns the number of parts in the window if successful,
//    or zero otherwise.
// ?1997 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
long llCountParts, llIndex
long llParts128[128], llParts[]

// Allocate memory for unbouded array before calling API function.
llParts[] = llParts128[]

// Get all of the parts.
llCountParts = SendMessageLong( Handle(This), SB_GETPARTS, UpperBound(llParts), llParts[] )

IF (llCountParts > 0) THEN
 // An array assignment will copy all 128 elements, which is undesirable.
 FOR llIndex = 1 TO llCountParts
  alParts[llIndex] = llParts[llIndex]

RETURN llCountParts

end function

public function boolean of_setparts (long alparts[]);//===================================================================
// Function: uo_StatusBar::of_SetParts()
// Description:The SB_SETPARTS message sets the number of parts
//     in a status window and the coordinate of the right
//     edge of each part.
// Parameters: wParam = (WPARAM) nParts
//     lParam = (LPARAM) (LPINT) aWidths
// nParts
//  Number of parts to set. The number of parts cannot be greater
//  than 255.
// aWidths
//  Pointer to an integer array that has the same number of
//  elements as parts specified by nParts. Each element in the
//  array specifies the position, in client coordinates, of the
//  right edge of the corresponding part. If an element is - 1,
//  the position of the right edge for that part extends to the
//  right edge of the window.
// Returns: If the operation succeeds, the return value is TRUE.
//    If the operation fails, the return value is FALSE.
// ?1997 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
long  llCountParts
boolean lbSetParts = FALSE

llCountParts = UpperBound( alParts[] )

IF llCountParts > 0 THEN
 lbSetParts = (SendMessageLong( Handle(This), SB_SETPARTS, llCountParts, alParts[] ) <> 0)

RETURN lbSetParts

end function

public subroutine of_setminheight (readonly long alMinHeight);//===================================================================
// Function: uo_StatusBar::of_SetMinHeight()
// Description:The SB_SETMINHEIGHT message sets the minimum height
//     of a status window抯 drawing area.
// NOTE: The minimum height is the sum of wParam and twice the width,
//   in pixels, of the vertical border of the status window.
//   An application must send the WM_SIZE message to the status
//   window to redraw the window. The wParam and lParam parameters
//   of the WM_SIZE message should be set to zero.
// Parameters: wParam = (WPARAM) minHeight
//     lParam = 0
//  Minimum height, in pixels, of the window.
// Returns: <none>
// ?1997 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Send( Handle(This), SB_SETMINHEIGHT, alMinHeight, 0 )


end subroutine

public function integer of_gettextlength (readonly long alpart);//===================================================================
// Function: uo_StatusBar::of_GetTextLength()
// Description:The SB_GETTEXTLENGTH message retrieves the length,
//     in characters, of the text from the specified part
//     of a status window.
// Parameters: wParam = (WPARAM) iPart
//     lParam = 0
// iPart
//  Zero-based index of the part from which to retrieve text.
// Returns: Returns a 32-bit value that consists of two 16-bit values.
//    The low word specifies the length, in characters, of the text.
//    The high word specifies the type of operation used to draw
//    the text. The type can be one of the following values:
//  -------------- --------------------------------------------------
//  0     The text is drawn with a border to appear lower
//       than the plane of the window.
//  SBT_NOBORDERS The text is drawn without borders.
//  SBT_OWNERDRAW The text is drawn by the parent window.
//  SBT_POPOUT  The text is drawn with a border to appear higher
//       than the plane of the window.
//  SBT_RTLREADING Displays text using right-to-left reading order
//       on Hebrew or Arabic systems.
// ?1997 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
long llLength

llLength = Send( Handle(This), SB_GETTEXTLENGTH, alPart, 0 )

RETURN IntLow( llLength )

end function

public function boolean of_getrect (readonly long alPart, ref long alTop, ref long alLeft, ref long alRight, ref long alBottom);//===================================================================
// Function: uo_StatusBar::of_GetRect()
// Description:The SB_GETRECT message retrieves the bounding
//     rectangle of a part in a status window.
// Parameters: wParam = (WPARAM) iPart
//     lParam = (LPARAM) (LPRECT) lprc
// iPart
//  Zero-based index of the part whose bounding rectangle is to be
//  retrieved.
// lprc
//  Pointer to a RECT structure that receives the bounding rectangle.
// Returns: If the operation succeeds, the return value is TRUE.
//    If the operation fails, the return value is FALSE.
// ?1997 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
boolean lbGetRect = FALSE

lbGetRect = ( SendMessageRect( Handle(This), SB_GETRECT, alPart, lRECT ) <> 0 )

IF lbGetRect THEN
 alTop  = lRECT.Top
 alLeft = lRECT.Left
 alRight = lRECT.Right
 alBottom = lRECT.Bottom

RETURN lbGetRect

end function

public function boolean of_settext (readonly integer aipart, readonly integer aistyle, string astext);//===================================================================
// Function: uo_StatusBar::of_SetText()
// Description:The SB_SETTEXT message sets the text in the specified
//     part of a status window.
//     The message invalidates the portion of the window that
//     has changed, causing it to display the new text when
//     the window next receives the WM_PAINT message.
// Parameters: wParam = (WPARAM) iPart | uType
//     lParam = (LPARAM) (LPSTR) szText
// iPart
//  Zero-based index of the part to set. If this value is 255,
//  the status window is assumed to be a simple window having only
//  one part.
// uType
//  Type of drawing operation.
//  This parameter can be one of the following values:
//  -------------- --------------------------------------------------
//  0     The text is drawn with a border to appear lower
//       than the plane of the window.
//  SBT_NOBORDERS The text is drawn without borders.
//  SBT_OWNERDRAW The text is drawn by the parent window.
//  SBT_POPOUT  The text is drawn with a border to appear higher
//       than the plane of the window.
//  SBT_RTLREADING Displays text using right-to-left reading order
//       on Hebrew or Arabic systems.
// szText
//  Pointer to a null-terminated string that specifies the text to set.
//  If uType is SBT_OWNERDRAW, this parameter represents 32 bits of
//  data. The parent window must interpret the data and draw the text
//  when it receives the WM_DRAWITEM message.
// Returns: If the operation succeeds, the return value is TRUE.
//    If the operation fails, the return value is FALSE.
// ?1997 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

RETURN (SendMessageString( Handle(This), SB_SETTEXT, aiPart + aiStyle, asText ) <> 0)

end function

public function boolean of_getborders (ref long alhorizontalwidth, ref long alverticalwidth, integer alseperatorwidth);//===================================================================
// Function: uo_StatusBar::of_GetParts()
// Description:The SB_GETBORDERS message retrieves the current
//     widths of the horizontal and vertical borders of a
//     status window.
// NOTE: The borders determine the spacing between the outside edge
//   of the window and the rectangles within the window that
//   contain text.
//   The borders also determine the spacing between rectangles.
// Parameters: wParam = 0
//     lParam = (LPARAM) (LPINT) aBorders;
// aBorders
//  Pointer to an integer array that has three elements.
//  The first element receives the width of the horizontal border,
//  the second receives the width of the vertical border,
//  and the third receives the width of the border between rectangles.
// Returns: If the operation succeeds, the return value is TRUE.
//    If the operation fails, the return value is FALSE.
// ?1997 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
long  llBorders[]
boolean lbGetBorders = FALSE

// Initialise Unbounded array to correct size.
llBorders[3] = 0
llBorders[2] = 0
llBorders[1] = 0

lbGetBorders = ( SendMessageLong( Handle(This), SB_GETBORDERS, 0, llBorders[] ) <> 0)

IF lbGetBorders THEN
 alHorizontalWidth = llBorders[1]
 alVerticalWidth = llBorders[2]
 alSeperatorWidth = llBorders[3]

RETURN lbGetBorders

end function

public function boolean of_setsimple (readonly boolean absimple);//===================================================================
// Function: uo_StatusBar::of_SetSimple()
// Description:The SB_SIMPLE message specifies whether a status
//     window displays simple text or displays all window
//     parts set by a previous SB_SETPARTS message.
// NOTE: If the status window is being changed from nonsimple to
//   simple, or vice versa, the window is immediately redrawn.
// Parameters: wParam = (WPARAM) (BOOL) fSimple
//     lParam = 0
//  Display type flag. If this parameter is TRUE, the window
//  displays simple text. If it is FALSE, it displays
//  multiple parts.
// Returns: Returns TRUE if set was successful.
//    Returns FALSE if an error occurs.
// ?1997 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
long llSimple

// Convert boolean to 'C' style boolean (NON-ZERO = TRUE)
IF abSimple THEN
 llSimple = 1
 llSimple = 0

RETURN (Send( Handle(This), SB_SIMPLE, llSimple, 0 ) > 0)

end function

on uo_comctl_statusbar.create
end on

on uo_comctl_statusbar.destroy
end on

event rbuttondown;
IF is_winmessage = '' THEN RETURN

window w_mess

end event

